The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 51: A letter from home (below)


You should be guessing at mine as I am guessing at your plans—and guessing mine as close as you can be based on a few deliberate leaks. The situation you are happy to see is constantly happening this night: Charles and the blind Matt led the team, and Scar Henry and I led the reinforcements of the elites on the ship. The defense force on the entire Bell and Wineglass has almost been withdrawn, and the only remaining threat, and also the biggest and strongest threat, is Armand! As long as he is a hundred meters away from his cabin, no, even fifty meters, you can empty his room as clean as if it had been licked by a dog and leave this damn world without any danger.

The focus of everything is when will Armand leave the ship? The only possibility is that when we successfully ransacked on the shore but returned with a full load/or came back with a disastrous defeat, as a pirate ship captain, we could not take the lead in charging on the front line and could explain it by sitting in the base camp and defending the back road. However, the meritorious minister returned home victorious after a bloody battle, but you still stayed on the boat and pretended to be a enjoyer, which is unreasonable. Obviously, Armand still knows this ability to win people's hearts, otherwise he would not be able to sit in the position of the Seven Pirate Kings—this is the only opportunity you have been waiting for!

Seeing this, Kerry's fat face turned green and then white, white and then green! Cold sweat dripped from his forehead, completely soaking his hair, and he didn't even have time to wipe it off. His heart seemed to have sunk into an ice cellar at this moment! He never imagined that the person he wanted to plot against was such a guy, such a devil who could see people's hearts! He took a few breaths loudly, and continued to look down hastily.

... Here I have to tell you with regret that the opportunity you have been waiting for will never come again.

I have been deliberately revealing a lot of information in front of you that "the current position is hard-won", so it has caused you: I am currently the position of boatswain, so I attach great importance to it, and I plan to use it to continue. Climb the superficial phenomenon, I believe this point of view has been ingrained in your heart.

But, in fact, what I want to tell you is that if you are willing to give up, you will gain if you give up. If I can't bear the position of boatswain and the prestige I have worked so hard to build on the Bell and Wineglass, then how can I cleverly arrange you as my most important pawn

I am destined to betray Armand.

Just in this expedition.

Therefore, Armand will never wait for the news of our triumphant return. The only news he waits eagerly can only be the heavy blow of my betrayal of him—no matter how my plan is implemented, whether the final outcome is success or failure, is it true? Live or die—I'll betray him, betray him completely.

Well, for you who are hostages and stay on board as "brothers connected by blood" and "benefactor of life and death". Dear Mr. Kerry, with your rich imagination, you should be able to imagine how the furious Armand would use cruel criminal law to vent his anger on your body.

Based on the peace of my father's soul and the reward of ten pounds, there is at least 88.4% chance that Long-legged Robben will faithfully execute my order: deliver this letter to you on time two hours after departure. At this time, I may be dead, or I may still be alive somewhere in this world, but this is not important to you, what is important is that I must have made a move to betray Armand, and it is very possible that the great Black Sea The son has now received this unfortunate news—so for the safety of your life, Mr. Kerry, please listen carefully to the footsteps from outside the cabin, that is probably the person sent by Armand to arrest you. of.

For the sake of those two gold pounds, my last advice to you is:

Immediately detonate the bomb on the ship, cause a huge chaos, and then jump into the sea immediately!

The greater the power of the explosion, and the more thoroughly the Bell and Wineglass is destroyed, the weaker the forces chasing and killing you will be, and the higher the safety factor of your life will be. Of course, if you are a person with a strong rebellious mentality and refuse to detonate the bomb and escape directly, then I can be sure that the smart pirates will drag you out of the sea within a minute-this is still in the case of Armand not taking action.

Believe me, although soaking in the cold sea water in this weather is definitely not a good experience, but it is much happier than experiencing the cruel punishments of pirates. As long as people are still alive, there is hope, don't you think

your faithful friend/cousin/savior/creditor

Sailor Rock from the East

yours truly

Ten seconds after Kerry finished reading the letter, footsteps came from outside the cabin.

The footsteps were neither hurried nor loud. Kerry's pupils constricted immediately, and there was not only panic, but also great fear!

Fang Senyan's letter not only crushed his self-confidence, but also made this guy into a frightened bird. Under the stimulation of negative emotions such as depression, panic, and frustration, his fragile nerves have reached the critical point of losing control!

Although the source of the footsteps was just a pirate passing by going down to the bottom to pick up a piece of clothing.

What followed couldn't be easier.

Kerry performed a small-scale explosion, and after blasting the side of the cabin near the sea, he jumped into the icy sea water. Since he had already had a full seven days to think about escaping in the water, he naturally prepared some props and supplies for underwater acceleration and breathing.

Twenty seconds later—the panicked pirate guarding the door was still on the way to report to the captain's cabin. And Kerry, who had swum nearly 100 meters, already gritted his teeth and detonated all the spiritual bombs he had planted on the Bell and Wineglass! Even though he really didn't want to do what Fang Sheyan said, but he had to do it, and he dared not do it! Because Kerry also felt the horror of Armand—even though this man has never fully revealed his true strength!

So there was the scene witnessed by Sheyan and Scar Henry on the boat.

The raging fire burned violently on the sea. The burning was so fierce that the ashes and some residues were violently thrown up by the rising hot air, which looked extraordinarily tragic and desolate. Such a grand scene not only stunned the remaining three pirates, but even the instigator, Sheyan, felt somewhat unexpected.

The fire that swept through everything undoubtedly made Fang Sheyan's ambitions more intense, but it also completely burned down the hopes of some people. Scar Henry stared blankly at the distant sea, the complexion on his face quickly turned gray, and at this moment, he lost all motivation to move forward!

As long as a person has something to protect in his heart, he can stimulate all the potential in his life when he is in adversity and move forward. Scar Henry, who was already seriously injured, only relied on a belief in his heart to support him, so he could be violent. Up to now, but after he witnessed such a grand destruction, all the injuries and pains that he suppressed by himself burst out at that moment! Because the thing he wanted to protect and desperately fought for had vanished into nothingness at this instant, completely shattered! (At this time, the captain and some senior sailors have unimaginable feelings for the ship. Some people simply regard the ship as their wife and children. Captain Jack said in Caribbean Sea 4: The captain should sink with the ship).

Fang Senyan's final blow was aimed at hurting the heart rather than hurting the body. It can be said that it completely destroyed Scar Henry's will to continue fighting. The old buddy who accompanied him for tens of thousands of miles was destroyed on the spot. , life may have collapsed more than half! What's more, at this time, he also suffered a huge injury that ordinary people would have collapsed long ago? Scar Henry clenched his fists with both hands, stood erect on the bow of the ship, let the Caribbean wind blow over his cheeks, and slowly closed his eyes.

This is the source of Sheyan's confidence! As long as Armand let him ashore, the destruction of the Bell and Wineglass was almost a foregone conclusion. He is the eternal winner—as long as he goes ashore, the worst possibility is that he will be repelled and hunted down by all the crew members of the Bell and Wineglass who go ashore! But don’t forget, as mentioned in the previous mission: Pirates of the Caribbean are a group of guys who respect the strong, no matter you release goodwill or malice to them—as long as it is memorable to them, it can improve your reputation among them. prestige!

No doubt, managing to blow up the Bell and Blackjack would take his popularity among pirates to new heights again!

So even if the worst happens, Sheyan can still reap huge benefits! What's more, the chances of this happening are not great!

Fang Senyan stood five meters away from Scar Henry. Although he had recovered to his best condition at this time, taking that unpurified hemocyanin also had a huge side effect: Ten minutes after taking it, he would appear All attributes reduce negative effects by 33%. Fang Senyan always guessed the opponent based on the worst possibility. If Henry the Scar remained in that berserk state, he really wasn't sure of resolving the battle within ten minutes. So if even the final foreshadowing of blowing up the Bell and Wineglass can't defeat Scar Henry, then Sheyan really has to consider the matter of escaping.

The sea breeze blew past slowly, and Scar Henry's eyes dimmed. After his heart struggled and twitched again, it finally stopped beating overwhelmed.

May of 233 in the Oceanic Calendar

11:17:3 p.m.

Bell and Blackjack First Mate

scar henry dies

aged forty-seven

Although Scar Henry had stopped breathing, he was still standing on the bow of the ship with his eyes wide open, as if he was about to explode and hurt people again at any moment. Even when he was dead, he looked ferocious and unruly, with a kind of enchanting magic power, a conch shell shining with silver light fell from his body, and rolled to Fang Senyan's feet. Fang Senyan picked it up, and felt an indescribable power hidden in it! In addition, the silver rapier of Armand carried by Scar Henry also fell to the ground, but it was dim.