The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 302: Mutation


This time, the strong orc directly tied two or three black magic vines to each person, tied them tightly, and then carried them back, because he would rather work himself out than delay the travel time for the two of them on the road. Opportunity.

At this time, the leader of the orcs also became serious, striding forward. It is obvious that there is a huge threat hidden in this deep valley. The orcs led by the sorcerer were also helpless, terrified, and panicked to the point of fear.

Previously, Fang Sheyan and the two ran as hard as they could, and they also went deep into the pine forest for several kilometers. Although the two strong orcs are very strong, the speed of running with people will inevitably decrease. When they came to the edge of the pine forest, the two strong orcs were already panting like cows, sweating like rain, and the stench from their bodies made Fang Sheyan and the two of them want to vomit.

However, at this moment, the orc leader suddenly yelled, and the yell was full of fear! This orc leader has always given people the impression of being aggressive and arrogant. It seems that even life and death are not worth mentioning in front of him. I don't know what he saw, but he screamed so miserable!

At the same time, Fang Sheyan's two minds also began to become drowsy, falling into a half-asleep and half-awake state, unaware of what happened outside.

In the haze, Fang Senyan seemed to have returned to Siqiao Town back then, but he couldn't find anyone. There were vicious Huashanfei thugs everywhere. He tried hard to fight his way out, and he was always looking for familiar people. The strength from the whole body disappeared without a trace.

In the process of searching, Fang Sheyan felt more and more bored and sad, and wanted to drink water. He finally found a mug and poured a glass of water to drink, but he was surprised to find that the mug was filled with raging fire! Suddenly, a poisonous snake wrapped around his neck and was about to bite his throat!

Fang Senyan frantically wanted to tear off the poisonous snake with all his strength, but for some reason, he couldn't raise his hands! There was a rattling sound in his throat, but the poisonous snake seemed to be playing with him, it just kept spitting out the red letter and refused to bite it! But just when Fang Sheyan thought that this poisonous snake would not bite, this red poisonous snake opened its mouth wide and came to bite! ! !

Under this surprise, Sheyan immediately yelled, and couldn't help but opened his eyes.

Then he immediately saw the dark sky, and a little bit of starlight.

At this time, the sky is full of stars.

no moon.

Where is the blood and fire? Where is the dilapidated Siqiao Town

It turned out that everything before was either a dream or a strong illusion. Just don't know why it's so realistic!

Fang Sheyan struggled hard, and found that he was still bound very firmly, but a burst of ecstasy immediately appeared in his heart - I am not blind!

Although the vision is still a little blurry, compared with the previous complete inability to see things, it is undoubtedly the sky and the earth. After recovering this time, I realized that my whole body was frozen stiff, and my lips were full of vomiting Dried filth.

Fang Sheyan turned his head, and couldn't help but instinctively twitched all over his body. If he hadn't been tied tightly, his whole body would bounce up:

The twisted and stiff face of the orc leader was close at hand. There was a strange smile on the lips of this guy who could only be called a beast, and he lay dead sideways on the snow, his hands tightly clutching his throat. , five thick fingers sank deep into the flesh, the corpse tumor in the throat had been broken, and his face turned purple. It looked like he strangled himself to death! Although he died, his huge body still gave people endless pressure.

At this moment, Fang Senyan suddenly felt fear:

If he hadn't been bound tightly, he might have strangled himself to death in the incomparably strong illusion of the poisonous snake wrapping around his neck.

After a long time, there was a violent coughing sound from the side, and the reef who was also tied up woke up, and beside him lay the corpses of two other orcs. These two orcs hugged each other and died —Of course it wasn’t exhausting—it could be seen that the two of them fought fiercely before they died, and they died together in the end.

The two looked at each other, and their hearts were filled with the joy of remaining alive after the catastrophe. They were also at a loss at this time, and they didn't know what happened, but no matter what, it was great happiness to be able to survive.

After panting for a while, Sheyan tried again to break the vine rope in his hand. But even though he still has quite powerful strength at this time, he is also bound extremely tightly, so it is impossible to break free alive if he tries to repeat the old tricks.

But the reef's black lightsaber costs a considerable amount of general points to activate once, so it's better not to use it or not. In desperation, the two of them could only rub their hands behind their backs on the nearby stone, and finally tied it firmly. Only when the rattan rope frayed was he able to escape.

After gaining freedom, Fang Senyan went to see the situation of the elf girl, and found that her condition seemed to be getting worse, she seemed to have completely fallen into a coma, but fortunately, her clothes were in good condition, and there were no traces of being violated. The reef took the opportunity to search for the bodies of the three orcs, but the supplies they got were desperate—

The bamboo tube on the orc's waist contained their drink, and Jiao Shi immediately vomited out after taking a sip. The drink was mixed with a lot of blood, giving off an unpleasant stench.

Maybe this kind of drink tastes like yogurt to Orcs, but for Sen Yan and the other party, even though their bodies have been digitized, the A-level difficulty world is absolutely not to be taken lightly. The appearance of snow blindness is a typical example. , I am thankful that I am not immediately poisoned and unconscious after drinking this "drink".

It’s fine to drink water, just grab a handful of snow and stuff it into your mouth. If it’s not possible, there is a lake in front of it. What’s embarrassing is that the food of the orcs is raw jerky, but the body hair and hair on the jerky are clearly visible, whether it is Neither Reef nor Sheyan has any appetite for this kind of food. Obviously, I wouldn't eat this unless I had to.

The two summed up at this time, and now they have two choices:

One is to choose to turn back in the direction of the avalanche, and the other is to go deep into the pine forest, swim across the lake and continue forward. After some mild disputes, the two chose to cross the lake.

Because if you turn back, you will face a world of ice and snow, even if you don’t freeze to death, you will face the threat of starvation, and you will also face the huge risk of encountering strong orcs who come to hunt you down again. For two people who are not familiar with it, it is almost a road to death. And even though you have to face the mysterious power that makes you crazy and die if you continue to move forward, you can still live longer.

Borrowing the little stars in the sky, Sheyan carried the elf girl on his back and continued walking. The reef was exploring the way ahead, and he walked for a long time before returning to the lake. Even at night, there was still a dead silence in the pine forest. The two of them didn't know why, the more they walked, the more numb they felt, as if something was always staring at them in the hidden dark place.

After arriving at the lake, both of them were very tired, mainly due to the lack of food, so they were really unable to swim, so they leaned against the trunk of the pine tree by the lake to take a rest.

After sitting for a while, I felt that my mouth was really thirsty, so I simply climbed down the tree and walked to the lake, took a small mouthful of the extremely cold lake water, warmed it in my mouth, and swallowed it again. An hour later, the thirst was quenched, but people began to tremble. I had no choice but to look around for some pine branches and pine needles, gather them together, light them up to make a bonfire, and burn them for a while before I calmed down.

At this time, a soft sound of "Bo stab" suddenly came from the lake, and the two of them moved in their hearts. They kept the posture of warming up, but from the corner of their eyes, they had already seen a black shadow in the lake on the left, which was extremely fast. Shuttle in the water, although there is no moon at this time, the stars are shining brightly, and the silver glow on the lake is very quiet and beautiful. It seems that when you are hungry, fish will be delivered to your door.

After a little thought, Sheyan understood that the reason why the fish was so excited was probably because of the bonfire in front of him. Most of the moths and bugs in this world have phototaxis, although they will be burned into a puff of smoke, they will not hesitate a little bit, and the same is true for some fishes. Fang Senyan grew up in the sea, and has caught tens of thousands of fish, if not thousands, of course he has a clear understanding of light fishing methods.

Therefore, although the reef was very excited, Fang Sheyan still did his part when it came to fishing experience. He made a silent gesture, quietly lay down on the ground densely covered with dead pine needles, and then slowly crawled towards the lake shore . Try not to make the slightest sound, at this time, the rippling in the lake became more and more violent, as if the silvery splendor was being stirred by an invisible stick, from which one could imagine how excited the fish inside was.

The flames were blazing, and from time to time there was a soft sound of dead branches bursting, which could not get rid of the sound of water, and the surroundings became completely quiet. Sheyan lay silently by the water, even breathing very lightly and slowly. , looks like a stone sculpture.

The fire without adding firewood was gradually extinguished, and in the dark night, the embers glowed a deep crimson, rising and falling with the wind blowing. Stopped, jumped out of the star-studded water, and jumped out of the water in the direction of the fire excitedly.

Fang Senyan suddenly pounced on him! The water in the lake was extremely cold. As soon as Fang Senyan's body touched the water source, he felt as if he was still in an ice cave in the middle of nine cold days. Even the white breath he exhaled seemed to be condensed immediately. Gotta" crisp sound.