The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 4: Trapped beast


"FUCK!" Sheyan suddenly changed from a leisurely observer to a subdued one, and without the slightest mental preparation, the gap in his heart was naturally huge. The muscles on his face trembled, and he couldn't help but uttered an American-style national curse, and then grabbed the canvas bag next to him without hesitation and shouted to stop. The driver looked at him strangely and stepped on the brake, but Sheyan opened the door and rushed out without waiting for the car to stop. He directly threw a stack of flying dollars backhand, smashing the driver's doubts back into his mouth.

"The model of the robot that chased down Sarah Connor for the first time was T-800. This guy's strength should be the total boss of the Terminator I world." Sheyan's brain has started to spin rapidly.

"This time it is the T-750, which shows that the incoming Terminator must be inferior to the T-800 in terms of strength, and according to the reminder of the nightmare mark, this T-750 can only play Out of 80% strength."

At this time, Fang Senyan didn't care to observe the surrounding environment, and started to run desperately towards the nearest two-story villa. At the same time, he took out the M-500 pistol and put it in his waist, and took out the powerful shotgun. There are bullets in the pocket. In a fierce battle, delaying for half a second is a moment of life and death. At this time, it is not wrong to make these preparations in the midst of the rush.

Although he has two powerful firearms, he can't shoot Quest's shooting accuracy. He can only use them as a supplement to melee combat. Once the Terminator has long-range firepower, it will completely suppress itself.

After arriving at the entrance of the villa, Sheyan lowered his shoulders and pushed against the door with force, there was a muffled "click", the entire door was covered with cracks, and then flew inward along with the hinges, and amidst the flying sawdust, Sheyan held the shotgun He strode in with a livid face, and a black man dressed as a hippie came out of the room aggressively holding a bat. He just uttered an angry American curse, but it turned out that the black muzzle of the gun was very convincing. In the next second, he folded his head in his hands and squatted beside the wall.

Sheyan didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, so he picked up the guy's neck and threw it out of the window, saving his life. At this time, from the corner of Sheyan's eyes, she could already see several extremely dazzling blue electric currents appearing in the nearby yard, as thick as buckets, twisting and twisting together in the air, like pythons and snakes, it looked terrifying, And unusually weird. There was a "squeak" sound, and a strong wind blew around it, and even the turf on the ground was rolled up.

"This... should be the space-time tunnel through which the Terminator traveled!" Sheyan's pupils constricted, and his first reaction was to pull out the M500 pistol, take aim, and pull the trigger!

There was a "bang" gunshot, and light blue smoke curled up. Fang Sheyan found that his marksmanship was as inaccurate as ever, but this is not the point. As the distance between the bullet head and the current gets closer, the bullet's flight speed becomes slower and slower, as if the passage of time there has been forcibly adjusted to slow down. What's even more weird is that when the warhead touched a sputtered branch of blue current, it melted slowly like ice cream, evaporated, and finally disappeared completely!

"This should be the law of space and time. Inanimate things cannot be teleported and will be swallowed directly! So even the Terminator must be covered with a layer of artificial flesh and blood on the surface."

At this time, several thick blue electric currents have merged together, gradually forming a blue light curtain in the air, emitting dazzling glare, making it hard to stare at. A pair of sunglasses, so he put it on honestly, and immediately saw a thick-knuckle palm sticking out from the gate of time and space, struggling to climb outward.

Sheyan knew that this was an excellent opportunity for a sniper attack, but he was helpless because he didn't have a suitable attack tool. At this moment, he couldn't help but miss the head of the household here. If he appeared in front of him again, Sheyan would definitely throw him as a human bomb and throw stones at him to ask for directions.

Gradually, the head of that Terminator appeared outside the space-time vortex. He had a very ordinary face, but the lines were thick and simple, without any expression at all, giving the feeling of standing on the side of the street. plastic mannequin face. On the left side of his neck and shoulder blade, a deep hole the size of a ping-pong ball can be clearly seen. Faint blue smoke, even the twisted and deformed steel skeleton inside and the jets of lightning can be vaguely seen. This should be the reason why it only retains 80% of its combat ability.

When the Terminator's upper body protruded out of the space-time vortex, it shone with dazzling light again. Even Fang Senyan could only close his eyes and turn his head sideways even though he was wearing sunglasses. When he turned his head around, the T-750 Terminator was already standing proudly on the spot, staring at him with a pair of cold and indifferent eyes, eyes that disregard life and everything, filled with only Destruction, crazy destruction, even if you involve yourself together, you will not hesitate!

Sheyan didn't speak, but silently raised the shotgun in his hand, aiming the black muzzle at the shotgun.

Any language lost its effect at this moment. At this moment, facing this cold, terrifying and powerful steel monster, Sheyan deeply felt an indescribable coldness. The Terminator began to lean forward slightly, bent over, and ran over in a slightly stiff but fast manner. Fang Senyan also felt a slight resistance from his fingertips, and he added strength without hesitation. , pulled the trigger!

There was a loud "boom", and the smoke was lingering. At this moment, the bullet in the shotgun chamber has been fired. The shell made of plastic shattered in an instant, and two or three hundred steel balls shattered into the air, forming a rain of steel that shrouded an area in the distance, and the air was also torn apart in an instant, sending out a sharp scream. The Terminator who was sprinting staggered, as if his chest was grabbed by an invisible big hand, and the flesh and blood on the surface were torn apart heavily, revealing the silver-white steel skeleton inside!

Sheyan stepped forward with a cold expression, and firmly held the trigger. The huge recoil of the shotgun was completely ignored under his power suppression. The Terminator staggered and twitched in front of the roaring rain of steel bullets, but still approached tenaciously. What was terrifying was that the steel balls of the shotgun hit the metal skeleton of the Terminator, making a clanging sound, but it was only on top of it. It was just a white mark, and it couldn't cause any harm at all, but there was a lot of blood and minced meat splashed on the surrounding ground and walls, which looked very scary and weird.

The shotgun had only six clips, Fang Sheyan emptied the clip in one go and had no time to reload, so he threw the shotgun away and grabbed the baseball bat next to him with his backhand. Who knew that after the Terminator T-750 was released from the pressure, the huge force under its feet plus its weight of more than 200 kilograms with a crash directly crushed the wooden floor below to collapse. The force of the back kick suddenly rushed!

Sheyan didn't expect the explosive power of the Terminator T-750 to be so terrifying and swift, and the distance of seven or eight meters could be reached in an instant! What's even more frightening is that after being attacked by the shotgun at close range, the Terminator T-750 didn't seem to have suffered any damage. It silently rushed in front of Sheyan, raised its right hand with a whoosh and swept towards it! Facing such a speed, Fang Senyan only had time to turn his head slightly before he was punched right in the face!

Hearing a loud "bang", Fang Senyan was thrown off the ground alive, his whole body spun two or three times in the air, crashed through the partition door next to him and flew five or six meters away! He rolled over and over along the way, and he didn't know how many things he knocked over. He shook his drowsy head, but he didn't feel any pain, but he completely lost consciousness on half of his face. A tooth fell down weakly, and then the place where it was hit turned from numbness to heat, and finally the severe pain radiated to all sides!

"You were attacked by a Terminator T-750 and lost 55 (80-25) points of health"

"You are in shock, your attack speed and movement speed are reduced by 25%. This effect lasts for 30 seconds."

If it was an ordinary person who suffered this ferocious blow, then it is believed that he had already been beaten to death with a broken neck. At this time, even though Sheyan's health was nearly four times stronger than that of ordinary people, and he still had the natural ability to protect himself, he was still beaten so miserably!


Sheyan rolled over and got up from the ground, his cheeks were already swollen, he gasped for breath, looked at the Terminator T-750 approaching in front of him, coughed forcefully, spit out a mouthful of bloody phlegm, two broken teeth, In my heart, I was shocked and astonished. Before coming here, he already had a very high estimate of the strength of the authentic BOSS Terminator, but he never thought that this T-750, which can only exert 80% of its strength, would be so terrifying. I am at a comprehensive disadvantage in front of it, and I almost have no power to fight back!

The Terminator is a creature without any emotions. It is a sophisticated machine that will not give the enemy any chance to make mistakes. It will neither rejoice at one hit, nor be decadent at its own failure. After a successful blow, the Terminator T-750 continued to walk towards Sheyan indifferently, raised his foot and stepped down.

When this foot was stepped on, Fang Senyan even heard the terrifying sound of air being squeezed!