The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 348: The reef sounds


However, permanent +1 to all attributes seems to be quite a powerful enhancement, but in this terrifyingly difficult A-level world, it is almost useless. Even Sheyan who is fully armed might not be able to survive a face-to-face battle with a strong orc, let alone his equipment bonus has been completely canceled at this time? At this time, the permanent +1 of all attributes is just a thirst-quenching plum for Sheyan, and the cake drawn has some implication that it will not be useful immediately and will not play a role.

Seeing that the smoke from the fire in the distance was gradually extinguished, Fang Senyan knew that this meant that the pursuers would arrive soon, so he also urged Wuge to move forward quickly. He himself didn't care, he would return directly at worst, but before that, he had to take the elf girl to a safe place.

Seeing that the rocky and deep valley ahead has gradually become narrower, the road ahead of the two has also become more rugged, and finally the road has come to an end, the valley ahead shows a trend of closing in a fan shape, and a huge and deep cave appears at the end.

The diameter of the cave was at least a hundred meters, and the rocks at the edge had already cracked. It could be seen that there were cracks engraved on the surface of the rock like solidified black lightning, and there were scattered gravels everywhere on the ground. There are also obvious traces of torrent erosion on the ground. Obviously, the canyon that Sheyan and the others passed through before should be flooded at some point, and the flood will pass through the pine forest and finally flow into the lake.

Facing this cave, Sheyan hesitated for a moment. There was a faint smell of sulfur in the breath coming towards him, which made people's hair stand on end. His intention was to turn around and run away immediately, but there seemed to be an indescribably huge suction in the hole that wanted to pull people in.

At this time, even Wuge, the Dawn Elf, couldn't help turning pale. Her sensitivity to nature was ten times stronger than Sheyan's, and she should be more aware of the terrifying power contained in that cave, which seemed to be beyond the reach of nature. To surrender and groan!

At this moment, a hoarse voice suddenly came from Sheyan's nightmare imprint:

"Oh shit, sailor, can you hear that?"

Sheyan took a closer look and found that it came from the temporary team channel. Who is the voice of the reef? To make a call in a temporary team channel, both parties need to be within a certain range. Therefore, it is basically certain that the reef is not far away from me at this time! It's just that he looked around in a daze, but he saw a lot of rocks, but he still couldn't find the whereabouts of the reef. And listening to the reef's voice, it seemed that he was very hoarse and panting, and he must have suffered serious injuries.

"I can hear, Reef, where are you? You seem injured?"

Sheyan quickly replied.

When Jiao Shi heard Fang Sheyan's voice, he suddenly coughed violently, and after a while he let out a long breath:

"Praise God, I sent a message in the team channel every twenty seconds, and it was finally received by you."

Sheyan smiled bitterly and said:

"You are really patient. By the way, you should also lose the bonus of equipment."

Reef sighed:

"Yeah, if you don't show up, I can only last another hour at most, ahem, bah!! These bloody mucus!"

Sheyan looked around the surrounding terrain again and said:

"At the end of the valley where I am now, at the entrance of a huge gloomy cave, do you know how to get to your side?"

Reef let out an "oh" and said:

"I know where it is! Don't go into that hole. It's extremely dangerous. You should go back about a hundred meters and you can see three big rocks in the middle of the valley. The big rock on the right is close to the mountain wall. You Climb to the big rock on the right first, and then look for it on the mountain wall, and you will find a hidden groove that you can climb upwards, and climb about 30 meters up, and you will find the passage into the mountainside."

Sheyan wondered:

"How did you find such a hidden place? Oh, by the way, there is one more crucial question, why did you just make a half-cry before disappearing from the world?"

The reef said helplessly:

"Do you remember what happened to us as we walked through the pine forest in front of the lake?"

Sheyan hurriedly walked towards the place mentioned by the reef, and said:

"Of course I remember. Now that I think about it, there is probably some poisonous mist that can psychedelic people down there, and it evaporates as soon as the sun evaporates. It will produce extremely strong hallucinations."

Reef smiled bitterly and said:

"After I jumped off the rock, there was a more concentrated poisonous gas under the rock. The poisonous gas was heavier than air, so it accumulated on the ground. Then it was directly controlled by a powerful force. , then involuntarily walked forward first, then climbed up the road you are walking now, and then began to play the role of coolie, constantly carrying those nasty eggs, so I felt the terrain inside. Very familiar."

"Then why didn't I feel the presence of poisonous gas the next day?" Sheyan wondered:

Reef sighed and said:

"I guessed the general reason, but I can't explain it to you now. The most important thing is that if you continue to walk down this steep valley, you will inevitably bump into that damned huge octopus !"

When Sheyan heard the words "huge damn octopus", his fingers that were climbing the rocks immediately tightened! A few pieces of rubble suddenly rolled down along the edge of the rock that was almost 90% present, and he couldn't help but blurted out:

"Could it be that you're talking about the legendary creature that forced the Fellowship of the Ring into the tunnels of Moria in the original plot: Hachimgar?"

Reef gritted his teeth weakly and said:

"Who else could there be? At least half of this mountain is empty, and there are underground lakes connected to several large lakes through water veins. The octopus naturally comes and goes freely, but it should be in the spawning period now , so I specially came here to lay eggs under the snow peak. According to my speculation, it is probably because the environment required for the eggs it lays is very unique. It needs a place with temperature and must keep the eggs moist... This That damned octopus forced me to carry snow water hundreds of times back and forth to irrigate its damned eggs!!"

The place mentioned by the reef is not far from here, Sheyan and the two arrived there without any effort at all. They climbed up and listened to the reef's talk, and they had already seen a cave hanging above the mountain wall in front of them.

The cave is suspended high on a steep cliff, 30 meters above the ground, and there is a protruding rock on the side of the cave, which is restricted by the narrow valley below, and it is completely invisible when you look up. Let alone detect it from a distance. He pressed the hole neatly, then jumped in easily, took a long breath, and dragged the elf girl in.

"Okay, we've entered the cave, where are you?" Sheyan sent a message to the reef.

"Wait!" Although Reef was using the team channel to transmit information and would not reveal anything, there was an indescribable tension in his voice:

"The octopus that was sleeping soundly seems to be a little restless, you just wait there, I will notify you before you come in, remember that you can only stay at the entrance of the cave, otherwise, even with the blessing of the Dawn Spirit It's easy to spot!"

"This damned octopus has also permanently enslaved several half-orcs. These guys seem to be natives in the mines of Moria, and have nothing to do with Saruman. Because the cave at the end of the valley is very dangerous, so you should The passage we walked was actually dug out by these half-orcs to facilitate their usual access."

"That's fine." Fang Senyan didn't have any equipment bonuses at this time, so he had to be careful, especially when the reef actually had the "immediate return space" as a life-saving weapon. He didn't worry much about his safety, and sat down against the stone wall of the cave. He suddenly thought again:

"Now it seems that the psychedelic poisonous mist is probably related to this big octopus Haiqimjia?"

The reef seemed to have inhaled some liquid, and coughed violently:

"These damned eggs are as annoying as slugs! God, they sprayed this slime in my face again, and you guessed it, the hallucinogenic gas is secreted by this eight-legged monster who should go to hell , and its blood and body fluids also contain strong hallucinogenic substances, as long as it stays for a long time, it will be polluted."

Sheyan wondered:

"Then why was there only a boulder between you and me, but you didn't?"

The reef said in a deep voice:

"I've also considered this issue, and the only explanation is that you have more of that BUFF than me - the blessing of the dawn elves! This blessing should assimilate you with nature, so this octopus can't detect your existence, and Maybe it also has a hidden attribute, which can specifically restrain this ability to charm the mind. Don't forget, after we were caught and poisoned by those orcs in the pine forest, you woke up much earlier than me!"

Sheyan thought about it carefully, and found it very reasonable.

The two communicated through a temporary team, and Wuge couldn't hear it, but she also knew that it was quite dangerous here, so she made preparations to fight at any time in a corner of the cave wall. Fang Senyan was surprised to find that after the elf girl was promoted to become a dawn elf, as long as she stood still, she would feel as if she had disappeared without a trace. She was clearly just staying where she was, but all the breath in her body seemed to be absorbed by nature, or more precisely, it was nature that was taking the initiative to protect her!