The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 392: exchange


Facing Sheyan and Jiaoshi's strength at this time, the woman holding the bow and arrow shrank back in frustration and annoyed, not daring to speak more. Jiao Shi was not the kind of person who chased and fought fiercely. After calling everyone to take a break, he recovered his state and hurried to the Illuminati.

I have to admit that Reef is a guy with a strong overall view. Although he has fought with Guangguang several times, since both sides are on the same boat at this time, it is natural to think about each other. But in fact, this is also his weakness. It is difficult for an overly upright and selfless person to survive in this space. As the saying goes, when the water is clear, there will be no fish. If the way of doing things deviates from the majority of people, then there is no doubt that no matter how strong your ability is, you will be eliminated.

The reason why Sheyan came to the southern battlefield first was to let the light cause more casualties. It is precisely because he has just stayed in the Illuminati that he knows the horror of this team, and it is probably the biggest enemy who will compete for the gold branch mission in the future. Sheyan didn't expect that his delay would damage the main force of the Illuminati—at least half of the peripheral members would be injured—just like how sweet a tangerine is, you have to peel off the outer skin first!

When Sheyan rushed to the southern battlefield along with the reef, he finally saw the Death Beast, the creature known as the top of the food chain on the ground of Pandora. It looks like an enlarged version of the panther in general, but with yellow and red stripes on the smooth black skin, it looks doubly fierce.

There are ten beard-like external sensory bristles in its mouth. This thing is like a powerful amplifier of smell and hearing, which can amplify the senses of the death beast dozens of times. When opening the mouth, the upper lip of this ferocious guy will fold upwards to achieve the maximum tooth extension, and maximize the horrific wounds for the enemy to bite. And it also has chitin armor covering the entire back.

At this time, this powerful legendary creature was still plundering among the crowd, but its movements were no longer agile. It can be clearly seen that this guy's movements seemed to be stuck by glue, and those who were usually relaxed The hunting skills such as breathing and eating have to take a lot of effort to do it. So much so that its ferocious claws and teeth can only deal with some summoned creatures. And the rest of the contractors output crazily beside it, beating it until it screamed again and again.

Because Yu Ze didn't dare to get too close to the battlefield before, he couldn't send back the information of the Death Beast immediately, but now he immediately devoted himself to his duty.

Baby Death Beast (Tier 2 Legendary Creature)

English: Thanator (transliterated as Lightning Beast)

Na'vi: Palulukan

Scientific name: Thanatora ferox

Height: 2.5 meters, over 5.5 meters long.

Weight: more than 2 tons

Description: Pandora's top land predator. Run on six legs. Even the Na'vi, famed for their prowess, fear the creature, and the Na'vi never sing or dance in its honor.

Strength: 30 points

Dexterity: 50 (MAX) points

Stamina: 25 points



Legendary Creature Ability: Skin of the Earth LV4. The owner's life value is increased by an additional 15000 points/LV4 additional effect, so that the owner can gain an additional 6 points/5 seconds of life recovery speed.

Legendary Creature Ability: Iron Will LV1, most deceleration effects are very poor on creatures with this ability.

Creature ability: lightning speed (passive), the movement speed and attack speed of creatures with this ability will be greatly enhanced.

Creature Ability: Ferocious (passive), creatures with this ability are extremely prone to causing negative effects such as bleeding and bone fractures when attacking. And when the Death Beast attacks enemies with abnormal status effects, the attack power increases by 10%, up to 50%

Biological ability: bristle detection (passive), creatures with this ability have a very powerful ability to predict danger, reduce the enemy's critical strike rate by 30%, and increase their own dodge rate by 15%.

Biological ability: long tail whipping (active), the tail of the Death God Beast is also its great weapon, it can lash the enemy's body fiercely like a whip. Causes damage of strength X4 and makes the enemy dizzy for 5 seconds.

Additional blessing in the space battlefield: increase the life value of the creature by an additional 200,000 points/make the owner gain an additional 30 points/5 seconds of recovery speed.

Suddenly, one of the contractors was whipped away by the Death God Beast's tail, turned to look at the passage inside the spaceship, and howled terribly, and the skin flaps next to the mouth suddenly swelled with blood. The ferocity of these flaps is a warning or a show off, very similar to the behavior a reptile or peacock feather displays during mating season!

But Sheyan noticed the direction of the death beast's vicious eyes like flashlights, and then he couldn't help squinting, and saw a figure floating in the air in the dark spaceship passage, her feet were about an hour off the ground. About one meter away, one of the diamond-shaped balls of light floating beside him also disappeared, but the palm of his outstretched left hand was facing the death beast from a distance, maintaining such a posture.

"It seems that we are still a bit early." Sheyan sighed in his heart. He could tell at a glance that although the Illuminati has lost nearly ten members, their strength is still like an iceberg in the water. It can only be seen that they are already very towering on the surface, but the iceberg is hidden under the water part, remains a mystery! The whole team also showed a panic but not chaos.

And Sheyan also noticed that Jiao Shi and Akafir should be old acquaintances, they looked at each other, and there seemed to be sparks in friction.

Faced with such a situation, the people in the West District did not dare to make mistakes, so they could only lure a few elite viper wolves to kill them, and exploded two dark blue keys. Then he retreated back to his own West District to defend. Of course, he did not wait for orders at this time. These contractors who had tasted the sweetness had already packed up all the beast corpses, and cleaned up the blood. Three pits were dug out, obviously this can better divert those more hungry creatures.

At this time, a black herd of beasts appeared again in the distance...

It was getting dark, and the contractors who had been fighting bloody for four hours finally heard a loud broadcast from inside the spaceship:

"Please enter the spaceship, please enter the spaceship."

"Spaceship power: The one-sided nuclear fusion power engine has been restored, and the optical interference shield will be released in three minutes. This shield has a strong camouflage ability, which can prevent the creatures on the Avatar planet from recognizing the spaceship in night vision. Specific location. So you are safe until at least 8:00 tomorrow morning."

Upon hearing this news, many contractors collapsed from exhaustion as soon as they entered the passage inside the spaceship, and fell asleep after pouring some water on their faces. In fact, Fang Sheyan has already discovered that digging pits to bury the dead beasts on the battlefield can only reduce the number of common monsters attacking, while those powerful legendary creatures are not affected at all.

In the last wave of attacks, although no new high-level legendary creatures appeared, the number of each attack reached two or even three heads. Even a team as powerful as the Illuminati cannot bearable. The good thing is that the legendary creatures didn't rush forward, but were attracted by the big pit where the corpses were buried near the battlefield. This gave the contractors a chance to defeat each other.

Fortunately, the rest of the war zones were not fools either. After suffering two losses, they immediately came to the west zone to observe and learn from the scriptures, wanting to know why the herd of beasts showed a lack of interest in their side. As a result, the simple thing of cleaning the battlefield was of course quickly learned. In this way, by the time it got dark, the number of remaining contractors had been reduced by a whole half!

Of course, it must be noted that the term used here is to reduce, not to be killed, and the contractors who can survive to the present must have learned the trade-offs long ago. Therefore, even if they paid the highest attribute value of three points/meritorious value minus five points, there are many contractors who feel that there is nothing they can do and give up. After all, life is the root of everything.

At this time, five RDA staff also appeared from the upper cockpit of the Valkyrie. They circled down from the stairs on the upper floor, and then stayed in the core area of the spacecraft. After talking a few innocuous words, he found a place nearby to sit down.

All contractors can make inquiries through their handy handheld computers, and purchase a series of medicines/equipment/recipes/unknown wonders, etc. It is worth mentioning that the only effective currency for purchase is battlefield contribution Spend.

Obviously, these five guys were immediately surrounded, and it was almost difficult for a mosquito to fly in. Sheyan, on the other hand, has been staring at the stairs where the five staff descended, thinking deeply. He even started to try to climb up, but just when he got closer, he got a warning from an electronically synthesized voice, saying that this place is a restricted area. If he insists on entering, all RDA company's battlefield contribution points will be deducted, and all Shipborne weapons attack.

Of course Sheyan would not insist on entering the restricted area on the second floor, after silently nodding thoughtfully, he sat back in the corner on one side. At this time, all the contractors gathered in the central hall of the spaceship, sat in a group with clear divisions, and looked at each other with vigilant eyes.