The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 297: Spore Heights


"That's right, the evidence is already very clear." Mogansha said suddenly: "The Blackthorn tribe's transition from offense to defense is the biggest and best evidence! Now it seems that in order to balance the disadvantages in the air, the red-striped tribe's main force The combination is Explosive Mosquito, Hydralisk, and Velociraptor! For the Zerg, which are all Level II evolutionary bases, there is really no good way except to fight head-on."

"However! If the Blackthorn tribe can get a certain number of human tanks to set up in their own positions - then only a large number of tongue thorns + more than ten tanks converted into siege mode + medium Hydralisks will be enough Defending. You know, the range of human mechanical tanks in siege mode is three times that of the Hydralisk. The damage from the bombardment is a range attack, and it also has extremely terrifying attack power. It just so happens that the red-striped tribe The nemesis of the combination of various arms can be said to form an extremely powerful targeted suppression, as many as you come, you will die!"

"To restrain such tactics, the way to win the red-striped tribe that has only evolved to level II brood is to either produce a large number of flying dragons, forcibly kill all the siege tanks, or directly airdrop them to the side of the tank, but the embarrassing thing is that it Now they are at a comprehensive disadvantage in air supremacy... To break this situation, the Red-striped tribe must produce a large number of air troops to seize air supremacy. But for the Blackthorn tribe, which has high-energy rich ore veins that can be mined for ten years, the war of attrition is undoubtedly the situation it most hopes to see!"

"Damn!" Jiao Shi also understood, and said in a deep voice: "Since the assistance promised by Lieutenant Colonel Dundee and the others is no longer important, then for the black acanthus magic juice, the giant spore-spraying anti-aircraft tower must be preserved. Yu Gong Personally speaking, this thing is a weapon of strategic significance arranged by the leader of the Zerg, the Queen of Blades. Keeping them intact will help ease the relationship with high-level officials. Personally speaking, if you hold this thing in your hands, you will grasp The safety of the transportation lines of the human race on this planet! When negotiating with humans, you can use this as a bargaining chip to bargain, and you can have both sides.”

Sheyan nodded and said:

"That's roughly the case. Besides, we have to be mentally prepared, that is, there are likely to be guards directly under the Zerg leader Queen Blade near the giant spore-spraying anti-aircraft tower! To kill them, it is estimated It will be a difficult battle, so we have to go back now. One is to integrate the reputation, and it should be able to exchange the power of the brood for the reef, so as to enhance everyone's survivability as much as possible. The second is to To exchange for some hosts and troops, Lieutenant Colonel Dundee is required to send us all his direct troops! If our progress is smooth, then we don’t want them to take action; if the situation is bad and dangerous, then we must have them as cannon fodder.”

After thinking about it, Jiao Shi finally felt that Sheyan's arrangement was indeed watertight and impeccable, so he silently nodded in approval of his arrangement.

After returning to the Blackthorn mother's lair, as expected by Sheyan, a total of sixteen human siege tanks were found on the dangerous high ground near the main base of the Blackthorn tribe. The giant fire-breathing insects also began to appear on the ground, wriggling and patrolling. And it can be seen from the original logo on the tank. They turned out to belong to the "Deadly Helmet" base that Sheyan had dealt with before! The first one to cooperate with the Blackthorn tribe was actually this human base, which even Sheyan didn't expect.

However, this incident seems to be unexpected, but it is actually reasonable: once the human forces on the home planet successfully cooperate with the Blackthorn tribe, they will inevitably establish an outpost near here. There is no doubt that the "Deadly Helmet" base will be attacked has the greatest influence, so of course he has to strike first! Kill the possibility of landing on the mother star in the cradle!

Fang Senyan and the others controlled the hosts to get closer. Among the sixteen siege tanks, they were obviously operated by humans, but most of them had been implanted with parasites, and their life and death were controlled by the magic juice of the black echinocerebrum hand. However, according to Lieutenant Colonel Dundee, the parasite seems to be able to treat diseases in the body, so it should be a blessing in disguise for these soldiers. And next to each siege tank are densely packed a large number of Hydralisks and at least two Zerg anti-aircraft spore towers! Obviously, it is a tactic to prevent the opponent's air troops from rushing up to forcefully shoot the tanks.

After the three got together to discuss, they exchanged the power of brood for the reef: to increase all your attributes by 1 point, and then Mogansha exchanged the genetically modified adrenaline of the velociraptor: permanently increased your base movement speed by 33% , this increase is for the basic naked agility, and its actual effect is about an 8-point agility speed increase. The Hydralisk's coelomic muscle contraction hormone increases the long-range attack distance by 15%. This attribute is not necessary for Mogansha to exchange, so this is saved.

In the end, the three of them gathered together, saved 12,000 GM points, used the reputation they earned to buy Zerg units, and spent them all. Then they went to Lieutenant Colonel Dundee, and successfully got the In addition The command of all soldiers other than him, so the strength of the final departure is as follows:

"Human elite machine gunners: 7. Seven Hydralisks, thirty Velociraptors."

"Twelve explosive mosquitoes, six hosts, and four spore flying dragons."

Such a troop, together with Fang Senyan and the others, can be said to be quite powerful in combat. It is estimated that ordinary Zerg troops with a scale of less than 100 heads can easily eat them head-on. An army of two hundred heads can fight evenly.

After staying at the Blackthorn base for a while, Fang Senyan expected that the battle ahead had reached a fever pitch, so he ordered to set off. Six fully loaded hosts were surrounded by four spore dragons, and twelve explosive mosquitoes escorted the outermost. Avoid emergencies.

After flying for nearly half an hour, one can already see that the fierceness of the battle ahead is beyond imagination. Looking down from the sky, one can see a terrifying number of hydralisks and swift beasts pouring out from the main base of the red-striped tribe. , like a huge black torrent, it was divided into four strands not far ahead, and the three strands rushed to their three sub-bases to rescue them, while the largest strand rushed straight to the Black Thorn tribe. Main base! ! !

According to Mogansha's visual estimation, the military ratio of the two sides has even reached a terrifying suppression of 3:1 at this time. It seems that the red-striped tribe still has a greater chance of winning.

Probably because the air supremacy was completely suppressed, the Red-striped tribe probably didn't know the existence of siege tanks. So Sheyan can expect that this time, the action that the red-striped cerebrate put great hope on will probably end in failure! Under the sequential bombardment of up to sixteen tanks erected on key high grounds, the troops of the Red-striped tribe would lose more than half of their casualties before they approached.

Fang Sheyan carefully controlled his ulterior motives, bypassed the main base of the Red-striped tribe far away, and began to try to approach behind it. According to the markings on the electronic map, the more than ten giant spore-spraying anti-aircraft towers were placed on the top of a steep rocky hill. Steep, the Terran named it Spore Highlands.

The main base of the red-striped tribe is not too far away from the spore highlands. They can find out after watching the outside of the battlefield for a while. Attacking everywhere, either they are afraid of the majesty of the Queen of Blades, the lord of the Zerg, or the Queen on the Spore Heights is directly under the Zerg's six relatives. As long as the flying objects dare to violate the airspace rights, they will be shot down!

In the sky in the distance, a mixed self-destructing mosquito/hydralisk troop of the Red-striped tribe and the flying dragon troop of the Blackthorn tribe collided again. The troops of both sides were like two giant dark clouds in a fierce conflict. Every second At least dozens of units were killed, which can be said to be an extremely tragic offensive and defensive battle.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Fang Sheyan gave an order, and the small troop he led approached obliquely from behind, especially the hosts that were full of personnel, without exception, all flew close to the ground. The reason is naturally to avoid a tragic air crash caused by being shot down suddenly. Finally, it broke into the vicinity of the spore high ground without any surprise or danger.

After approaching the spore highland, everyone saw the mountain wall in front of the gap between the host's roots. Huge organic tentacles, with blue veins protruding from the surface, clinging tightly to the rock wall, it looks as if a huge tentacle monster has grown in the entire spore plateau, which is terrifying.

The spore plateau is actually not too high, about five or six hundred meters, but because it rises from the ground, it looks like a wall standing thousands of feet high. Especially after flying below and looking up, I really have the illusion that my neck is sore. This sounds outrageous, but in fact, just try to think about the feeling of looking up from the bottom of a 100-meter-tall building—and multiply the height of the building by five. Probably this is the reason why the rest of the insect tribes are forbidden, so not even half of the swift beasts of the red-striped tribe can be seen nearby.