The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 286: Mysterious pine forest


The two words destruction and construction seem to be relative, but in fact they can be said to complement each other. For example, how can a newborn child be built without destroying the virginity of the girl, and how can a new China be built without destroying the old society... Let’s not talk about state affairs and sin.

It is said that when Saruman's avatar failed to dig on this terrifying ice peak, he ordered the half-orcs to fetch snow from a distance and boil water nearby, so that the water could reach the destination as soon as possible before the water was frozen during transportation. Then pour it on the mountain to condense into ice, and then form the road leading to the top of the mountain.

Although it is very costly to do so, countless half-orcs have been frozen to death and frostbitten, but the biggest workload is nothing more than transporting firewood up and building a shelter from the wind. As for snowflakes everywhere, it is better than living on the ice peak little by little. gnawing a way out.

However, this method of road construction has also buried a huge hidden danger, that is, the ice roadbed poured later will obviously be much weaker, and it cannot be compared with the material of the main body of the ice peak that has been solidified for thousands of years, and it can even be said to be equivalent. Fragile.

Even if you don't use this winding road, there will always be half-orcs sweeping snowflakes and rolling rocks on it from time to time to avoid landslides. At this time, tens of millions of tons of ice and snow rolled over with a bang, and if a giant waterfall vented down, thousands of feet of snow dust would be stirred up below, and the thunderous rumbling sound would resound through the sky, pouring deeply into the deep ravine below.

The winding mountain road was also inevitably impacted. The thick ice roadbed first had inconspicuous cracks, then gradually became clear, and finally it was densely covered like spider webs, so that it was completely overwhelmed and collapsed! Aroused the snow dust soaring into the sky!

On both sides of this desolate valley are thousands of walls of ice, which are as smooth as a mirror, and even human figures can be seen. There was a collapse, and the sound of clattering and clattering sounded from time to time.

Other than that, there is a dead silence everywhere, only the cold wind howls past from time to time, bringing out the creepy sound like howling ghosts and gods.

Suddenly, the snow and ice at the bottom of the valley flipped a few times, and a hand that was red from the cold stretched out from inside. The rock that could be used to climb up was Fang Sheyan who was swept into the bottom of the valley by the avalanche.

Because this exertion really exhausted his last strength, there was a buzzing sound in his head, and there was a pause for a while, and he lost his strength, and fell on the soft snow surface, panting heavily.

At that time, the mountain road was destroyed by an avalanche, and Sheyan fell down involuntarily. Fortunately, the huge ice rock above his head was also a part of the mountain, which was extremely hard and did not collapse with the avalanche. Sheyan has nine lives and must die here.

The soft snow at the bottom of the ice valley has accumulated for many years. After the broken ice-rock plank road fell down, it stirred up a large cloud of snow dust and sank to the bottom of the valley. Although Fang Senyan was frightened a lot during the fall, he only suffered some scratches and was also buried under the snow.

Being buried in snow sounds scary, but in fact it is completely different from being buried in mud. As long as one’s chest is buried in mud, one will die of suffocation within a few minutes, and the same is true for falling into water.

And the texture of the snow is soft, even when a person is completely buried, there will be many pores with air left in it, which can support breathing for quite a long time. As long as you calm down after being buried and be bold and careful, you have a high chance of surviving.

Moreover, Fang Sheyan was buried not too deep after the fall, and after he regained his composure, he tried his best to dig upwards, so he was able to return to the snow surface in time. He lay face down on the snowy ground, panting heavily, and spewed out large clouds of white mist. Although there were still bursts of pain in his chest, it had become less intense, just dull. pain.

Fang Sheyan gasped for a while, then got up, followed the location in memory and started digging frantically with his hands and feet. Not long after, Fang Senyan pulled out the Wuge girl who was still semi-conscious from the snow. At this time, the reef also Coming out through the snow, he also wiped his face with snow, panting heavily.

After thinking about it for a while, Fang Senyan planned to continue digging to the side to rescue the dwarf, because he really wanted to know what was caught in the claws of the Son of Solendor, but the panting reef stopped him, slightly shook his head and said :

"That guy is hopeless. When I saw the avalanche, the dwarf was frightened. He ran around and was crushed by an ice rock..."

Sheyan took a few deep breaths, and suddenly said in a harsh voice:

"Then have you seen those orcs?"

Reef was stunned and said:

"I survived the avalanche just like these guys..."

The two suddenly looked at each other, and saw vigilance and precautions in each other's eyes—if they could survive the avalanche by imitating the actions of those orcs, then the chances of these orcs surviving were quite high! Under the current situation, the two of them were already cold, hungry and exhausted, and it was absolutely impossible for them to support another fierce battle.

After the two of them figured this out, they soon found that the snow surface not far away was trembling slightly, as if something was about to break through the snow. Sheyan immediately picked up the semi-conscious elf girl and touched it. With their upturned buttocks, they greeted the reef and immediately turned around and ran without looking back. Even though they were not used to walking on the soft snow, they quickly followed along. The valley is out of here.

However, a short ten minutes later, the snow in the distance began to stir again, and then three orcs broke through the snow one after another, and the particularly thick and ferocious leader of the orcs stood out in front of them. In the face of the power of heaven and earth like Xue Beng, experience is of course very important, and luck is the decisive factor. Although the group of orcs made the most correct response plan, more than half of them died in the crazily surging ice and snow. Down.

A sturdy animal skin package was tightly bound to the bodies of the three orcs, and it was not lost even in the avalanche. Inside the package were some necessary supplies for survival in the snow. Obviously, they had prepared them in advance. Prepare to hunt down escaped prisoners for a long time at low temperature.

Seeing the two clear footprints left by Fang Sheyan and the others on the snow, the half-orc captain stood there and smiled slyly, with a secretive but confident smile. He was not in a hurry to pursue, but violently scrubbed his body with snow until his whole body turned red. Then he raised his head to the sky and let out a crazy roar. The roar alternately hit in the deep valley, and it didn't dissipate for a long time.

Although trekking on the snow looks very poetic, it is not an easy task. Every time you step on the snow, the snow will cover your thighs, and you have to pull it out to move forward with difficulty, which is extremely exhausting.

The heavy snow covering the surface cleverly conceals the original terrain. Those dangerous potholes and deep valleys are all covered by snow. It is very likely that you will fall into a snow nest when you step on a place that looks like flat ground. The risk of being buried alive.

Fortunately, after Fang Senyan and the two walked forward for a while, they found that the valley ahead became narrower, and the snow under their feet gradually thinned, finally revealing the gray rocky ground, only some scattered snowflakes piled up here and there. There is a slight metallic luster on the surface of the rock, which looks extremely hard. The wind has also become significantly stronger, and it is even necessary to bow down when walking to reduce the resistance of the wind.

After arriving here, Fang Senyan and the two moved forward significantly faster. Although they were very tired at this time, they also knew that the footprints left on the snow were very inappropriate. If the group of orcs were really alive, they could easily find them.

So after arriving here, the two of them gritted their teeth and continued walking, only to feel that the valleys on both sides were getting narrower and narrower. In the end, only two or three people could pass side by side.

I saw that the valley in front of me was suddenly wide, like a picture scroll spread out. Although there are still steep cliffs on both sides of the valley, the open space between them seems to be as wide as a plain, and a large pine forest grows in it, and there are many pine trees. There is still white snow on the top, which looks extraordinarily vigorous and hale.

After trekking in the white snow for a long time, and finally saw the long-lost green, Sheyan and the two were naturally relieved. With the woods, at least there will be no obvious footprints on the ground. In addition, for the two who cannot open the storage space and therefore lack supplies, it also means prey, bonfires, concealment, and throwing away Opportunities for chasing troops from behind.

What the two of them did the most after entering the forest was to carefully inspect the ground, looking for pine cones that might have fallen on the ground, from which they could peel pine nuts as food. In this cold environment, eating pine nuts with high oil content can not only effectively reduce hunger, but also provide a lot of calories for the body.

A full half an hour passed, and the two had entered the pine forest for nearly seven or eight miles. They found a lot of pine cones, but not a single pine nut fell down. For some unknown reason, the pine cones Fang Senyan and his two found were all empty, and there were no moldy pine nuts inside.

As they went deeper into the pine forest, the previous joy and excitement in the hearts of the two had already receded, and an indescribable sense of mystery replaced it and shrouded their hearts.