The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 287: Determine the target


Faced with Jiao Shi's question, Mogansha smiled without saying a word, but his eyes were immersed in deep memories. Jiao Shi glanced at Mogansha's expression, and continued to say seriously:

"I remember that after you left, Hanick and Joel, who were crazy, discussed the reasons for it. They thought that you might have hacked some equipment privately in the team. This equipment should be at least the silver plot level. Yes, that's why you brazenly defected. Otherwise, no matter what, you won't be able to find your motive for doing so."

Mogansha shook his head with a solemn wry smile, took a deep breath and said:

"Strictly speaking, the reason why I became a free man was caused by the boss."

The reef was even more astonished:

"The sailors made you a free man? How can that be?"

Mogansha slowly shook his head and said:

"The Symbiosis Society used the assembly stone to make a desperate attempt to steal the Sorcerer's Stone from the world of Harry Potter, but was blocked by the Banks gang, and the Banks gang was repelled, and the melee personnel, together with the crowbar, suffered casualties In the end, the Metal Mentor, Fanu and the rest entered the underground Gringotts, and still wanted to win the treasure. Among those who were regarded as cannon fodder, there was a sailor who was regarded as a newcomer by everyone. .”

An unbelievable expression appeared on the face of the reef, and he was not an idiot, he had roughly guessed what Mogansha wanted to say:

"Could it be..."

"That's right, I don't know what happened underground in Gringotts, but the final result is that the symbiosis will be disbanded due to the death of the founder and the designated deputy head... the one who came out alive is him! Sailor!"

Mogansha smiled bitterly and said:

"Before, Sailor was just a potential stock in my heart, but since I received the news of the death of Metal Mentor and Fanu, I have been calling him the boss without distraction."

Reef chewed the meaning of Mogansha's words, and couldn't help admiring the experience of the "sailor" for a while. He thought to himself that he wanted to survive such a dangerous situation, and Jiao Shi thought he didn't have the ability, let alone kill the metal mentor and fanu

While the two were chatting and exchanging, the life value of this spore anti-aircraft turret had been exhausted, and it burst into bloody water with a "pop". Fang Sheyan no longer cared about the fuel factor, and the Prometheus III flamethrower was activated at full power, spraying out two long fire dragons, burning the seventeen or eighteen swift beasts running over twenty meters away into balls of fire, Then evacuate quickly. At this time, after the reef was broken, Mo Gansha was in the middle to respond, Fang Senyan retreated first, and the three of them boarded the host and then left. The three of them have very rich combat experience, and the first cooperation was seamless.

After getting into the host's sac and taking off, the three of them were relieved. After all, there was a spore dragon leading the way ahead, and they could warn in advance if anything went wrong. At this time, Jiao Shi was really curious about Fang Sheyan, so he asked him what his natural defense talent was. Fang Senyan originally wanted to make friends with Jiao Shi, so he had nothing to hide. He directly showed the information of his C+ talent, which suddenly made Jiao Shi realize why Fang Sheyan could persist among the velociraptors. The reason for so long.

Obviously, if he dealt with 500 Velociraptors at the same time, Sheyan would survive longer, but if he dealt with ten elite Velociraptors at the same time, Reef would undoubtedly survive longer. Next, the three attacked two red-striped Zerg bases one after another, and they succeeded one after another. By the way, they also killed nearly two hundred velociraptors and dozens of Hydralisks, but when they rushed to the next Zerg base At the same time, Sheyan terminated the action plan when he was about to launch an attack.

The reason for giving up was simple and even absurd: because both he and Mogansha felt that something was wrong at the same time, and this ominous feeling came without warning or reason. But Fang Senyan stopped the plan abruptly just like that. It is obviously unreasonable to use the perception warning as a reason. In the nightmare world, it can be said that there is a crisis everywhere. As long as there is a possibility of endangering life, the perception will warn. It can also be said that there is no need to do anything because of choking.

Therefore, the greatest use of perception is to avoid sudden ambushes and avoid fatal injuries in battle. It is very rare for Fang Sheyan to temporarily change the plan in the nightmare world. But he didn't explain anything, and he didn't say in a deep voice until after the host got away from it:

"There was no sign of recent attacks in the base just now, but the number of velociraptors in the base has decreased by about one hundred. The number of worker bees collecting Pandora ore in other bases will not be less than fifty, but here The number of worker bees is only forty-five, other than that, the frequency of worker bees carrying crystals in and out of the incubation chamber is very frequent."

Although Sheyan didn't speak anymore, Mogansha and Jiaoshi both understood what he meant: where did the hidden swift beast go? However, if the Zerg want to hatch all the organ buildings, they must sacrifice one worker bee as the core body of the organ building. Where did the five missing worker bees go, and what did they hatch? The frequency of worker bees entering and exiting the hatching room is very frequent, which shows that a large number of eggs are constantly hatching, so a large amount of Pandora crystal mine energy must be replenished!

If only one of these doubts appears, it may be a coincidence, but if they appear together, then it is probably a trap. Of course, for the red-striped zerg, this step is enough to coax the brain worms of the black-striped tribe to take the bait. Unfortunately, their opponents are the contractors!

"Then what should we do next?" Reef couldn't help asking. There was already an obvious questioning intention in his words. Team leaders are not self-proclaimed. Prestige is cultivated bit by bit in these small things. When others develop a spontaneous dependence on you, it will be difficult for you not to take this position.

Sheyan smiled and said:

"The main purpose of our detection this time is to confuse the red-striped cerebrate, and to find out the reality of each base. The ultimate goal is to plunder the ore in its sub-bases and obtain meritorious service. Now that we have a target at this time, of course we will Just passed by."

Reef took a deep breath and said:

"Does your target refer to Base No. 1?"

Sheyan nodded and said with certainty:

"That's right."

The light was dim, and a Hydralisk was patrolling the base loyally. Although there are clear wounds on its body surface, their wounds can be healed stably and quickly on the mucus carpet of their own race. Although the base suffered heavy losses in the previous raid of the spore dragon, and there were still wounds splashed by the spore shells everywhere, the enemy also suffered heavy casualties. Those black spore dragon corpses were slowly being digested in the carpet mucus That's the proof.

Suddenly, the message of battle came from a distance. When the Zerg races are fighting, they will emit hormones like bees and ants. For other races, they cannot detect this breath at all, but for the same race, it is Very clear logo. There is no doubt that the Hydralisk rushed towards the battlefield immediately, but when it twisted its body and stepped out of the base, a tongue of flame suddenly spewed out a hundred meters away!

The sound of da da da da da was transmitted very clearly. The Hydralisk just turned its head and sprayed acid at the enemy facing the dark place, when it was overturned by the huge impact carried by the bullet, the body exploded directly It opened up, forming lumps of meat and blood all over the place.

In the open space about one kilometer away, Fang Senyan fought side by side with the reef, and they have killed at least nearly a hundred swift beasts here. The spore flying dragon and the host hovered over the main roads to the east and west. If the red-striped brain worms sent reinforcements from the ground to support here, they would undoubtedly be able to get an early warning.

However, according to the neural connection of the Blackthorn tribe half an hour ago, the Blackthorn brainworm magic juice has mobilized nearly a quarter of its troops and began to attack the No. The reserves of Pandora Ore in the veins there even exceed the output of the main base of the Red-striped Tribe! This time the attack can be said to be a feint attack, and it can also be transformed into a full-scale surprise attack in the shortest possible time!

Therefore, for the red-striped cerebrates, keeping the No. 4 sub-base is the most important thing at present, and the surprise attack of the three of them on the No. 1 base should not be taken seriously by the red-striped cerebrates. More importantly: among the current veins of the No. 1 base, the stock of Pandora Ore is about to be exhausted, which naturally means that it has lost most of its existence value.

"It's almost there." Reef pulled out his black lightsaber from the mouth of a velociraptor neatly, and the green body fluid stained on it evaporated quickly, and disappeared instantly with a "squeak" of smoke. "If no new troops are hatched, then the troops in this sub-base should be exhausted."

The two people back to back looked quite embarrassed, but in fact, they both suffered superficial injuries, and their gestures were vigorous and agile, which had no effect on their personal combat power. Sheyan nodded:

"AK, how's the situation over there?"

"Damn it, that Hydralisk actually sprayed acid into my crotch! God, if my sexual function is damaged in the future, then I swear I will kill all Hydralisks I see!" Mogansha shouted angrily.

Sheyan said angrily:

"I'm not at all interested in the thing you were sprayed by the Hydralisk. I'm asking how many troops you can see in the base."