The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 374: Punishment


Sheyan didn't know the contractor, and his life and death had nothing to do with Sheyan and the others, but! If those who are willing to obey the command are dead, those who are disobedient are still alive. So whether it is dead or alive, it is equivalent to slapping the face of the entire ace team alive!

So at this moment, Mogansha roared, threw out his silver broken spear, turned into a jumping lightning and pierced through the viper wolf in front of Fang Senyan and Jiao Shi, flashing and jumping, the three vipers The snake wolf's life value was not enough, and it exploded in an instant, turning into corpses all over the ground.

At the same time, Jiaoshi activated his courageous ability and flew over at a very high speed. He sat down and stood in front of the sniper-type contractor, and raised the shield in his hand to bear it instead of him. Hit it with all your strength! !

howling wind...

The feeling of that collision was as if the entire Alps were collapsing!

The moment the burly and sturdy reef was hit, it flew straight out like a small stone!

Under this collision, the originally dim armor of faith on his body was completely broken, and bits of silver armor fragments flew out, instantly becoming invisible. Fortunately, he recovered 100 points when it broke. Points of life.

"The actual damage is... 373 damage!" Sheyan easily calculated the damage of this blow.

And he threw a bottle at this time.

A vial containing a cursed potion.

At this time, the spotted bull that bumped into a person would inevitably stop, Fang Sheyan seized the moment when it stopped, threw the bottle in his hand, and smashed it on the guy's head! At this time, the spotted bull has escaped from the impact state of immune control.

A burst of invisible ripples flashed by, and the huge monster of the banded bull only felt dizzy for a while, and couldn't help lying on the ground, shaking its head and groaning for a while. Its collision momentum finally stopped, but not only that, a large group of light green mist floated out quickly, covering it, and gnawing at its limbs like pervasive ants.

"Poison cloud! Reduce the movement speed and attack speed of the enemies in it by 20%!"

It has to be admitted that the collision power of a huge and strong creature like the Zealous Bull is astonishing, and its heavy weight will make this rough behavior even more lethal. However, it must be noted that the terrible weight also makes it take more time for the spotted cow to run and sprint!

And Poison Cloud's continuous ability will also affect its speed to some extent. If it only needs five seconds to re-accelerate to the highest after it hit the reef with all its strength before, it will be stunned by Sheyan for such a second now. If the movement speed is continuously reduced by 20%, it will take fifteen seconds for the bull to re-accelerate to the highest speed.

The reef, which was knocked into the air, fell heavily to the ground after it hit the ground. It still slid five or six meters away, bringing up large clumps of turf and dirt. Just when everyone was worrying about it . But the reef rolled over and stood up again half kneeling on the ground. Blood seeped out from his hair, and it was all over his face in an instant, looking extremely tragic!

However, Jiao Shi casually wiped the blood that flowed onto his eyes with the back of his hand, and then he didn't say anything, not even half a sound, but firmly clenched the hilt of his sword, and strode up to meet the bull. !

There is even a Spartan momentum towards Thermopylae in the setting sun!

When approaching the monster, Reef put on a Faith Armor on himself. With enough MP to spend, there is no doubt that Reef's survivability has risen to a higher level again, because the Faith Armor is indeed It is a very perverted ability.

In the situation where he usually only has about a hundred points of mental power, Jiao Shi can only use this ability as a trump card or the finale, but at this time, with the support of about 300 to 400 points of mental power. But the reef can use one when it feels dangerous. The gap between the two is naturally immeasurable.

When approaching within 20 meters of the spotted bull, the reef let out a heart-piercing roar, and a powerful and violent shock wave spread to all directions, but even though the spotted bull's health was deducted, the speed of action was only slowed down As soon as it slowed down, it continued to return to its original speed!

Such is the nature of legendary creatures: perversions of the iron will!

The spotted bull lowered its head again and charged towards it, but the acceleration distance was not enough, so the moving speed was not raised to the highest level. Therefore, the reef immediately jumped out, rolled on the ground and immediately bounced up, and continued to be ready. But the gigantic spotted bull tried its best to hit it, and it was difficult to take back its footsteps immediately, and it ran for dozens of meters before turning around.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sheyan threw endless vodka to the rock, who took it and took two gulps. Fang Senyan gestured to the reef whose health was less than half, but told him to go to a distance to intercept the five or six escaped viper wolves. Although the reef didn't understand, he still gave up the goal of the banded bull and followed suit.

And Sheyan himself rushed towards the seriously injured Slinger that kept retreating next to him. Pulled out the whiteboard shotgun and harvested it with a bang bang bang. It looked like he had given up on that spotted bull completely!

"If you want to make a mess... then, let's make a mess together!" Fang Sheyan's eyes flashed a vicious light.

At this time, the bulky spotted bull looked around, let out a long and confused cry of "ang", and then puffed up its incomparably fierce copper bell eyes and began to look for the target. At this moment, it no longer cared about it, and started rampaging, and the situation in the field was chaotic again, a mess! Even though the spotted bull had lost the room to accelerate, the unlucky ones hit by this guy's horn would lose at least half of their HP!

At this time, a group of people were scolding MT and the people in front where they went, Sheyan and Jiaoshi just thought they were farting, and didn't bother to pay attention to him.

In just three minutes, the situation on the battlefield in the entire western district appeared to be in a mess. By the time the banded bull neighed suddenly and stomped heavily to the ground, at least three contractors had died indirectly under this guy's spoiler. Fortunately, under the protection of the reef, Mogansha and the contractor who used the sniper rifle can jointly shoot without distraction. At this point in the battle, although the contractor is also exhausted, the remaining beasts are almost as well. covered in wounds.

As time went by, Viper Wolf and Slinger were also slaughtered, leaving only the Zealous Bull still rampaging in the battlefield, staring arrogantly and roaring muffled from time to time. Without those relatively small beasts interspersed next to it, the bulkiness of the spotted cow has become its biggest fatal injury.

At this time, Reef's HP had recovered 90% with the help of bandages and medicine, so he jumped straight down and began to attract the big guy's attention head-on. Fang Sheyan is also assisting at the side. The chaotic situation immediately became orderly again, probably because the previous few battles were fought too smoothly, so until this time these contractors realized how hard-won the previous order was, and the key to all this , it lies in the obviously neglected MT in front of him!

At this time, people listened to what Jiao Shi said, and everyone began to attack the left forelimb of the spotted bull without distraction. People began to cooperate tacitly and thickly. Once other melee contractors wanted to approach, they would often intentionally or unintentionally not intercept and lure the spotted bull, but would kill them with a knife!

The Sons of Cardang team has an agility expert with double blades who wants to come to take advantage of it. Fang Senyan and Jiao Shi have roughly figured out the habits of the spotted bull at this time, so they saw the opportunity and took advantage of this guy's attack. Time to retreat at the same time. The double blades of the agile contractor pierced into the flesh and blood of the spotted ox as he wished, and hit a terrifying damage speed, but what he did not expect was that Sheyan and Jiaoshi not only did not come to help block, but also shamelessly Stand aside and stand by!

Immediately, the spotted bull immediately attacked the guy closest to him. With a roar, he shook his head and bumped into the agile man. The unlucky guy hurriedly crossed his blades, and finally blocked it in time, but his His health was only around two hundred points at most, and his health immediately dropped violently after being hit. He hastily used his life-saving ability and swallowed a medicine, and finally managed to raise his health.

However, at this time, the spotted bull raised its giant hooves high, and then trampled down!

Amidst the loud bang, the shock wave shot out. The war trampled on this guy in an instant, and the banded bull rushed up to make up for it again. The guy immediately screamed, flew seven or eight meters away on the spot, and his life value returned to zero and died. At this time, it seemed that the spotted bull had begun to cast its eyes of hatred on Mogansha in the distance, but Fang Sheyan and Jiao Shi appeared in its sight together at the same time, and blocked the guy's way.

In the face of this giant beast, Fang Senyan's self-esteem that was ravaged by strong orcs in the previous world finally regained a little bit. Although the attack of the spotted bull is quite impressive, at least the attack power in theory alone is not enough. It's around 150~250 points, but after some calculations, Sheyan's physical strength has reached a terrifying 45 points, his defense power is 22.5+2=24.5, and the damage absorption rate is 49%! The 25 points of damage reduced by the natural ability has almost reached a quarter of the absorbed external damage! It is also a pretty good protection data!