The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 53: Armand's plan


After reading this series of reminders, Fang Sheyan also felt somewhat fortunate in his heart. Because if there is no such opportunity, I might have to go to the lowest pirate ship to get mixed up. Obviously, this bell and wine glass has a higher starting point, and it is easier to improve my reputation. In this way, the invisible gained a great advantage.

Armand obviously had a high prestige among the crew, and even the rebellious Charles acquiesced in his assertiveness. Scar Henry came over with a smile on his face and patted Fang Senyan on the shoulder, and took him to the cabin very affectionately, pointed to a room and told Fang Sheyan that you will live here from now on.

Strictly speaking, most of the pirate ships at this time were mainly for plundering, so there was no need to maximize the load space like merchant ships and squeeze the living space of the crew room to a minimum. Therefore, if we only talk about the living conditions, it is quite satisfactory. Of course, the windows in this cabin are not bright and clean, but there is no bad smell. Although the bedding and sheets on the bed are a bit old, there are still many patches on them. A fresh breath of sunshine.

A pirate stood beside him with hands down in trepidation, raising his eyes timidly from time to time to look over, presumably this guy named Ben Morgan was Sheyan's roommate. This is the benefit of Fang Senyan's fierceness at the beginning. Since this Ben Morgan is able to rank among the pirates, he is naturally not a good man or a faithful woman, but the two guys who were killed by Sheyan before were famous for their viciousness and irascibility on the pirate ship, not to mention Wari Warika, but Gert It is also the object that Ben Morgan can't afford to provoke. Naturally, at this time, we must pay respect to this "butcher from the mysterious East".

Sheyan didn't bother to pay attention to this guy, Ben Morgan, he lay down on his own bunk. His left hand was the most seriously injured in today's battle. The cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton is a weapon after all, its main nature is to attack rather than defend. Naturally, it is impossible to completely block the damage, so the injury to his left hand cannot be considered serious, but at least he needs to rest for a period of time to heal. As he enters a nap state, the frightened Ben Morgan will not be able to recover. Dare to go back to the room, but sneaked onto the deck instead.

After Sheyan settled down, the first mate Scar Henry came directly to the captain's room. Ammand was staring at a nautical chart, his hands were clasped behind his back, his waist was straight even when no one was around, and the cloak fluttering behind him gave him the air of a soldier Fortitude. Although Scar Henry's footsteps were very light, Armand responded immediately:

"You came?"

Although the two were alone, Scar Henry still said respectfully:

"Well, I have settled down our new eastern partner."

Armand put his hand on the rapier at his waist, pondered for a while before slowly saying:

"Today our new companion is showing off a lot of limelight, what do you think?"

Scar Henry's mouth twitched, and this expression was subtly hidden in his fluffy beard:


After finishing speaking, it seemed that he was still unsatisfied. He slammed these two words twice, and added:

"Very average."

Armand said very flatly:

"Tell me your reasons."

Scar Henry said in a loud voice:

"His arm strength is indeed strong, but he probably hasn't received any systematic training. Facing the enemy's defense, he seems a little helpless and helpless, so that in battle, he often has to take the enemy's attack to create loopholes. If it weren't for the two idiots Wari Warika and Luanfa Gert who are too impatient to fight, as long as they can delay for a while to figure out his routine, they will naturally be invincible. If you want to deal with him Just ask Made to bring two people to take a two-handed ax and other hard-to-resist weapons."

Armand nodded:

"Well, yes, your eyesight has improved again. Wari Warika has gotten too close to Charles recently, so it's good to get rid of him. It's a good thing that this Easterner's fighting ability is lower. If you can get rid of him from this It’s a surprise that the Easterner got relevant clues leading to the Eastern Channel. And I suspect that he still has the ability to lead the fleet to travel thousands of miles to the Caribbean Sea, so for now, we’d better focus on observing the lure, not as a last resort No need to be violent. The key now is to make sure this guy is not lying."

Scar Henry also showed a shrewdness that was completely different from the rough appearance. He grinned and laughed, showing his yellow teeth and saying:

"I know what to do. I swear on the reputation of the old bitch, the Queen of England. If this guy tells half a lie, I will be able to expose him in half a month. The Caribbean is lovely. of the sharks are believed to be longing for a hearty meal."

Of course Sheyan didn't know that there were so many tidbits about herself behind the scenes. It was night when he had a good rest, and he went out to the deck to get some air, then went to the kitchen to eat something casually and returned to the cabin. He picked up Ben Morgan, who was curled up under the blanket and made a loud snoring sound, and threw him out. Then he closed the door and slept calmly in the cabin.

When he woke up, he realized that the poor pirate was shivering at the door with his face blue and white lips. He looked over with a fearful and pleading look, but it made people think of Ouyang with a sausage mouth inside Dongchengxi. The moment Feng seriously asked if he was handsome.

Sheyan looked at this scene and wanted to say something, but found it difficult to form words, so he strode out at last, then turned around and said:

"Put a walnut in your mouth tonight."

Ben Mo Gan Ruo received the amnesty, and immediately ran into the cabin, scrambling and crawling. It seemed that he had suffered a lot last night, and he was rushing back to catch up on sleep at this time.

Obviously, Sheyan is not the only contractor who has experienced this world, so before the 24-hour deadline, all ships should not leave the port, which also means that Sheyan will have an extra day of free time. It was still around eight o'clock in the morning, and most of the pirates should have gone to the bar to party last night, so there was no one on the deck. Fang Sheyan walked around the Bell and Wine Glass, and suddenly got the mark of the nightmare. hint:

"You have obtained the basic information of this ship."

"The Bell and the Cup"

"Length 40 meters, width 8.4 meters"

"Draft 400 tons"

"Special Ability: Skid Wind (Active): After activation, the speed of the ship will be greatly increased when sailing against the wind, which lasts for one hour."

"The rest of the information is unknown."

After collecting the information of this ship, Fang Senyan couldn't help being curious about the four legendary ships in the port, and he has insight, so after two hours, the four legendary ships required by the mission Sheyan also collected all the information from afar.

"Black Pearl"

"60 meters long and 7.5 meters wide"

"Draft 600 tons"

"Legendary Ability: Traveling Wind (Passive): The maximum speed of the ship is permanently fixed and will not be affected by any factors—as long as the Black Pearl exists for one day, no one can take the glorious title of King of Speed in the Caribbean!"

"Legendary Ability Night's Favor (Passive): When night falls, the chance of the Black Pearl and its crew being discovered by the enemy is reduced by 80%—darkness is our eternal ally."

"The rest of the information is unknown."

"The Flying Dutchman (the ship was not yet cursed)"

"70 meters long and 15 meters wide"

"Draft 800 tons"

"Legendary Ability: Dive (Active): This is a huge ship blessed by dark magic. It can quickly close its cabin and dive into deep sea water. When it resurfaces, it will restore the durability of the hull. 30% of that—the sea is the best repairer."

"Legendary Ability: Triple Shooting (Active): Give full play to the power of the bow gun and inflict heavy damage on the enemy's fleet with fierce bursts - taste the taste of gunpowder and steel! Haha."

"The rest of the information is unknown"

Queen Anne's Revenge

65 meters long and 8 meters wide

Draft 600 tons

Legendary ability: Sea Devil's Cable (this ability is not active): Blackbeard can use the magical sword to control the cable on the ship, causing it to wrap around nearby targets like a vicious snake-never be the same as Blackbeard Carry on boarding battle! If you want to win.

Legendary ability: Boiling of Prometheus (Active): Spew a terrible flame forward, burning all life as a sacrifice to the great Prometheus - even if you are on the sea, you must be alert to the threat of flames .

Effort number (some translation is victory number)

Flagship of the British Army (Captain Lord Beckett)

65 meters long and 10 meters wide

Draft 900 tons

Legendary ability: Fearless (passive): It is said that when the Endeavor (some translated as Victory) was built, there were souls of British Royal Navy sailors attached to it, so it can be equipped with double the heavy artillery There are no negative effects.

Legendary ability: Enthusiasm (Active): In an emergency, the heroic soul of the navy on the Endeavor (some translated as Victory) will help the ship to increase its speed to the maximum in a short time. This is also the only ship in the Caribbean that can bite the black pearl in a short period of time.