The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 285: The method of talent awakening


Seeing this series of reminders, Fang Sheyan and Jiao Shi froze immediately. It seems that it is quite rare for a genuine second lieutenant to come to build a team, so even Jiao Shi has never heard of such a rule. Sheyan asked decisively:

"Is it only possible for me to enter the task of forming a group, or can multiple people enter?"

He was quickly answered:

"The maximum number of people is 5, but the difficulty of the task will increase linearly with the increase of the number of people."

Obviously, it is impossible for Sheyan to do this task of forming a group now. He has just returned from the nightmare world. Even though he is physically fine, his tired nerves are like strings that have been taut for a long time. He must take a complete rest to relieve them. Otherwise, sooner or later he will "boom" due to fatigue. It snapped off. Fortunately, there is no time limit for accepting the task of building a team. It is also possible to wait until you are ready to rest and reach your peak state.

At this time, Sheyan and Jiaoshi will naturally return to the Nightmare World separately. This time, Sheyan regrets not being able to take out any equipment to consign in the trading square—this is the disadvantage of having a team, because of the scarcity of space equipment, Therefore, the equipment that usually appears will be divided up, so it is rare to have surplus equipment to exchange for money.

Fortunately, according to Reef, the mountain monster's back leather should be processed the next time it enters, and finally he can get another good protective gear. It can be regarded as further improving personal strength and increasing the probability of team missions being highly rated.

And in the last world, Sheyan also realized one thing, that is, his concocted potion also played a very important role, and he sold thousands of generic points - Needless to say, the side effects brought about by this: Natural Those spell-casting materials, such as giant bear flesh powder, raptor flesh powder, and fox flesh powder, were almost all consumed. So Fang Senyan was also thinking about how to get some wild animals after returning to the real world. Just when he was about to part with Jiao Shi, Jiao Shi suddenly said:

"I heard from Mogansha that your innate ability has not yet awakened in the real world?"

Fang Senyan's heart suddenly thumped! The fact that the ability of tenacity has not been awakened is his biggest heart disease. It is precisely because of the limitation of this natural ability that Fang Sheyan was worried about being shot by gunmen with automatic rifles, and never asked Hua Shanfei to take revenge for what happened before.

However, if he could obtain innate abilities in the real world, then with his terrifying basic physical strength of 23 points, he would naturally not take Hua Shanfei seriously!

However, such things as personal talents should all belong to the extremely private category. To be honest, Fang Senyan knew that the reef was the best person for him to ask for advice, but he still had a feeling that he was talking lightly. In fact, if you think that you can tell others what to do if you have saved someone's life, it will only waste the hard-earned affection. Now that it was Jiao Shi who brought it up on his own initiative, it would be the best.

"Yeah, what you said is absolutely right." Fang Senyan immediately followed the trend: "I have never been able to find a way to awaken my talent, I would like to hear about it!"

Reef pondered for a while and said:

"Talent is something that varies from person to person. I don't know how to awaken it. I can only talk about my own knowledge and experience."

When he said this, he brushed the hair on the front of his forehead, pointed to a scar and said:

"When I was thirteen years old, I had a very serious car accident. My skull had been shattered. I was lying in the hospital for half a year. I lost consciousness completely. Then I woke up. I found that my ability to fight against blows has been significantly enhanced.”

Fang Senyan was stunned and smiled wryly.

"I can't have a car accident in real life - and it's such a tragic car accident."

Reef nodded, and then said seriously:

"And Mogansha and most shooters don't even know when his own talent will be awakened, because shooting is actually the same as basketball and football in sports. They will pay attention to a touch or foot feel. Question, maybe Mogansha's flash of inspiration/feeling wonderful shot was the moment when his natural beast instinct was awakened. When I was leading the team before, many people were willing to believe me and tell their stories to I heard, in the final analysis, it can be summed up in one sentence: As long as there are talented people, all of them have gone through arduous and excellent training in that area!"

Having said that, Jiao Shi turned his head and looked at Sheyan seriously:

"What I want to ask you is: Have you ever exercised your ability to resist blows in the real world?"

Sheyan was stunned for a moment! Jiao Shi's words just happened to pierce into his heart like a sharp blade! It was like a flash of lightning, illuminating the darkness ahead!

"I don't."

Sheyan smiled wryly and shook his head.

"To be honest, I've been entangled in various things in the real world, and I have no time to take care of this aspect. Even if I go out this time, I'm afraid the main energy must be on finding spell-casting materials, because in the last world A large amount of medicine has been prepared, and all of this stuff has been used up."

Reef frowned and said:

"What spell-casting materials do you need?"

Fang Sheyan said it in detail, and Jiaoshi sighed after hearing this:

"Why didn't you say it earlier? Brown bears, raptors, foxes? I'll just ask someone to buy them. These things can't be brought into the space. Where do you live in the real world? I'll ask the housekeeper to bring them over to you. .”

Hearing this, Fang Senyan was naturally very relieved. He had been waiting for Jiao Shi's words for a long time—Jiao Shi's chivalry must have been brainwashed since he was a child. It is also possible to believe that human nature is inherently good out of the mud. There is no doubt that such a natural fool is not the kind of aristocratic family with hundreds of years of inheritance in Europe. How could it be possible to cultivate such a top quality? And with the financial and material resources of such aristocratic family, it is believed that finding some wild beasts is easy.

After thinking about it, he said:

"Just ask your people to send it directly to Ms. Jessica, No. 14, Big Wave Bay Road, Hong Kong."

Reef Road:

"No problem, I will try my best to let them finish it within seven days after returning this time. In addition, if you want to train your fighting ability, it is recommended to go to Thailand first. Although the people here are thin and small, their exercise methods are also brutal and fierce. Although it may not be able to cause harm to us, some of their training methods are still very effective."

"Then Siberia's death row concentration camps can also be used as another option. High-intensity physical training in high-latitude areas under severe cold is already exercising your body in all directions. It will undoubtedly be more effective."

"The last recommendation is Tibet, China. It is on the plateau and the oxygen content is low. Surviving there is also a form of exercise in disguise, which can greatly increase physical fitness. You can provoke wild yaks on the plateau to hit yourself, or Trying to climb the peaks in Tibet with bare hands can also effectively exercise the ability to resist blows."

Fang Senyan, who was honest with Reef, told about three places. Obviously, these places were all places he had visited and studied. Sheyan was also very grateful in his heart, after thinking about it carefully, he decided to go to Thailand first. Firstly, it is relatively close to Hong Kong, and secondly, Sheyan is quite familiar with Thailand's environment. It is also quite convenient and fast if you want to find various channels.

At this time, Sheyan remembered that there was still a piece of silver plot equipment on his body that had not been identified. It was the strange organ that fell from the rare elite hydra "Boiling Liquid", the rare acid gland of the elite hydra. After the appraisal of this thing, if you can't use it yourself, you can exchange some money to use it.

So he first wanted to let the gold mine identify it, but considering that this guy was really unreliable, he gritted his teeth and spent some points to hang it in the market. I hope that when I enter next time, I can meet the kind of bully who is eager to improve his proficiency in appraisal... Although the probability of this happening is as unreliable as the gold mine appraisal.

The address Fang Sheyan told Jiao Shi earlier belonged to a property owned by the mixed-race girl Jessica herself, and this property was a relic left by her grandmother. At this time, he has already checked the space, that is, in the real world, if the contractor is killed, there is only a probability of dropping the key, which is no different from experiencing the free mode. In this case, just from the perspective of pros and cons, if Reef wanted to do something to himself, the harm would far outweigh the benefits, not to mention that this guy is poisoned by chivalry? So even if Jiao Shi learned of Jessica's clue, the probability of coming to arrange a sneak attack on him is almost zero, so Sheyan has no scruples in revealing his personal information.

After making up his mind, Sheyan directly chose to return to the real world, and sent a text message to Jessica, "I have something to do recently, and a friend sent a beast to help me accept it". Jessica replied very simply. After Fang Senyan asked, she found out that she was still studying at the University of Hong Kong, and the exam was approaching recently, so she had to hug the corner of Buddha temporarily.

Probably because the typhoon is about to make landfall again recently, Sheyan ran to three or four places in a row and shook his head and said that there was no way to go to Thailand based on the relationship in the past. Of course, most of the places that can provide clues to the illegal way of smuggling are bars, discos, prostitutes and other fringe places. It is inevitable to meet some people of all kinds. Just when Sheyan paid a tip of 100 yuan in a bar called "Wine Green", but was disappointed again, someone suddenly shouted:

"Isn't this Yanzi?"