The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 59: Movement and chaos


Although he has the ability of "insight", it took Fang Senyan two or three hours to collect this series of information. At this time, he still had about two pounds left on him, so he naturally thought of going to a pub for a drink. Just to inquire about news or something, but also because the milestone of the drunk has reached 11/100. Now that Sheyan has found a job, he doesn't mind spending all his remaining money on rum.

An hour later, Fang Senyan's drunk milestone had reached 22/100, and his money had naturally dropped to single digits in "penny" units. At this moment, Fang Sheyan heard the noise coming from outside, and then through the mottled outer wall of the bar, he could see some slight chaos on the street, and the guards who were patrolling around the port also hurried towards one direction rushed over.

As I said before, Turtuga Port is a neutral port, which means that the guards here will not belong to a certain big force, but will be maintained by the private forces that rule the island. Perhaps the guards were quite strong when the pirate Bernard Falk washed his hands and established this neutral port, but now there is no doubt that the defense of the port is like a girl's firm breasts after the baptism of breastfeeding. Is rapidly sluggish.

As soon as Fang Senyan walked out of the bar, he didn't even need to look up to see thick black smoke rising from the highest castle in Tutuga Port! And the whole port has become a bit chaotic, like a bone thrown into an ant's nest-you know, this place has been rich for seventy years, and more than 99% of the people except the residents are It's a pirate!

They are not law-abiding tourists. Once the port of Turtuga shows even the slightest weakness, these pirates will leave very gentlemanly, and then make a comeback on a dark and stormy night. Like a wolf looting every last penny into his purse!

"Hmm..." At this moment, I don't know how many people are like Fang Senyan, touching their chins with their hands, looking at the thick smoke of the castle, and going through many twists and turns in their minds. Many thoughts that may not be pornographic but must be violent.

Suddenly, there was another loud noise from the direction of the castle, and it could be seen that the earthy yellow smoke rose up to a height of 20 to 30 meters, and even formed the shape of a mushroom cloud. Those with good eyesight could even see it. The wreckage of several carriages was thrown up, disintegrated and separated in mid-air, and the flesh and blood of the horses mixed in the smoke and sand fell down, making people feel doubly tragic and shocking. Several pirates standing beside Sheyan opened their mouths wide open, and a rude bald man wearing gray and white linen exclaimed:

"Dude, these sons of bitches have buried a hundred barrels of gunpowder!"

Although this guy said "son of a son of a bitch", looking at this guy's beaming face, it's almost the same as the leader X in the anti-Japanese war drama who patted the shoulder of Company Commander X and scolded "You son of a bitch" Good job" makes no difference. As soon as Fang Senyan heard it, he knew that this guy should be a professional gunpowderman among the pirates, but his mind immediately turned to the black smoke of the castle and the earth-shattering explosion just now.

Perhaps the black smoke in the castle might have been ignited by the characters in the plot, but it would be unrealistic according to the level of technological development in the world of Pirates of the Caribbean to create such a big explosion scene just now. Just like the gunner said, at least one hundred barrels of gunpowder are needed! The barrels of this era are usually made of oak, and the gunpowder inside is more than 100 kilograms. Therefore, for people without bulldozers and excavators, burying a hundred barrels of gunpowder can only be done with the equivalent of building the Great Wall. To describe it as a large-scale project, unless all the guards in Tutuga Port are blind, they may turn a blind eye to this kind of project.

Therefore, this can only be done by the contractor. Only the contractors can obtain such high-power and small-sized explosives, and only the contractors dare to ignore the seventy years of peace in Tutuga Port, and brazenly launch such violence in order to satisfy their own desires. At this time, Fang Senyan had a flash of inspiration in his mind, as if the key to a certain problem that he had been struggling with before was found, but he forgot the specific problem for a while.

At this time, there was a burst of hustle and bustle at the end of the harbor, and then you could see a few figures running over in a hurry, as anxious as a mouse in front of a cat's paw, or a goat in front of a wolf's kiss, it should be the offender Those contractors are dead, and behind them, raising their weapons and chasing after them are the guards of Turtuga Port.

These guards should also have been ordered to die, and they will bite these contractors tightly and refuse to give up. Just when these figures were nearly 100 meters away from Fang Sheyan's location, a long hiss of "Xi Li Li" suddenly came from the alley next to it. At first, it sounded like a horse neighing, but I don't know What's the matter, everyone who heard this voice shuddered in unison, as if someone had poured cold water on their head, and the blood would be soaked by that chill.

Then the wooden house next to it made a loud crash, rubble and scattered planks flew around like an explosion, and a giant horse flew out of the air. This giant horse is at least as tall as two people. The muscles all over the body burst and swelled, and it seems that even the skin is about to break through. The eyes are covered by black blindfolds, and the mane and tail are fluttering. There is a trace of blue cold air, steaming like smoke, and there is a fiery red saddle on the back of the giant horse, as bright as a matador's cape.

The rider on the horseback is about forty years old, sitting on the horseback in a stable manner, not holding the rein at all, with a mustache like a Spanish aristocrat, but his chin is clean-shaven, he wears a black tall Putting on a bowler hat, a pair of sharp and cold eyes looked over, and then pulled out a short-barreled musket!

The firearms at this time were quite primitive matchlock guns, the kind that took a long time to reload once fired. But as soon as the rider drew his gun, the matchlock on it automatically ignited, and the black muzzle of the gun pointed straight at it, making a loud "boom". Amid the gunpowder smoke, Fang Senyan felt the hairs on his back stand on end one by one, his eyes suddenly widened, and he saw that the contractor who was running in the front was trying to dodge. , but after the gunshot, his entire upper body exploded in a bloody mess!

The scene was like a big watermelon being crushed by an irresistible force in an instant with a bang. The flesh and bones were terribly blown into small pieces. Pedestrians/streets/shops within a radius of seven or eight meters It was smeared with a layer of dark red and horrible fishy smell!

What's even more weird is that the contractor's lower body was intact. After the upper body shattered, his legs even ran for several steps before losing his balance. , slowly accumulated into a small dark red pool.

Seeing such a terrifying scene, one can imagine the feelings of those contractors. They glanced at each other, screamed wildly, and ran away separately. After the two of them ran to a place close to the sea, they launched a small boat, and rowed towards the sea like a bereaved dog, obviously seeing the weakness of the guard and the knight that could not enter the water. Although the giant horse was running fast, the boat was already fifty or sixty meters away from the shore after driving past.

Just when almost everyone thought that the knight was about to be helpless, he reined in! The giant horse also stood up, neighing mournfully, and icy-blue cold air spewed out from its muzzle, nose and ears. In the afternoon sun, the cold air glistened and shone brightly, It makes people feel a cold illusion.

Then the gigantic horse leaped with all its strength, and fell straight down towards the sea! Its hooves are at least the size of a washbasin. When it touched the water surface, a layer of light blue ice was immediately condensed on the surface of the sea water. Although the surging sea water below could be clearly seen, the giant horse had already He raised his hooves and ran, and there was a layer of dense white mist around the hooves below it, which could freeze the sea two or three meters away in advance, and after the giant horse galloped, the ice behind him would also quickly dissolve. From a distance, it looks like there is a white ice road in the sea, leading directly to the escaped boat not far away.

After just over ten seconds, the two stunned contractors on the small boat were chased up. It seemed that they were planning to resist, but the knight on the horse pulled out the Western rapier in his hand with a "clang". , lifted it up high with lightning speed, and then circled an arc and stabbed obliquely out! The movements of the two contractors stagnated for an instant, and then blood flashed, and the two were lifted up like two straws, and were strung alive on the Western rapier!

"Ah!!!!" The knight on the horse let out a cathartic roar, which echoed directly in the entire port. "Accept the wrath of the Fogg family! Scum and maggots!"

"Is this Little Fokker?" Sheyan heard a pirate asking his companion. His companion is obviously very knowledgeable, lowered his voice and said:

"That's right, he is the third-generation heir of the Fogg family. That horse is called Moore. It is said that there is a devil's soul parasitic in its body. It used to be Bernard Fogg's mount. Only the heirs of the Fogg family can ride it. .”