The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 344: The critical point is triggered!


Facing Fang Senyan's casual shout, Luz took a step forward, with a cruel light in his eyes, and began to untie the huge bow behind his back.

He has always disliked human beings, and this human being in front of him disgusts him even more (incompatibility plus Fang Senyan's considerable +3 charm). And Fang Senyan's yelling at the half-orc at this time fueled Lutz's fire even more, and he directly wanted to hang Fang Senyan with a bowstring! Then turn him into a main course at your own dinner.

But at this moment, Saruman's avatar shook his head. This slight movement was like adding a tight steel shackle to Lutz's wrist, preventing him from moving—and not daring to move! ! Lutz roared violently from his throat, and frantically suppressed his anger. If it was in other places, he believed that the surrounding trees and rocks would become the targets of his anger, but in front of Saruman's clone, Lutz The only way for Zi to vent is to squeeze his fists tighter.

Watching Fang Senyan pick up the knife and pliers, he skillfully dismantled the snow bear, divided it, removed the blood, cleaned it, baked it, and then produced a series of spell-casting materials. The eyes of Saruman's avatar began to soften, maybe Sheyan's words were a bit exaggerated, but in this place, a skilled human assistant is indeed much better than these half-orcs! And it just so happened that the experiment of Saruman's avatar had reached a very critical moment at this time, and it really needed a capable assistant to help deal with these trifles with certain technical content.

"Perhaps letting him stay for a few days doesn't seem to be a bad thing. In short, it's fine to deal with it in the end."

Saruman's avatar suddenly had the idea that his energy at this time was indeed entangled in these chores of refining spell-casting materials, if he left it to these orcs to do it. I have to admit that the muscles in their brains seem to be a little more than the brains, and the efficiency is too far apart. Of course, the fundamental reason why Saruman's avatar had such an idea was Sheyan's inferior strength.

No matter who it is, they will not have too many scruples when facing a "fly" that can be directly crushed to death with a stretch of hand, and there is a net around the survival of the "fly"! This kind of double insurance naturally weakened the vigilance of Saruman clone to a relatively weak degree.

"You will get a clean place, but in terms of food, the half-orcs can only provide you with raw materials for cooking and processing. Of course, if you have the same taste as them, you can ignore what I said earlier." Saruman's clone was useless. said the emotional voice.

"Now you can go to work, and my servant will take you to the cellar! Mr. Sailor, it is four o'clock in the afternoon, and I need to get at least ten very high-quality spell-casting materials before eight o'clock in the evening! Otherwise, you will be punished."

"You will definitely get what you want, my lord! But I have one last humble request, which is just a piece of cake for you." Sheyan immediately said with a stick.

Saruman's clone stopped in his tracks.

"I hope that while I am serving adults, my friends and the woman I love can also enjoy better treatment, so that they will not be bullied in that dirty cell. In addition, if I am serving you I would be very sad to find out after exhausting work that they had been secretly executed."

Although Saruman was expressionless, he felt more relieved. What else could a weak human being with scruples and hostages do? So he nodded very simply.

In fact, Sheyan didn't want to do anything at all. He believes that these orc slave hunting teams are definitely not robbers who want to get ransom, waiting for all the prisoners is likely to be a very miserable and hopeless unknown end - what Sheyan did is to delay this moment for a little longer . To put it bluntly, even if everyone is pulled to kill, Fang Sheyan will try his best to delay the execution order of himself and Jiao Shi to the last.

"Lutz." Saruman's clone raised his staff, and then said flatly: "I think Mr. Sailor's request is quite reasonable."

Lutz let out a muffled growl from his throat, then gave Sheyan a hard look, and strode out.

Then the powerful mage motioned for Sheyan to follow, but he didn't lead Sheyan to the upper level of the mage tower. Instead, he went straight down and walked into the ice cellar at the bottom. The ice cellar is very cold, but there are a large number of corpses of various creatures frozen in it. There is a strange and powerful creature shuttling in the ice cellar:

Their appearance is a bit like a thin version of land octopus. They have no bones or torsos, but they are quite tall. The head is a gray and huge soft head with a circle of huge eyes growing on the head. There are seven or eight octopus-like tentacles growing under the head, and they usually use these dexterous tentacles to walk, live, and work. When Fang Sheyan looked at the multiple pupils on the heads of these creatures, he felt the danger from the bottom of his heart. Obviously, if he wanted to fight these guys, he had to pay attention to these damned eyes.

Saruman called the scientific name of these tentacle monsters Haiqi's arms and legs. Sheyan didn't know why, but suddenly thought of the giant octopus Haiqimga that lived in the lake in the original plot. Head-on collision, but forced to retreat into the ruins of the Moria mines. And Saruman's avatar called these monsters, which seemed to imply that they had some connection with the octopus.

Fang Senyan worked under the surveillance of these Hai Qi's tentacles, not to mention escaping, even his personal freedom would be greatly restricted. They can only tirelessly be forced to squeeze the labor force. Fortunately, his purpose is to delay time, and decomposing the casting materials is indeed a technical task, so if he wants to be lazy, these guys will be hard to guard against.

Three days passed quickly.

Fang Senyan went in and out of the mage tower every day, and he had to send the prepared materials to various places in the mage tower, so he naturally observed the terrain of each place along the way. His work efficiency can be said to be quite high. After finishing his work, he would go back to flirt with the elf girl and communicate with the reef. It is also carefree. During these three days, Jiao Shi also noticed that every sunny day, several prisoners would be directly escorted out and never come back. According to his speculation, these people should be sent to the mage tower to do cruel work people experiment.

But Sheyan rejected this possibility, because he knew that although Saruman was absolutely unequivocal about experimenting with humans and had no psychological pressure at all, this guy always believed that the weak body of humans is absolutely not suitable for transformation—you can Understand that human beings are not qualified to be his test subjects—only half-orcs are perfect templates. Then the whereabouts of these people undoubtedly became a huge mystery.

Although Saruman's avatar was extremely guarded against Fang Senyan, he never let him get in touch with the deeper deployment work. But even decomposing these materials has benefited Sheyan a lot, and this is not a direct improvement in data. It's an experience growth. Previously, Sheyan had only produced spell-casting materials for bears, foxes, and birds of prey, but in the past three days, there were at least 10 types of spell-casting materials for creatures processed by him! And the number is as high as hundreds of copies.

The meaning behind this is: at least these ten kinds of creatures can be extracted and then used to prepare various medicines. As for Fang Senyan, because of incomplete notes, he has only mastered the preparation of three kinds of genetic medicines: bear, fox, and raptor, but this definitely does not mean that he cannot try the preparation of other biological material medicines by himself. And this experience at this time has greatly reduced his selection and modulation range.

Among the creatures he used to make spell-casting materials in the ice cellar, although there are five kinds of creatures that cannot be found in the real world, there are five kinds of creatures that exist in the real world, namely wolves, ordinary freshwater fish, Snakes, dogs, praying mantises. After Sheyan returns to the real world, he will definitely use these five kinds of creatures to make spell-casting materials for experimentation. Whether it works or not, how do you know if you don't try it

Although Sheyan tried his best to procrastinate, the corpses of creatures in the ice cellar were still getting less and less, and finally there were no more. Hai Qi's tentacles went out to inform the people outside, and after a short while, there was the sound of heavy footsteps, and then a ferocious orc walked in, looking at Sheyan with a cruel look, It's Lutz.

"Dirty human, you are no longer qualified to stay, get out of our holy land! Immediately!"

Fang Senyan's heart sank, knowing that his delaying methods had come to an end, he sighed slightly, but being able to delay for these four days was better than nothing. At least half of the elves who were captured with them have been sent out, and they never returned. Not long after Sheyan returned to the cell, he suddenly received a reminder from the nightmare mark:

"Scanning: Team task No. 1018: Survival has reached a time-related critical point!"

"Warning: Team Task No. 1018: Survival has reached a time-related critical point!"

"Warning: The difficulty for you to stay in this world will increase. From now on, you cannot open and use the storage space of the nightmare imprint!"

"Reminder: Team task: Survival has multiple critical points. Whenever your stay in this world reaches a time-related critical point, the difficulty of survival will increase accordingly."