The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 304: Violent chrysanthemum!


Everyone has their own bottom line. Although Fang Senyan can't be called an honest gentleman, it is absolutely impossible for him to turn around and leave after witnessing this tragedy. Let Wuge, a girl who fought side by side with him, encounter such a terrible situation. situation. This has nothing to do with the hero saving the beauty, it's purely a matter of personal bottom line - of course, even if the rescue is unsuccessful, he has a way to escape to the space, which is the main reason for Sheyan's determination, not one of them.

Taking advantage of this mighty beast's undivided attention and concentration, Fang Senyan sneaked around in a big circle like a thief, and crawled over from the downwind behind. Although his movements made some noises, they were obviously not enough to alert people.

Thirty meters, ten meters, five meters, three meters! ! !

Even though Fang Senyan is so close, this strong orc is still ignorant, it is panting wildly and excitedly, even though there are food, drinks and Mug wine (a kind of drink that orcs like to drink) stuck to its beard , but it is also shaking violently, which shows how powerful its excitement is.

Its thick body odor spread around the body like a black mist, and the rough brown fingers with thick bony joints were trying to tear the elf girl's straw bra. And the big snow-white upper body of this childish young girl and the graceful swell of the young breasts, not to mention the orcs, even Fang Senyan felt his heart thumping when he saw it!

——The elf girl Wuge's pale complexion, terrified expression, screaming and sobbing, and powerless and even helpless resistance, coupled with the pure, innocent, mixed natural breath on her body, is like a glass of freshness The water of the spring seduces all male creatures and stirs their desires.

Sheyan took a deep breath, poked his head out from the bushes behind him, resisted the stench of the orc after he was in heat, and looked at the completely naked back of the orc with malicious intentions, silently looking for it. with its weaknesses.

I have to admit that Sheyan is a very patient person, until the string of emerald green leaves on the elf girl's neck completely fell off, and the last line of defense was disarmed. With an extremely excited roar, the orc directly tore off the last barrier on the elf girl's waist. With a forceful move of both hands, the strong and naked black buttocks pushed back forcefully, and the iron-like terrifying giant whip tightened. With a tremor, it is necessary to make the final warm-up for the deep penetration!

In the next second, the elf girl will let out a shrill scream!

And at this time, it was also the moment when the orcs completely eliminated their vigilance and defenses, and planned to devote themselves to enjoying it!

"It's ~~~~~~ now!"

Fang Sheyan is also a male, so naturally he has a better understanding of male weaknesses. He spotted the dark, hairy rear orifice of this orc, clenched the sharp spear with both hands, and slightly raised it to aim at the target. . Then the muscles on both arms contracted violently, and suddenly burst out, stabbing out the wooden spear in his hand! !

Fang Senyan's stabbing can be said to have exhausted all the strength of his whole body, and his obscenity was extremely obscene, his eyes flashed:

"Want to stab an elf girl? Taste the feeling of being stabbed first!"

There was an extremely shrill scream, and the extremely sharp spear mercilessly penetrated into the orc's dark chrysanthemum, at least one or two feet deep. The huge, hideous and hard weapon in front of the orc immediately sprayed out a stream of thick liquid—oh, don’t get me wrong, Mr. orc has no tendency to be masochistic—that’s because of the dirty and viscous blood ejected from the severe injury of the prostate gland, Of course, the possibility of mixing other liquids cannot be ruled out.

If an injury of this magnitude happens to a human being in the real world. He will be sent to the anorectal hospital immediately. He will pay a deposit of 10,000 yuan, sign a critical illness notice, and immediately stuff a thick red envelope into the specialist for surgery overnight...

Fang Senyan's attack can only be described as successful/malicious/ruthless/shameless. There is no doubt that this hapless orc will never be sexually interested in any female animal for a long, long time to come. This can be intuitively fed back from the "Little Douding" that it turned into after the rapid shrinkage of its crotch. But the lack of experience in fighting strong orcs made Sheyan make a huge mistake:

He just kept stabbing the wooden spear with all his strength, and kept turning the handle of the spear to deepen the result. He stayed where he was, enjoying the pleasure of the evil fun. This mistake caused the dying and crazy Uruk to burst out with extremely terrifying power , snatched the wooden spear alive with a backhand, then turned around and looked at him with a pair of eyes that were so red that they were almost dripping blood! Although the orc at this time was full of terror that would tear everything apart, the blood gushing from the back of his butt still added a bit of humor to this scene.

Sheyan only felt a strong force coming from his hand, and then the wooden spear came out of his hand! ! (It's dead in the yard!! My brother's 40 points of strength are actually taken by you empty-handed???) His hands were numb at the tiger's mouth, and it took a long time before he felt severe pain. The stool is dripping with blood!

Facing the berserk orcs, Sheyan immediately sensed the great danger. He threw a bottle of curse potion that lowered agility with his backhand, and then turned around without hesitation and ran away. The territory of Warcraft is in danger, just bend over and run in this dense forest! There is only one goal, which is to escape forward! ! !

Undoubtedly, if he was caught by that orc, this guy would most likely multiply the damage he received by a hundred times before returning it to Sheyan! Although Fang Senyan said that it feels good to stab someone's chrysanthemum, it definitely does not mean that his chrysanthemum will enjoy the same or more brutal treatment. During the extremely fierce running, Sheyan felt that the countless colorful scenery in front of him was approaching fiercely, and the clothes all over his body were cut into pieces by those vines and leaves, but Sheyan couldn't care about these side details at this time. , there was only one voice in his mind repeating:

Escape faster.

He didn't know how long he had been running, but Sheyan began to breathe heavily. The aftereffects of running with all his strength for a long time had gradually emerged. His exhausted body organs were greedily seeking for precious oxygen. The bursts of blackness in front of his eyes fully explained The consequences of not stopping!

But the low and fast chasing sound behind him was relentlessly chasing him.

Pressing like a god of death.

"Damn, damn. Am I going to be forced to come back?"

The vision in front suddenly widened, Sheyan staggered suddenly, stepped on a dead branch with a "crack" sound, and there was a steep slope ahead! !

Before the exclamation held in his throat had time to escape, he lost his balance and threw himself into the air. You must know that the road ahead is going downhill. If he hit a rock or a tree trunk when he landed, then Naturally, needless to say, most of them will suffer serious injuries. Even if ignoring the crazy orc who was on the verge of death and desperately chasing after him, if his ability to move alone in this vast misty mountain range was impaired, most likely only a tragic return awaited him.

Fortunately, Fang Sheyan's luck seems to be good. After plunging down seven or eight meters, what greets his eyes is a dense dark black vine. These plants don't know how long they have been growing here. It was like a cushion, cleverly absorbing most of his downward momentum, but even so, Fang Sheyan also broke through the vine, hit the tree trunk below, rolled over a few times, and several bruises appeared all over his body. Severe scratches.

Fang Sheyan, whose head hit the ground first when he fell, only felt that his eyes were going black for a while, but he knew that if he passed out at this time, he would definitely be out of the game! He gritted his teeth and tried to get up. Just as he stood up facing the steep slope, a violent wind and a huge black shadow rushed towards him. Immediately afterwards, Fang Sheyan felt as if his chest was hit head-on by a mountain, and he flew backwards, and he felt that his body was going to be crushed, and an indescribable pain radiated from the chest as the core, and the spider web Seemingly spreading to all limbs, Sheyan spat out a mouthful of blood while flying backwards, and the blood immediately dissipated into a faint red mist in the air!

It was the orc that gave Sheyan such a serious injury. Fortunately, this guy's vitals were already severely injured, and after running for such a long distance, the continuous bleeding on the chrysanthemum almost exhausted its life.

The orc chased here almost out of rage. Therefore, it was at the end of its strength when it rushed towards Sheyan, but with the help of the impact force of the downward slope, the power of this punch was also very terrifying. It sent Fang Sheyan alive more than ten meters away, and finally fell into a road behind. among the rivers. When the icy water drenched Fang Senyan's whole body, he was finally overwhelmed, his vision was dark and he fell into a semi-comatose state.

It seemed like a long time passed, and it seemed like a short while later, Sheyan was blocked by something while he was in a daze, and then he was pulled up from the water. Then it was extremely quick to change clothes, bandage, and wipe the body.

After a while, Sheyan felt the coolness coming from the surface of his body. When he opened his eyes and looked, he found a human woman in linen clothes chanting spells non-stop in front of him. Bursts of spore-like light spots fell from the gap, and then melted into his body, feeling very comfortable.