The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 357: night war


Facing Reef's question, Sheyan said seriously:

"Because we didn't stay, the situation was worse than staying. We only killed three indigenous people who stayed behind, but at least one of them escaped, and then told the tribes outside about everything here. If we dug If you get the ore and turn around and leave without any accident, then of course there is no problem. But after the incident of Lille and Yu Ze, I am afraid it will be difficult to walk away."

Reef thought about it for a while, and suddenly broke the branch he was holding with a "click", took a deep breath and said:

"That's right, it should be like this! Do you still remember the Na'i native who rushed up automatically to die at the end? When he was swept into a honeycomb by the AMP exoskeleton system controlled by Ma Keji, I also noticed that this guy only carried a He rushed straight up with the animal bone dagger! He didn’t carry a bow and arrow at all! But the AMP exoskeleton system was clearly shot by three arrows before!”

"This means two possibilities. The first possibility is that this Na'vi native is only good at melee combat, and there is another shooter lurking in the dark. However, for the Na'vi who are all shooters like elves, it is possible Sex is almost zero. There is also a possibility that this Na'i native handed over his bow and arrow to others before rushing out... Even in ancient human society, there are weapons, which are things that live and die, as a symbol of inheritance Come as a relic."

"Like a medieval knight's sword?" Sheyan suddenly smiled. "Is it an honor bestowed by Henry (King of England) or Charles (King of France) on a certain noble knight?"

"Hey, I don't like the look on your face when you say that!" Reef said very annoyed.

"So now it can be speculated that the native who was trying to fight in melee gave his own bow to his child, and then rushed out. The child obviously did not have the ability to use this primitive weapon, so he fled and went to find his own people. Tell them everything that happened here."

Mogansha moved in his heart and said:

"So what are they waiting for?"

Sheyan said seriously:

"Every Na'vi is an excellent hunter, and the greatest advantage of a hunter is patience. I have reason to believe that after receiving the warning from the tribe, they must be waiting in the most suitable place to ambush us. If we brave the thunderstorm If you forcefully go back to the spaceship with the darkness, then I'm afraid you will have to fight at night with these guys who are good at night vision in this damn jungle... "

After hearing Fang Senyan's analysis, Jiao Shi immediately thought of the terrifying two-meter-long poisonous arrow shot like thunder and lightning, and couldn't help but say:

"To be honest, I'm not sure of surviving fighting this kind of enemy at this kind of time at this kind of place. But if we stay here and don't leave, then we will turn passive into active. If they want to attack us, Then we have to break into this tree hole to fight melee, but..."

Reef suddenly frowned:

"If these guys are very patient people, then they have been lurking outside, and they will trap us alive here. Moreover, they may ask for help!"

To be honest, this problem is also one of the problems that Sheyan has been thinking about. If there are nine Na'i natives outside, nine two-meter-long poisonous arrows will shoot directly at them, and even the bulletproof glass of the AMP exoskeleton system will explode immediately, and the intelligence of these guys is definitely not inferior to that of humans, and they must know how to hurt them. Cutting off one finger is worse than ten fingers. Know how to set fire! I'm afraid the reef can't withstand two rounds of shooting! Hiding here is not life-threatening, and there is no shortage of food, water, or anything, but is it just hiding until the end of the world? How unwilling that is!

At this time, the black buddy licked his thick lips, but he laughed honestly, and there was a bit of obscenity in his laughter, like a gold mine:

"I have a way."

Sheyan wondered:

"tell me the story."

Mogansha said:

"This place is a broken tree hole for us, but for these Na'vi natives, it is their home... I think we don't need to worry at all. It should be the Na'vi natives who are anxious. All you need is to light a fire, symbolic demolition and demolition, to ensure that they rush in like burning their butts!"

"Or look for them to see if they have any god statues or the like? If it doesn't work, start from their holy tree, or I see that the lightsaber on the reef is also very fast at cutting down trees. Boss, you have 49 points of strength to chop." It’s probably okay to chop firewood... There’s no need to cut it down, which means that these guys will definitely jump in with their asses on fire. But let’s talk about it after the rain stops and it’s dawn. Now there’s thunder, lightning, and flash floods outside. No, let them drink the wind in the jungle outside."

Fang Senyan and Jiao Shi looked at each other, laughed loudly and said:

"Okay, let's do that."

But at this time, Jiao Shi suddenly patted his thigh and called out "Oops!" Seeing his panic-stricken appearance, both Sheyan and Mogansha felt their hearts tense at the same time, but they heard Jiao Shi say:

"At that time, we negotiated with Zi. Tonight we will be on duty at 11 o'clock to guard the core engine of the downed spaceship. Let's do it now! I have to rush back overnight. I never want to break my promise. Hey, hey! You guys Why are you two lying down and pretending to be asleep?"

In the dark night, a few blue slender figures were jumping in the middle of the forest, as mysterious and fast as the phantom of the night. From time to time, lightning flashed across the air in shock, the wind and rain were still strong, and there were sharp sounds from the forest from time to time. And the miserable scream. It was the sound of a wild beast that came out to hunt for food at night and succeeded.

Under the bright lightning that scans across the sky from time to time, you can vaguely see lead gray swirl-shaped dark clouds pressing down on the ground, so the distance between the sky and the earth seems very close, giving people an extraordinarily low and depressing feeling. feel. For a moment, people will have a subtle illusion that in the vast world, it seems that only a few of them exist, so the cold and tense atmosphere is particularly accentuated.

You can see the home tree called "Giant Crown" in the distance. Once you see this giant tree that has begun to wither slowly. Yakeli can't help thinking of its former glory, even if it is a huge and long-lived home tree, it will also fall one day.

After the vitality of all home trees is exhausted, they do not wither, but gradually degenerate. In just a few decades, they gradually become shorter and smaller, and finally degenerate into saplings, seeds, and finally disappear!

For the long lifespan of the home tree, which can reach ten thousand years, the degradation time of several decades is nothing. Looking at the "giant crown" home tree that had already appeared in the darkness, Jacques, who hadn't been here for nearly ten years, couldn't help expressing emotion in his heart:

"This mother has become at least 20 meters shorter. I really miss the glory of the past. When it was not exhausted in the past, there were even more than 300 people from the 'Illinois' tribe who lived here. , and even have powerful phantom knights, they are the pride of our Yanold region! It's a pity that the terrible plague... and the ruthless invasion, although the Chivataiqin tribe took the opportunity to annex Illinois Si tribe, but they are now so withered that even the home tree has been occupied by the outsiders, and they are even unable to recover, so they can only ask for help from our riding tribe... "

In the dense forest in the distance, there were a few invisible insects chirping, which was the secret signal for the communication between the Na'vi. The five remaining middle-aged hunters of the tribe joined together.

The homes of these savage Na'vi races were being occupied. It was a time when they were extremely anxious. They were far more anxious than Sheyan and the others imagined. They quickly made a plan of action. Yes, the remaining Na'vi of the Chihuataiqin tribe have obviously suffered from the people on Earth, and repeatedly emphasized that their "bows and arrows" are very weird and powerful, and they must fight with them in close quarters!

Five minutes later, nine heavily armed Na'vi began to quietly approach the home tree shrouded in darkness. Their eyes are very special, the entire eyeball is like a clear drop of water, and the pupils that can shrink and dilate freely are like yellow-green gemstones, which are enlarged at night and can capture any subtle light.

But even though these powerful guys had night vision capabilities, the people inside hid quite well, and they couldn't be seen from the outside at all. And just when they began to tiptoe and approach the home tree in the storm, suddenly, a tongue of fire spewed out from the tree hole, which was the sound of "da da da" AK burst!

The time and location of this attack were chosen very well, and it happened to be stuck at the point where these Na'vi felt too disadvantaged when retreating, but felt that the distance was quite far when advancing.

Although Sheyan and the others don't have any night vision ability, Sheyan's perception is close to 30 points anyway. If the Na'vi approached him within tens of meters and didn't notice it, then his perception would be useless. When he saw how these guys were holding the daggers made of beast teeth without bows and arrows, and then thought of the head hanging on the firepit, he immediately analyzed that the Na'vi natives must have regarded them as a melee An ordinary earthling who is so weak... So he immediately warned his companions.

But then again, the three of them huddled in the tree hole in the spacious hall under the home tree. The Na'vi are archers, not Amazon female warriors. It is estimated that the difficult arrow skills such as guiding arrows that can turn back and track halfway are still not available. It can be mastered, so even if they want to take advantage of their long-range firepower, they can't take advantage of it.