The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 283: fury


The water wall summoned by Haiqimjia hovered in the air for about a second or two, seemed to have accumulated energy, and then rushed out like a tsunami! !

This spurt was like a flash flood. At that moment, at least half of the water in the entire underground lake was sucked out alive, and it spurted out with the painful anger of the giant octopus Haichimga! !

The reason why Haiqimjia didn't use this move before was obviously because the move was too powerful and would inevitably affect the eggs laid around him. Now he had no scruples, so he naturally used his big move to attack with all his strength. Even the energy of breastfeeding is also used together.

Although there is a huge space in the underground mountainside, driven by Haiqimjia's exhaustive suction, it instantly turned into a wanton ocean, and the momentum is not fading. The raging flood even hit the east side of the mountainside. The huge natural arch, and then aimed at the relatively low-lying cave passage on the right, and vented out directly!

It was only at this time that Hechimgar's terrifying strength could be seen. If it was a legendary fifth-order creature before, its strength after entering the water would at least soar to the peak of the legendary sixth-order (upper rank)!

Fang Sheyan was caught off guard, and the place where he was hiding for peeping was suddenly submerged in water. Even he himself was floated by the violent flood. Fortunately, he quickly grabbed the nearby stalagmite, but his whole body was covered by the rushing water. Straightened.

Fortunately, he still has 23 points of power in his naked outfit at this time, and he picked out a few finger prints on the stalagmite alive, and around this, the rocks on the stalagmite rustled and fell, and it almost took a second to As if broken, Fang Sheyan finally stabilized his balance and gritted his teeth so as not to be washed away.

At this moment, Sheyan looked at the turbulent torrential flood, and suddenly understood why there were eggs of Hachimja scattered in the canyon passage they entered earlier.

It seems that the big octopus Haiqimjia has tried to spawn here many times—probably because only this strange place is suitable for spawning—but here the rocks will become warmer, with a special phenomenon like body temperature, but It is due to the influence of the Balrog hiding and lurking here, so every reproduction of it is destroyed by the cunning Balrog.

When the octopus gets angry, it will often set off a flood, and suddenly the flood is overwhelming, and it rushes to the channel they came in. Because there is a huge rock (the one on which the reef climbs) at the end of the channel, the water flow will be blocked. Because the blockage will slow down there, and most of the eggs of Haiqimjia are scattered and distributed in that channel, the flood water slowly overflows from the channel under the boulder, flows through the pine forest behind and then flows into the channel. to the lake.

And the weird behavior of the orc tribe ruled by Saruman before is also obvious. They peeled off the captives and threw them off the ice cliff. They also had to ensure the health of the captives. If he is still alive in the future, he will roll and struggle on the ground as much as possible.

In this severe cold temperature, the skinned captive ice corpses that Sheyan saw before will be covered with a lot of mud, sand, stones - of course, there is also the ultimate goal of these orcs/Saruman - the valley The Egg of Hychemgar at the bottom.

Obviously, the orcs, the orcs, and even Saruman's avatar were unable to climb down from the several thousand-meter-high ice peak to pick up the thrown corpses. Because what they have to face is not only the low temperature and steepness of the snow-capped mountains, but also the huge threat of crossing the lake on the way back, but if they can't do it, it doesn't mean that other creatures can't do it.

Speaking of which, Saruman's avatar is indeed a genius. He actually studied the habits of the giant eagle in the Misty Mountains-the son of Sorendor, and formulated their favorite smell (that is, the burning smell in the simple stone basin) smoke) to lure it, and then throw the stone basin down the ice valley.

Of course, the giant eagle will follow the source of the smoke, and of course, it will be logical to find the ice corpse that fell to the bottom of the valley (with seasoning: Haiqim and mucus). When encountering this fresh and delicious food, it will naturally be full. a meal. According to the habits of this kind of creature, they will inevitably grab a few of them and go back to the nest or feed their cubs, or bring supper to their partners.

According to the terrain of the ice peak and ice valley here, the giant eagle usually flies over the orc camp after a full meal. Then Saruman will control the mage tower to attack. The sharpest weapon of the giant eagle is its mouth and claws, so after it is enraged, As soon as he counterattacked, he would instinctively let go of his claws, and the caught ice corpse would naturally fall down. If the ice corpse had the Egg of Hachimgar attached to it, then Saruman's clone would have been earned, and of course the vast majority might not have it.

However, Saruman obviously also obtained a lot of benefits from the Egg of Hachimgar, and it is likely that breakthroughs have been made in research:

This is not only reflected in the powerful tentacle monsters that have been bred through research, but can also be seen in the "Haychem plus slime" that Sheyan and the others drank before.

The former is a very powerful biological weapon, loyal, intelligent, and good at thinking, while the latter is a healing medicine with miraculous effects, which can increase the survival rate on the battlefield by more than several times!

The only thing Sheyan can't be sure about at present is how Saruman found the first egg of Hachimgar... It may be a half-orc fished from the lake, or it may be a small tribe of half-orcs that was exterminated The legends circulating in it may also be evil and weird sacrifices, divination, etc.

But what Sheyan can be sure of is that Saruman must have explored here many times, and even paid a very heavy price, so he used the extremely inefficient method of skinning the eagle as a last resort.

"Then..." Fang Senyan immediately understood one thing: "Those strong orcs and eye monsters outside are not targeting the three of us at all! We are just being hurt by Chi Yu!"

Obviously, Saruman has been planning for this matter for a long time. As far as his strength is concerned, he should not be far behind Hachimgar, but Haqimga is an aquatic creature, and has extremely powerful abilities in the water. Given the great geographical advantage, as long as the only channel of Kahndum Lake is controlled, Saruman will definitely not be able to do anything to it.

However, Saruman is not only strong physically, but also possesses a very shrewd mind and wisdom. It is estimated that after a long period of careful investigation and calculation, he should be able to calculate that the legendary creature Haichimgar should be at this very recent time. To lay eggs, it is necessary to launch an expedition at this time and take advantage of the gap!

The large amount of spell-casting materials that Fang Senyan processed in the cellar of the mage tower before should be the preparation for this expedition. The escape of Sheyan and the others became the trigger for Saruman to launch this expedition ahead of time—the location of the base for secretly preparing the orcs took a lot of effort from Saruman, and it will never be allowed to be leaked to the outside. of!

Of course, Saruman is a man and not a god, and it is absolutely impossible to guess that Haiqimgar would actually have a direct conflict with the ancient Balrog because of spawning. The main purpose of his expedition this time is probably to take advantage of the great opportunity that Haiqimjia's eggs are not in the lake, go to the narrow valley they call "Land of Hope", and collect the eggs of Haiqimjia.

But as the saying goes, people are not as good as heaven, and Haiqimjia's rage directly caused the orcs/orcs/tentacle monsters who entered the "Land of Hope" mountain road to suffer a catastrophe, and they had to face the terrifying monstrous sky flood! !

Fang Senyan firmly grasped the stalagmite in front of him, and could even hear the "creaking" sound of his fingernails rubbing against the stone. He bit his lower lip firmly, and grabbed the stalagmite's side The fingernails were even turned upside down, dripping blood dripping out. However, Fang Sheyan still tried his best to stabilize his body in the torrent, he knew that if he was washed away, the violent collision on the surrounding rocks alone would be enough to kill him!

Fortunately, his location is still in the back half of the mountainside, close to the underground lake, not in front of the water flow driven by Haiqimjia, so there will be waves of backflow from time to time, making Sheyan catch his breath.

Grasping the opportunity of a backflow, Fang Senyan leaned forward violently, and then hugged the stalagmite tightly with both hands and feet. There was still a big rock in front of him, so it was still hidden It was extremely secretive, and finally he was relieved. And Haiqimjia sprayed water angrily for nearly ten minutes before it stopped. Sheyan estimated that the tonnage of the water it controlled and sprayed would definitely not be inferior to the maximum flow of a medium-sized river in a flood!

The "crash" and "crash" water slowly slapped the surrounding rock walls. Even as an extremely powerful legendary creature, Haiqimjia felt obvious fatigue, and his intact arms and legs lay flat on the water surface. Obviously breathing heavily. The turbulent water in all directions quickly receded, causing land to reappear quickly in the underground space that had already formed a vast ocean lake.

There is no doubt that whether it is Sheyan or the monster Haiqimjia, they are all staring at the center of the underground cavity, where there is still water at this time, and white foam and yellow waves form many small waves. The Vortex - That's where the Balrog stayed before the flood!

The water quickly receded, and there was no trace of Balrog at all. Only a small scorched mark on the rocky surface proved one thing: A legendary creature stood on it a short time ago and it had extremely high temperature.