The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 372: The bottom card is finally shown


Under the brilliant sunset, Fang Sheyan was still hunting, he twisted hard and broke the neck of the peacock deer that he threw down. Then, after throwing the fat deer to the Na'vi behind him, he didn't stand up, but sat down on the side slope, took a deep breath, and then turned his head to look to the east .

There is a very wide river bend, but looking at the mighty momentum of the vast expanse of waves, it is not an exaggeration to describe this river bend as a lake. The sunset in the distance is burned red by the sunset that has sunk below the horizon , There were little waves on the lake, just like thousands of golden scales flashing non-stop.

Mogansha came over with a cigar in his mouth, and said vaguely:

"Boss, are you tired?"

Fang Sheyan looked at the burning sunset, shook his head slightly, but answered the wrong question:

"It's seventeen o'clock in the afternoon."

Mogansha was slightly taken aback, then looked at his watch and nodded:

"about there."

Fang Senyan said slowly:

"The time we entered this world was seventeen o'clock in the afternoon."

Mogansha smiled bitterly and said:

"Boss, can you finish your sentence in one sitting?"

Sheyan smiled, stretched comfortably, turned his head to stare at Mogansha and said:

"That is to say, if there are no accidents, most of them should have left this world no matter whether they completed the final step of the sub-quest or not."

Mogansha took a deep breath and said:

"It should be good... Could it be, boss, you have been waiting for the people of the Illuminati to leave?"

Sheyan said seriously:

"That's right!! The biggest difficulty of the gold branch mission is probably the interference of the contractors! The rule that only one person can get the reward in the end makes it difficult for the rest of the people to sacrifice for you! What I have to do , there is really no room for loss, and the instability factor of the Zi group is definitely the biggest thorn in my heart."

"The combined power of these people is actually very terrifying. If they want to disrupt the situation, it will be very terrifying! So I would rather wait! I would rather waste! The biggest advantage of the Illuminati is the high team cohesion, but their biggest weakness is also Here. Although Zi has a strong desire for revenge, she will definitely set off and return together for the sake of the overall situation."

Reef pondered at this moment:

"Is it possible... They successfully completed the final side mission, and then chose to stay in this world for an extra time at the same time."

Sheyan smiled and said:

"Although I will consider small-probability events when making plans, it is already a small-probability event for them to successfully complete the final side mission... and at the same time choose to stay in this world for an extra time. It is even a small-probability event. So rare it can almost be dismissed."

"Then." Sheyan said this, and looked at Mulu, who was galloping vigorously in the distance, his eyes were shining with fierce ambition: "Now is the time for him to fulfill his promise."

After a while, Mulu galloped over excitedly:

"My brother, I heard that you have something to do with me?"

Sheyan nodded and said solemnly:

"Well, I need the help of the riding tribe. I may be in a very dangerous situation in the future and need someone to protect me."

Muru said seriously:

"The riding tribe will protect you with their lives."

Sheyan smiled and said:

"The enemy may be very strong, possibly even stronger than the Mosaac tribe."

Muru laughed loudly and said:

"The Mosak guys are very powerful, but their girls are quite good. My father's wife was snatched from the Mosak tribe. I will do the same in the future! Any danger is just a cloud in front of me !"

The reef listened to Mulu's words, and the more he listened, the more awkward he became... Mulu's father's wife, isn't it just Mulu's mother? Listening to him talk about it with relish, it looks like he is showing off the honors and medals hanging around his neck.

At this time Mulu jumped off the horse, walked to Sheyan and said sincerely:

"Brother, don't worry, the riding tribe will be your strong backing anytime and anywhere - as long as you call."

Desolate, weird, distorted, and empty, this is Sheyan and the others' first impression of the scenery in front of them.

What appeared in front of their eyes were the dead trees growing horizontally on the cliff, the spiral river flowing from the lower part to the higher part, the strange plates protruding from the ground as if they were fractured, the twisted road like grape vines, and the depths were endless. Bottomless cracks in the ground, clusters of psoriasis-like sand depressions.

It can even be seen that some of the soil has formed a rope like a giant snake, with a diameter of tens of meters, mixed with fresh tree branches and leaves, and broken tree trunks, sometimes interlaced, sometimes twisted, and deeply poured into the soil. When they got to the ground, it was as if an invisible giant palm with irresistible power had pinched the area wantonly, and then let it go in a wild laugh.

However, Fang Senyan and the others are very familiar with this place. The scenery here is no different from other places on Pandora, dense rainforest, strange creatures, intertwined vines, damp humus layer...

This is where the powerful hunter Makji died, where the powerful Illinois tribe was completely wiped out, and where the Chihuataiqin tribe ended...

Fang Sheyan clasped his hands in front of his chest, on the surface he was still relatively calm, but looking at everything in front of him, he couldn't help but feel a chill run down his spine. When he planted high explosives under the home tree, he didn't consider the crazy magnetic storm that would break the relative magnetic balance after the home tree collapsed!

Obviously, if he was unfortunately involved in this power at that time, even a strong man with more than 100 points of physical strength would not be able to survive, and he might be killed in an instant.

The more you walk into the center of the magnetic storm, the more weird scenery you see. There are rocks hanging high in the air everywhere, which hinders the sight, and the creatures on the planet Pandora seem to be crazy about it. And stunned by the violent force.

At this time, although the magnetic storm had subsided, the still-fearing creatures were still shivering at the edge of the magnetic storm area, not daring to enter it, as if any living body that dared to enter it would be cursed. So much so that Fang Sheyan and the others who walked in it had the illusion of being in the desert of life, and the surroundings were really dead silent. If the three of them were not contractors who were several times more than ordinary people, then they would really have a feeling of being unable to move an inch.

After trekking hard for half an hour, Sheyan suddenly stopped and said in a deep voice:

"It's here."

As they got closer to the center of the magnetic storm, the terrain became more and more flat, just because the crazy power of the magnetic storm directly turned everything into dust, and then naturally precipitated under the action of gravity. At this time, without Fang Senyan's reminder, everyone could see that the place where the home tree had grown had suddenly formed a terrifying sinkhole with a depth of at least seventy or eighty meters.

The bottom of the tiankeng is very flat and wide, at least the size of two football fields, but the bottom of the tiankeng is densely covered with open-air Pandora crystal ore clusters! It is as if the coral reefs at the bottom of the sea are densely arranged together, and these coral reefs are transparent and crystal clear, looking gorgeous and dreamlike.

Looking at this scene, Sheyan couldn't help but took a deep breath, and then quickly climbed down the wall of the tiankeng. When he stepped on the bottom of the tiankeng, Sheyan suddenly took a deep breath and said:

"Do you know why I had to blow up this home tree that day?"

Reef Strange Road:

"Isn't it for the purpose of plotting against the stepping tribe's reinforcements?"

Sheyan said seriously:

"That bomb can actually trigger such a terrifying magnetic storm, I really didn't expect it... My main purpose is to get it done once and for all!"

Speaking of this, a trace of frenzy flashed across Sheyan's eyes!

"You know how important the Na'vi people are to the home tree. Once the Na'vi find that there is an unowned home tree here, they are likely to come to reoccupy it, and this is quite detrimental to my plan! I request This is what it is like now! A quiet, lifeless Pandora crystal deposit! Avoid being perceived by other creatures to the greatest extent, so that our allies will not be strangled to death when they are just born. In the embryonic stage! Give it the largest and safest growth environment!"

At this time, Sheyan stood upright on the spot, raised his hands high and pointed to the sky. The sky was filled with wind and clouds, and it seemed that even the deep darkness sighed slightly. Then Sheyan turned his head and looked at Mogansha and Mogansha. Reef, with a secret smile on the corner of his mouth:

"Next, it's time to witness the miracle!!!"

At this moment, five mounds with a diameter of about one meter suddenly protruded from the nearly 100 square meters of soft ground next to Sheyan's body. , the yellow fine sand was scattered, and the sky was also surging with wind and clouds, as if the entire Pandora planet was resisting their appearance in this way! !

But in just a minute or so, there were several mournful howls in the air. The soil on the surface of the two mounds was completely scattered, revealing the extremely tough egg shells. At this time, the two egg shells had also been broken, and the pungent amniotic fluid smell hit the face, and four fierce and vigorous black shadows jumped out of it. Vigilantly, he jumped to a high place around him and looked around.

This is the Velociraptor! Vicious species from the galaxy world! !

Beside the Velociraptor, there are three unhatched egg sacs that are moving rapidly...