The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 318: Jedi strikes back


Sheyan's abdomen was stabbed through! The power of this sharp weapon in the real world is far beyond Sheyan's estimation, but Yiwufu immediately drew the knife instinctively with a sneer and joy, but found that the blade was tightly clamped by Sheyan's abdominal muscles, and he pulled it out very bloody. difficult. He knew in his heart that something was wrong, and immediately dropped the knife. But the moment of hesitation to draw the knife had given Sheyan enough time to make a move.

His right arm muscles were tense, his breathing was heavy, and his adrenaline was rapidly secreted at this moment...

His right hand was clenched into a fist at this moment, and he aimed hard at Yiwufu's right leg in front of him and smashed it down heavily! ! !

The momentum of this heavy punch is inexplicably reminiscent of heavy construction machinery such as pneumatic hammers and pile drivers. And on Yiwufu's right thigh, there was a soft "click" sound immediately! ! Obviously the bones have cracked!

The real-time battle information of the nightmare imprint jumped out in front of Sheyan's eyes like flowing water:

"You launched a full-scale normal attack on the contractor in the real world."

"The part you attacked is: the leg."

"Determining... The enemy's strength value is 9 points, your strength value is 20 points, and your strength value is 2.222 times that of the enemy's."

"Determining... Your strength is more than twice that of the enemy, even if the damage fails to cause a critical strike, it will still cause additional crushing damage!!!!"

"The crushing damage is 50% of the damage."

"Crushing damage will be regarded as an additional attack by default, and will ignore your defense and any damage reduction effects. This attack effect has a strong priority when it conflicts with other effects."


"Basic ability melee attack bonus is being calculated."

"The critical strike rate bonus for wine tasting masters is being calculated."

"Theoretically, this attack will cause 25+26 extra damage (the crushing damage will cause a critical strike!!)"

"The enemy's defense is 6 points."

"The actual damage you cause to the enemy is 25x (1-40%) X (1-19%) = 12 points of damage."

"The actual crushing extra damage you cause to the enemy is 26 points."

"The actual total damage you caused to the enemy is 38 points!!"

With this punch, Yiwufu's face turned blue immediately! Not because of the severe pain derived from it, but because of fear! He only had 120 health points in total, but he was knocked out by the unarmed Sheyan, nearly 1/4 of it! You know, this is still under the protection of the 40% rule. Then the only explanation is that Fang Sheyan has the terrifying special effect of crushing himself in terms of strength.

"Bageya Road!!! If my equipment is still there, how could I be in such a mess?" Yiwufu burst out with blue veins on his forehead and couldn't help roaring, but he didn't want to think about it, if he In space, Fang Sheyan, who also has equipment and even talent, is a nightmare existence for a contractor of his type.

And Yiwufu, who had lost his weapon, could only retreat at this time, and he had no choice but to retreat! !

Fang Senyan didn't care about the samurai sword stuck in his abdomen, baring his sharp teeth like a wounded and violent beast, chasing and biting madly! One wrong step, one wrong step, Yiwufu was so embarrassed that he didn't even have time to turn around and run away, he could only face Fang Sheyan and retreat quickly, relying on his agility to widen the distance between the two.

Sheyan even noticed that although Yiwufu's legs were severely injured and should be affected by negative effects such as disability and deceleration, his actual movement speed is still quite fast, and the impact is not great. It seems that it should be It also has passive skills to weaken the negative status on itself. This is also expected. If a person with agility and melee skills loses their speed, they will almost lose their greatest advantage, so they will naturally try to find ways to ensure that their advantages are not weakened.

Suddenly, Sheyan punched out, and Yiwufu flashed his head sideways. Sheyan's punch landed on the pillar in the middle of the hall. Immediately, dense cracks appeared on the pillar, and the lime cement rustled down, revealing the inside Twisted steel bars. And Sheyan didn't pant at all, his fists continued to strike like the wind, Yiwufu gritted his teeth hard to hold on, the furniture screens next to him suffered disaster, it really was like a catastrophe wherever he pursued!

Suddenly, Sheyan pulled out the samurai sword from his belly with his backhand, and slashed at Yiwufu dripping with blood. If it is said that Iwufu is not very proficient in fists and feet, let alone his strength improvement in space, he has been immersed in kendo for 30 years in the real world alone, and some movements have almost become a familiar instinct.

Yi Wufu knew Fang Senyan was a layman when he saw Fang Senyan's sword-holding movement, he immediately shouted, and instinctively used a famous Japanese kendo technique: empty hand into the white blade, with two palms together, the long sword that came to him was forcibly Clamp! At the moment of clamping, Yiwufu immediately felt a sense of joy and joy. For him who is used to using a samurai sword, once he lost it, he really felt a sense of insecurity inside.

However, Fang Senyan bent his left elbow at the moment when Yi Wufu grabbed the knife, his body stopped, and his mind was relaxed, he bent his left elbow and slammed his shoulders down like this! The whole person lost his balance and fell down with such a forceful elbow! The attacking part was impressively the right thigh which was hit hard by his punch earlier.

This blow still dealt crushing damage, although there was no lucky crit strike again! But it made Yiwufu feel heartbroken. More importantly, Fang Sheyan realized when he was fighting Fant that the digital body is not omnipotent. Once some functional parts of the contractor, such as joints, accumulate When the damage reaches one-third of the total health, the functional loss effect will also appear. Intuitively speaking, if the leg is severely injured, it will probably slow down the enemy's movement speed! ! !

As for Yiwufu, his health was not as long as Sheyan's, his defense was not as high as Sheyan's defense, and his attack power—because of the existence of crushing, it was impossible to be as strong as Sheyan. In this case, if the biggest speed advantage is lost, then the end can be imagined. Yi Wufu, the Japanese swordsman screamed wildly, and slashed at Fang Senyan with his sword. According to his plan, the enemy would definitely dodge the sword, and he would be able to retreat and start the offensive again, but the most unfortunate thing in the world is , Plans often fail to keep up with changes.

Blood flashed, Fang Sheyan took the knife with his head again! The sharp blade cut through the scalp, but it couldn't cut into the hard skull. Fang Senyan's bloody black hair and his palm-sized scalp flew out bloody, and blood flowed all over his face in an instant.

But he took advantage of the time when Yiwufu raised his sword, and he already sank his head and shoulders, and punched Yiwufu's chest with a roar! The power of this punch was extraordinary, Yiwufu felt his eyes go dark, and the severe pain immediately spread from his chest like a spider web, he finally couldn't stand it anymore, and spit out a mouthful of blood with a wow.

This is what makes melee agility specialists sad about Senyan above. Even though the opponent can be fully suppressed in terms of shooting speed and movement speed, there will always be flaws when launching an attack. When you attack the enemy, there must be a chance to be attacked by the enemy! Especially for a shrewd opponent like Sheyan, Yiwufu attacked him four times in a row at first but there was no opening to exploit, so Sheyan created an opening himself for the fifth blow!

Of course, it seems that Yiwufu was suppressed miserably, but if he faced an opponent like Mogansha, he would be quite happy, and Fang Sheyan met a powerful shooter like Mogansha or Das in the real world. The only thing to think about should be how to escape.

Fang Sheyan succeeded with one punch, no matter how merciless he was, he rushed up and continued to attack, all moves were to give up his own defense to exchange injuries for injuries! But his current health is still close to 140 points, how dare Yiwufu fight against him? However, although the Japanese swordsman panicked, he did not panic. He managed to dodge Sheyan's several punches in a row, but was forced into a corner, and was kicked by Sheyan in the lower abdomen inadvertently. Immediately, he became dizzy and vomited blood again.

"Baga, Baga!! How could this happen?" Yiwufu's eyes burst out with golden flowers, and the bloodshot eyes appeared, and he staggered and yelled wildly:

"The glory of the family has not yet been restored? The beloved woman has not yet been obtained, how could I lose here?"

Suddenly, a sharp chill emanated from his body! Sheyan suddenly felt a great threat, it was the perception warning! He immediately crossed his hands to block in front of him, and leaped to the side violently! It looked like a wolf trying to escape a shotgun shot. Then I saw Iwufu holding the samurai sword with both hands, with a dazed and dull expression on his face, as if he had entered a state of no sorrow or joy, and then slowly raised the samurai sword, as if the sharp blade had thousands of As heavy as a weight, he finally held the samurai sword high above his head, making a "big upper section" movement in Japanese kendo.

During the process of Yiwufu raising the knife, Fang Senyan wanted to attack several times, but once he got close, he was forced back by the sensory warning. At this time, Yiwufu is like a sharp knife drawn out of its sheath, shining brightly and showing its sharpness! It can even be felt that after Yiwufu made the "big upper section" movement, the "essence, energy, and spirit" all over his body are converging towards the blade, as if it is a torrent that is accumulating, gradually Once the power stored in the mountain bursts out, it will be a shocking flash flood!

All of a sudden, Yiwufu swung his knife horizontally, a ray of light from the knife flowed past, and a human head flew up, the head still had an expression of disbelief in the blood spurting wildly, it was obvious that he could not believe that he would be killed when he died Lose!

The one who was killed was the Japanese girl who had been serving Yiwufu all the time. Her headless body in a royal blue dress spurted blood from the severed neck, and kicked around in a daze for a few times before collapsing. And Yiwufu's sword light has added a lot of gorgeous and stern blood killing intent, which seems to be boiling and spreading! ! !