The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 306: Loot the mage tower!


Sheyan smiled slightly and said:

"It's because I don't belong to Middle-earth in the first place... and I came here with a special mission, so that's why I am like this. Pay attention to the door in front, yes, you can only push to the left."

While talking, the two walked straight to the third floor, where Sheyan's expression became serious:

"This floor is Saruman's preparation room. There should be at least one tentacle monster in it for monitoring. The temperature must be adjusted from time to time. Otherwise, the orcs created will get out of control. Can you do it quickly? Drop it?"

Wu Song hesitated for a moment and said:

"It should be fine. As long as it's not the kind that's particularly big."

Sheyan nodded, gestured to Wuge to open the door, and then began to count three, two, no one! ! ! Because Fang Senyan forgot that Wuge girl doesn't even know the general tactical gesture of "three two one, READY, GO" in the real world!

He only saw that the pupils of Wuge girl who were originally as clear as water suddenly became deep, and then from the white and slender fingertips she raised, an ancient elf divine glyph with brilliant gold quickly floated out. The shape changed rapidly in the air, and then a surging force approached. The divine script finally condensed into a golden chain, and broke through the stone gate in front of it with a swipe!

Dawn Curse lock! !

A tentacle monster is poking at the modulation slot in front of it with its tentacles. The densely packed eyes that grow around its head are indeed the kind that claim to be 24 hours a day without any blind spots, but when faced with flying from outside the sky, it is in the air. That golden chain had no resistance at all.

Wuge's hands and fingers made a gesture like flowers blooming, and then he saw the golden chain criss-crossing in the air, forming a strange golden lock, which was fastened to the tentacle monster's forehead superior!

The tentacle monster just froze in place, and Wuge walked over directly, the slender fingers of his left hand made three or four gestures in the air, and the big golden lock quickly returned to a chain, and then returned to its original nature as a golden one. The elven divinity finally disappeared at Wuge's fingertips. And the tentacle monster slumped to the ground and died.

At this time, the expression on Wuge's face also seemed to be quite surprised. In fact, she never expected the power of this blow to be so powerful! At this time, Sheyan seems to have realized something. In terms of the power of this move, it seems that it is not unreasonable for Rivendell to wait three hundred and seventeen years for a dawn elf to appear.

Naturally, there is no need to say more about the next thing, the guards in the mage tower are already in an extremely weak state, and the traps arranged by the orcs are even more familiar to Fang Senyan. Soon, the two of them broke through to the fourth floor, which is Saruman's research anatomy room, and there are three half-orcs doing odd jobs in it, but Wuge girl threw three Dawn Proverb guns in an instant. They directly pierced through the chest and turned into tree puppets!

Seven or eight rough wooden tables were placed in the vast space, and the granite on the ground was also criss-crossed, showing a rough style. On the table, there were a large number of organs such as heart, liver, stomach and kidney, and the half-orc corpses were piled up in the corner like sundries.

The black blood pooled in the ground, and even clotted into stone-like blood clots. The pungent smell made Wu Song frowned immediately, and released a natural spell to cover his body.

Fang Senyan's gaze stayed on an extremely ordinary door at the far end of the hall. This door seems to be made of oak, it is not strong at all, and there are clear cracks on it, even through the cracks, you can easily see the situation inside the door. But Sheyan knew that all of this was an illusion, because after this door was opened, it was the passage to the fifth floor of the mage tower.

As the saying goes, those who travel a hundred miles are half-ninety, from now on, what Fang Sheyan and the others have to face is not those crude mechanisms and superficial physical traps, but the defense measures of the real mage tower.

This also means that the killing rune made of Isildine metal will be embedded in any place you may not imagine, and it can be derived from this: the two are about to face many great dangers, including Not limited to: strong acid, flame, storm, lava, thorns, poisonous gas, and even the summoning of creatures from different planes, etc. Powerful spells and magic traps.

The golden ancient divine script once again shone in front of Fang Sheyan, Fog Song once again cast the powerful spell of Dawn Proverb Spear, the golden spear suddenly tore through the wooden door, and then the seemingly transparent space rippled After a general fluctuation, the golden spear was swallowed directly.

At this moment, the light flickered, black and white magic textures crossed, and finally when the dust settled, a staircase made of pure white mica stone appeared in front of Sheyan and the others, bending upwards, on the side wall of the staircase. On the top, there are six large characters written in the capital of Baiyin Stream.

This curved upward staircase doesn't look very long, even standing below and looking up, you can see the top floor, and the handrails of the staircase shine like metal. Although it doesn't look magnificent, it has a majestic style like a king!

At this point, the common sense of physics is completely useless. The construction of the Mage Tower alone is based on supernatural science, such as arcane geometry, potion science, and so on.

The only good news is: Strictly speaking, this mage tower has only one floor in essence, and the various magic traps and mechanisms arranged in the mage tower are closely related to the number of floors of the mage tower, let alone the host of the mage tower. Most of the time, he was still fighting the big octopus, which would undoubtedly reduce the power of the Mage Tower's mechanism by more than 50%.

Sheyan thought for a while. Although he didn't know the identification and destruction of magic organs, when he entered as an apprentice, he was in the peak state of perception with 25 points, so good perception would also warn of fatal danger. Then he pointed out the parts that felt a huge threat at that time, and finally let Wuge have a target.

After a lot of tossing, this channel was riddled with holes and smoky, and even the words "capital of silver streams" were blown away four times, while Wuge girl had thirteen solidified coins. The ancient divine runes of the elves were also consumed to the point that only three remained.

Wuge's complexion was also quite pale, and although his eyes were still as clear as water, there was also an unusually clear sense of fatigue. Fortunately, as long as the ancient divine script of the elves is formed, it will not disappear completely. It is just that the magic power inside is exhausted, and then it will gradually recover with meditation and rest.

As the last magic mechanism was opened, suddenly there was an extremely ear-piercing siren sound in the entire mage tower. The sound seemed to be a crazy female ghost screaming extremely sharply, seemingly endlessly and endlessly. The end is average. The sound spread from the mage tower to the entire city of the orcs, echoing mournfully among the snow peaks, and it sounded much more powerful than the air defense siren in the real world.

Hearing the female ghost's cry, Senyan was overjoyed. This was obviously the last move of Saruman's avatar. When he set up this series of magic mechanisms, he directly used this most primitive and most helpless move. method. Regardless of whether the last layer of the mage tower was opened violently or normally, there will always be such a terrifying scream, roaring throughout the orc camp. If Saruman didn't use the "loud sound" to announce safety within five seconds, then all the orcs had to come immediately.

However, the orcs staying in the camp at this time are almost all old, weak, sick and disabled. According to Fang Senyan's estimation, the total number may be less than ten! Even if these guys dare to come to support them, the three treants are enough to kill them. Sheyan and Wusong looked down from above, and saw the half-orcs limping over at the bottom of the tower. Let out a breath.

At this time, time was running out, and the two hurried upstairs, only to see that the area of the fifth-floor mage tower was not too large, only about 100 square meters, and in the middle was a huge test bench, which was made of a smooth It is made of high-quality stone, which is very similar to marble, but there are obvious traces of magical fluctuations on the surface, and it is estimated that it has been solidified by a small spell such as cleaning. There are several sets of dirty-looking alchemy crystal utensils on the test bench, as well as microscopes, crystal balls and the like.

On the surrounding walls, there are several large boxes. These boxes seem to be made of bronze-like metal, and they look very strong. Sheyan opened them one by one, and suddenly a series of words came from his ears. Surprising and maddening hints.

"You have found a precious metal: Mithril (14.65 lbs)"

"Mithril is a hundred times more valuable than gold. It is the metal that everyone in the world will fight for. It is as ductile as bronze and can be polished like glass. Dwarves can make it into a solid A metal that is better than steel but light as a goose feather, its beauty is like ordinary silver, but the luster of mithril will not fade with time, it has the elasticity like cloth, the low temperature like ice, and the hardness like steel .”

"The most precious thing about it is that it has a rare magic affinity among metals, which means that wearing armor infiltrated with mithril and using weapons infiltrated with mithril will not affect the release of magic, and it can have the sharpness of steel And taking into account, this will give magic professions a very powerful overwhelming advantage in battle, and the Moria mine is the only place in the third era that has mithril resources, but there are signs that mithril is in Numenor There are also smaller productions in Oman and Oman."

"You found precious stones: Ruby X3, Sapphire X4, Opal X2."

"These rare gems can make the equipment reborn after being inlaid, and any one of them can be exchanged for 1,000 slaves in any country."

"You found three pounds of adamantine: this extremely hard and rare metal can improve the quality of weapons or armor. Weapons made of adamantine have a natural ability to ignore hardness. When breaking weapons and attacking items, you can ignore less than 20 Hardness.Armor forged from Adamantite provides damage reduction to the wearer. Usually only metal weapons, armor and shields can be cast from Adamantium. Weapons, armor and shields made of Adamantium instead of steel are more durable than normal One-third more items."