The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 378: Fall short? ? ?


Although Fang Sheyan had used Zerg eggs when he killed Lille before, he beheaded all the six swift beasts that hatched, so both Mogansha and Jiaoshi were a little ignorant of this. At that time, it was the first time they saw such an extremely aggressive creature as the Velociraptor.

Seeing these four extremely familiar swift beasts, Jiao Shi suddenly let out an "Ah", but his next words seemed to be stuck in his throat, completely stuck in his throat, creating a traffic jam! Only in the eyes looking towards Sheyan can one see the admiration.

"Could it be?! Do you want to?"

As soon as Mogansha saw the two Zerg worker bees that broke out of the eggs, the cigar in his mouth fell off, and he shook his head for a long time and said with a wry smile:

"Boss... You may have played too much this time!"

Sheyan smiled and said:

"If you don't play a little bigger, how can you handle this damn gold side mission?"

As Sheyan's words ended, the insect eggs in the last two larger mounds also hatched, and they were two Zerg worker bees! The body surfaces of these two worker bees have obvious black stripes, and they look much larger than ordinary worker bees.

At this time, Fang Senyan took out a full 600 units of Pandora crystals from the private storage space, and piled them in front of the two worker bees. After about three hundred units of Pandora crystals, its volume has expanded to five or six times its previous size.

Then the two worker bees separated, each looking for a wide place to spin silk quickly, forming two huge gray-brown giant cocoons on the ground. The area covered by this giant cocoon spread rapidly, and finally reached more than 100 square meters, then stopped growing, and turned to develop higher, when the growth reached the limit. The iron-blue silk screen covering the surface of the giant cocoon suddenly exploded, turning into fragments all over the sky, and it took a long time to drift away! (Two-base start, you know, hehe)

Then two huge organic buildings appeared in front of Fang Senyan and the others. Their surfaces were covered with extremely thick purple-red vessels, and they were firmly entrenched on the ground, giving them the feeling of being rooted. Immediately afterwards, the unique organic creep of the Zerg spread naturally, covering the surface of Pandora's soil in a seemingly gentle way!

The core building of the two Zerg races, the beast den, suddenly appeared on this land, on this rich, beautiful, and dangerous planet! ! !

Fang Senyan's plan is to establish a Zerg base on this planet Pandora! Then use the frightening fecundity and numbers of the Zerg to complete the dreaded gold side quest! For him, it was nothing more than using two Zerg worker bee eggs brought out, but these two eggs can be combined with the special environment of Pandora planet, and two can be born, four can be born, four can be born, and eight... infinite possibilities have been derived! ! !

——This is also the ultimate reason why Fang Sheyan has painstakingly planned and chose the Avatar world.

Sheyan looked at Mogansha, and said seriously:

"We are able to achieve this step, thanks to your self-interest. If you didn't generously give me nearly 2,000 units of Pandora crystals later, then everything would definitely not be so smooth."

Mogansha laughed, took a deep puff of his cigar and said:

"Boss, in fact, it was beyond my expectation to get so many Pandora crystals in the galaxy world at that time. I also wanted to see how far you can go, so I invested in you. This is an investment. Get it? Not being generous, haha!"

At this time, the two completed "beast dens" have started to operate at full capacity, hatching one by one larvae on the creep, and Sheyan only has the last two hundred units of Pandora crystals left at this time, and put them all into In the hatching pool of the brood, basically every 50 units of energy contained in the Pandora crystals can hatch another worker bee, so four worker bees were quickly hatched again, and began to break out of their shells .

With their joining, Sheyan's "cash flow", which was already in deficit, finally started to rise. These four cute beetles began to put their peculiar mouthparts on the nearby Pandora crystal cluster, directly Use the well-developed mouthparts to crush the crystal ore clusters, and then the saliva ejected by them can refine the crystal ore into high-purity crystals, and then quickly transport them back to the den and throw them into the hatching pool.

In just one hour, a small Zerg camp had begun to take shape, and various architectural organs that seemed incompatible with the environment had been quickly hatched, and one of the beast dens had already hatched to II Level, it looks extraordinarily huge and ferocious, and several other necessary Zerg buildings are still in the process of hatching.

In the mining area, there are hundreds of purple-red six-legged beetles the size of millstones digging enthusiastically with their mouthparts sticking out, and then they pick up the hidden crystals from them, walking non-stop between the animal dens and the crystal clusters.

Within one hour, Fang Sheyan also hatched all the Zerg eggs in his hands, leaving only three Zerg host eggs for backup, but the armed forces in his hands were only four velociraptors, and six Zerg eggs exploded. Mosquitoes only.

Sheyan said seriously to Mogansha and the reef:

"I believe that Eva, the mother of the earth, will probably not let me get the Zerg base out so easily, so I should encounter considerable trouble in the construction of this Zerg base, and the next two days from now One hour is one of the most difficult times for me. After this time, the Zerg base will provide us with continuous support. And it is very powerful support!"

"Because the ownership of this Zerg base belongs to me now! They are like my summons. To put it more simply, the creatures they kill! They will also drop keys and give us rewards!! You know What does this mean? The rewards of the gold branch quests can already be put aside, the biggest benefit is the keys dropped by the fifth-, sixth-, and seventh-order creatures we killed during the mission!!!”

Mogansha and Jiaoshi nodded, and Jiaoshi suddenly said:

"People from the riding tribe will also help us, right? As a reward for treating Mulu's injured leg, they shouldn't stand idly by."

Fang Senyan sighed slightly:

"In fact, the riding tribe may not be reliable. Even if they will keep their promises, the old man Mulbo is the actual master. He is very cunning. It is okay to fight with the wind, but once he encounters any dangerous situation, he will probably It is impossible for those who retreat to fight with their lives. Because the fighters staying in the vicinity are already the last strength of the entire tribe. If they all die here, then the riding tribe will definitely perish directly. What's more...they are now The enemy we have to face may be their god Eva!"

After listening to Fang Senyan's analysis, the three of them felt a sense of "being trapped in a cocoon" at the same time, and shook their heads with wry smiles. It was they who single-handedly caused more than 80% of the elite forces of the riding tribe to die here. However, after just a few dozen hours, they had to worry about the lack of strength of the riding tribe.

At this time, the patriarch of the Taqi tribe, no, he should be called a priest now, riding that huge black manta ray pterosaur soared up in the air, circled several times, and then flew to the west. It means that there are enemies coming from the west. What's even more outrageous is that the seemingly calm priest actually uttered a terrified cry in the sky! !

Fang Senyan immediately called a host that was staying in the air, and then got on it with two teammates, then quickly lifted up, flew towards the west to observe, and waited until he saw clearly the number of enemies attacking more than ten kilometers away. At that time, Fang Sheyan showed a helpless but "I knew it was so" expression. He looked extremely annoyed, sighed a long time, and cursed viciously:

"Damn space! Sure enough, there is no way to take advantage of the slightest loophole!"

It turns out that looking far away, you can see the smoke and dust billowing in the dense forest in the distance, where the trees are falling and the trees are broken, and the birds and beasts are frantically running away, forming a "belt" with a width of almost one kilometer and moving towards this direction crazily. Come here! If you look carefully, that "belt" is surprisingly all made up of viper wolves, and the length is endless. At first glance, it seems that it will spread directly into the sky from far away! !

Such a terrifying number seems to be on par with the first wave of beast attacks that Sheyan and the others suffered when they first entered this world! And because the beast tide at that time was divided into four, attacking in four directions. The invisible one is because the division of troops dilutes the visual effect.

The current animal tide is a whole, if the Yangtze River is rushing forward majesticly, so there is an extra terrifying momentum in it that wants to destroy everything that stands in front of him! That kind of feeling, just seeing it will produce an unmatched psychology from the bottom of my heart!

Not to mention that at that time, there were more than 400 powerful contractors/hunters facing the beast tide. But at this time, facing the beast horde, even if you add the members of the riding tribe who came to help, there are only 20 people at all times!

"Sure enough, there is still no chance..." At this time, Jiao Shi and Mo Gansha couldn't help but flashed this idea, and they felt a sense of frustration that their success was on the verge of failure. That kind of feeling is suffocated deep in my heart, and I can't help but shout crazily to vent it!

"Could it be that we are going to fall short here???"