The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 33: Strip clubs and black markets


The appearance of the special anti-terrorism unit in Delta made Sheyan realize one thing. There may be a lot of X factors hidden in this world. These X factors are not presented in the original plot of the movie. Various restrictions may arise. It can also be presumed that if the strength of the Terminator is estimated based on the plot of the movie, it may lead to very fatal consequences! Because according to the plot of the movie, it is not without luck that the heroine can survive in the end:

If Sarah Connor happened to be home when the Terminator first struck,

If even one of the thousands of rounds fired by the Terminator is accurate,

If there is no dog barking outside the hotel where the hero and heroine have sex to warn,

If the Terminator wasn't stubborn enough to run them over with a tanker truck,

If the Terminator whose lower body was blown off could crawl a little faster,


For Fang Senyan, he thinks that he is definitely not as lucky as the protagonist of the movie, and it is impossible for so many coincidences to happen in the adventure, so he must be careful and cautious. And his purpose of checking the phone book at this time was not just to find the genuine Sarah Connor, but also to memorize the addresses of the two unlucky women in the phone book.

His purpose is actually very simple: the addresses of these two women are also where the Terminator must go. If it is possible to carry out investigation arrangements in these two places in advance, take advantage of the location at the first time, and try to make tentative contact with the world's biggest villain T-800, as long as it can grasp its various ability data, then there is no doubt that it will Take a huge advantage.

After formally determining the direction of future action, Sheyan began to prepare for the purchase of weapons. Although you can legally hold guns in the United States, there are corresponding weapon stores, but buying guns there is not only complicated, you need to go through the police to investigate your bad record before you can get it, and all the guns you buy are "castrated" civilian guns , the performance will be reduced in many aspects, the manufacturer will shallow the rifling, reduce the range of the bullet, or change the automatic burst to single shot, etc... To be honest, using the things sold here to protect yourself is almost a joke with your life.

Of course Fang Sheyan is not going to go shopping in this kind of store, he is aiming at the local gun black market, as long as he is willing to pay enough money here, he will definitely be able to get good goods. What's more, Sheyan doesn't think that these guys who sell black guns will have the idea of calling the police after encountering an emergency... This will save countless troubles, so what he lacks now is a guide, someone who can smoothly lead him into the black market snake.

So Fang Sheyan got into a taxi, threw twenty dollars to the driver and said that he was going to the biggest nightclub in the area, the driver stepped on the accelerator with a knowing masculine smile, and ten minutes later, he was standing at this place called In the dance hall of the "Carnival" nightclub.

This ballroom is estimated to be thousands of square meters in size. The piercing music is deafening, and the air is filled with the smell of alcohol and sweat. The action is full of sexual hints, surrounded by men, and above Fang Senyan's head there is a light ball slowly rotating. This ball should be made of glass, projecting various colorful lights to all directions.

Sheyan sat casually on a sofa in a corner, holding a can of beer in his left hand halfway in front of him, squinting his eyes slightly, looking very much like a sex hunter looking for single women. It seems that there are usually pimps/marijuana brokers in such places. These people are well-informed and have an eye for money. They are like maggots that can penetrate every corner. They are the ideal guides in Sheyan's heart.

Soon, a person sat beside Sheyan uninvited, but it was a woman. This woman has fluffy blond curly hair. She wears a white crop top with a blue rose tattooed on her bare waist. Her lower body is a tight-fitting black leather skirt, revealing two slender legs. Ladies Cigarette, looked sideways at Sheyan and said:

"First time? Never seen you before."

How could Fang Senyan be in the mood to strike up a conversation with Lieyan at this time? With a wave of his hand, he drank the beer in the can and turned it upside down on the table, then lit a cigarette. In Fang Sheyan's world, this was a veiled rejection. Although the woman couldn't understand this series of body language, she felt the other party's indifference. She gave a cold snort, stood up and walked away.

She walked so bluntly that it was a bit beyond Sheyan's expectation. Sheyan took a puff of his cigarette, but was in the mood to admire the twisting curve of the woman's waist and hips from behind. In such an environment, he felt like a fish in water, and soon saw a group of men and women on the bar counter more than 20 meters away, spreading some white powder on the phone card stand and then snorting it. With a slight movement in his heart, he stood up and moved over there.

Although these men and women were taking drugs, two of them were still quite vigilant. When they saw Sheyan approaching, they stood up and blocked them with their hands folded in front of their chests. Very hostile said:

"Hey, you're going the wrong way, the bathroom is over there."

Sheyan snorted, took out a handful of dollars and said:

"Brother, I just ran out of gear, give me some goods."

These k-fan addicts are not intermediate sellers. They have prepared enough drugs to have a party here and are about to have a good time. How could they resell them to Sheyan? The disappointed group waved their hands and said impatiently.

"OUT, OUT (Fuck off)"

Sheyan had already noticed that there were several people hidden in the darkness around him staring at him—to be precise, it was the stack of dollars he took out. There was a sneer on the corner of his mouth, and he went back to his corner to sit down, and soon a guy with a swollen face came over and said coldly:

"My friend, this is old Harry's place. I don't care if you are a sliver or a nail, give me a fucking peace of mind."

The meaning of Tiaozi is probably clear to everyone, and Nail is the abbreviation for the people sent by the rest of the black forces to step on the spot. It seems that this "carnival" nightclub is also a piece of fat, and several big gangsters also want to take a big bite.

Sheyan took a deep puff of his cigar, and after puffing out a large cloud of light blue smoke, he said calmly:

"What the fuck? I just flew over from Detroit. I heard this place is good, so I came to see it. Is this how Carnival nightclubs treat their guests?"

The guy's face darkened, he took a deep look at Sheyan, then went to the side to pick up a walkie-talkie as if he was asking for instructions, and finally got the instructions from above, he looked at Sheyan again unwillingly, and then walked away. After this guy left, a thin little man with a cockscomb hair and a skull suit came up to strike up a conversation:

"I heard you want to buy something?"

Sheyan said lightly:

"Any crack?"

"Crack" is obtained by mixing cocaine hydrochloride with baking soda and water and heating it to remove chloride ions. It is so called because of the crackling sound that is often heard when puffing. This kind of drug works quickly, is highly addictive, and is very expensive. The profit is naturally huge. Of course... the sentence after being caught is also extremely heavy.

After hearing this, Ji Guantou's expression changed, as if a small character like him only dared to sell some Magu, ice (poison), shake his head (pills) and so on. He didn't dare to touch the crack, and when Fang Senyan said this, he felt a little bit backed away. But just as he was about to leave, Sheyan threw a hundred dollars on the table:

"I committed a crime in Detroit and was hunted down. Now I am eager to find some guys to defend myself. If you can take me to buy some good goods, then the hundred dollars will be yours. Of course, I will give you 100 dollars after the transaction." % commission."

Cockscomb stared greedily at the one hundred dollars, swallowed and said:

"According to the rules, you have to reveal your background first before I can take you there."

Sheyan impatiently pulled him over and pressed him on the sofa. He took out a thick stack of green dollars from his pocket and shook them. The cockscomb saw that the thickness was tens of thousands at least, so he put it away immediately. Xin nodded and bowed up. What he didn't know was that Sheyan only had more than two thousand dollars in cash at this time, and only the top few of the stack of money were real, while the bottom ones were all made of playing cards, but the lights here were dim, and the People are dazzled, and it is reasonable for Cockscomb to be cheated.

Led by Ji Guantou, Fang Sheyan came to the second floor and then turned a corner down, and went down many stairs repeatedly, and finally arrived at what should be the second basement floor. It can be seen that the security here is obviously heavy. Along the way, after passing through two or three corners of the corridor, there are two or three big men standing by the wall in the corner, with their hands folded on their chests and looking at them with malicious eyes.

Finally, after a simple and professional search, they confirmed that they did not carry guns and knives, and came to a basement called a gun display museum. There are a wide variety of weapons here, but most of them are pistols scattered around, there are only a few semi-automatic weapons and automatic weapons, and there are only two shotguns that Sheyan wants most.

In the movie plot, the flesh and blood of the Terminator is just a layer of cover. It has two main functions. One is that it can be more convenient to confuse among the crowd. The second is to enable it to travel in time and space - pure metal products cannot pass through the time machine.

So if you are fighting the Terminator, the bullets of ordinary pistols and submachine guns seem to be able to produce bloody and shocking visual effects, but in fact they are completely helpless to the metal skeleton of the Terminator, and have no substantial damage at all. On the contrary, the shotgun with amazing power at close range can burst out a huge impact in an instant, causing the Terminator to stagnate in action.