The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 310: Get back!


"Second Lieutenant, welcome to the planet Pandora."

"The artificial intelligence No. 557 of the RDA (Earth Resources Development Administration) is serving you. This artificial intelligence program has been permanently authorized by the ICA (Interstellar Business Administration Organization)."

"Given that you have just woken up from five years, nine months and twenty-two days of cryogenic hibernation, your health will be slightly affected, and your cerebellum and nerves may feed back nausea and extreme weakness to the body, but please don't Panic, we already have a series of effective plans for this measure”

"Follow the steps below to perform a series of..."

The display of the handwriting was suddenly interrupted here, and a large number of stripes appeared on the LCD screen, as well as distorted voices.

"Unknown failure in power supply..."

"Insufficient power, repeat, warning, insufficient power."

"Please check the line... the line in time."

Fang Senyan remained still, his eyes rolled left and right, and he realized that he was in a rather huge room. The tone of this room is silver, simple, bright, plain, and metalized. There is only one very spacious exit in the room, which is concealed by two silver metal doors.

On the thick walls of the room, at least 20 or 30 refrigerated cabin platforms have popped up like drawers, and I am lying on the refrigerated cabin platform about 30 meters away from the door—to be honest, this pop-up cabin reminded Sheyan very ominously A mortuary cabinet in the morgue.

After realizing that there was nothing abnormal around him, Sheyan turned over and jumped down. At this moment, he felt that his body seemed to be much lighter. But the information collected before shows that the gravity of the Alpha Centaur B-4 satellite, also known as "Pandora", is lower than that of the earth, only about three-quarters of the earth's gravity, so this is normal Phenomena—which, by the way, is an important reason why the flora and fauna on this planet appear to be quite large.

At this time, five freezer platforms popped up next to Sheyan, and Mogansha and Jiaoshi were among them. At this moment, there was a violent explosion sound outside. Then their feet began to shake slightly.

Sheyan immediately understood that they should be in a large transport spaceship at this time! If this violent explosion is connected with the previous bizarre power outage of the artificial intelligence No. 557, then the answer is ready to come out. It is very likely that this large transport spacecraft has encountered some serious trouble!

Sheyan immediately greeted Mogansha and Jiaoshi, and quickly rushed out towards the silver metal gate. The oncoming is a narrow and long passage, which is also full of futuristic high-tech style, smooth, cold, and mechanical. The greenish lights in the passage are also flickering, as if they will go out in the next second. Fortunately, the exit of the safe passage is indicated by a clear fluorescent arrow on the wall next to it, so that people will not get lost. direction.

The light flickered twice, and finally turned off ruthlessly, but the brightness of natural light had already appeared at the end of the passageway in front of Sheyan's eyes, but there was also a faint smell of blood, screams, and a kind of light that Sheyan was completely unfamiliar with. roar. This growling sound does not seem to be made by the vocal cords, but is somewhat similar to the larynx whine that a dog makes when it encounters a threat, but it is one after another, and the span of the sound range is extremely large.

Sheyan knew that the spaceship should have landed at this time, but it was difficult to determine whether there was any danger of explosion, so he escaped from the spaceship anyway. He accelerated under his feet, and quickly ran to the end of the light—in front of the cabin door. Compared to the stale air in the cabin, Sheyan couldn't help but also took a deep breath of the fresh air outside, and his spirit lifted.

At this moment, they are located on a relatively high slope. The slope is relatively gentle. There are no such jagged rocks, but a softly curved hillock like a woman's buttocks and chest. It can be seen that the vegetation above is very dense, and the green grass that does not reach the instep is spread straight into the distance. The sky is also gray, but the white clouds are very high from the sky, and present a clear funnel swirl shape, which is very fantastic, so the tone of the whole sky does not appear cloudy, and there is a bright and clean melancholy feeling.

The number of surrounding mountain plants is extremely rich, the temperature is about 23 degrees, and tall trees at least 50 meters high can be seen everywhere. At a glance, they are emerald green, tender green, emerald green, dark green, bud green, All kinds of different greens present a very layered tone in the mountains and forests. Even the fresh green turf on the ground is thriving.

But Fang Senyan didn't know why, but he always felt that the grass, the forest, the mountains, the water, the sky, and the place were indescribably eye-catching, so he couldn't help but jumped out of the cabin door to grab a few grasses, crushed them in his fingers, Gradually green juice appeared on his finger, but what he saw with his eyes made him immediately understand the reason.

It turned out that even the broken grass stalks were stubbornly standing upright towards their eyes, as if they were about to poke them straight! The meaning of expression is nothing more than three words with strong meaning:

Get back!

Standing on this strange planet, human beings are surrounded by strange plants, strange air, strange mountains and strange water. It is as if they are strangers in a foreign land and are about to be rejected by the whole world! ! !

Fang Senyan looked back, and the huge metal monster behind him was clearly a "Valkyrie" transport plane. This kind of aircraft with "atmospheric bus" was lying quietly on the slope of Pandora. Its size is too large to make it seem unbelievable: this metal behemoth can move at a supersonic speed of Mach 3 even in the atmosphere, and the terrifying sonic boom emitted when moving at high speed will take three minutes to complete. dissipate.

It's just that at this time, the huge steel monster with a length of nearly 200 meters, a width of 80 meters, a height of nearly 10 meters, and a load of more than 100 tons has completely stopped, plowing a 50-meter-long road on the ground. After a deep ravine, it stopped on the hillside. The deep soil rolled out is enough to show how huge the impact was during the forced landing.

Its left wing has obvious impact and fracture marks, and a thick black smoke rises from the left engine, rising straight into the sky like wolf smoke, and does not disperse for a long time. (Note: The actual model of the Valkyrie transport aircraft is much smaller than that described in this book, so let’s take it as a modified one)

The bloody smell and roar, the gunfire came from the other side of the spaceship, and it became more and more intense. Sheyan was about to rush over, but his mind felt dizzy, and then the nightmare mark popped out. Series information:

"Time: July 2149, 17:00 p.m. in the park." (In the plot of the movie, the male pig's foot has just set off from the earth and will fly for five years. It is worth mentioning that human beings discovered Pandora in 2129. When the plot begins, this planet has been built and developed for a full twenty-five years)

"Location: Satellite Polyphimis B-4 in the Alpha Centauri system"

"Scene: Avatar."

"Difficulty: Hard (B+)."

"Pain reduction: 50%."

"Additional enhancement of personal ability: 0%."

"Current scene exploration: 0.00%."

"Additional Note: This scene is a free scene (relevant description omitted)"

"You will automatically master the relevant language, and you can interact with the characters in this world smoothly. You will forget it after leaving this world."

"Number of missions accepted: 1."

"Your appearance/identity has been processed, and it will be restored automatically when you return to the real world. You can also adjust the appearance related settings in the nightmare space. If you have any doubts, you can silently recite the relevant questions in your heart and query through the nightmare imprint. can be answered."

Warning: The air composition of Pandora is "Nitrogen, Oxygen, Carbon Dioxide (18%), Xenon (5.5%), Ammonia, Methane, and Hydrogen Cyanide". Humans do not rely on oxygen equipment and cannot survive here due to cyanide poisoning , so humans must be equipped with air filter equipment to function normally.

Warning: Although the physical fitness of the contractor far exceeds that of ordinary people, breathing this kind of air for a long time will still cause continuous damage.

TIP: You can find oxygen masks in any human camp, I can assure you they are as common as marijuana in LA bars! If you are really in a state of emergency, you can even buy it directly through the Mark of Nightmare-of course I must tell that this behavior will cause great damage to your liquidity.

Tip: This world is a battlefield with a high mortality rate, so when you stay in the Valkyrie spaceship, you can get the privilege of escaping and returning to the nightmare space. The preparation time for returning to the nightmare space is as long as five seconds, and it will be interrupted if attacked during the period.

I must remind you that we do not advocate this behavior of fleeing in the middle of a battle. So you have to pay the price of reducing the highest attribute value by three points/deducting five points of merit value as the cost of teleporting back to the safe zone, and all the benefits you have obtained in this world will be forcibly erased.

Warning: You are now in the battlefield of the Avatar world, which means that you will face huge threats, fierce battles, and of course great opportunities. Of course, the first thing you need to do is , Charming, beautiful, rich but unfriendly planet, try to gain a foothold.