The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 52: Supermarket horror


Sheyan passed by a convenience store on the way to escape, took a bottle of mineral water and some band-aids, and threw a ten-dollar bill to tell the boss to shut up. So three minutes later, the blood on his face had been washed away, the wound was covered with a Band-Aid, and he was turning into a bustling supermarket and mixed into the crowd by the way. However, after the previous chasing and fighting, Sheyan's HP also dropped below 50%. Facing these fearless FBI elite agents, he was indeed not as comfortable as facing the Los Angeles police.

A few hundred meters behind, there are three elite FBI members looking around. They placed trackers in the box containing the cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton, so they were able to find the approximate location of Sheyan. But the tragic death of their previous companions made them unable or afraid to venture forward.

Sheyan boarded the elevator to the fifth floor, he had no intention of going out of the supermarket. More than half of an hour has passed, even if the police from all over Los Angeles have rushed to surround the place—there may be no fewer than 10,000 people in this supermarket—that is enough to hold on until the time comes to return to the nightmare space. Therefore, Fang Sheyan's mind at this time is still on the prompt he got after killing the FBI elite agent.

"You got the key (white) X1."

"You killed an FBI agent (elite), did you spend 100 utility points to learn their details?"

"Title: Friend of Sin completed progress 10/50."

It seems that the evaluation of this FBI agent (elite) is close to that of the Delta Force, which is equivalent to the strength of 5 Los Angeles police officers. For Sheyan, there is no time to open that key anyway. When the box is summoned and the enemy chases and kills you, do you want to run away or not? Fang Senyan didn't think he was strong enough to deal with the five chasing guys head-on (he didn't know that two of them had already stopped).

Regarding the second prompt, he hesitated for a while, and chose to spend 100 general points to understand its information—even though more than half of an hour has been spent so far, there is no guarantee that there will be any extraneous incidents, after all, knowing yourself and the enemy will never end a hundred battles. If at that time, because of 100 universal points, a small loss outweighs the big, then there will be no regret medicine to sell.

After choosing to pay 100 utility points, Sheyan obtained a series of detailed information.

FBI Agent (Elite)

Basic parameters

Height: 170~190 cm

Weight: 70~90kg

Strength: not less than 8 points,

Dexterity: no less than 7 points

Wisdom: no less than 7 points

Spirit: no less than 5 points,

Charisma: no less than 5 points

Physical strength: no less than 6 points

Perception: no less than 6 points

The highest single item of all basic attributes will not exceed 10 points, and the total number of all attribute points will not exceed 45 points.

Occupational extra talent ability: well-trained (additional 100 points of life)

All FBI agents have undergone rigorous screening training, and those who can obtain elite evaluations have additional bonuses in physical strength.

Conventional configuration weapons:

Glock 17 9mm pistol.

Manganese carbon steel dagger

M10 Ingram submachine gun (applicable before carrying)

Regular configuration protective gear: Kevlar ceramic cellulose bulletproof vest

Accessory equipment (chance to carry)

Infrared Imager

button bug

button tracker

Signal capture device (valid within three kilometers)

Ability to master:

Mastery of hand-to-hand combat

Light Powder Weapons Mastery

Semi-Auto Gunpowder Weapon Mastery

Vehicle Driving Mastery

Sniper Ability (Rare Mastery)

The mastery of a single ability will not exceed LV4, and the cumulative level of the three abilities will not exceed LV15.

(For example, the previous Rosacea Jess: close combat LV2, light gunpowder weapons LV3, semi-automatic gunpowder weapons LV2, vehicle driving LV4, all elite agents will not have the ability to LV5)

"No wonder." Sheyan shook his head slightly. When he fought the rosacea agent before, he found that this guy's ability to fight was very tenacious. It can almost be compared with some professional fighters. It turns out that the ability of being well-trained is at work. If it hadn't been for the iron pipe breaking his chest at the end, it was too vicious, maybe there was really no way to kill him.

At this time Sheyan was standing on the third floor of the supermarket, leaning against a pillar with a poster of Madonna on it. Most of his body was hidden behind. Only his face was exposed and he looked down. Get a panoramic view of every move of the three FBIs who are chasing after you. He let out a slight breath, suppressing the thought of continuing to rob and kill. One must not do things beyond the bottom line of one's ability. Sheyan asked himself that it would be difficult to win against two FBIs at the same time, not to mention the consequences of provoking the Delta Special Forces! Without any further hesitation, he turned around and walked towards the crowded place with his black briefcase in hand.

But Sheyan thought of retreating, but the three FBI agents might not let him go! For them, there was no way out at this moment. If Fang Sheyan could not be captured and instead accompanied by a colleague, then it was foreseeable that they would become the laughing stock of the entire system. When the detector showed Sheyan's location, the three people split up and rushed up immediately, and did something that even Sheyan didn't expect!

That is to fire the gun!

According to common sense, when the gunshots rang out, the first reaction of the shoppers was not to crouch down with their hands on their heads, but to run frantically towards the exit, which would inevitably cause large-scale riots and even lead to a stampede. For the pursued prisoner, it is easier to escape in the chaos.

But for these already furious FBI, any stampede can be handed over to the LAPD to wipe their ass. They can prevaricate it with a sentence: "execute national security affairs". And the detectors in their hands can grasp the general direction of Sheyan, as long as they get stuck at the exit of the supermarket, they are not afraid of losing anyone. Although there was a short period of chaos after the shooting, the result was a clearing of the scene more than ten minutes later, which was much better than searching in vain in the vast crowd.

The crisp gunshots sounded one after another, and the chandeliers on the top of the supermarket also shattered, scattering into a large number of crystal fragments and falling down. Crying and shouting came one after another, a large number of people crowded at the exit of the supermarket, and several people stumbled and fell to the ground, and were finally stepped on by countless feet. At first they struggled and shouted, but gradually they stopped moving. Faced with this situation, the three FBI didn't show any emotion at all. They just held their guns and kept a close eye on the passage, while the other kept a close eye on the detector, paying close attention to Sheyan's possible movements.

"Here we come!" the Chinese agent Sun Zhongwen, who was holding a detector, suddenly called out in a low voice, with an indescribable hatred for poison in his voice. "He is slowly approaching here, and it seems that he is going to rush straight."

His two companions didn't answer, but a look of hungry wolves in the snow seeing their prey began to flash in their eyes, and they quietly opened the safety of the gun in their hands. These CIA personnel are extremely capable, and their status in the entire country is just when they are in arrogance. This time, arresting one of six people was thought to be a good job. Unexpectedly, not only did they not catch them, but their colleagues Instead, some people died in the process of hunting! If this matter gets out, the entire FBI will be disgraced, and the people who work with them will be even more notorious!

The only thing that can wash away this shame is the criminal's blood!

The cursor on the detector kept flashing, and the warning sound indicating that the target was approaching also changed from intermittent to rapid! The three of them glanced at each other, with tension and anticipation welling up in their hearts. They set their sights more than ten meters away. It was the end of the flow of people there, and the pedestrians seemed sparse. There was an old lady stumbling and wearing a headscarf, a man with a one-piece cap covering his head looking around, and a man with a pale face who was shaking all over his body. With the thinning of the crowd, you can even see that surreptitious man carrying a familiar black briefcase!

Although the man's clothes did not match those who were chasing before, there was no doubt that the three FBI pointed their guns at the man at the same time and shouted sharply:

"Put your hands up and squat against the wall!"

The man was stunned for a moment, standing there numbly, and the three FBI didn't intend to capture him alive at all, they pulled the trigger directly, and seven or eight blood-spitting spouts immediately appeared on the man. The blood hole, the whole person was also staggered back from the beating, but his face was filled with an angry and innocent expression amidst the pain, until he fell to the ground and died!

"Is that... the end?" The three FBI couldn't help but feel a little dazed. At this moment, the "old woman" who had already approached them burst into a long body, and the sound of clothes bursting on her body could be heard clearly. He shook off the wig on his head and raised his hand, and there was a cloud of dust The fluttering dust covered the three FBIs!

In fact, Sheyan's disguise was very clumsy, he just picked up a wig and a floral brown dress worn by an old man at the beginning of the chaos, a discerning person only needs to look a little to see it. It's just that the three FBI's minds were almost all attracted by the black briefcase that the man was carrying, so they were made such a mistake by Yi Yi.

The man who was pulled out by Sheyan as a scapegoat was not a coincidence, but Sheyan deliberately did it. After he entered the supermarket, taking advantage of the crowd, he took the cobalt-steel alloy exoskeleton out of the way. The transparent box was removed from the black briefcase and relocated in a portable and unobtrusive travel backpack.

And in the briefcase that was eliminated, all the cash on his body was placed—probably thousands of dollars, and there were all kinds of things that looked like a big stack—Fang Sheyan deliberately opened this bag, revealing the large amount of cash inside. Take it out and put it in a conspicuous place. It won't be long before someone who is greedy and cheap will take the bait.

As long as it is not the kind of habitual criminal who is used to stealing, then after doing this kind of thing, he must appear flustered and suspicious. In addition to the briefcase that is a thorn in the side of the FBI, Sheyan is 70 to 80% sure that these The guy's attention was attracted to him, but the person who did this was a mature man who was about the same age as Sheyan, it was a match made in heaven.