The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 46: Thanksgiving turkey and traffic accidents


"Forget it." Out of the corner of Fang Senyan's eye, he locked onto the vehicles rushing behind him. He suppressed the tempting thought of killing the elite FBI agent in front of him. It took a lot of effort. He saw a bustling street with people coming and going, so he planned to jump out of the car and blend into the crowd to escape.

But at this moment, the elite FBI agent who had been beaten terribly screamed wildly, and rushed up from behind to hug Fang Sheyan tightly. Apparently they saw the colleagues chasing from behind, and they wanted to hold Fang Sheyan back with all their might! In terms of strength alone, his strength is not much different from Sheyan's, but Sheyan's explosive power and ability to resist blows are much stronger, so he hugged him tightly from behind, and he really lost it for a while. Fang Sheyan, who took the initiative, had difficulty breaking free.

Fang Senyan was startled when he became hasty, but his thick black eyebrows were plucked immediately, coupled with the blood on his forehead, his whole face had an indescribable ferocity, even his eyes were hot and violent. meaning. The accumulated fighting experience these days made him immediately raise his right foot and hook backwards, while throwing his head back violently. If the enemy's response is a little bit wrong, he will either be tripped to the ground, or he will be hit with golden flowers and nosebleeds.

But Fang Senyan not only hit the ground with his feet, but also hit the air with the back of his head. Apparently, this elite FBI agent also put in a lot of effort in capturing and counter-capturing, and successfully dodged Sheyan's follow-up pursuit. He even leaned closer to Sheyan's ear, and said in a harsh tone of gritted teeth:

"You yellow-skinned pig, the electrocution chamber in the Los Angeles prison is waiting for you!"

But Fang Sheyan's reaction was also extremely fast. After hearing this sentence, he immediately exerted his legs and slammed his back violently towards the back.

There was a loud bang, and the FBI couldn't dodge any longer, and was squeezed by Sheyan forcefully and hit the hard edge of the truck. The nerves in the spine immediately felt a crushing pain, and the huge force of the impact made his eyes go dark, and the arms that were holding Sheyan could not help but loosen. Fang Sheyan took advantage of the momentum, bent his arms into elbows and slammed back violently, just hitting the FBI agent's ribs. Under this brutal heavy blow, only a slight "click" sound could be heard, Obviously, the ribs were broken alive and then penetrated deeply into the viscera!

Undoubtedly, this FBI elite agent coughed violently immediately, and his whole body was limp on the carriage. Pink foam spread from the corner of his mouth, and dark red blood was behind him. After being hit hard, both lungs were severely injured at this time, and the entire body fell into an oxygen-deficient environment in a short period of time, even a person with strong willpower could not sustain it.

At this moment, if Fang Senyan wanted to leave, no one could stop him anymore, but the violent blood in his eyes became more and more intense. Ever since he witnessed the brutal abuse of the fourth uncle, the hidden dark side of his personality seemed to be developed little by little. In the nightmare world, there was no legal constraint that was deeply rooted in the concept. The person standing in front of him had a strong and crazy urge to smash it to pieces!

At this time, the truck had already started to brake violently, and the obviously slow driver finally noticed the abnormal movement in the carriage, and the pursuers behind were also rushing at high speed two hundred meters away. If Fang Senyan wanted to escape, then jumping out of the car right now would be the best choice, but at this moment, violent murderous thoughts surged in his heart, how could he let this opportunity pass by

So Sheyan pulled out his gun.

That extremely powerful M500 revolver.

Then he aimed at a 1974 Chevrolet sedan that was about to overtake, and pulled the trigger!

Although Fang Senyan's marksmanship is very unbearable, it is not enough to miss a car target three or four meters away. After the loud "bang", the tires of that Chevrolet 1974 had already made a sharp friction sound and slammed into a bus on the opposite side. Sheyan's right hand was also numb from the huge recoil.

After emptying the magazine of the M500, Fang Sheyan pulled out the shotgun again, and pointed it coldly at another Ford taxi coming from behind! His actions fell into the eyes of the driver, and the driver was so frightened that he slammed the steering wheel and stepped on the brakes without hesitation, and instinctively stopped the vehicle sideways to avoid being bombarded head-on. But ignored the other vehicles that were speeding behind and on the opposite side!

As a result, two serious traffic accidents occurred on this bustling street. There were screaming brakes one after another, and more than ten vehicles collided with each other in a series of "bang bang", blocking the street instantly. The vehicles in the rear were suddenly blocked into a long queue, and the five FBI members two hundred meters away could only get out of the car and walk over, even if they could drive Xiali at the speed of a Ferrari no matter how good their driving skills were.

And the delay was enough for Sheyan to kill that dying FBI agent ten times!

"Yellow pig?"

Fang Senyan turned his eyes away from the chaotic car accident scene, took a step forward, raised his right foot high and stepped down hard. The FBI member was able to barely raise his hand to resist at this time, but it was in vain under this heavy kick, he was trampled heavily on the chest and abdomen, and immediately marked a bloody arrow from his mouth, The whole person is also curled up and bent like a shrimp.

Fang Sheyan kicked again with a blank expression, one kick, two kicks, then leaned down, grabbed the unlucky guy by the neck with his right hand and lifted him up alive, and this FBI elite was already furious, He could only linger on, kicking in the air with his legs in a futile and weak way.

At this moment, the truck finally stopped, and the driver slammed open the door of the driver's cab and got out—but after seeing the sprayed blood, he immediately turned pale and shrank back. Fang Sheyan happened to be facing the light box signboard of a shop right next to him. He punched it with his backhand. There was a loud bang, glass shards mixed with plastic splashed, and the supporting steel frame inside happened to be exposed, and there happened to be a rusty The iron pipe is facing straight.

"You like hitting people in the face so much?"

"You like fucking Sam so much?"

Fang Senyan said sarcastically, the bloodlust in his eyes became more violent, he exerted force with his right hand, and with a loud bang from the "canopy", he smashed the dying FBI agent on the iron pipe! The extremely shrill screams came to an abrupt end, and the end of the blood-stained steel pipe pierced through the back of the rosacea, protruding from the front of the chest! There are even some fragmented and distorted body tissues falling from it, which looks extraordinarily bloody and cruel!

The five elite FBI agents in the distance jumped out of the car a long time ago. Seeing such a scene, their eyes were tearing apart. However, they could only watch the tragedy happen with a distance of nearly 100 meters. The prisoner in the distance smiled coldly on the carriage, made a threatening gesture of cutting his throat towards them, and then picked up the box and ran to the distance.

Blood, drop by drop, dripped down from above, still glowing warmly.

Jess, who was crucified alive on the signboard, still twitched from time to time, but his life had obviously left the body. His eyes remained open until he died, and what remained in his gray and dull pupils was terror. Probably due to massive blood loss, his huge rosacea nose was also covered with a layer of gray.

There was rust on the iron pipe piercing through the chest. It was very dull at first, but after being stained with blood, it showed a faint cruel luster. Nuovan looked up at the corpse of the subordinate he disliked the most, but I couldn't help but think of the string of naked turkeys hanging in the supermarket on the eve of Thanksgiving.

"SIR. James and the others caught up and bit the guy." Corey hurried over. He looked up at Jess who was hanging in the air, coughed and spit.

"Damn it, I only lent Jess a thousand dollars yesterday—speaking of who the hell are we chasing this guy? He escaped so quickly after being shot so many times!"

Novan narrowed his eyes:

"I'm afraid they are veterans who came back from the Vietnam War. These cold-blooded guys have no burden when killing people, and most of them have mental illness! The body armor he wears is not something ordinary people can get... We seem to be involved What a vortex!"

"Oh, SHIT. What is this? Los Angeles version of First Blood?" Corey began to feel aggrieved, but obviously flinched:

"We don't need to wade through this muddy water, why don't we... ask those guys in Delta for help?"

Novan shook his head slowly and said:

"The guys in Delta have never dealt with us very well. When our boss greets their generals, they are yin and yang. If we ask them for help after suffering such a small loss, then don't expect the boss to look at us in the future. What's more, I heard that the group of people in Delta has suffered a lot recently and suffered heavy casualties, even if they can save their face and ask for help, they may not come."

Corey looked into the distance worriedly, he clearly showed a trace of timidity:

"Then... we have to hold on?"

Novan suddenly said a little annoyed:

"It is clearly stated in the battle damage manual that unless an irresistible external force is encountered, the team that goes out to carry out the mission has a battle loss of 40% before they can request reinforcements. Do you want me to tell the superior that the damned criminal is very important to the six injured? A senior FBI agent with systematic combat training/gun shooting training is an 'irresistible factor'? Oh, SHIT, I'm still counting on a promotion in the second half of the year!"