The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 407: Kierok's Counterattack


And within these 30 seconds, a group of mixed velociraptors and mammoth giants sprang out of the wormhole again, and silently replenished them in every corner that needed them. After a period of delay, the new tongue-thorn tower hatched again!

Then the situation continued to fall into a war of attrition and a protracted war...

It seems that the success of the three legendary bio-knights only destroyed some troops, a few tongue-piercing towers, and three organ buildings that did not directly help the battle! !

At this time, MCDH was completely stunned! He couldn't help muttering to himself:

"How could there be a guy who has such a precise grasp of the situation on the battlefield... How could there be a guy who has such a precise grasp of the situation on the battlefield!"

"Unexpectedly, under such circumstances, they can still fight against the enemy. It always gives the Mosak tribe an illusion that they can win at any time, but they can't actually win!"

The black buddy who was chewing gum turned his head to look at him, and said with a smile:

"There will always be some perverts in front of us, won't they?"

MCDH then shook his head again, and said in a deep voice:

"Chil Oko'o is a greedy, cunning, but very cautious guy. He is not so easy to deal with. He should order a retreat soon."

Sheyan suddenly said indifferently:

"That's not necessarily the case. Since you're here, if you want to leave, it's not so easy to leave."

The stalemate continued for five minutes, and every second, several lives fell on the frontline battlefield. Chief Kiroko's face sank like water, and he suddenly took out a horn from the saddlebag of the death beast beside him.

This horn is blood red, with a spiral texture on it, about two meters in length, and flies in a 45-degree arc in the air, as if there is a layer of light red around it. Bloody, looks breathtaking!

Chief Kierok'o held his head high and blew the horn, a long and desolate sound resounded in the air, sweeping across the earth like a tidal wave. During the sound of the trumpets, the legendary bio-knights behind him rushed out together, as if they were about to launch a general attack. The Zerg's defensive circle immediately retracted sharply again! From the portal, a large number of giant mammoths and swift beasts spewed out again!

But at this time, those legendary biological knights who rushed out did not pursue after reaching the frontline battlefield! Instead, rein in the sword and wait for it! Because the Zerg creatures were rapidly shrinking their defenses at the same time, the intense fighting state came to an abrupt end. The empty area in the middle is like a ceasefire area that suddenly appeared.

It can be clearly seen that behind the cover of those legendary creature riders, the rest of the Mosak tribe has begun to help the wounded, and by the way, they shouted and took away their most powerful and beloved tame creature.

Obviously, the Mosak tribe has realized that this is just a trap! A cruel trap with a time and place chosen by a cunning enemy, the purpose is to consume as much strength as possible of the Mosak tribe!

Therefore, the real purpose of Chief Chir'ok'o blowing the horn seemed to be to immediately escort the injured clansmen to retreat quickly!

After witnessing this scene, all the Zerg creatures seemed to pause for a moment, as if a person retracted and tensed his muscles to accumulate energy before swinging his fist, and then poured over like a flood that broke a bank! ! !

If the enemy wants to retreat, then now is the best time to attack.

But at this moment, Chief Kierok'o threw away the horn he was holding, and the scarred corner of his lips suddenly revealed a contemptuous expression that was forced downward.

"IJGTSAA, XXSMO1 (Damn rats, finally caught you)."

He suddenly raised the scepter in his hand!

Flames ignited at the top of this thick scepter, burning off the cracked dry skin on the top in an instant! Then suddenly a dazzling light burst out! As you can see, there is another natural high-purity Pandora crystal the size of a goose egg on it!

Under the frenzied urging of Chief Chir'Oko, the Pandora crystals on the top of the scepter began to shrink slowly, and then released clusters of blood-red mist, flying towards a hammer-headed mine following behind him. beast.

The two small eyes of this giant beast suddenly turned red, it began to bury its head, and then pawed the ground with its front hooves non-stop. At the same time, it took a deep breath, and its volume suddenly expanded to five or six times. So much so that under the thick, wrinkled outer skin, the contours of the muscles are vividly propped out.

In the next second, all the Mosak clansmen who were blocking the line in front of the hammer-headed Thunder Beast, at the same time, Ruotao made a way out of the waves. The small eyes of this hammer-headed thunder beast blinked, as if the camera had pressed the shutter, and it could be seen that the weird and hideous wormhole door was impressively imprinted in its blood-red pupils. Chief Kierok'o suddenly threw out the scepter, and the hammer-headed ultralisk raised its head, opened its mouth, and swallowed it with a wriggling throat.

Then, this gigantic behemoth began to move, sprinting from slow to fast at high speed! It swayed its huge body, burning with life, and rushed out like this! !

—Follow the road of flesh and blood that was given up!

—Aimed at the sea of insects rushing in like a tide in front of me!

But the sea of insects was not in its eyes at all. When its eyes took the first step, they exploded with a very crisp "pop", and blood flowed down the eye sockets, like two sticky and Terrible tears of blood. The last message engraved in its heart is that door, that weird and hideous wormhole door! !

The acceleration of this hammer-headed thunder beast is beyond anyone's imagination. It swayed and swayed, and every time it took a step, it could even hear the sound of the skin on its feet being torn by muscles. When it sprinted to 20 meters in front of the insect swarm, it was like a locomotive with its whistle sounding at high speed, spraying blood and rage, and rushing towards it with indomitable madness! !

MCDH's eyes immediately changed, and at the same time, he also heard the sound of Mogansha taking a deep breath! No matter who sees such a big guy with wildly swollen head wobbling straight towards him, he will inevitably be crushed by a heavy stone in his heart, and even have the illusion that "even if he gets close, he will die"! !

But at this moment, all the Zergs on the battlefield let out a dumb roar from their throats/even their hearts, and then rushed forward like a giant beast charging forward like a huge magnet !

If you want to compare the spirit of not fearing death, the crazy Zerg has never lost to anyone! ! !

At the moment when the swarm of insects collided with the giant beast, a large wave of blood and flesh was set off. Even though the Zerg troops and even the mammoth giant beasts who dared to block the hammer-headed thunder beast, they were knocked over and trampled alive without exception. It became a meat sauce, but more Zergs followed suit and rushed forward frantically.

I only heard the sound of tearing, and when the hammer-headed thunder beast rushed into the sea of insects for nearly 50 meters, its sprint speed obviously slowed down, and those crazy insects gnawed and gnawed, densely covered It's whole body, and what's even more frightening is that the swarms of insects around it are crowded together, pounced wildly, and are not afraid of any death at all.

Although the purple-black scale skin of this giant beast is very tough, and its feet are as thick as trees, but the ring-shaped serrated teeth of the Zerg mammoth giant beast can also be called a murder weapon in the world, and the initial bite progress is quite slow. But once the skin was broken, the fresh and tender red flesh was torn off by the greedy and crazy beast!

When it was less than 50 meters away from the gate of the wormhole, the hammer-headed ultralisk finally collapsed to the ground. However, when it was running, its size was still expanding. After it died, the speed of expansion accelerated. Several times! Seeing such an abnormal situation, Sheyan couldn't help but flashed his eyes and said:

"Could it be that Chief Kierko's trump card is..."

As soon as he finished speaking, there was a dull explosion with the corpse of the hammerhead thunder beast as its core!

The destructive power of this explosion was extremely terrifying. A deep pit of seventy to eighty square meters appeared on the spot, and the nearby flesh and blood were all evaporated. Hundreds of swift beasts and dozens of giant mammoths were leaning against the corpses. At the same time, it completely disappeared, and it seemed as if it was raining flesh and blood in a radius of one kilometer!

What's even more frightening is that there are still flesh and blood stained with flames flying around!

Fortunately, a few seconds before the explosion, several giant mammoths blocked the front of the wormhole door in time, so they also screamed in pain in the flames, and the left side of the wormhole door probably It was the bones and flesh that were shot out, and a huge, tragic wound was blasted alive, about five or six meters long! The pale supporting skeleton of the wormhole gate at the wound is faintly visible.

The most vicious thing was that there was still a reddish afterglow burning on the wound, and the spring of blood could not drown it at all. It burned until the flesh and blood creaked.

There is a vacuum of troops, and there is a vacuum of troops among the Zerg!

And at this moment, Chief Kierok'o had raised the horn again with a complacent expression, and blew it vigorously! !

In the rapid sound of "woo woo woo", with the dozen or so legendary bio-knights as the leading arrows and the rest of the Mosak tribe as the follow-up, a very typical assault formation of sharp arrows was formed, and then with the momentum of thunder, In one fell swoop, it aimed at the door of the wormhole and sprinted at a high speed! ! ! !