The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 312: Yamato Swordsman


Then Fang Senyan looked around the audience with lightning eyes. He noticed that the Japanese man was still sitting with his back facing him, and he seemed to have never looked back. A puddle of water revealed her nervousness.

On the contrary, the "Chairman" of the Bamboo Union Gang looked at Fang Senyan, his face was ashen, his eyes were about to burst into flames, and he slapped the floor with his hands and said loudly:

"Come on, let's do it! The Four Seas Gang can invite a monster like you to take action, Gu Yue'an is unlucky!"

The leader of the Bamboo Union Gang killed by Fang Senyan earlier was called Ju An, and the chairman was called Gu Yue'an, which is also a coincidence. Fang Senyan didn't bother to pay attention to him, he tore off the clothes with bullet holes on his body, took off a black suit from the corpse next to him, put it on, and went out. Gu Yue'an opened her eyes wide and said in amazement:

"You won't kill me? How could you not kill me? What kind of tricks are you going to play?"

Sheyan turned around and said angrily:

"Didn't you listen to what I said? I will kill whoever wants to kill me! If you dare to point a gun at me, I will kill you too. The only reason you can survive is that you didn't pull out the gun. Follow me."

Gu Yue'an showed an unbelievable look on his face and said:

"Then why did you attack our people?"

Fang Senyan was also full of anger, pointed at the woman and yelled:

"I just dragged this woman to ask for directions, and the Japanese would kill me with a knife! Are you asking if that Japanese girl is like this?"

The look on Gu Yue'an's face was really exciting, he suddenly turned his head away, and said a few words in Japanese to the woman who was preparing the tea ceremony in a deep voice, Fang Senyan didn't bother to stay and listen to his nonsense, so he stretched out his hand to pull out the screen door. But at this moment, his vest suddenly felt cold, and an indescribable cold feeling slowly spread from the vest like a poisonous snake, and he immediately froze in place.

Behind Fang Senyan, the man in kimono who had been very calm and focused had stood up, turned around slowly, and lifted that seemingly old katana sword in his hand! And his gaze stayed in the center of Sheyan's vest!

"You, no, can, go."

The man spoke very calmly. And his Chinese is not very standard, but he speaks words quite clearly. It feels like the words coming out of his mouth are like the sound of bamboo water dripping in a quiet garden full of cherry blossoms in Japan, bit by bit. , cold and clear fell into people's ears and hearts.

Fang Senyan suddenly turned around, took out endless vodka and drank two swigs, and raised his health to more than 80%. His pupils shrank slightly and said:

"Are you also a contractor?"

But as soon as the word "contractor" was uttered, Sheyan immediately received a reminder from the nightmare mark:

"Warning: You are suspected of lightly leaking space secrets in the real world. This is the first offense and will not be punished."

"Warning: You are suspected of lightly leaking space secrets in the real world. This is the first offense and will not be punished."

"Damn it, how did I forget about this?" Fang Senyan's heart suddenly trembled, and he immediately recalled the warning from the space after the Terminator world was completed.

"In the real world, no matter actively or passively, you can't reveal any information about the nightmare world to ordinary people."

"Try not to use the various special abilities you have obtained from the nightmare world in the real world. Otherwise, there will be great hidden dangers! (except for passive abilities)"

The man in the kimono carrying the knife has thick eyebrows and black beard, and is probably between thirty and forty years old. He seems to be sharp like a blade from his gentleness, like a sharp weapon wrapped in silk. It is smooth and supple but has a sharp edge. But when he saw Fang Sheyan's jug, his eyes flashed:

"nice one!"

Sheyan said lightly:

"You are quite knowledgeable? What do you want?"

"Yivuf, please advise!"

After the man in kimono finished speaking, he suddenly pulled out the sharp blade in his hand, leaned over and aimed at Sheyan and rushed over! The distance between the two was close to 30 meters, but the movement of him drawing his sword out of its sheath was far away, and in the next second, the snow-white kimono seemed to be in front of Sheyan! That kind of sprinting posture is no different from the Japanese who yelled "onboard" and charged with their bodies lowered during the Anti-Japanese War!

As the saying goes, once an expert makes a move, he will know if there is one. Sheyan can conclude that this man's agility in naked clothes is at least around 25 to 30 points, and he can completely suppress himself in terms of speed. But for Fang Senyan, the most troublesome thing for him at this time should be the very powerful legal system contractor. And the agile melee contractor, even though he has no tenacity talent, is the opponent Sheyan is most willing to meet.

Facing the enemy approaching quietly like falling maple leaves, the first thing Sheyan did was to retreat! This is the experience he gained after fighting the second-order creature vampire in the world of Harry Potter. Behind him is a Japanese-style wooden sliding door, but it does not affect his retreating momentum at all. With a little force on his back, the door snapped into several pieces with a crackling sound, and the scattered window paper Fly all over the sky! And with the flash of the saber, Sheyan's chest was sticky to his left upper arm, and he could see blood gushing out from Sheyan. Because Sheyan was retreating at the same time, the blood drew two lines in the air before it hit the ground. Road wavy!

Although he was hurt as soon as he met his face, Sheyan didn't stop at all, until his back hit the hard masonry concrete wall! And the place where he stopped was also very shameless, it happened that his back was close to the corner of the house! This means one thing, the opponent's attack angle is only 90 degrees in front of him to use, and it is logical that he will be greatly restricted by the environment. For this kind of agile melee fighter, if he wants to use his speed advantage to go around Or it's impossible to go behind the back, and even some abilities that need to be activated behind the enemy's back, naturally don't even think about it!

The cold light of the knife flashed, and a smear of blood splashed out from Sheyan's left shoulder. He didn't even see the shadow of the knife, and he had an extra wound with rolled flesh and smooth cross-section. But Fang Sheyan was indifferent, this level of injury is still affordable for him! More importantly, from the reminder of the nightmare mark, he discovered that in the real world, the 40% protection rule for contractors also applies! This made the flames burning in his eyes even more intense.

Yiwufu slashed four times in a row, and the beast-like man in front of him ate it abruptly. Although there were four more wounds on the enemy's body, but for some reason, every time he met his eyes, Yiwufu always There will always be a burning pain as if being ignited.

He likes quietness and elegance, but he really doesn't like this feeling of being out of place!

What made him feel even more headache was that the enemy's perception could actually suppress him, and he couldn't check the enemy's news through the battle records at all, but the enemy could see the battle information at a glance-this battle was the first in terms of intelligence. At an absolute disadvantage!

This made him even more eager to cut off the head of the enemy in front of him and dye his snow-white kimono red with blood. Only at that moment will he feel that his life has climbed to the most intense state!

When the fifth knife was cut out, Yiwufu suddenly noticed that the enemy in front of him moved, and he couldn't help but sneer:

"Can't help it? Do you think you have seen through my knife path?"

"Although I don't have any equipment bonus at this time, my agility is still as high as 23 points, and I can even dodge most of the ordinary bullets fired!"

"I, Yiwufu, started practicing swordsmanship from the age of four until I was thirty-eight years old! I have been practicing swordsmanship for thirty-five years, and I have to make thousands of swords every day. I have practiced countless times for each sword. Knife, do you think you saw my flaws?"

Sure enough, everything went as Yiwufu expected, the enemy lowered his shoulders, and tried to dodge as if he had seen through the trajectory of the knife. Yiwufu gave a long laugh, twisted his wrist, the blade of the long knife suddenly folded, and wiped at the enemy's flank at a strange angle! This fold is ingenious... It's as if the torrent crashed into the mountain wall very simply, and then amidst the spray and mist, it turned at a large angle and rushed out of the sky into a waterfall!

With the light of the knife flickering, a long bloody gash was cut under Fang Sheyan's side, the wound was rolled up, and even the white ribs below could be seen. However, Yiwufu's momentum in handling the knife has been exhausted so far, just like calligraphy masters writing, although the strokes are agile and full of energy, there is always a momentary pause when the brush is closed.

At the moment when the blade stopped, Fang Sheyan aimed at the blade with his abdomen and hit it!

With the blood flying everywhere, Yiwufu never expected that the enemy would have such a self-mutilation trick! Both knives and moves are weapons used to injure people, so no matter how subtle Yiwufu's moves are, he will never miss the opportunity to pierce the enemy's body. In front of this powerful swordsman, the enemy is often stabbed in the stomach by him, and the battle ends, which makes Yiwufu couldn't help but relax for a while at this moment.

One can imagine the pain and injury caused by a sharp knife in his stomach, but if Yiwufu knew a little horse-man boss Hezrul Bloodstain in the world of Harry Potter, he would be surprised to find that Fang Sheyan One trick is to repeat the same trick! What's more, even if the gamble failed this time, according to Sheyan's high health and defense, she could still afford to lose and gamble.