The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 41: Chase and kill


Hearing his words, the faces of several detectives next to him showed sarcasm at the same time. It was 1984, and even the United States, which is known as democracy and freedom, was covered by the FBI. In 1974, U.S. President Nixon resigned because of the Watergate wiretapping scandal. This was not unrelated to the betrayal of several senior FBI officials—even the president was removed from office. The FBI has grown in power since then. Now is the time when the power is at its most powerful, and Fang Sheyan actually wants to find a lawyer in front of them? Stand up for your human rights

The corner of his mouth twitched when he was dealing with Sheyan, and he slapped Fang Sheyan's face with the barrel of the gun with a slap, and said with a fake smile:

"Boy, I don't like you very much. If you talk too much, then I will lock you up with Sam—maybe this gay guy will be interested in your backside—now squat down, right now!"

Fang Sheyan's eyes flashed coldly, but he shook his head with a helpless expression on his face, smiled wryly, and slowly squatted down, but his whole body seemed to be trembling with fear, and the FBI beside him were all exposed. Vaguely sneered. Sheyan's left hand suddenly loosened, and the black briefcase with the alloy steel exoskeleton fell directly to the ground.

Although these FBI are powerful, they also know that this "evidence" in Fang Senyan's hands is very important and cannot be damaged. go up. Sheyan's thick black eyebrows frowned like knives interlacing, and at this moment, he kept his hand raised, buried his head, and forcibly bumped his forehead against the rosacea-nosed chest in front of him!

Fang Senyan's collision was extremely abrupt, very similar to the untold secret iron head skill in Shaolin Temple. But these few FBI agents also have a very limited understanding of China, so they are determined not to be able to prevent the collision of this outstanding soldier!

The human forehead skull is the hardest and thickest part of the whole body, and it is mixed with the strength bonus of Senyan above which is twice that of ordinary people. Immediately, he snorted from the nose of the wine lees, his face was livid, his eyes were swollen to the point of popping out, gastric juice, blood and food residues surged in his throat, and finally spurted out overwhelmingly!

Immediately there was a sour and unpleasant smell in the air. Sheyan's back was drenched with vomit, but he also managed to stick it together with the rosacea, which made the FBI around him afraid to open it. gun. Fang Sheyan hooked the briefcase on the ground with his foot, and smoothly held it in his left hand. Then, with a slight bend of his legs, he bent his head and hit the transparent window!

There was a loud "crash", and the oil-stained window shattered into thousands of pieces. After Fang Sheyan jumped out, his center of gravity was extremely low, he landed on the back of his shoulders and rolled onto the sidewalk. The sound of glass shattering covered up the gunshots filtered by the muffler, but after Fang Sheyan ran a few steps, his footsteps seemed to be staggering, and the blood on his back formed several shocking brown clusters on the dark windbreaker.

"You were attacked by an FBI Agent (Elite) and lost 19 (44-25) HP"

"You were attacked by an FBI agent (elite) and lost 21 (46-25) health"

"You were attacked by an FBI Agent (Elite) and lost 17 (42-25) HP"

"You are in a bleeding state for 7 points/5 seconds, and this effect lasts for 30 seconds."

The power of the FBI's pistol is far greater than that of the Los Angeles police! They are facing criminals who endanger national security, so they are usually equipped with Glock 17 9mm pistols, and the bullets are often in the impact mode of three bursts. Fang Senyan watched a series of reminders from the nightmare mark, and couldn't help feeling anxious like a beast caught in a trap.

Fang Senyan's agility is not high, which means that even though he is trying his best to run, he will still be bitten by the pursuers behind him. The burning pain in the back began to spread, and the strong muscles began to contract, trying to squeeze out the bullet that had entered the body. Fortunately, it was time to get off work at noon, and Sheyan was running on the sidewalk, surrounded by stunned passers-by who were knocked upside down, and the FBI agents (elites) who were chasing after him more than ten meters away were another No matter how arrogant they are, it is absolutely impossible to shoot in such a situation, otherwise, once a citizen is accidentally injured, their behavior will not be substantially different from that of a terrorist.

Looking at the pedestrian bridge in front of him, Fang Sheyan's eyes flashed suddenly, a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, he quickened his pace and ran up the bridge. Pressing his hand on the railing next to him, he pointed at a truck coming from the opposite side and jumped off. This kind of behavior seems quite risky, because if it fails, it will inevitably be volleyed and killed by the following vehicles! But for Sheyan whose physique had been strengthened, this jump was safe and sound, and he fell into the trunk of the vehicle with ease.

Under the overpass is the fast lane, even if the truck driver finds something wrong, he can't stop immediately. What's more, what's more, there is half a car of paper piled up in the back, and Fang Sheyan didn't make any movement when he fell down, and he galloped forward without slowing down. But at this moment, a black shadow flashed, followed by a loud sound of "canopy", it was the wine-nosed man who persevered in chasing Sheyan to the overpass, and chased to the other side while the truck was passing the bridge He jumped up and down the railing, and even managed to fall into the carriage and catch up!

Fang Senyan raised his eyebrows sharply, and a cruel sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth. He even dared to fight face to face with the Terminator T-750. A mere FBI agent (elite) is even more dismissive. The distance between the two of them was only two or three meters at this time, just as Rosacea was about to raise his gun to take aim, Sheyan slammed into him with sideways shoulders and heavy shoulders.

It would be a very stupid defeat if it was on flat ground, so what if Rosacea suffered from this slam, he just took advantage of the momentum and rolled back, opened a suitable distance and fired bursts! But at this time, he was on the speeding highway. If his rosacea was hit by Fang Sheyan, he would definitely fall off the speeding vehicle, so breaking his arms and legs on the highway would be the best ending.

In desperation, the FBI agent could only give up the idea of shooting, and turned sideways, not only dodging the enemy's attack, but also taking advantage of the opportunity to attack the enemy. But after Fang Sheyan entered this world, his mind was clearer than ever before, he had already predicted his reaction, when he lowered his shoulders and charged, he looked fierce, but in fact he left behind and only used three parts of his strength. As soon as the rosacea flashed, he stuck to it like a shadow, but his hands were placed by his side seemingly casually.

At this time, the distance between the two of them was already breathable, and the rosacea had also undergone the FBI's fighting training, knowing that the only consequence of raising a gun to aim and shoot at this time would be to be grabbed by the wrist and beaten down, so Without hesitation, he closed the safety and held the barrel of the gun, pointed the heavy steel handle at the head of the vile criminal in front of him and smashed it down! The eyes of the rosacea also showed a vicious light. The Glock 17 they used was specially made, and there were thirty-one bullets in the magazine. The power of this heavy smash is indeed legendary The murder weapon is on the brick!

Fang Senyan raised his head, but hit it with his head very forcefully! There was a muffled sound of "dong", and a long gash was cut on his forehead, but it was only a gash! On the contrary, Rosacea snorted in pain, his tiger's mouth was torn apart by the huge force of the shock, warm blood flowed down immediately, even the gun used as a weapon couldn't hold back and flew out, flying at high speed. There were a few bullets on the road surface, scraping out a series of sparks.

At the same time, Sheyan took a deep breath, and suddenly punched out his clenched fists heavily, hitting the soft abdomen of the enemy in front of him. The strength of Fang Sheyan's whole body was concentrated on these fists. At the deepest moment, his two fists even felt the hardness of the enemy's spine. It is conceivable to what extent his internal organs were squeezed!

Suffering such a violent attack suddenly, this FBI agent's eyes widened in pain, and his face turned from pale to ashen. But even though his eyes were bleeding, he knew that at this moment of life and death, he must not Gritting his teeth and bending his knees, he slammed into Fang Sheyan's lower abdomen, and even punched Fang Sheyan's cheek.

Faced with the enemy's counterattack, Fang Sheyan did not dodge or evade, he took the punch and kick abruptly, his cheekbone was also bruised and purple, but a crazy blood came out of his eyes. He exerted all his strength and swiped his elbow! It slammed heavily on the face of the tall and powerful opponent in front of him.

Obviously, this FBI agent's ability to resist blows is far from being comparable to that of Fang Sheyan. He was at the end of his strength, and immediately after being hit by this fierce blow, he let out an extremely miserable scream, staggered backwards, and hit his back heavily. On the carriage, he covered his face with his hands, tears streaming down his face, and blood gushed happily from between his fingers.

Sheyan smiled coldly, straightened his body and turned his head to look backward. The other five FBI agents who had been thrown away had forcibly recruited a car from the rear, and they were pressing on the accelerator, anxiously chasing after him. And this truck also turned into the slow lane next to it and slowed down. It seemed that it had either discovered something strange in the carriage, or it was about to reach its destination. If there is no accident, it will be bitten again in a few minutes!