The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 55: First on the battlefield


After obtaining the "Beating Heart" quest item with a rarity as high as black, Fang Sheyan was also confused. Obviously, there were two branches of the quest here, pointing to important plots on the two legendary battleships. Characters: Second Officer Barry and Captain Blackbeard. Once this quest item is given to one of them, the other branch route will be cut off. From a common sense point of view, although the second mate Barry on the Flying Dutchman is also in an important position, he must not be as wealthy as Blackbeard, the captain of the Queen Anne's Revenge, so the mission rewards given by the latter are also Should be better.

But Sheyan suddenly recalled the plot in Pirates of the Caribbean 4. From that movie, it can be clearly seen that Blackbeard is a cruel guy who is so selfish that even his daughter's life can be used as a bargaining chip! If you expect him to be generous, it may backfire. If the asking price is too high, he may forcibly take away the mission props. In fact, even protagonists like Jack Sparrow have been played and applauded by him with voodoo dolls, let alone his mere temporary boatswain

The sea breeze is blowing slowly, and the black gunpowder smoke in the distance is still rising, making the blue sea water more vivid, and the sunset in the distance is as deep red as blood, like a furnace that is about to go out. The embers of extinction, and the huge merchant ship under his feet is slowly sinking into the bottomless dark abyss, which seems to herald the final outcome of this regional naval battle. Fang Senyan took a deep breath, and returned to the Bell and Wine Cup, he simply bandaged the wound on his body, feeling the gradual recovery of physical strength, and then walked into the captain's room very steadily.

At this time, several people had already gathered in the captain's room. Needless to say, core figures such as captain Armand and navigator Charles, the temporary second officer Robben also stood timidly in the corner, and the first officer Scar Henry Impressively in the row, even though a white cloth was wrapped around his head, his voice was like a bell, and he talked and laughed happily, which could not conceal the heroic spirit on his body at all. However, Sheyan still found the unbearable pain from Scar Henry's frown from time to time. She didn't know if it was because of dazzled eyes. If these people are combined with Fang Senyan, the bosun, then the entire decision-making level of the Bell and Wineglass will gather here.

Armand first looked around with his customary dark color, and then said lightly:

"Before that, announce two appointments, Blind Matt!"

Following Armand's words, the curtain inside was suddenly lifted, and a person with small eyes and narrow slits came out, who seemed to be squinting at any time. The front is covered, wearing a khaki patched waistcoat, but wearing a Damascus machete at the waist. It is only occasionally that there is a gleam of light between Gu Pan, which makes people feel that he is by no means an easy person.

"You are the mate of the Bell and Goblet from now on."

Blind Matt raised his head slightly in response, as if he wanted to "stab" Sheyan with his eyes, but Sheyan focused on looking at his toes, as if there were countless gold and silver treasures under the floor, he didn't seem to care at all This is a highly targeted appointment.

"Roben!" When Armand yelled these two words, it seemed to be squeezed out from between his teeth, and there was double the coldness. depend on. But Armand continued word by word:

"You've done a good job as the second officer. Keep going. Remember to ask Henry more about things. Otherwise, if you make a mistake, no one will be able to protect you!"

"As for Sailor Rock, I am very disappointed in you! You have failed my trust in you!" Armand finally vented his anger in a growl:

"How did you do it! Why do you lose three elites when you besiege a mere rotting soul corpse! The sea wolf Shali, the hermit crab Zell, and Lamar are all elites who have been fighting with me for many years. Why are they all brutally murdered? None survived, I need your explanation!"

Fang Senyan bowed slightly, neither humble nor overbearing, and then said lightly:

"Your Excellency, if I remember correctly, this 'mere' carrion corpse has slaughtered as many as seventeen elite sailors before! It also includes such a powerful fighter as my predecessor Caron. It is an honor To gain your trust and respect, Captain, but I can't help but honestly say that it's a very good idea to kill that damned monster that was chewed by hell without losing any manpower at all-but it is beyond the scope of my ability Besides—especially under the premise that all valuables on that merchant ship can be looted."

Fang Sheyan made a humble gesture, but the meaning of his counterattack was as sharp as a knife, and he vaguely pointed out the fact that you, Armand, plotted against me first. At this time, even though Armand was very wary of Senyan, he couldn't help but admit that Sailoryan from the east was a rare talent, and he didn't want to take him back for his own use. So after hitting Fang Senyan with words, even though he knew that the death of those three cronies was very tricky, he still snorted coldly and folded his hands in front of his chest and stopped talking. Scar Henry, on the other hand, observed the situation, changed the topic and talked about the business:

"Although we had the upper hand at this time and sank an enemy warship and two large trade ships, the damn Spaniards sent another fleet to respond, so we had to give up the pursuit. It is estimated that This sea battle will end soon. At that time, all the pirates will form an alliance together, and at the same time take out the statistics and distribute the spoils. We are the first among all the pirates to start hand-to-hand combat, so this time the manpower is very large. It has suffered heavy losses, but it has also won great honors, reaped considerable benefits, and even ignited the reputation of our Bell and Wine Cup!"

Speaking of this, Scar Henry laughed wildly, his expression was high, and there was a bit of unobservable regret, obviously because he missed the opportunity to fight in person, but if he was there, Fang Sheyan would not be able to show himself. Given the advantages in organization, maybe the Bell and the Cup will be truly defeated on the battlefield.

"The captain and I estimated that among the seizures in the entire battlefield, the ones on our ship accounted for a full 40%. In other words, before the alliance, even the three legendary pirate ships would depend on our faces! So we have to discuss it." Find a way, and we must let the reputation of the Son of the Black Sea resound throughout the Caribbean Sea!"

After hearing these remarks, the people present were naturally very excited. The more famous Armand, the captain of the Bell and Goblet, is, the higher the pirate status of the ship will be, just like in the real world, headhunting companies will offer higher prices to recruit employees of the world's top 500 companies. . However, although Fang Sheyan is not inferior to anyone in terms of intrigue, he also knows that he is very ignorant of many rules and customs of the Pirates of the Caribbean at that time. However, it left the impression of knowing what to gain and what to lose to the people next to you.

When a group of people were discussing in full swing, suddenly seven consecutive cannon shots were heard from far away from the sea. The cannon sounds were very regular, as if they were drums on a beat, followed by similar shots one after another. The sound of cannon came. Soon, the Bell and Wineglass also fired seven cannons in response, which echoed for a long time in the vast and beautiful Caribbean Sea. Seeing everyone in the captain's room sighed in relief, Sheyan also got the imprint from the nightmare Tips:

"Contractor No. 1018 has entered the historical script battlefield: the destruction of the Armada (prologue) is over."

"Number of ships participating in the battle: the British Allied Forces (2 British warships + 13 pirate ships), the Spanish Armada (7 Spanish Armada warships + 3 merchant ships), and the Spaniards have three warships that are arriving successively as reinforcements."

"A total of eight teams and thirty-nine contractors participated in this battlefield."

"Enter battlefield statistics."


"You directly killed three Spanish Armada sailors, and indirectly killed eighty-four Spanish Armada sailors."

"You caused 38 points of direct damage and 698 points of indirect damage to the carrion corpse chewing on the ear." The flames of the dead and rotting soul corpses are Sheyan's ability, so they are included in the direct damage.)

"Your battlefield contribution is: 1139 points."

"Your personal battlefield contribution ranking is: first."

"Your total contribution to the battlefield ranks: sixth."