The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 299: brutal progress


Facing Fang Senyan's question, Jiao Shi took a deep breath, took a bottle of spirits and took a big gulp, after thinking for a while, he said:

"Extreme value rewards are very powerful. Of course, the test is also very important. If you make a wrong step, you will make a wrong step, but the space is not to be forced to death. Even if you reach the extreme value and choose the reward, it will give you a period of time to adapt , this time is one week. During this period, as long as you reach the limit of 50 points, you can have this extreme power, and if it drops below 50 points, this power will disappear. The rest of the time is no different from normal contractors, but one week When the time is up, this will force you to enter the extreme challenge state!"

After Fang Senyan moved his eyes, he was about to speak, but Jiao Shi smiled wryly:

"I know what you want to say. When encountering the most critical and urgent situation, the attribute reaches the extreme value. If there is nothing to do, take off the equipment to maintain the highest attribute of 49 points, right? This can make the one-week adaptation period 144 hours Make the most of it—a joke! How could the space leave you with such a loophole? Whenever your basic attributes leave the extreme value of 50 points, you will be directly deducted a full thirty-six hours of adaptation period ! With all your efforts, you can use this uncontrollable power four times at most!"

Sheyan couldn't help sighing, but still looked at the reef, with expectation in his eyes, the reef shrugged helplessly and said:

"Don't look at me, my adaptation period has been used up, and I have to challenge it directly if I wear it again."

Fang Senyan frowned suddenly in his heart and said:

"Since this is the case, then we can develop in an all-round way now, and accumulate the average of the seven major attributes to more than 40 points, and then consider the problem of breaking through the extreme value."

Jiao Shi smiled wryly, squinted at Fang Senyan and said:

"If you were space, would you let the contractor do this?"

Fang Senyan was stunned, shook his head, and responded with a wry smile:


Reef said very depressed:

"The space will have a trade-off coefficient. I don't know the specific calculation method. It will be based on the extra basic attribute points you have obtained / the number of times you have experienced the nightmare world / your current equipment / your own abilities / talents, etc. Comprehensive Judgment. In short, once your strength grows to a certain level, the space will adjust the difficulty of your main task, and you will find that the task is getting more and more difficult, but the benefits are getting smaller and smaller."

"More importantly, the improvement rate of contractors who have broken through the extreme value and those who have not broken through the extreme value is quite large. If you continue to develop on average in this way, when the space evaluates that your current comprehensive level should break through the extreme value, then you will Assign you a main task that is extremely difficult and impossible to complete unless you break through the extreme value—for a simple example, it is very likely that we will go to the last high-level world of Lord of the Rings to kill Saruman, and if we cannot complete it The punishment is the kind of direct obliteration!"

After listening to Jiao Shi's words, Fang Sheyan also realized the cruelty behind the space, which is to force you to keep improving and improving! He was silent for a while, then suddenly raised his head and smiled, and the flame of madness and determination burned in his eyes again:

"It's really interesting, I like it!"

At this time, Mogansha also entered the space, and asked very eagerly about the formation of the team. To be honest, Fang Senyan is quite a kind person, and he directly talked about the negative effect of joining the team - he will have to work hard in the low-intensity space battlefield.

Mogansha didn't care, and continued to insist on joining. After joining the group, Mo Gansha just complained about why I was not called for the task of building a group, and then probably watched the series of team benefits/team skills sluggishly for ten minutes... Finally squeezed two words through the gap between his teeth come out:

"Oh my god, pervert..."

Then under Sheyan's questioning, Mo Gansha also shared some information he had learned. It turned out that this low-intensity space battlefield was not aimed at the team, but aimed at all contractors.

What Mogansha said is similar to what Reef said. The space will evaluate all contractors every once in a while. Once the overall strength reaches a certain level of contractors/teams, they will be recruited! Then be involved in the space battlefield. The team is evaluated according to the average strength of the team and the actual situation-so it is unworkable for a team to try to use the behavior of a large number of newcomers + a small number of seniors to lower the evaluation.

The intensity of the space battlefield is divided into low-intensity space battlefield, ordinary space battlefield, and high-intensity space battlefield. It is said that there will be more terrifying space wars behind. On the other hand, low-intensity space battlefields are often based on adaptability, and their difficulty roughly fluctuates on the world difficulty of C+ level difficulty, but it is full of killing.

It is worth mentioning that the number of people entering the space battlefield will almost reach hundreds, and it is still a free scene, so there will be a situation where multiple teams fight each other, and more importantly, there will often be unique tasks in the space battlefield , that task is called the golden branch task! In the end only one person/or team can make it! This is doomed that this world will be based on bloody killing and repelling opponents.

However, it must be noted that when the space sets the task difficulty, it is based on the premise that all the contractors who enter the battlefield can work together, so... most of the time, this golden branch task is actually impossible to complete.

Because the contractors participating in this world are all scattered, it is absolutely impossible for the vast majority of people to sacrifice their own interests in vain and selflessly to make wedding clothes for others!

Speaking of this, Mogansha sighed very regretfully:

"So so far, no one seems to know what the rewards of the gold side missions are."

Fang Senyan listened to Mogansha's narration, and couldn't help thinking seriously:

"It's really interesting... If this is the case, then I have to think about it."

Although the price of recovery medicines in the space is soaring at this time, Fang Senyan and the others are also playing the wrong way. When they went through the task of forming a group, because they knew that the task would be extremely difficult, they stocked up a lot of supplies, but it happened not long after entering the world of Lord of the Rings Afterwards, a time-related critical point was triggered, and the storage space of the Mark of Nightmare was directly sealed. As a result, this batch of supplies was hardly consumed! Strictly speaking, if the most critical supply factors are mastered, then the rest of the preparation work will be quite easy.

After the three met, they each went to make some preparations. But Sheyan went directly to the appraisal area to see how his silver plot-level prop: Hydralisk's acid gland was appraised. After he walked over, his greatest hope was to still fail the appraisal, so that he could firmly rip off the group of guys who left messages to apply for appraisal.

But unfortunately, Murphy's Law is in effect again, and things always develop for the worst. The hint that Sheyan least wanted to get happened:

"Your silver plot prop: Hydralisk's acid gland has been successfully identified, please get it back in time."

"If no one picks it up within seven working days, the identified item will be sent to your private space together with the storage fee bill."

Fang Sheyan applied for the claim without a word, but found that it was actually an item rather than equipment:

shriveled orange

Origin: Star World

Rarity: Silver Drama

Texture: connective tissue, cortex, medulla, nodules, diffuse tissue, and cortical lymphatic sinuses.

Carrying effect: strength +2/physical strength +2/intelligence +2

Carrying effect: Charisma value reduced by 2 points/spirit reduced by 2 points (this thing emits a pungent sour smell, you can't expect people who smell it to be happy...)

Effect: Coat your weapon with this disgusting mass of lymph glands, turning your next three attacks into corrosive acid attacks.

Tip: Acid attack is elemental damage, which can only be reduced by elemental resistance.

Tip: When you use lymph glands to smear weapons, you need to concentrate and avoid being splashed by acid, so it takes three seconds. If the smearing process is interrupted within three seconds, you will suffer 100 points of acid damage Backlash.

Tips: Because the acid will continue to evaporate in the air, each application is valid for twelve hours.

Tips: Due to the limited secretion of acid per day, you can only apply a maximum of 5 times every 12 hours.

Requirements for use: Dried oranges can only be used against melee weapons.

Wearing position: backpack

Weight: 0.8 kg.

Evaluation: I miss Cardina's charming mouthparts, I miss Cardina's sexy long tail, I miss Cardina's delicious slime, I miss Cardina's melodious bark...

"It's a damn thing that lowers your charm again." Fang Sheyan couldn't help but slander.

Obviously, the biggest advantage of this thing is that the wearing position is in the backpack and no equipment is required. Not bad for such a thing. It is good news to be able to obtain such a good thing that can directly increase strength on the eve of the war.

You know, isn't the rush to buy in the space at this moment created by those selected contractors in order to have an extra chance to save their lives

At this time, Sheyan remembered the reminder he got before:

"Your team rank is: Silver. You can choose to enter the world to participate in the battle by consuming merit points!"

So Sheyan wanted to inquire about some detailed information, such as how much merit points were consumed, what was the difference in the world he chose to enter, etc., but he got a prompt that he could not inquire...

Golden branch! The Dark Side of Avatar!