The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 390: Allied forces arrive


The function of the wormhole is to quickly transfer troops between different bases of the Zerg that are far apart! Just like two arbitrary doors, no matter how complicated the terrain is, sending troops between two wormholes can span the distance between time and space, and it only takes a few seconds at most. Of course, because the planets where Pandora and the black acanthus are located are too far away, it took a long time to build the wormhole. The cooling time of the wormhole transmission is also longer.

The principle of its technology uses the folding technology of space and time - there is 20 centimeters from point A to point B on a piece of paper, so the shortest distance from point A to point B is not to draw a straight line between them, Instead, fold the paper directly, so that point A and point B overlap directly, and let them pass through at zero distance. This is the foundational theory of wormholes!

This highly evolved building requires the Zerg brood and brain worms to be upgraded to LV3 before it can be built. According to Sheyan's initial estimate, it is only a matter of time before the black spiny brain worms occupy the high-energy Pandora Mine and advance to LV3. So donating the Zerg base that he built to the black acanthus, allowing it to take over and support him through the wormhole, is Sheyan's last trump card.

But no matter whether Fang Senyan's deduction is wrong or not, at most he can't do the gold side mission, and it's no problem to escape to save his life.

It is worth mentioning that wormholes can actually be built on the Allied creeps, but if Sheyan didn't donate the base to the black acanthocerebrum, it probably wouldn't be selfless to support Sheyan.

And the first batch to pass through the wormhole was the Zerg's most mobile combat creature: the spore wyvern! They rushed straight to the Viper Wolf Sea in front of them. For the Viper Wolves without anti-air capabilities, they were completely unable to fight back against the spore dragons in the air!

The stalkers who passed through the wormhole one after another seemed to line up, and quickly rushed to several key entrances on the periphery of the current small Zerg base, and then quickly dug the soil with their eight sharp long legs, directly smashing the His body was buried in the ground! And there are at least a hundred of these stalkers!

Although the attack power of the nearly one hundred spore dragons that first entered the planet Pandora through the wormhole was powerful, the number of viper wolves coming from a distance was also crazy: the width of the attack wave alone reached It's close to five or six hundred meters, and the length has no end in sight. What is the concept of such a viper wolf pack? ? In the face of such a huge number, the attack of the spore flying dragon is a drop in the bucket!

So it can be seen immediately that the dark beast tide rushes like a long river, and then jumps directly on the edge of the tiankeng formed after the magnetic storm. They are blocked by the Pandora crystal cluster and they are divided into three dark tributaries, heading towards the Zerg. The base marched in three directions... Although the Zerg's organs and buildings are very ferocious and huge, they are as weak as candles in a strong wind in front of this vast sea of beasts.

However, on the three necessary roads leading to the Zerg base, at least more than a hundred stalkers have been buried densely!

Then, an astonishing number of three beast tides suddenly crashed into the attack range of the buried stalker!

Suddenly, the sound of metal colliding sounded in the air, and the beast tide charging at the front suddenly exploded incomparably! Scattered into pieces of meat and flying green slime! Those pieces of meat and body fluids were spread on the ground, as if they were butter thrown into a hot pan, they quickly dissolved, and were digested by the greedy and thirsty creep in just a few seconds!

In the area after the magnetic storm, the content of organic matter is astonishingly low, so the range of the creeps in this Zerg base has never been able to expand. At this time, so many flesh and blood that lost their lives have been added, and the thirsty creeps immediately activated with all their strength. Unparalleled outward coverage extension.

Although the Viper Wolf rushed up madly without fear of death, if you look carefully, you can see rows of sharp giant thorns emerging from the ground, aiming at them like waves. Everywhere they passed was full of flesh and blood, as long as they were within the attack range of the giant thorn, they would suffer terrible damage. What made them even more helpless was that the enemies were hiding underground, covered by soft soil, Viper Wolf couldn't find any opponent at all! !

The terrifying tide of vipers, wolves, and beasts that rushed over seemed to hit an invisible barrier. Although the target was less than a hundred meters away, the invisible barrier was like a grinding disc of flesh and blood, firmly blocking it. They overwhelmed their raids, and blocked their desperate rush with endless and ruthless attacks.

At this time, the stalkers stopped pouring out of the wormhole, and more than a dozen leader-level swift beasts that were as huge as calves rushed out, but they stood still more than 20 meters away from the entrance of the wormhole, appearing Out of a fan shape, vigilant guards are on guard.

In the next second, an extremely fat giant crustacean flew out of the wormhole, shaking its wings with difficulty! When its huge belly and thick anti-joint legs stepped on the ground, it was obvious that the ground shook violently, and the carapace on its surface shone with diamond-like crystal clear refracting prisms.

The moment this giant carapace appeared, it could be clearly felt that all Zerg creatures seemed to be more active after taking stimulants, and their combat production efficiency increased by at least 25%! This guy supported the ground with his hind legs, raised his head to support his body, and took a deep breath, and then expressed emotion with his mind:

"What a clean and pleasant air! What a beautiful cluster of crystals! Although the content of the ore is a little lower, the reserves are enough to be fully mined for a year! From the first time I set foot on the soil here, I found myself deeply in love with it!!"

Fang Sheyan naturally wouldn't stay on the edge of the tiankeng at this time, he had already retreated to the Zerg base, and said loudly to the fat worm:

"Hey! My friend, you should lose weight. Also, the fresh air should smell less, at least it is fatal to human beings. You have to cherish your life, because I have all hope and Wealth is invested in it."

The black acanthocerebrum let out a roar from its chest cavity:

"Aha! Thank you for reminding me, but I am sure that my body has never been so healthy, look at these beautiful cluster trees!!! This is a spectacle I have never seen! I My partner Shen Gong, can you feel the abundance here? I can't wait to move the brood here."

Sheyan shrugged his shoulders:

"I forgot that you are a race that is so strong that you can fly directly into outer space. Of course, this bit of poisonous gas can be regarded as a nutrient. Also, don't be careless. I have to remind you that this is only a product of native creatures. It's just the first wave of offensive, and the strength of the incoming creatures may be beyond your expectations. So you have to be ready to evacuate at any time."

"Evacuate?" The black spinosaurus suddenly raised its voice and roared:

"Oh! No, this is absolutely impossible, do I have to go back and face the barren vein that is about to be exhausted? Do I have to face the queen's squeeze directly? No!!! My friend, you did not lie Me, there is no queen on this planet at all. This is a rich planet without Zerg, and it will also be the place where the Blackthorn tribe will rise! I would rather die here than go back and be someone else’s slave."

Fang Senyan was quite satisfied with the answer of the black acanthus, he began to feel that he had already read 50% of the golden side mission and began to wave to himself, so he immediately said seriously:

"About half an hour later, the native air force will arrive. This is a terrifying flying dragon that focuses on hand-to-hand combat. The combat ability of each head is at least equal to that of five spore flying dragons."

The black spine worm began to let out a terrible roar, and the sound echoed over the base:

"No one can drive me out of this paradise! No matter how strong the enemy is, unless it can kill me, brood, stop all wars over there, we fully retreat, give up everything, and fight this war with all our strength , Remember to cut off the wormhole over there at the end! Completely cut off the connection with the ethnic group, we will open up a new world here!"

The quiet voice of the Mother of the Blackthorn came quickly:

"Your will will be fully implemented, and I can't wait to fight alongside you in our new homeland."

At this time, Mogansha and Jiaoshi also joined Sheyan, and the black brothers shouted excitedly when they saw Sheyan:

"Boss! You succeeded! You really succeeded, we can definitely finish that bitch's gold side mission!!!!"

Sheyan looked into Mogansha's eyes, and said word by word:

"No! We succeeded, it was us, the ace team succeeded!!!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the three of them felt the blood in their veins burning at the same time. The surging mood was indescribable! ! They stretched out their hands and embraced each other, bumping their heads together, and roaring with excitement at the same time! !

It was a huge brown viper wolf! It was covered with the flesh and blood of swift beasts.

This terrifying creature is at least five or six times larger than its peers. Its sharp and long snout is full of sharp teeth. The opening and closing movements are undoubtedly reminiscent of electric iron pliers. Its strong hind legs even give super With extraordinary jumping ability, a spore dragon flew a little too low, but this guy leaped high on the same kind, tore it from the air with one bite, and was instantly eaten by those viper wolves.

Fang Senyan had already set his sights on it, with the eyes of a hungry person seeing bread.