The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 325: The critical point is coming!


He took a few deep breaths, and after some careful consideration, he still felt that even though he was close to death if he continued to move forward, if he went back, he would have no chance of death. So Fang Senyan went back to the pine forest, felled a pine tree with the weapon carried by the orcs, and made a simple stepping ladder that could barely lean on the stone wall after rough processing.

There is no wind and snow in this snowy mountain canyon, the weather is harsh, and the visibility is not high. It took Fang Senyan a long time to trek on the rocky beach, and all these miscellaneous things happened, and the sky was already dark. . After this matter was done, Sheyan didn't dare to rush to look for reefs anymore, he leaned on a flat rock to rest, peeled some pine nuts and stuffed them into his mouth to satisfy his hunger.

Although Fang Senyan was lying down, he couldn't help thinking about all the strange things he had experienced in these days, and because of his ability, he felt that thousands of thoughts were rushing up and making a mess. Sighing, he thought of the strange stone he discovered earlier, and couldn't help but take it out of his arms to take a closer look. However, when Sheyan reached into his bosom to take out the thing, he gasped and was completely stunned.

A faint ray of light leaked from Sheyan's fingers. There was a bit of domineering and fiery feeling in that light. In this deep and cold place, it is extraordinarily warm. And what emitted that ray of light was the inside of that ordinary black stone.

Fang Senyan can be regarded as well-informed, he has never seen such a strange thing, the interior has become a small world by itself! And this thing is able to automatically glow like charcoal fire, which is even more astonishing and emotional.

Under the radiance of this light, Fang Senyan gradually became drowsy. He knew in his heart that this place was full of dangers, and there were unknown dangers lurking in the dark, so he should never fall asleep. But the drowsiness was like a tsunami, it was hard to resist, it was due to the exhaustion of physical strength and energy.

Fortunately, Fang Sheyan also knew some basic awareness of survival, so he chose a tall pine tree, carried the elf girl on his back, and chose a strong branch from a high place to hold himself and her together. tied to it. The canopy of the pine tree was already dense, Fang Senyan didn't feel the cold, he hugged the trunk next to him and fell into a deep sleep, only the shimmering light from the black fruit in his arms enveloped the two of them warmly.

At the same time, in the snow valley where Sheyan and the others fell. A large number of half-orcs have appeared one after another. Most of these half-orcs are quite thin, naked, skinny, shivering in the cold wind, carrying a lot of firewood on their backs, and there are high and low among the orcs.

It seems that the group of elite orcs sent out to hunt down Fang Senyan and the others should belong to the high-level category, and these half-orcs that appear now should belong to the ranks of cannon fodder. These half-orcs all had great fear in their eyes, and they walked forward slowly with firewood on their backs, as if there was a great risk ahead.

When they walked through the pass of the snow valley and saw the withered pine forest ahead, they stopped. No matter how much they were whipped and insulted, they refused to move forward. Even if several people were whipped to death and their blood was splashed on the snow, the rest of the orcs would not move forward. After waiting for a while, hundreds of elite orcs slowly arrived amidst the wind and snow.

The quality of these strong orcs is very strong, they are all armed with maces, and it seems that their strength is already quite close to the group of strong orcs who chased and killed Sheyan. Guarded by them are the five-headed tentacle monsters.

The five-headed tentacle monsters are also quite large in size. The gray skin on the head is wrinkled in layers. Only the rays of light in the evil eyes around the head are scattered and not chaotic, and they condense from time to time. Its mental power is also extremely deep when it comes out, and it is obvious that it came prepared.

As soon as the tentacle monster appeared, the thin and strong orcs in front of them trembled immediately, obviously frightened to the extreme. With the five-headed tentacle monster as the center, waves of mental waves like ripples spread out layer by layer. The orc carrying firewood suddenly walked out involuntarily, piled a large amount of firewood in the dead pine forest in front, and then lit it. It was already rich in oil, but after being ignited by those firewood, the fire suddenly shot up into the sky, dyeing the entire night sky red.

At this time, the large number of tentacle monsters and orcs had already retreated into the depths of the snow valley, covering their mouths and noses with animal skins. And those five tentacle monsters entered a temporarily dug snow cave to hide. All the orcs who had entered the withered pine forest were gathered together and closely guarded. Obviously, the tentacle monsters also knew something about the strange situation in this place.

The fire raged in the middle of the pine forest. Looking from the snow peak in the distance, on the thick smoke, a layer of iron blue color appeared in the light of the fire.

Sheyan also woke up when the fire was raging.

Although the previous sound sleep was in a tree, it really made him recover most of the fatigue and pain in his body. Sheyan couldn't help but let out a long sigh, because he wasn't woken up by the fireworks, but because the nightmare imprint gave a ruthless reminder again:

"Scanning: No. 1018 executes the team task: Survive, reaching the time-related critical point again!"

"Warning: No. 1018 executes the team task: Survival, once again reaching the time-related critical point!"

"Warning: The difficulty for you to stay in this world will increase again. From now on, all the equipment on your body will be removed! It will be automatically put into the storage space of the nightmare mark! If the storage space of the nightmare mark is insufficient, it will be removed. Put it in your nightmare private space."

"Hint: Team Mission: Survival has multiple critical points. Whenever you reach a critical point, the difficulty of survival will increase accordingly!!"

Looking at this series of reminders, what else could Sheyan say besides sighing

It wasn't until this time that Sheyan noticed the half of the night sky dyed red by the flames, and of course, there was also the abnormality in the flames. At this moment, the thoughts in his mind flashed quickly, and he immediately realized that a huge crisis was attacking him:

Apart from the orc tribe led by Saruman's avatar entrenched here, there is absolutely no one else who can organize large-scale operations in such a Jedi Snow Valley. And their large-scale action of setting fire to the forest may have shown their determination to win the escapees!

Thinking of this, Sheyan took a deep breath and immediately slid down from the tree. I hastily packed up the things that might be needed, took the "wooden ladder" I made, and headed towards the chaotic valley with the still unconscious elf girl on my back. During this period, he checked the blessing of the dawn elf on his body, and found that it would disappear in a few hours, so he had to increase his forward speed as soon as possible.

Although the orc tribes have already mobilized, but after setting fire to the forest, the half-orcs have rough skin and thick flesh, and they still have to wait until the fire subsides and the temperature of the ground cools down to a level that can surpass humans. This will buy Sheyan at least a few hours. Next, they have to cross the lake where the strange fish grows, and then they can really start chasing and killing Fang Shengyan.

However, judging from the fact that there are still strong orc camps on this side of the lake, Saruman probably tried to explore here before, but obviously suffered a huge loss. There should be no survivors, so this time He simply learned from the painful experience and adopted a step-by-step approach to fight steadily.

But after Fang Sheyan thought about it, he still felt that there was a huge mystery in it - if Saruman went all out just to hunt down these fugitives like himself, it would be too outrageous! There are probably some great secrets and truths behind it, but I haven't been able to analyze it for a while.

Fang Senyan was thinking, while walking unhurriedly into the rocky valley. Especially after losing the equipment bonus at this time, he must keep himself in the best condition, so that he can still have the ability to deal with all dangers after turning over the huge boulder that lies across.

Along the way, Sheyan discovered several round "black stones" one after another. However, after crushing them, he found that most of these "black stones" were rotten and gave off a festering smell. There was no decay in the grain, but when it was knocked open, a few drops of liquid flowed out, but there was no blue core.

It didn't take long for Fang Sheyan to come to the bottom of the huge dam-like rock. At this time, he knew the danger ahead, so he was not in a hurry to climb up the wooden ladder. Instead, he closed his eyes and took a rest, adjusted his breathing and adjusted himself to the best condition. This is the so-called sharpening the knife and chopping wood However, just as Sheyan was about to climb up, he suddenly opened his eyes in amazement, because on the way in the distance, there were extremely dense rustling footsteps!

"Damn it!!" Fang Sheyan's pupils shrank suddenly, and his way was blocked in such a desperate situation. He was really a turtle in a urn, and he had nowhere to escape! It's just that they don't know what method the orc tribes adopted, they were able to cross the fire and cross the lake to come to this place in such a quick way!

The sound of rustling footsteps came very quickly, and it was only a short moment from far to near, and came to a distance of more than ten meters away from Fang Sheyan, but it was covered by chaotic rocks and darkness, so it couldn't be seen clearly. Fang Senyan put down Wuge, blocked her behind, arched his body slightly, his eyes shot out like a wolf, he had also abandoned all distracting thoughts when he was on the road to nowhere, what he was thinking in his heart was still delayed for a moment .