The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 3: Blood and... anger!


The black night, the cold rain, and the wanton wind enveloped the entire Siqiao Town. It's like Hua Shanfei's despicable power enveloped the town, so that no one dared to come out to take care of this matter—even if dozens of lives were related to this matter, it can be seen that Hua Shanfei's fierce power is blazing!

Sheyan stalked against the wall in the suffocating darkness. The cold rain drenched him thoroughly, but his heart was filled with a burning feeling of being blocked.

More than 20 meters ahead is the wharf docked at Fuyuan. The unloading wharf next to it has a row of canopies that are transparent on all sides. On weekdays, sailors usually stack their cargo there, which can not only shade the sun but also keep out the rain. It is also clear at a glance, and I am not afraid that someone's hands and feet are not clean. At this time, two high-power spotlights were placed inside the awning, illuminating the inside brightly. Hua Shanfei led a dozen people to surround the three people who were curled up on the ground, kicking them from time to time, while Fu There are already a few figures shaking in Xingshang, it should be pouring gasoline everywhere! Indistinctly, crazy shouts came:

"Punch at your old mother! How dare you use a knife on me, move, move!"

"Kill your whole family today!"

"Xianjia shovel, old groceries from Lanchun bag!"


Fang Sheyan's facial muscles twisted for a while, and he couldn't help but get closer, and saw Hua Shanfei in the middle of the awning waved his hand, telling the younger brothers to get out of the way, and said sinisterly:

"Who chopped that knife on Xidi's face?"

The four people on the ground twisted and curled up, moaning one after another, but no one spoke. With a wave of Hua Shanfei's hand, two menacing youngsters immediately lifted a person from the ground, and Hua Shanfei said coldly:

"Don't say yes, I can't do the job with Brother Ming, so I will take the whole family of the four of you as an apology!"

"It was me, I hacked it!" The fourth uncle who spoke weakly was gasping for breath, Fang Sheyan only felt the blood surge in his heart, and he was about to rush out with his eyes reddened.

Hua Shanfei spat out a mouthful of foam from between his teeth with a "sigh".

"You old bastard is a bit brave, I appreciate it! Which hand did you chop with?"

The fourth uncle was silent. Hua Shanfei didn't expect him to answer at all, and took a puff of the cigarette butt, and when the red spot was burning, he suddenly pressed the cigarette butt on the face of the fourth uncle! A scorched and unpleasant smell rose immediately, and then Huashan flew into a rage, kicking up:

"Hold him down for me! Ten fingers are chopped off one by one, and after making up thirty pieces, I will send it to Master Xidi to apologize! By the way, I will light the sky lantern together with the boat!"

Hearing Hua Shanfei's scolding, Fang Sheyan felt as if something was rushing violently in his chest, a salty smell flooded his throat, and his whole body was burning hot, like fresh blood being burned Soaked, he licked his dry and cracked lips, clenched the knife in his hand, and the muscles in his calf were already tense. Hua Shanfei kicked a few times violently as if venting, then turned his head and gasped:

"By the way, are you sure Master Xidi is okay? Why did it take so long to go back and simply bandage him?"

The last two sentences of Hua Shanfei were addressed to a subordinate next to him. That subordinate was quite familiar with Hua Shanfei, and he said with a big thorn:

"Brother, you're thinking too much. Isn't it just a small injury on the face? Ah! This damn weather, the rain that fell has frozen into the bone marrow. Xidi, the white-faced boy, should be the one who will be injured after returning home. By the way, drink some wine to kill the cold."

Sheyan couldn't hold back at first, and wanted to rush forward desperately. After hearing this sentence, his two thick black eyebrows frowned immediately, as if two knives were slashing at each other. He tried his best not to listen to the voice behind him, but staggered quickly towards the place where Hua Shanfei lived!

Fang Senyan still retained a bit of reason at this time, if he rushed up immediately, not only would he not be able to rescue the fourth uncle, but he would also have to go in together, but there were less than twenty of Hua Shanfei's men stationed at the fourth bridge. Personally, all those who can fight are surrounded by Fuyuan's people here, and there are only three people in his family including Xidi who bandaged the wound! If he took advantage of the unexpected and rushed in to take Xidi as a hostage, then there is really hope to rescue the fourth uncle. As for what happened next, Fang Sheyan didn't think too much about it, because whether he could reach that step was still unknown in his life, and what he couldn't forget at this moment was nothing more than the phrase "Meeting on a narrow road, the brave wins".

Hua Shanfei lived in the center of Siqiao Town, because the town was banned at any time, so he also lived in a similar shack, but compared with the surrounding area, it looked brand new and larger. Of course, in order to show the difference from the people around, a fence was specially built around the side. Fang Senyan walked through the darkness like a ghost, his whole body was drenched, his feet were covered with mud, only his eyes shone with a cold and vicious light, it was unreasonably reminiscent of being hungry in the heavy snow. three days of wolf.

"It's finally here." Sheyan looked at the shack shrouded in darkness ahead, feeling unstoppable nervousness and palpitations in his heart. He put his hand into his trouser pocket, his pale and cold fingers convulsively caressed the edge that was also soaked in chill, then touched the wrapping cloth on the handle, and then held it tightly. Sheyan took a deep breath, put a tattered oilcloth on his head, grabbed a handful of mud and wiped it on his face, and then began to shake the fence door outside Huashanfei's house vigorously.

The fence door was hastily welded with steel bars, and there was no doorbell on it, and the lock was a little loose. Sheyan swayed, and immediately hit the concrete next to him with a loud "bang bang bang". Bright lights came out from the gap in the shed, and after a while, an impatient voice came:

"Who the fuck is making noise here?"

Although Fang Sheyan's heart was beating extremely fast before, but now he calmed down, boldly said:

"Something happened! Something happened, Brother Fei told me to report back!"

This sentence really worked. The door opened and a person walked out. He walked to the fence but didn't open the door. He tilted his head suspiciously and looked around. Fang Sheyan recognized him as Hua Shanfei's cousin named Baifenming. He could be said to rely on Huashanfei's power to do all kinds of evil on weekdays. His main business was selling Baifen (to avoid harmony, so he used homophones instead), I don't know How many people have been ruined, Fang Senyan was blackmailed by this guy for six or seven hundred yuan when he was repairing his own hut! Seeing this fellow at this time, it was just new and old hatreds welling up in my heart. Sheyan lowered his head, covered most of his face with an oilcloth, firmly grasped the steel bar door, and said in a hoarse voice anxiously:

"Brother Ming, there are a lot of police officers, and those gangsters reported the crime at some point!"

Bai Fanming usually bullies the weak and fears the strong, although Fang Senyan's voice sounded a little strange, he didn't think about it deeply, he was immediately taken aback when he heard the words, and immediately said:

"What's the matter? Brother Fei usually feeds the sliver over there, what are they doing here?"

At this time, his thoughts turned to the police, and he couldn't help opening the iron gate on the fence. But halfway through the drive, he felt something was wrong, and asked casually:

"Why didn't Brother Fei call us, but told you to run back instead?"

This sentence immediately asked the most vulnerable link in Sheyan's plan! But Sheyan is also a quick-witted person, he immediately sighed and said:

"The gang didn't recognize their relatives, and they were in a hurry. Brother Fei accidentally dropped the phone into the muddy water on the ground. How could he get through? Isn't this because he was afraid that Brother Ming would not believe you, so he asked me to bring the phone over to do it?" A proof, if you don’t believe me, look at it.”

As he spoke, he stretched out his left hand, and there was indeed a black mobile phone-like thing in his palm.

In fact, Fang Senyan's remarks are full of flaws, if you think about it carefully, it is not difficult to expose them. But when Bai Fanming heard that the police were coming, he was terrified and had no time to think about it, and Fang Sheyan was confident enough to show evidence. Of course he opened the door, stretched out his head and looked into Fang Senyan's palm seriously. .

Sheyan's left hand clenched into a fist, and it hit him hard on the face!

There was a sharp pain in Baifenming's nose, and tears and snot poured out uncontrollably. He was about to yell loudly, when he suddenly felt an extremely icy chill coming from his abdomen, and the chill went upwards like a broken bamboo, all the way to the throat! Bai Fenming looked up in panic and severe pain, and saw a pair of eyes that seemed to be burning with flames! Then a huge pain spread in his consciousness, completely surrounding him.

Sheyan slowly let go of the palm that was holding Bai Fenming's neck, and the guy immediately slipped and fell into the muddy water like a puddle of mud, a lot of blood gushed out from under his body, and was washed away by the torrential rain. The sound of wind and rain covered up this series of movements very well, and the people inside the room did not notice anything strange outside.

Sheyan took a few deep breaths, and the fear of killing someone for the first time quickly subsided, but a strange sense of fulfillment emerged in his heart, as if the past twenty years of his life had been wasted, and now The feeling of walking between life and death is so... Delightful!

The rain was icy cold, but Sheyan's whole body was already hot. He took a few deep breaths, opened the gate with iron bars and walked in tiptoe. When he got to the door of the shed, he stopped, and quietly stuck to the wooden wall next to him. You can clearly hear someone inside being furious:

"He beheaded me, and he dared to behead me when he attacked his mother! I want his whole family to stay alive! Where's the doctor? Where's the doctor you two asked for?"

"With such heavy rain, the county seat is more than 20 kilometers away from here. I don't know how bad the road is. The doctor probably won't come until tomorrow morning."