The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 35: Alchemist


As the saying goes, you have a good plan, and I have a wall ladder. Blind Matt didn't know that Fang Sheyan only used the position of bosun as a springboard, and absolutely didn't intend to work on it until he retired to get a pension, so his proposal could be said to be a hit with Sheyan. , so after Sheyan paid ten pounds, he got the opportunity to practice basic footwork with blind Matt for one hour in the morning for three consecutive days. Each practice has a 30% chance of improving the basic footwork ability, but the highest improvement It will not exceed the level of basic footwork LV3 mastered by blind Matt.

Blind Matt is also very impatient, because he thinks he is not Sheyan's opponent in terms of organization, scheduling and confrontation, so this opportunity to practice footwork is also a rare stage for him to show his strengths that are stronger than Sheyan's . Therefore, even though there were not many pirates left on board, he still asked Sheyan to practice for an hour in the morning. Sheyan also responded positively to his move. In the end, both of them were happy, and Sheyan successfully won this time. With a 30% chance, the basic footsteps have been successfully upgraded to LV2, and blind Matt has also successfully used his dexterous footsteps to set off Sheyan's clumsiness, winning surprises among the pirates one after another.

After raising his basic footwork by a level, Sheyan finally made up for his shortcomings in close combat. The three most important attributes for close combat are undoubtedly strength, agility, and stamina. Strength determines the power and the ability to suppress the enemy when fighting. Agility is the embodiment of speed, and stamina determines how long you can support in battle. For the difficulty of this world, Fang Sheyan's 12 strength (not counting the title bonus, because of limitations) can be regarded as above-average, and the life value as high as 170 points can be regarded as very good. That mere 8 points of agility is his weakest link.

In the real world, there is a very philosophical wooden barrel principle, that is, how much water a wooden barrel can hold is not determined by the longest stave, but by the shortest stave . At this time, Fang Senyan's basic footsteps have been upgraded to LV2, which undoubtedly raised his entire strength. And he still has two opportunities to practice with the blind Matt. If he can seize the opportunity to improve his basic footwork again, then the opponent's future plans will undoubtedly be more helpful.

After finishing these trivial matters, Fang Senyan went to the boat to test fire an arquebus to see if he could develop abilities such as basic long-distance combat. It is a pity that he obviously does not have any talent in this area. The hit rate of targets beyond five meters is appalling. It seems that even if all the inventory on the Bell and Wineglass is wasted, there will be no improvement at all, but Kerry wants to sneak a couple of shots to enjoy the fun. However, the second long-legged Robben stood up immediately, and stopped this waste of public property with a stern face—even though he was graciously loading Sheyan's gun for test shooting a minute ago.

For these pirates, this kind of strong wind and waves plus gloomy weather can be directly equated with paid annual leave. Most pirate captains will let their ships berth in the port, so that these bastards under them can enjoy themselves. Let off steam, of course the side effect is to spend the last penny in your pocket on prostitutes, liquor, and gambling, so that once the weather clears, these poor bastards who are so poor that they will lose their pants will scream and their morale will be high The fortunes aboard the merchant ship were aimed and swooped upon.

Therefore, no matter how strict Ruo Armand is, he can only let his men scramble to the bars and casinos after training for about an hour every morning, otherwise these cruel and rude guys will not be able to bear such The "temptations" fled one after another. After all, for pirates, it is still in the period of "economic recovery". The pirate ships will continue to recruit manpower. A high-quality senior pirate who dares to fight wants to find a job Jobs are still welcome.

It's no fun to stay alone on an empty pirate ship, Fang Sheyan also got off the ship directly and planned to go to the bar to try his luck, and by the way, see if he can find any hidden missions or meet a pirate who is very compatible with him, Yun Yun. Unfortunately, after wasting two full hours, he realized that such an attempt was probably similar to trying to win a lottery ticket—at this moment Sheyan suddenly remembered the worn-out cross he got from the old Barry. , It is said that this thing is a token of a certain alchemist. At that time, he ignored this kind of extra deal, because old Barry was not a kind person, and his crazy squeeze obviously left a very bad impression on him, so Sheyan and Fang Sheyan also treated this so-called The master alchemist didn't pay much attention to it, but in the free time when he didn't know what to do, Sheyan could only go and look at it to pass the time.

Under the guidance of a pirate, Fang Senyan stepped on the mottled stone road to the end of the east end of the port. Because of the wind and rain, the port road that looked more beautiful and flat on sunny days has now turned into a swamp covered with rocks. If you don't pay attention, there will be a dirty khaki-yellow water stream "fluttering" from the broken stone slab under your feet, splashing your pants all over in a mess, not to mention the passing carriage.

It can be seen from the deep ruts worn on some stone slabs that the main roads in the port have not been maintained for at least 20 years. Obviously, the Fokker family who ruled this free port did not pay attention to the maintenance and repair of the port at all. superior. From this point of view, the decline of Tutuga Port is not accidental. If it is not for the solid foundation laid by the ancestors, I believe that even supporting it until this time is a miracle.

Although alchemy leaves people with the impression that it is mostly related to various materials and medicines, in fact it can only be regarded as a branch of alchemy. The origin of alchemy is people's desire for gold, a beautiful and rare precious metal, so the ultimate dream and subject of every alchemist is to study how to convert cheap metals such as lead, iron, and copper into gold. . On the long road of alchemy, the foundation of modern chemistry has also been laid.

Right now in front of Sheyan is a very typical house where an alchemist lives. The dense windows can make the poisonous gas inside evaporate quickly, and the house with a pointed roof increases the area of the attic, which can undoubtedly store more materials. The mottled black walls around it symbolize that there are frequent fires here, but it seems that the fire should be extinguished as fast as it is started.

Fang Senyan knocked on the solid and heavy oak door in front of him, but no one responded, the feedback was the sound of flapping wings, and then the door opened without a sound, without the expected "creak" sound at all. , facing an owl hung in a beech wood birdcage, this guy tilted his head, staring at Sheyan with a pair of emerald green vertical pupils. Fang Senyan noticed that the area here is very large. On the table next to him were piled up various used crystal beakers, test tubes, stills, and half-drunk coffee, which seemed to be dried up. Plates... Good thing there were no flies flying around - otherwise a tribute to the strong gastrointestinal tract of the owner.

An old man wearing a pointed black hat was sitting behind the test bench five meters away. He heard the sound and raised his head. His eyes penetrated through the dirty test tube in front of him. The dark green boiling liquid was lit by the alcohol lamp and then he bet on Sheyan. face. Apparently Sheyan's pitiful charm didn't play any positive role, the wrinkled old man said sternly:

"Get out! No rude and stupid fellows are welcome here!"

Sheyan reluctantly took out the worn-out cross, hung it on his finger and shook it. The old man was stunned for a while, then stretched out his hand, as if to verify the authenticity of the cross, after a while he said impatiently:

"It seems that old Barry owes you a favor... But he doesn't seem to tell you that he still owes the great alchemist Mr. Bacon ten pounds?"

Fang Senyan said in astonishment:

"What does that have to do with me?"

Bacon said coldly:

"Since old Barry gave you this cross, it means that he himself will never patronize my business again. That loan has become a death debt, and of course it will fall on you to repay."

Sheyan still wanted to distinguish a few words, but soon he realized that it was futile, there were only two ways in front of this weird old man, one was to turn around and walk out, the other was to obediently give him ten pounds. If he continued, he might not even have the chance to give ten pounds. After paying a considerable amount of money, Sheyan finally obtained the right to enjoy alchemy services.

Under Bacon's gesture, Sheyan sat down on a stool next to him. There was a weird-looking mural on the wall next to him. The sun with an evil smile had an upturned beard, and the crescent moon in the lower right corner was A string of small bells hung from it. In the world of alchemy, the sun symbolizes gold, while the moon represents silver. The implication of this painting symbolizes the two ultimate pursuit goals in the world of alchemists. Just when Sheyan wondered that sitting on this stool was a waste of time, burning black smoke suddenly appeared on the terrible-looking desktop in front of him, and then vivid characters were burned on the desktop one by one. .