The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 32: Arm wrestling


The inside of this bar is a little dark, and the ceiling is quite low. The supporting pillars seem to have not even peeled off the bark. Some ropes hang from the roof, and there are all kinds of strange things tied to them, including wine bottles, jars, and wood. , uncarved statues, stones, etc. These were hung by sailors/pirates who might be on dangerous missions, to enshrine their wishes.

At the far end of the bar, there are some scattered and worn-out oak barrels, and a few people are talking and laughing around there. The tables in the bar are low, strong, and heavy, with a gray-black color that has been polished by the years. On it were polished brass candlesticks and oil lamps. Most of the sailors or pirates sitting around wore faded and old dark tattered clothes, braided their hair, hung glass beads on it, and had messy beards and hair.

Fang Senyan's entry only caused a few people to turn their heads to glance, probably because his image of chewing betel nuts is quite common here. Before he walked to the bar, the bartender slid a wooden wine glass covered with tinfoil, but the rum in it miraculously did not spill a drop:

"Happy Rum Day, first drink is free, keep your shillings ready for later, lad."

Fang Senyan walked so far, and after talking nonsense with that cunning and snobby boss for so long, he was also a little thirsty, so he took a sip from his wine glass, feeling a little dazed. Because the rum he drank when he was on a boat was a veritable one of the six major spirits in the world. The mouthfeel fell into his stomach like a line of fire, and the final taste was slightly sweet. It's just a medium cup.

But the taste of the liquid in the cup in front of me has the sweetness of sugar cane, and besides that, it has a slight taste of wine. It can't even be called beer, at most it is a drink with alcohol. It should be at this time It is because of the lack of pressing and brewing techniques, not to mention that most of the bar owners have mixed some water into the wine after purchasing.

That being the case, Fang Sheyan took a gulp and raised his head to drink up the contents of the cup, then smashed his mouth with unfulfilled desire, took out his purse and said:

"One more drink, yes."

Sheyan suddenly thought of something, and added seriously:

"The kind at four shillings a glass, nothing more and nothing less."

At this time, Sheyan was shy in his pocket, so he had to plan carefully. The bartender was also a little stunned when he saw Sheyan's previous drinking. There were not too few people who drank a large glass of rum in one go, but they drank it as if nothing had happened, and they could ask for a bigger glass. is rare. But they didn't know that Sheyan once ran the Russian route when he was a seaman. In the terrible cold of Siberia, high-purity vodka is a must-have to keep out the cold. Sheyan has been tested in such an environment, so in the real world, liquor There is also a catty amount, and drinking beer is even more "drinkable", and as much as you drink, you will pee as much as you want, which naturally makes them dumbfounded.

As the saying goes, you get what you pay for, so the paid glass of rum is naturally much more substantial than the free one. After Fang Senyan finished the second glass of rum brought up by the bartender in one go, he has undoubtedly successfully obtained Everyone's amazement and attention, he nodded in satisfaction, looked at the reminder from the nightmare imprint about the "drunk" milestone reaching 1/100, found a table at random and sat down. Sitting next to him was a tall and thin man who looked like he was familiar with him. He raised his glass to Sheyan and said with a smile:

"Hey, buddy, drink well."

Sheyan smiled, looked at the group of people gathered beside the abandoned wine barrels at the far end of the bar, and said:

"What are you having so much fun with?"

The tall and thin man shrugged his shoulders and said very unhappy:

"Scar Henry is betting on arm wrestling again? Can't this guy with only muscles in his head choose some less brutal ways to have fun?"

Fang Sheyan is currently short of money, because to get the drunken milestone, it means that he has to point out at least 4 shillings for the X99 cup. Twenty pounds is undoubtedly a huge amount of money for him at present, so he heard " After the word "bet", Sheyan's eyes lit up, and he stood up and walked over.

Scar Henry is a big man, with clear features of Nordic Vikings. He has a scar about five centimeters long on his face, which looks like a centipede. There is no hair on his head, which is shiny. This guy with a big beard laughed so loudly that it seemed that even dust could be shaken off. But it can be seen that his popularity is very good, even the sailor who lost money is smiling, and there is no meaning of being unhappy. After Fang Senyan walked over, his eyes flashed, and he had already used his insight ability.

Scar Henry (Elite)

Bell and Blackjack First Mate

The height is 7 feet 2 inches (2.15 meters), and the weight is 158KG (if you are familiar with the NBA, you can directly substitute it into the O'Neal template)

Strength 9 points

agile? ? point

Stamina 30 points

perception? ? point

Charm 14 points

Intelligence 3 points

Spirit? ? point

Basic Melee LV3, Basic Footsteps LV2, Basic Stamina LV3

Advanced ability? ?

special power? ?

Special ability: First Mate's Heart, granting the owner an additional 1000 health points.

Explanation: Scar Henry just came out with a group of men to have fun at this time. If you think that this is his real strength, then the only end will be that his head will be wrung off and piled up with those broken coconuts.

After seeing his attributes, Fang Senyan already had a solid foundation in his heart, threw the money bag out and said with a smile:

"Two pounds, I'll bet you."

Scar Henry looked at Sheyan and laughed:

"Yellow-skinned boy, if you think that drinking more alcohol means more strength, then you are doomed to lose money."

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile:

"That's not sure."

Scar Henry smiled, ordered a glass of tequila and drank it slowly, recovering his strength, and after about five minutes he stretched his wrist and said:

"bring it on."

Tequila is also a strong alcohol and contains substances similar to stimulants. Although Scar Henry is big, his mind is unambiguous. After drinking the tequila, his strength increased by 1 point to a high of 10 points. Sheyan sat beside him calmly and sipped his rum, still looking like he was sure of winning.

Even though Fang Sheyan was still considered strong, when he rolled up his sleeves and stretched out his right hand to hold Scar Henry's giant palm, he was suddenly looked thin and pitiful. One must know that in terms of body size alone, Sheyan's 1.77 meter height and 75 kg body side data are almost like children in front of this guy! After the two started exerting force, Sheyan suddenly felt an indescribable force passing from his wrist, and immediately pressed Sheyan's hand to a 45-degree angle with the table, and his whole body was deflected. , his eyebrows raised like knives, and he immediately exerted all his strength.

The wooden wine barrel sitting under the two people's buttocks immediately heard a soft "click" sound, apparently unable to withstand the huge impact, cracks appeared, but fortunately, although the old oak round table resting on the arm was covered with scars, it was still there. It is quite solid and unmoving.

The person next to him let out an exclamation. Usually, Scar Henry is invincible in arm wrestling, and he is quite famous in the entire port of Tutuga. If the people on the three legendary ships do not make a move, they will win more than lose. It is quite common for people like Fang Sheyan to be forced to an absolute disadvantage, but those who can be forced to such a disadvantage can still hold their ground But Sheyan was still the first!

The faces of both of them turned red at the same time, the veins on their wrists burst out one by one, and both hands were trembling slightly. However, what is astonishing is that Fang Sheyan's hand is slowly but resolutely pulling back the disadvantage bit by bit! And Scar Henry's eyes were wide open, and his forehead was slightly sweaty. It seemed that he could only watch helplessly as the enemy counterattacked!

At this moment, the old oak wine barrel sitting under their buttocks couldn't bear it anymore, and scattered bullets flew away with a "crack". In order to avoid the embarrassment of sitting down on the ground, Fang Senyan could only let go and jump to stand up, and the competition ended without a problem. The onlookers sighed "Oh", obviously regretting not being able to witness a comeback.

On the contrary, Scar Henry is very bachelor, he laughed and said:

"This damned wooden barrel, why did it come out to disrupt the situation at a critical moment? I lost this game, Made, give this gentleman forty shillings."

Next to him was a stocky man in his fifties, with graying hair. After hearing this, he simply threw two pounds into Sheyan's purse, and then threw the purse back. But Sheyan didn't leave, and snapped his fingers to the bartender, asking him to serve everyone a glass of rum—of course, the kind that costs 4 shillings/large. Then he said loudly and angrily:

"I am Sailor Rock. I came from Huaguo in the east. A greedy ship owner hired me and promised me 10% of the profit. After sailing tens of thousands of nautical miles, he successfully sold it for twenty times the profit. Instead of the raw silk and pottery I brought, I got drunk and left me in this beautiful and strange place!"

Speaking of this, Sheyan raised his wine glass high,:

"May the devil curse his soul!"

The people present were either sailors or pirates, and they didn't like profiteers. The few people who were invited to drink by Fang Sheyan also felt the same way. They raised their glasses and shouted:

"May the devil curse his soul!"