The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 30: Fight for power? Chop over!


At this moment, the whole battlefield became a little quiet, because they were all intimidated by Sheyan's aura. Immediately afterwards, the rest of the pirates also raised their knives and howled crazily. If it was in this kind of boarding battle under normal circumstances, the attacking side would inevitably deploy a certain number of musketeers to suppress the enemy. Spikes like Fang Sheyan have long been sieved by concentrated fire, but today's waves are too high, and the lifeboat is too small. Even if you bring an arquebus, it will be a burden, so the lack of long-range firepower becomes a sieve. The fatal weakness of the Spaniards!

At this time, there is no shortage of manpower on the Bell and Wine Cup, only the fighters who dare to rush to the front line. After Fang Sheyan stood up like this, several pirates who returned to the ship due to injuries were also quite rich in combat experience. Where there were any openings, they hastily bandaged the wounds, and followed Fang Senyan to raise the weapon and leaned forward with a fierce look in his eyes. Their attacks were very vicious, they didn't cut people, they just cut the rope hooks on the side of the ship, as long as the Spanish sailors couldn't climb up where they didn't have the strength, then that's enough!

Sometimes a small thing on the battlefield can often change the final outcome. The exemplary role of a few people can often inspire the morale of more people. When those pirates who thought they were desperate suddenly realized that the enemy was "nothing more than that", confidence and courage naturally returned to them. Even though the other two Spanish lifeboats approached the Bell and Wineglass and began to join the ship, they found that the resistance above their heads also increased accordingly. Many Spanish sailors were not enough because the rope ladders were continuously broken. Attempts to free solo straight away often end up with the tragic end of getting your head stamped off.

At this time, Fang Sheyan no longer shot, but looked at the Spanish flagship that was fighting the Black Pearl in the distance.

"If there is really a contractor behind this attack... then you can't stop here, and there must be a second move! Because the core characters on a pirate ship are usually the captain and the first mate, usually the captain Leading the boatswain to hand-to-hand combat, the first mate stays behind, so you must have some way to defeat the left-behind pirates led by the first mate with full confidence!"

At this time, a pirate suddenly screamed, covered his face with his hands and staggered backwards, blood flowed from his fingers, and fell to the sky on the deck, writhing in pain. Then Sheyan saw a Spanish sailor and began to climb up. Fang Senyan took a step forward, and the heavy ax whizzed down, smashing the sailor back to the lifeboat, but he was surprised to find that the enemy's lifeboat suddenly became a little higher. If it is three meters, then I am afraid that it will be less than two meters now. At such a distance, the Spanish sailors were able to raise their heads and wave their weapons to attack the pirates above them. Although they were still at a considerable disadvantage, they were no longer in the bad situation where they could only be passively beaten.

Fang Senyan's thoughts flashed in an instant, but his experience in sailing on the sea was extremely rich, and he immediately understood the enemy's vicious tricks! That's ballast!

Ships are most afraid of empty cabins. Once their own weight is insufficient and their center of gravity is unstable, they are extremely easy to capsize in this windy sea. Especially when lifeboats are used to fight on board, once the draft is insufficient, the violent shaking during the collision alone would cause the ship to capsize. Therefore, when these three lifeboats set sail, they must have piled up a large amount of ballast in the bilge to press down the waterline to stabilize the hull. On the account, naturally there is no scruples in this regard! These Spanish sailors threw the ballast into the sea water, and the weight of the lifeboat itself was reduced, so of course the draft became shallower, and the entire hull would float up.

Thinking of this, Fang Sheyan went to the side, and he immediately saw that the ballast of the Spanish sailors was a square wooden box about one meter in size, filled with stones. They threw stones into the sea, but the wooden boxes were delivered one by one to the deck near the enemy ship to be stacked horizontally! This will undoubtedly provide a platform for the sailors who are close to the ship to set foot! In the end, those Spanish sailors who were close to the side of the ship stood on the deck of the lifeboat, their heads were astonishingly parallel to or even higher than the deck of the Bell and Wineglass. In this way, the swords they wield will be more lethal, and it will be more convenient to fight, and once there is a gap, they can climb to the opponent's deck without a rope hook!

"Interesting." A sneer appeared on the corner of Fang Sheyan's mouth. He started to move forward, and with a slap, he slapped the head of a headless pirate next to him. "What are you running around, go help there!"

No man likes being slapped on the head, let alone these vicious pirates. But as soon as this guy looked up and saw that it was Sheyan, he immediately shrank his head and said in fear, "Okay, boss" and ran towards the direction Fang Sheyan pointed.

At this time, Fang Senyan's prestige among the left behind pirates has been invisibly raised to a considerable height. Most of the people will obey the orders issued by his spoken words.

And Fang Sheyan himself is like a tireless firefighter, rushing to wherever there is danger. These pirates also came to their senses and realized that it was either you or me, and it was a bloody battle regardless of casualties! The sailors of the Spanish Armada are brave, but the pirates are condescending and have the advantage of being able to use matchlock guns. Under such stalemate, Sheyan not only showed amazing fighting ability, but also At the same time, the scheduling ability and command ability displayed are really amazing!

Don't forget that before entering the Nightmare Dimension, Fang Senyan almost became the second officer on a giant ship with a capacity of 10,000 tons. He has rich experience in living at sea, and those management methods/philosophies and dispatching methods are even more ahead of his own. Thousands of years in the world! These remnants left behind, defeated, old, weak, sick and disabled, will of course show the courage to fight to the death in the face of desperation, and at the same time, under his shouting and scheduling, they quickly form a steel-like defense line! Later, Fang Sheyan assembled a temporary arquebus team of ten or so people to point and shoot. Once the Spanish sailors charged up, there would be a volley of guns immediately! No matter how elite sailors are, it is impossible not to retreat!

Armand, who was fighting fiercely on the deck of the merchant ship, finally breathed a sigh of relief.

When he was blocked at first, he was indeed desperate. No one knows better than him how bad the situation on the ship is, and Gusta in front of him is also a cunning and powerful enemy. Even though his strength is not as good as his own, he has made the most of the "dragging tactics". Although Armand was very anxious at the time, he could only calm down and face it, otherwise, not to mention the bell and the wine glass, even his own life would be thrown here!

However, it was inevitable for Armand to pay attention to the situation on the battlefield. When he saw Fang Senyan stepping up to bring back the bad situation step by step, he was also unavoidably emotionally agitated. With a flash of light from the silver rapier, it nailed a Gusta guard in front of him through the throat. There is always a layer of rippling silver light on the slender sword tip, not even a little bit of blood.

At this time, the rotting soul corpse had already killed Kalong's group in sevens and eights, but the one-eyed dragon Kalong let out a roar before dying, poured fire oil all over his body, and then lit his arms open. He rushed forward and hugged the monster tightly! In the raging flames, Kalong died on the spot, but he also burned the rotten corpse with roars, waving his two giant arms wildly, slamming around like headless flies, completely out of control.

At this time, most of the remaining pirate ships also rushed to the battlefield, and began to besiege the other two merchant ships for hand-to-hand combat. A number of lifeboats were sent to support these merchant ships. Although some lifeboats also capsized and sank in the wind and waves, the terrible thing was that the Bell and Wineglass was berthed by two more lifeboats, and the Spanish sailors on them immediately swarmed up. , the situation immediately became tense again.

Fortunately, at this time, some elite pirates who escaped from the merchant ship also returned to the Bell and Wineglass, and their participation undoubtedly gave the pirates who were in a hard fight a shot in the arm. Fang Senyan was also unceremonious towards these guys, yelling and cursing loudly and dispatching them to the front line where reinforcements were most needed. Although most of these pirates were rebellious and rebellious, they were convinced by Sheyan's previous ability and accepted orders willingly.

However, there are always exceptions. When Sheyan ordered the newly returned pirates to reinforce the left deck, he was pushed back by a guy in a brown turban who tilted his head and pressed his hand. Said on the sailor knife at his waist:

"Why do I feel that Cripple Tom needs support more, you don't have eyes? There is going to be a breach there soon!"

Sheyan glanced at him, and said calmly:

"Who are you?"

The brown turban puffs out the chest:

"The captain is not here now, and the boss Scar Henry is in a coma. Why do you, a newcomer, give orders? Naturally, I, Fang Fang Erwin, should take over the ship! Come with me!"

The last sentence he said was to the group of temporary arquebus shooters behind Sheyan. Sheyan grinned and said softly:

"you're right."

At this time, Fang Senyan put down the heavy ax for the convenience of commanding, but snatched a sailor's knife from the dead Spanish sailor's body and put it on his waist. Slash straight at that Erwin!