The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 60: You are not dead, I am uneasy!


The police here are quite conscientious. When they saw Sheyan, they came to rescue him. After confirming that there was no weapon on him, they carried him onto a stretcher. On the surface, Fang Senyan was panting violently and trembling all over, but actually squinted his eyes secretly watching the movement around him. He found that the scale of the police dispatch this time was far beyond his imagination. Not only were dozens of police cars, large and small, around, but there were also three helicopters escorting and patrolling in the sky, and bright searchlights pierced the night sky from time to time.

Because of the large number of wounded being carried out one after another, the police set up a simple first aid area centered on two ambulances not far away. Most of the wounded who were brought in were trampled and injured in the chaos. Most of them were frightened and lost their minds, and less than one-third of them were actually injured by gunshots.

Fang Senyan's injuries looked extremely serious, so he was the focus of rescue by the medical staff. From beginning to end, he only shot gangsters, so he was not afraid of various investigations and interrogations by the police. But at this moment, two seriously injured police officers were suddenly brought in. One of them was shot in the chest, and the other had his left leg broken. Not very tall, he cursed "that damned bastard inside" in all the languages he could think of in addition to the pain.

Next, seven or eight police officers were sent in one after another. They were all shot and lost their fighting ability but were not fatal. Some of them were reckless and yelled at them, while others were pale and silent, obviously still having lingering fears. Fear-these wounded are obviously Quest's masterpiece. If his marksmanship is ruthless, none of these policemen will survive. It must be because of the fear of the terrible Delta special anti-terrorism unit that they are merciful.

Sheyan looked up at the helicopter hovering above his head, and just sneered. This time, the Los Angeles police were mobilized in full force, and with Quest's appearance characteristics in hand, how can they break through the encirclement and fly away after injuring a few police officers? But soon, a police officer walked over with a sigh of relief clutching his bleeding arm, and said angrily:

"Everyone, that damned lunatic was finally caught. After being shot three times, this damned guy was able to support himself for so long before he was seriously injured and passed out. I don't know how many drugs he took!"

Sheyan's pupils shrank suddenly. Quest's surrender was really unexpected, but it was reasonable after careful consideration. For a guy like Quest, in such a desperate situation, he didn't dare to let go of the fight, and he couldn't escape. Naturally, the only way to survive was to be captured alive by the police. But Fang Sheyan knew that the so-called serious injury coma was more like Quest's plan to delay the attack. Once he was sent to the intensive care unit of the hospital, couldn't the police send hundreds of people to guard him with three helicopters? At that time, there were naturally many opportunities to escape.

But if Quest can survive, Sheyan will definitely have such a terrifying enemy like a poisonous snake! Moreover, this guy is very good at long-range attacks. Once he thinks that he will be missed by such a person day and night, Fang Senyan's vest will be soaked in a faint cold, as if he was frozen by ice, he will feel a chill. . Therefore, Quest must die! For a moment, Fang Sheyan's eyes looking at the ambulance in the distance became colder and more poisonous, as if there was a faint flame rising out.

After the situation in this place subsides, the wounded will naturally be sent to the hospital for treatment. Fang Senyan suffered a gunshot wound, so according to the usual practice, he must be taken to the police station to take a statement. It's just that this guy is also very cunning, he is obviously in high spirits but he is convulsing, vomiting, and semi-comatose. When someone asks, he only says that he has a splitting headache. His head injury looks extremely serious, and no one doubts his personal reaction. . After arriving at the hospital, the doctor made a quick check and gave a diagnosis of severe concussion. He was pushed directly into the ward, injected with a sedative, and hung up an infusion bottle for observation.

This time the police launched a massive operation, and many people were injured, and it was late at night when they were sent to the hospital. So the doctors on duty were busy for a while, and the noise didn't subside until two or three o'clock in the morning. There is only one policeman on duty outside the single ward where Sheyan is, and he is also in charge of nearly twenty wards along the entire corridor. This guy probably also participated in tonight's big event, but he was lucky not to be injured. Thinking about it, he was also very tired, sitting on the recliner in the corridor and dozing off non-stop. However, Quest was very honored to enjoy the treatment at the presidential level. The floor of the ward he was in was completely isolated, guarded by as many as 15 policemen, and the inside and outside of the ward were brightly lit and heavily guarded.

When the clock pointed to four o'clock in the morning, Sheyan suddenly opened his eyes. He tore off the needle on his arm and tiptoed out. The policeman lying on the bench outside the ward was wrapped in a coat and sleeping soundly. Sheyan turned his head left and right to look around, stretched out his hand to grab the policeman by the neck, and dragged him into the utility room next to him. At the same time, Sheyan received a reminder from the nightmare mark:

"You attacked the Los Angeles police, your crime degree in the Terminator world increased by 10, and your current crime degree is 10."

Fang Senyan was slightly taken aback, he didn't have time to take a closer look at this moment, so he could only concentrate on dealing with the policeman at hand. Under his suppression, which was twice as strong as ordinary people, the poor policeman struggled frantically, his face turned purple, and he couldn't even utter a sound. It wasn't until his eyes turned white that he almost passed out from suffocation that Sheyan relaxed his arms a little, leaned close to his ear and gritted his teeth and said:

"Mr. Police Officer, I don't have any malice towards the police, but that damn lunatic upstairs beat my brother and girlfriend's brains all over the wall tonight. I can't just let him go to jail so cheaply! I Fucking kill him! If you cooperate well, I swear in the name of my grandmother's soul that I will never hurt any innocent people!"

Quest and his accomplices also killed at least twenty Los Angeles police officers. Several of the policeman's friends were also seriously injured by his gun, so this unlucky policeman naturally didn't have a good impression of Quest, so after hearing Sheyan's purpose, although he kept a gloomy face and didn't speak, his actions were Cooperatingly, he took off his police uniform and lay down on the hospital bed, then motioned Sheyan to knock himself out.

At this time, Fang Sheyan had time to look at the hints related to the crime degree, but the hints given by the nightmare mark were only a few words:

Any violation of the law will increase the degree of crime.

The degree of crime determines the police's attitude towards you, and it will also increase the chances of you encountering the police, being interrogated by the police, and searching.

The evil degree will decrease with the passage of time, the higher the evil degree, the slower the reduction speed.

Although there is not much information, Sheyan still speculates and judges a lot of things from it, for example, the higher the level of crime, the harder the police attack. Like the number 884 of the dead ghost, the crime must be so red that it was targeted by the Delta Special Anti-Terrorist Force, and Quest must also belong to the first-level wanted criminal. Immediately rushed to suppress. As for Fang Senyan's attack on the police at this time, although the crime rate has increased, but this level of crime is obviously far from reaching the point of being wanted.

After a deep sleep, Fang Senyan only felt that all the energy in his body had returned to its full strength. After going to the bathroom to wash off the blood on his face and body with clean water, he found that the wounds on his body had also healed in a good way. Fang Sheyan took a deep breath, changed into that police uniform, checked the surroundings in the hospital, and hurriedly arranged some reserved means, then lowered his police cap and walked upstairs.

The remaining policemen can naturally get first-hand insider information. Since Quest's accomplice has been shot dead, and this person has nothing to do with any gang in Los Angeles, the policemen on duty are relatively slack, and they don't think they will Someone from outside will save him.

As for Quest, who was seriously injured, he was handcuffed to the bed and connected to a life monitor for strict control. At the same time, there were two policemen in the ward staring intently. If there was any change, a warning would be issued immediately! Under normal circumstances, Quest is really difficult to fly with wings.

At four o'clock in the morning, the surroundings were silent, and the ticking of the clock on the wall could even be heard. Fang Sheyan still had some distracting thoughts in his mind, but after walking and breathing evenly, he gradually calmed down, and walked towards the corridor of the ward where Quest was imprisoned.

There were only four policemen in the corridor, and all of them fell asleep on the bench next to them. A bearded policeman even snored loudly. Blankets and a leftover coffee mug by hand. Fang Senyan was a bit trembling when he first entered the world, but after several battles, he realized that he had adapted to the world like a fish in water, so he didn't show any flaws, so he just relaxed and walked slowly. They walked over, but no one noticed.

But when he walked to the door, he heard voices coming from inside—obviously the police inside were quite sober—for Quest, who showed terrifying strength, the police were still extremely concerned.

Sheyan put his hand on the handle of the door of the ward, twisted it lightly, and pushed the door open. A pungent smell of disinfectant immediately rushed into his nostrils. The lights in the room were quite bright, and two policemen were They looked over vigilantly, but their eyes were softened by the police uniform on Sheyan's body, and they let go of their gun pouches under their armpits.