The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 399: wake up! !


Faced with such a provocative shooting, Mogansha's face suddenly became solemn, but the black buddy refused to suffer, and immediately spit out a mouthful of phlegm and raised his middle finger. When the duel started, the black buddy grabbed the Glock pistol The weakness of the short range, turned around and ran towards the jungle not far away. Obviously, he had to use the complex terrain to deal with Airos, and at the same time, he turned around and shot while running.

This kind of behavior is also quite normal. Prince Staro's eyes showed appreciation, and then he shook his head slightly.

A few hot bullets were shot in the air, hitting Airos's body within a few centimeters of the surface, causing little ripples before bouncing away. Airos still walked calmly, pressing every step of the way! As soon as Mogansha came within range, he immediately raised his gun and fired!

At this time, everyone was surprised to find that even though Eros was walking and Mogansha was running, the speed of the former was faster than that of the latter! ! !

Mogansha had just entered the jungle at this time, he rolled and kicked down a fern next to him, trying hard to cover the vital point behind the concealment.

But the scorching bullet still lightly penetrated the tree and hit his right shoulder, splashing out a large amount of blood in the air!

And Mogansha's original counterattack was also inaccurate because of this shot. But he also has an unruly personality, and he will fight back violently as soon as he is shot.

And at this time, Eros seemed to have expected that Mogansha would counterattack at this time, raised his gun, took aim, and ruthlessly pulled the trigger!

This bullet flew out obliquely and stuck to the ground, forming an angle of 30 degrees and refracted out. Mogansha has always been weird and insidious. When he was caught off guard, how could he know how the enemy would retaliate in the same way? His body? Can it still shoot such reflected bullets? Immediately, there was a slap between the chest and abdomen. Immediately spurting blood and flying out again, the counterattack was in vain.

Fang Senyan and Jiao Shi looked at each other, and couldn't help but sigh slightly. Needless to say, this situation is already very obvious. That is the ultimate suppression of attributes.

Apparently Airos's agility and perception have already surpassed Mogansha's by a very high level, so although this level is not yet able to achieve the crushing effect in terms of strength, there is already an obvious gap, so Airos can always step forward against Mogansha carried out a very strong suppression. In this case, if you rely on combat experience alone, it can already be said to be useless!

At this time, you can see the poison in Prince Staro's eyes. The people selected by the roll call will crush you to death openly and frankly! There is no excuse for you to lose.

At this moment, Eros, who already had the overall upper hand, looked calm, holding down the gun with his right hand to aim at Mogansha, but his left hand swiped heavily in the air.

This swipe from top to bottom actually left an afterimage in the air, and a door of light appeared with a swipe, and then two heavily armed American soldiers walked out of it, looked at the surrounding environment before leaning over As they rushed out, they were all standard tactical moves, quickly outflanking the left and right sides.

Airos stood on the spot, his eyes seemed to be closed, and the hand holding the gun was naturally placed on the side of his body, as if he didn't want to move any more. But everyone knows that once Mogansha reappears, he will inevitably be hit by his ruthless firepower!

This kind of attack can't help but remind people of the saying "wrap the grass and beat the rabbit!"

"The overall situation has been decided." That Prince Staro said lightly. Although his voice was very soft, it fell into everyone's ears like a chisel.

Jiao Shi frowned, but Sheyan's eyes were shining brightly at this moment:

"That's right, Eros will be defeated."

Fang Senyan said these words quite loudly, and everyone's eyes stopped on him for a while.

But as if to verify the correctness of the two people's words, Mogansha, who was forced to jump out from behind a tree in the next second, was shot out by Ayros's first shot and rolled continuously on the ground After several laps, leaving spots of blood, it fell into the dense bushes.

But this time, Mogansha fought back when he was shot!

Beast instinct, activate! !

Five bullets shot out sharply from the muzzle again, and the magical ability that knocked down the contractor holding a samurai sword appeared again immediately.

Five bullets collided head to tail, and the last bullet turned into white light, hitting Eros directly between the eyebrows.

But Eros's body surface flashed with light, and a hexagonal translucent shield was born, flying away the living refraction bullets of the bullets!

The final counterattack turned out to be ineffective!

"It's almost there." Prince Staro said indifferently without looking at him, "Two more shots will finish him off."

Fang Senyan didn't speak anymore, but his heart started to shout:

"If I'm not wrong... Mogansha, Gold AK Mogansha, you have followed me for so long, if your strength is really as strong as the reef said, then you should... you should already have the ability to step out of that One step more qualified!"

There was a dead silence in the jungle. Two expressionless American soldiers marched forward with guns in their hands, as cold as killing machines. Their identities are cannon fodder, fishing nets that drive fish out of the water!

But in the next second, a dazzling red light suddenly shone from the fallen bushes of Mogansha, like needles trying to pierce everyone's eyes.

Extreme value arrived!

wake up!

Gold AK Mogansha already has the ability to break through the extreme value of 50 points! ! !

And the key to this, I am afraid, lies in the black weapon obtained before: SN-9 Wasp pistol (SN-9 WASP).

However, Airos had been prepared for Mogansha's awakening, and he still didn't change his face, but his eyes became colder, and he still stood still. Suddenly, another shadow flew up in the distance. Airos's expression remained unchanged, and he didn't make any movement, only the two summoned American soldiers immediately raised their guns and opened fire. It can be said that the "thu t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t t h t h e s" of every single shot shot the shadow alive, but it was just a dead tree stump.

At this moment, Mogansha leaped out from behind the cover with the AK in hand. This time, Eros' shooting speed was obviously a bit slower. But his finger rested on the trigger and couldn't pull it! Because shooting is about two points and one line, but at this time, there is an extra obstacle between the "two points" between him and Mogansha. That was his own summoning object.

Before the shot was fired, Mogansha successfully retreated a few meters and hid in the jungle. After awakening, even though there is a certain gap between his agility and perception compared with Eiros, he is definitely not completely suppressed like he was at the beginning. up.

And more importantly, Mogansha has already realized at this time that this Eros seems to have very unfamiliar shooting experience. Class, just practice makes perfect.

Mogansha leaped continuously through the woods, like a reindeer running on the tundra of Alaska. Every time he leaped, he always cleverly used the bodies of the two American soldiers as a cover. It was very difficult for these two guys to hit Mogansha before, let alone now.

When Eros came to his senses and withdrew the two American soldiers to the side, Mogansha had already opened a distance of nearly 150 meters from them.

This is already the limit of the lethal range of the Glock pistol, but there was a sneer on the corner of Eros' mouth, because his health was still 100%, while Mogansha's health was less than 30%, he fled Going too far is indeed out of range, but! At this distance, Mogansha's shooting power will also be greatly weakened, and it will be difficult to threaten himself!

Don't forget that before Mogansha awakened, Eros completely suppressed Mogansha in terms of perception! That is to say, Mogansha's basic abilities are not immune to Eros' eyes.

And Airos, who is also good at shooting, of course knows that even though the basic attributes can skyrocket after awakening, the basic abilities still need to be learned, and the basic abilities of the previous Mogansha cannot be equipped even with a whiteboard. Class sniper firearms!

At a distance of 200 meters, Mogansha suddenly started to counterattack, and the sound of AK47 echoed in the dense jungle again. This time Mogansha's shooting method was very strange, it was a burst of shooting bullets! At a distance of two hundred meters, although Airos's attack is still threatening, the range of the Glock pistol has become its fatal wound after all, and Mogansha can already dodge Airos's attack without any suspense—because It takes a few tenths of a second for a Glock pistol bullet to fly a distance of 200 meters.

The four bullets fired from the muzzle of the golden AK gun penetrated extremely hot into the enemy's body, and every time Mogansha fired a shot, he would inevitably move and retreat. It seems that his footsteps are stepping out a deadly rhythm, trying to demonstrate the power of death, and every time he takes a step, the ground under his feet sinks a little, leaving clear footprints, but look at Mogansha's walking posture But it seems that he is flying on the ground!

Of course Mogansha was not attacking Ayros, but the two American soldiers who were chasing after him. The reason why he started to clear these two "obstacles" was: after fleeing so far, these two guys had lost their lives. The use of value, but because of just awakening, he must adapt to the sharp increase in agility and perception, and further adjust his fighting style.

The ear-piercing sound of AK firing seems to be far away in the sky, yet close at hand.

A summoned American soldier was shot in the arms, chest, and thighs continuously. He was about to open his mouth to roar, when a flaming bullet flew in front of his eyes in an instant! ! !