The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 311: Searching is also a technical activity


Obviously, these things that Saruman put here should be the result of the hard work of the dwarves in the past. They were looted by the half-orcs from the dwarf city of Kazadum, the predecessor of the Moria mines. Saruman enslaved and exterminated many half-orc tribes, and these things were naturally taken over by him.

Looking at this series of prompts, Sheyan's eyes almost popped out, especially fine gold. If this thing is used to forge shields, it is very likely that there will be a talent similar to Sheyan: tenacity, which directly reduces the damage of the enemy. properties. There is no doubt that this attribute is extremely targeted for attack types with high attack speed and low damage. However, none of these things can be taken out!

"If you can't take it out, you can't keep it!" Sheyan gritted his teeth and thought. Then he started to pack all these wealth into a box.

At this time, Wuge girl was also stunned. Although she was simple, she was not an idiot. Even in Rivendell, adamantium weapons and mithril weapons were rare. With a perfect (more than 50% mithril content) mithril princess crest, the elven prince Legolas has a perfect adamantine weapon and a finely crafted mithril inner armor!

In Rivendell, there are only three or five pieces of mithril equipment/weapons that can be titled "refined" (mythril content is less than 20% and higher than 10%), and there is only one adamantine weapon. Even if it is a weapon called "spirit-plated" (only the edge is plated with mithril), it must be a strong man in Rivendell to get it. As for fine gold, it cannot be processed by "plating" at all. , so the most refined gold weapons are also of refined quality.

The reason why Wuge girl understands these things so clearly is because she has done the work of cleaning weapons and armor before...

Although Fang Senyan has returned to an ordinary person at this time, he is still very capable in doing things. After packing these good materials and packing them into boxes, he directly pulled a rope from the side to tie them up. . Looking down from the window of the mage tower. Then he said to Miss Wuge:

"I can't take these things with me when I leave, so you run away with the box right now, and after you get out of the orc camp, cast a 'Dawn Elf's Blessing' on the box and bury it deeply, and then do it again mark."

"If Saruman knew that the news here had been leaked, he wouldn't have waited for the elves from Rivendell to come, and he would have given up on evacuating this place! Then you will come to take these things out safely and transport them away. Remember, don’t tell others the news of your possession of this wealth! Go secretly find dwarves who are good at crafting and equip yourself! Your own strength is the most fundamental source. If you have any doubts about my words, Think about how your fellow clansman treated you in the cell before you became a Dawn Elf!"

The elf girl looked at Sheyan timidly, with tears in her eyes:

"You can't speak so fiercely, how about you?"

Sheyan smiled bitterly and said:

"Of course I'm here to stay. Don't worry, I will never die. How about this? After you bury the contents of this box, come back to meet me. The premise is that those orcs haven't come back yet. Go! "

When she said the last two words, Sheyan's voice was already stern. The calculation in his heart is also very shameless, if you don't let me take advantage of the space, I will let my lover take it! Looking at the docile appearance of Wuge girl, she is not obedient and docile. If she wants to be a female boss, she should act like a puppy. If she is stronger, does it mean that my strength has improved? It is impossible to come to the world of Lord of the Rings only once!

The Wuge girl looked at him pitifully with tears in her eyes, turning her head every step with a look of reluctance, and finally came back and hugged Fang Sheyan's feet and cried non-stop. Only those who beat and kicked drove her away and ran away in tears.

At this time, Sheyan, who had made up his mind, calmed down and began to look for his target—of course it was Saruman's research notes! ! !

Obviously, research notes are used to record a series of experimental data, and the emphasis is on efficiency, quickness, simplicity, and neatness. If you knock down those bottles and cans as soon as you record the data—wouldn’t it be twice the result with half the effort? So Sheyan immediately stood in the experimental position where Saruman usually likes to stand. Then use this as the center to search around.

On the desktop, no.

Inside the desk... The desk has no drawers, so that's ruled out.

The environment in the laboratory is relatively dirty, and the test tubes and other items are placed in a mess, which shows that Saruman's avatar is not the kind of rigorous and organized person, so the possibility of misplacing the notes cannot be ruled out.

From this, it can be inferred that there is a higher probability of research notes appearing on the desks, dining tables, and toilet doors around the door.

Sheyan continued to search, but still found nothing, and he was not discouraged. After repeated guesses failed, at least it showed that although Saruman's avatar was relatively unkempt, he also cherished his research notes, so the usual place to put them was a drawer.

However, he searched through seven or eight drawers in the laboratory... still found nothing. At this time, half an hour had passed since they entered the orc city. Obviously, if the time Shang Sheyan and the others were on the road was counted, as long as Saruman and his party were not completely wiped out, they should at least decide the winner. On the way back.

Even though Fang Senyan was calm and calm, he couldn't help feeling restless and depressed, so he yelled and swept wildly at the table next to him! Of course, the glass and crystal test equipment on it was scattered all over the place, and then they smashed the bench and threw the box to vent their anger, and finally vented a lot.

Ever since he saw that Saruman's avatar was planning to plot against the big octopus, Haiqimjia, he had been making intense plans and plans, and it was easy to carry out the plan along the way without any problems... However, the plan went smoothly, which can be called a smooth journey. He fell short at this last step! !

"Could it be that Saruman, an idiot who looks powerful on the outside, is actually a weak and insecure little guy, so he didn't take the usual route and set up a lot of traps outside the mage tower, but also set up a trap inside the mage tower. A magic mechanism in the hidden compartment of the safe to store good things?"

Fang Senyan gasped, the more he thought about it, the more he felt that this possibility was possible, and his heart felt a burst of despair... If Saruman really did this, then it would undoubtedly mean that he and the research experience directly blew kisses and said GOOD BYE . Seeing the passage of time, Sheyan couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and unconsciously clapped his hands on the test table in front of him in frustration...

"Huh!" Sheyan suddenly felt something was wrong. At this time, he already has the abilities of ordinary people, and has lost that series of powerful bonuses. Why does the tabletop that he slapped with his left hand feel slightly sinking

At this time, Sheyan looked at the position he was standing on again, and then looked at the smoothness of the wooden table in front of him and the floor under his feet, and suddenly realized that the place where he was standing should be the place where Saruman stood the most and the most when he was doing experiments. long place.

With a thought in his mind, Fang Senyan pressed his left hand harder, and suddenly felt that the seemingly seamless tabletop could indeed be pressed, but there was still no movement. Fang Senyan thought about it carefully, put his hand on the wooden table, first exerted a little force, and then pushed down!

Still not moving.

Sheyan took a deep breath, and the hope that had finally been raised became as brittle as porcelain. He is also a person who does not look back when he sees the south wall. At this time, he finally got a glimmer of hope. How could he give up so easily, so he pressed it lightly and then pushed it up!

didn't move either...

So, try to push to the left after pressing and holding it? As the so-called hand moves according to the heart, after this push, a click was heard immediately, and a piece of wood the size of a book popped out from Sheyan's right hand, which was about ten centimeters higher than the table.

Then the wooden board is evenly opened from the middle like a book folded in half. The left half of the wooden board holds a stack of horizontal parchments, while the right half of the wooden board holds an ink bottle and a white quill! And under the ink, there is a crumpled white cloth with black stains, which seems to be used to wipe the dripping ink.

Obviously, this is where Saruman used to record the experiment. This ingenious little mechanism needs to be pressed and then pushed to the left to be activated, avoiding the adverse consequences caused by mistaken touch to the greatest extent. And on the pocket writing desk on the right that would automatically float up, it could be seen that small magic such as "small levitation", "luminescence", "magic lingering enchantment", "permanence" and so on were permanently fixed. Undoubtedly, it brought considerable convenience to Saruman's work, study and study.

Fang Senyan picked up the parchment on the pocket writing desk, flipped through it quickly, and his heart suddenly became cold again. It turned out that the parchment that was at least three fingers thick was all brand new! ! ! Don’t say anything on it, it’s just that there’s not even a drop of ink splashed on it—the boss of emotional Saruman has just finished a project recently, and his experience has only recently finished the book (or the eunuch)—and the new pit is waiting to be fattened!

Sheyan closed his eyes in pain. If he had known this would be the result, he would rather not find the mechanism himself! It is better not to give people hope than to let people down in the first place! Suddenly, that crumpled white cloth with black stains flashed in Sheyan's mind again... The black stains seemed to be too regular