The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 382: variable


Facing Fang Senyan's request, Parker straightened his tie:

"Of course, Jenny, bring three cups of coffee to my office, mine without milk and sugar, thank you."

The furnishings in Parker's office are quite simple, with various seized Na'vi cultural relics placed on the ledge behind the desk. On the table next to it, there is a piece of superconducting ore suspended in a permanent magnet, and a photo of the football team in college is hung on the wall next to it. After the secretary brought the coffee in, exited and closed the door, Sheyan said seriously:

"I'm here to convince you, Mr. Parker. I'm currently employed by a gentleman who is in a very good financial situation - please forgive me for not giving his name - and my mission is to come to the planet Pandora to capture a Na'vi native baby girl .So for the sake of my life, I need all the detailed information about Pandora that RDA currently has, including the habits of various animals and plants, distribution maps of the surrounding topographical areas, and so on."

Parker looked at Sheyan, raised his eyebrows, and said in a mocking and disapproving tone:

"OK, Mr. Second Lieutenant, I'm pretty clear about your purpose - but I think you haven't mentioned the crux of the problem: how to convince me."

Sheyan then smiled slightly and said:

"That's why I'm bringing Mr. David Beckham with him, he has a very good and outstanding talent in this area."

Parker shrugged and said:

"Okay, I'm looking forward to it - but a lot of people call me Stubborn Parker, it's not a joke, it's a gnashing of teeth and a cry from the heart."

Jin Kuang stood up, took out his own briar wood pipe that had begun to crack, stuffed a cigarette butt that he picked up from nowhere, lit it, and took a puff happily.

"I heard that in the futures market on Earth, Pandora crystals with a purification rate of 90% per kilogram have risen to 40 million dollars?"

Parker, who was leaning on the boss chair, pressed on his desk, and a large curved holographic screen immediately popped up:

"To be precise, it is US$41.34 million, Mr. Beckham. The latest price on the London futures market."

Gold Mine conjured up a small suitcase from behind and threw it at Parker:

"Time is money, my friend. I don't want to waste my precious time with you."

Parker said with some doubts:

"What's this?"

Sheyan raised his eyebrows and said:

"Before you open this box, I have a suggestion, that is, can you close the curtains in your office first, otherwise I can guarantee that, Mr. Parker, you will regret it."

Parker shrugged and said:

"This office was designed without curtains, but at my strong request, they still made certain protections for my privacy, such as..."

There was a weird smile on the corner of Parker's mouth, he took out a remote control and pressed it, and the originally transparent window suddenly became blurred, and it was impossible to see anything inside from the outside:

"It's a nice human design."

Then he opened the box, and was immediately stunned by the light emanating from it, and after a few seconds, he said with difficulty and stuttering:

"What's this… ?"

Gold Mine had already drank the coffee in front of him, so he took the untouched cup in front of Parker, took a big sip with a smile on his face, and said:

"Here are two kilograms of Pandora crystals with a purification rate of 95%. Mr. Parker, according to the market price you just gave, the most conservative value is 82.68 million U.S. dollars."

The purity of the directly mined Pandora Ore is often quite low. For human beings, it takes extremely complicated procedures and expensive costs to refine the crystal form with a purity of more than 90%, so if someone directly packs a box of freshly dug If Pandora Ore went to Parker, most of them would be treated as crazy. Just like no one usually takes a bag of gold ore to make a deal.

In addition, under high-tech monitoring, it is quite difficult to directly embezzle the finished products produced in the factory. Although it takes 5 years to travel from the earth to Pandora, the developed communication can monitor everything in real time.

Parker suddenly closed the box and said seriously:

"In order to collect information on various resources on Pandora, the company has spent more than 100 billion dollars in manpower and material resources so far, not to mention that there are so many outstanding employees who have sacrificed their precious and expensive lives..."

Jin Mine exclaimed in an exaggerated tone:

"Oh! My friend, I remember that your work injury pension is 517,000 US dollars, and an additional 40% personal income tax will be added, so the family members of the dead unlucky ghosts only get 360,000 US dollars That's all. More importantly, RDA companies tend to recruit some homeless people with no relatives... so please don't use the word expensive to insult my common sense, okay?"

Then the little old man jumped aside with great agility and opened the door (Parker immediately closed the little box with astonishing agility), screaming:

"Miss Jenny, Mr. Parker said three more cups of coffee, with more milk and sugar, and in the biggest cup you can find, thank you!"

After the coffee was delivered and Jenny went out, Gold Mine picked up the cup of coffee in front of the dazed Mr. Parker again and drank it down in one gulp, blinking her small eyes:

"If Mr. Parker can give us some convenience in the rest of the place, the box can add another kilogram to its weight."

Parker licked his dry lips. He felt that he was standing at an inflection point in his life. The senator, the campaign, and the big-ass chick were hovering in his desire, so his voice was even distorted:

"for example?"

Fang Senyan said:

"I am very interested in the Avatar project, and hope to visit the laboratory."

"Visit? Just a visit?" Parker wondered uncertainly.

Sheyan smiled and said:

"There won't be any video data left, and it won't cause you any trouble. I just want to touch these big guys. You can take this request as my eccentricity."

Parker hesitated for a moment, but said with difficulty:

"I'll have to think again."

Jin Kuang drank another cup of coffee confidently, and said with a slap in the face:

"I admire your self-control, Mr. Parker. But I have to remind you that not everyone can withstand the temptation of 600 ounces of gold, not to mention that the chips we give are worth six hundred times more than 600 ounces of gold !"

This sentence became the last straw that broke the camel's back. Parker finally made up his mind, clapped his hands and said:

"Okay, okay, you have convinced me, the information will be given to you immediately, but I can't directly intervene in the Avatar Lab, I have to wait until Grace leads the team out for investigation."

Sheyan said very simply:

"No problem. Besides, I've got your friendship, haven't I?"

Parker hesitated for a moment, but still smiled and stretched out his hand:

"Yes, Ensign, it's a very expensive friendship. But I'll let you know it's worth it."

At the same time, Gold Mine has begun to pretend to accept the information, while Sheyan has received a reminder from the Nightmare Mark:

"You get an important plot character: Parker Selfridge's friendship, and your relationship with him has improved from cold to friendly."

At this time, Fang Senyan suddenly seemed to inadvertently ask:

"Dear Selfridge, although my employer has repeatedly emphasized that my mission has no risks and no competitors, I think this is just a well-intentioned deception and malicious bargaining. So I hope you will come forward Tell me as a friend, have you seen such a group of people?"

Sheyan then described the height, shape, and general characteristics of Airos and Staro. Park Selfridge pondered for a while, Fang Senyan immediately knew that there was something for him when he saw his appearance, so he immediately said while the iron was hot:

"Dear Selfridge, if any of my friends brings me a big deal of $82.68 million, then I will definitely wish him a long life, because next time he may bring Give me any unexpected surprises or benefits."

Director Parker raised his eyebrows after hearing this, pressed the button and said to the air:

"Jenny, I hope to see the file that was classified as top secret in the company yesterday within a minute. Yes, the password is oojkl112398."

(At this time, Jin Mine had already drank all the coffee with milk...) Soon Parker gave Sheyan the answer:

"They're high-level special people inside the company, they even have some superpowers, well, you know, they're nothing like you guys who inject steroids and stimulants—oh, sorry, I'm not talking about you, their mission is very It's tough, and I can't tell you the specifics."

At this time, people began to knock on the door outside, probably there is something that needs to be dealt with by Parker, the supervisor, Fang Senyan can only get up and leave. He stopped Fang Senyan and said meaningfully:

"My friend, if you are not busy at work, then you will go to Hell's Kitchen (Hell's Kitchen, the staff restaurant at Hell's Gate), and I will recommend you two dishes of peacock venison steak and orange sake stew Good food, and you can find some magazines, books, and games in the staff lounge next to it to pass the time. Combining work and rest is the secret to success, even if you play until 12 o'clock in the evening before going to work, there is still time."