The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 62: Chaos


Obviously, as long as Katic and Jack Sparrow are still alive, it will undoubtedly mean that the green hat on the head of Little Lord Fokker will never fade. For Little Lord Fokker, his previous affection is completely It has become a huge joke, and such a shame can only be washed away by blood—your own or the blood of the enemy!

Of course, for Sheyan, this does not mean that the little Lord Fokker will let him go, and there will even be a magical scene of "brother, thank you for killing the whore for me". He was also included in Lord Fokker's must-kill list. As the saying goes, the hatred of killing one's father and the hatred of taking one's wife, these two unsolvable hatreds Fang Sheyan also honorably occupied a seat. Just in terms of hatred, the handsome but unlucky guard Cartic and the handsome Captain Jack Sparrow must be the top two. Before killing them, Sheyan only needs to deliver the goods to Little Fork. If he swaggered in front of the Lord, then Mr. Green Hat should not take the initiative to trouble him.

Bacon next to him was also an insider who had seen the memory of the lady, so he could understand the mood of the distinguished little Lord Falk in front of him. Although Bacon was very eager to take the "endless bag of gold" into his hands and study it, he still stood by the side in a considerate manner and did not make a sound. On the contrary, Lord Falk raised his head proactively, looked at him with lifeless eyes, and said lightly:

"Take it, this is the reward you deserve."

As he spoke, he casually threw the "endless bag of gold" over. Bacon immediately stretched out his hands to pick it up, who knows the moment before receiving the "endless bag of gold"! Little Lord Fokke has already pulled out the weird ice-blue rapier sword from his waist, stabbing obliquely like a poisonous snake spitting out a letter! The old man Bacon's pupils shrank immediately, and a black light on his left hand took shape in an instant, and with a "bang", it flew up and shot towards Little Fokker opposite.

But little Fokker did not dodge, let the magic ball full of terrifying and corrosive energy hit his right chest, and the flesh and clothes immediately emitted light yellow smoke and were burnt creakingly, while little Fokker's body However, the stabbing sword had ruthlessly pierced through that precious endless gold bag, and then pierced into the right hand of the old man Bacon. A layer of light blue ice immediately condensed on that right hand, and then quickly cracked!

The old man Bacon yelled in pain, and he didn't know whether it was because his right arm was completely crippled or because of the heartache that the endless gold bag was destroyed. But at this moment, the owl's shrill cry came out from the box that Bacon brought, and then it quickly turned red and hot, and then exploded violently, releasing thick smoke. Old Bacon took the opportunity to cover his mouth and nose with his remaining left hand and quickly escaped to the outside, but just as he was about to escape to the exit of the dungeon, he noticed that the ground was shaking slightly, and then there were curls of blue smoke floating in the air , a giant horse raised its hooves and rushed forward, slamming its head heavily into Old Bacon's body. It was that huge demon horse, Momoore!

After the old Bacon was hit by this, he flew five or six meters in the air! During the fall, he made many intimate contacts with hard steps and raised walls, at least 70 or 80 bones in his body were broken, and his frozen right arm had already shattered like ice. The shoulders were folded, and the cross-section showed a very strange purple distorted color. It seemed that the bones, muscles and blood vessels were all coagulated together. The blood gurgling out of his mouth has stained his chest red.

After all, he is only a part-time alchemist and black magician, and his physique is far from that of a warrior.

At this time, the figure of the little Lord Fokke appeared from the smoke at the bottom, his hair had turned gray, and after seeing the huge corroded wound on his chest, Old Bacon's ashen face suddenly became more and more serious. There was a sudden realization:

"Cough, cough, cough... So, you, you have given up..."

Little Lord Fokker's eyes were cold, completely devoid of the vitality of a living person:

"It's a pity to end your life, but there is no one in the Fogg family who breaks their promises. I will bury the endless bag of gold with you."

After hearing these words, old Bacon's eyes showed relief and joy, and then he quickly lost his mind, and finally died. Little Lord Fokke turned over and rode on the monstrous giant Mormoor, his long gray hair was blowing in the wind. As it fluttered, mottled hoarfrost condensed everywhere it passed. His voice seemed to come out after being hit in the chest thousands of times, covering the entire castle in an incomparable way:

"Where is Kartic~~?"

Seeing those lazy guards walking around on the street, Sheyan was quite surprised. It stands to reason that the lady's body has been sent into the castle for nearly six hours, and this time is enough for anything. But in the castle of Tutuga, it is the same as in the past. According to the normal procedures of this world, even if the murderer cannot be found, but if the lady dies, it is necessary to hang black veils and fire cannons to mourn. The program is right.

"Could it be..." A thought flashed across Sheyan's heart. A long period of silence means a terrifying outbreak, and such a slow reaction time can only represent two extremes: one is that the death of the Lady Lady was not taken seriously in the Castle of Port of Turtuga, but the other extreme is that the castle The owner has been deeply immersed in this kind of grief, coupled with being unable to find the real culprit, he has fallen into complete despair-the most typical consequence of this way of thinking is crazy destruction and destruction!

Thinking of this, Sheyan immediately realized that it might not be a wise choice for him to choose to stay here. Because the development of the situation is really as he guessed, Turtuga Castle is undoubtedly a powder keg that has been ignited! The closer you get here, the stronger the lethality you encounter. If you want to completely avoid the risk, it is undoubtedly the best choice to hide in an undeveloped area of the island according to the previous plan. But the chaos of the situation means that there are more opportunities to fish in troubled waters. If Fang Senyan wants to make a fortune out of the fire, returning to the Bell and Wine Cup immediately is the best choice!

The sky was gradually getting dark, and the bustling Port of Tutuga was still brightly lit, and the aroma of rum and barbecue floated in the air. Fang Senyan stood on the bow of the Bell and Wineglass and looked into the distance, feeling a little confused about the situation. He felt that a huge storm should be brewing in this port, but it was completely impossible to grasp when the storm would blow. This kind of waiting and anxiety is the most tormenting feeling, but Fang Sheyan has to wait, has to wait!

A ray of fire suddenly ignited in the darkness! It was unreasonably reminiscent of the blood sprayed out after the neck was cut, and then the fire spread suddenly, turbulently, and the speed of extension was astonishing like a flood, swallowing all the nearby houses in an instant Obviously, the arsonist had made very careful arrangements and arrangements before.

Amidst the flames soaring into the sky, there was a loud and dull sound from a distance, as if there were two big hands in the sky, clapping each other monotonously one after another.

There is an indescribable momentum, just like the tide rising slowly, brewing.

That majestic and magnificent feeling seemed to swallow the whole world!

In the blazing firelight, the sails that seem to be soaked in darkness, the slender and extremely aesthetically pleasing streamlined and huge hull, and the chaotic and intertwined battle scenes on it are reflected.

The two parties at war are the guards and pirates of Turtuga Port!

The Black Pearl was raided!

Fang Senyan's eyes suddenly burned like a flame, and he took a deep breath, trying to suppress the turbulent mood like the waves of the Caribbean Sea. At this time, a large number of pirates had already noticed the abnormality, and rushed onto the deck one after another, pointing to the Black Pearl in a panic.

Under the dancing flames, one could vaguely see that although the pirates on the Black Pearl resisted tenaciously, they were retreating steadily due to the sudden attack and heavy casualties. But at this time, there was another white-haired knight Calmly riding the giant horse under his crotch, he boarded the Black Pearl with ease along the pedals. Looking at his appearance, he even showed a somewhat leisurely feeling, as if he just came on board to watch the scenery. But for some reason, when they saw this figure, a low groan came out of everyone's heart for no reason.

Ominous hissing.

"Jack Sparrow, where, where?" the white-haired knight said in a flat tone while riding on the horse with his head down. There was a strong nasal sound in his voice, as if he had a cold and a stuffy nose. Although he was nearly two or three kilometers away from the Bell and Wineglass, everyone here could hear it for some reason. this voice! But none of the pirates on the Black Pearl answered. Immediately afterwards, they fired a dazzling signal flare into the sky from the bow of the ship, causing a terrible blast in the air.

"It's the Overwatch flare!" A senior old pirate yelled, "Black Pearl is calling for help!"

Watch flares are props only owned by armed merchant ships that have signed an alliance with the United Kingdom. As long as the two parties have an agreement on mutual watch and assistance, they can ask their allies for help in an emergency. In view of the fact that the Queen of England issued sea privateering certificates to many merchant ships at that time, some armed merchant ships were part-time pirates at all. In the later period, although the British ships sometimes had infighting at sea, they often did not kill them. Once they encountered external conflicts, they were basically able to keep watch and help each other, and the watch signal flares were also passed. Therefore, the official fleet and Among the pirates.