The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 63: offer


Sheyan called them in first, kicked off the lid of the treasure chest, pointed to the box and said:

"You pretend to be whatever you want, until you can't take it down."

The four pirates were naturally waiting for this order, and they rushed forward in ecstasy. After a lot of hard work, each of them was almost crushed by the heavy pockets. Looking at their expressions is simply a kind of happy fatigue. Fang Senyan waited for their excitement to calm down a bit, and then said lightly:

"Although the Bell and Goblet has been destroyed, I feel that Armand is not dead. If he recovers from his injuries, then I will probably be the first one to kill! More than that. So my only way to survive is to find a powerful force to protect me."

"Among the current major forces, the Black Pearl has already fought with the Fokker family, and it is estimated that the old Jack is more or less fortunate. Too many people have learned from Blackbeard's viciousness and selfishness, and the Queen's glory... may not be Reliable, so the only option left for me is Davy Jones, captain of the Flying Dutchman, who, though brutal, has never been unreasonable. I dedicate the rest of the treasure to him, It will definitely be reused.”

Sheyan looked around and said seriously:

"Since you have chosen to believe in me, I will not let you down. Now you have two options. One is to join me on the Flying Dutchman moored outside the port and join Davy Jones. It is to find a safe place to hide, and leave with the treasure after this period of turmoil has passed. No matter which path you choose, the benefits you have already obtained can be guaranteed."

The four pirates discussed it, and three of them didn't want to be pirates anymore, but the other one still wanted to continue to take risks at sea. Sheyan promised them to leave, but first he had to help drive the ship to the sea near the Flying Dutchman. Of course, the three pirates had no objections. About half an hour later, the blurred outline of the legendary pirate ship Flying Dutchman appeared in front of everyone. Fang Senyan and the guy who was willing to continue to be a pirate worked together to move the plundered wealth to another lifeboat nearby, and then the two of them boarded the lifeboat and rowed towards the Flying Dutchman with difficulty, and sent out the boat ahead of time. light signal.

At this turbulent moment, apparently the Flying Dutchman has been vigilant about the movement around him. However, the lifeboat Fang Sheyan and the others are rowing at this time can be said to be a slightly larger sampan, and the things loaded on it can be seen at a glance. Obviously, there is no threat. They also played a friendly light signal and successfully boarded. The Flying Dutchman is a legendary pirate ship.

At this time, the Flying Dutchman is not cursed like in the later movies. Both the ship and the pirates on it are still normal people, and there is also a kind of vigor and rebellion in their demeanor. The second officer above, Old Barry, was blackmailed by Fang Senyan severely before. Sheyan's charisma value was already low, after such an incident, his relationship with old Barry must have dropped to freezing point. If he met him as soon as he got on the boat, most of the ten points of credit would be cut off by more than half.

But Sheyan is also very confident that he will be able to meet the master of this ship, Davy Jones. This is not blind confidence, but a conclusion drawn after careful analysis! As far as the current situation is concerned, there is such a chaos in the port of Turtuga. The Fokker family took the initiative to attack the Black Pearl, while the rest of the pirates started to loot the port of Turtuga. It is strange that the two legendary pirate ships, the Flying Dutchman and the Blackbeard's Queen Anne's Revenge, are watching from the sidelines.

It stands to reason that these two ships are like the handles among the young and Dangerous. When encountering such a thing, they should naturally set an example and compete first, otherwise that detached position will be easily replaced by other people. Although Fang Senyan didn't know what was hidden in it, the only thing he could be sure of was that both Blackbeard and Davy Jones should pay special attention to the affairs on the island.

In this era when information circulation is not very developed, even if this outsider who suddenly appeared came empty-handed, he also brought the first-hand information from the outside world that Davy Jones most wanted to know at present, not to mention the pirates. The eyes are very poisonous, and the few large boxes on the boat can be seen to contain valuable things. So Davy Jones is at least 90% sure that he will come out in person, and of course he has achieved his goal.

At this time, Fang Senyan has a small reputation among all the pirates, and he also got to know many pirates at the pirate spoils conference on Hope Island. Many people also have an impression of this sailor rock from the east. After the heavy treasure chests were brought up, the pirates beside them had already started to gasp and gasp. At this time, Sheyan always feels a little uncomfortable all over his body. This feeling is neither the same as the imminent tension after the crisis strikes, nor the tiredness of the body when you are bored, but the kind that seems to want to penetrate all your secrets. scan!

Sheyan kept his expression on his face, and was already quietly examining the surrounding environment. He suddenly found a pair of eyes in the crowd. If it is said that these eyes are no different from other pirates, but there seems to be a strange magical power in the eyes. Generally, it seems to make people deeply addicted to it. The owner of these eyes met Sheyan's gaze and then turned around and left. He was originally among the crowd, wrapped his head in a common brown-red turban, and wore a yellowish white fencing shirt underneath. The sleeves of this shirt were very loose and tightened abruptly at the wrists, which was quite common among pirates, so when this person turned around, it was like a drop of water dissolved in the ocean, and he completely disappeared.

Fang Sheyan originally wanted to catch up immediately, but at this moment the wooden door of the captain's cabin above opened with a "boom", as if someone kicked it open from inside. This wooden door is very strong, at least one punch thick, and you can see traces of nails on it with hundred-year-old oak planks. Although the facade is full of years and traces of time, it is still as solid as before.

The wooden door that flew open hit the wooden wall next to it heavily, and there was a loud "bang". If you didn't notice it, you might be shocked by the loud noise. But the sailors next to him seemed to be used to it. Immediately afterwards, a tall and burly Scottish man walked out from the inside. He was about forty years old, with a red face, a smooth beard and hair, and a crab-shaped tattoo on his thick and exposed right arm. Just like some Chinese gangsters like to hold a golden birdcage to pretend to be masculine, this big man is holding a transparent pocket glass fish tank in his left hand. Inside the fish tank is a small off-white octopus. The tentacles waved excitedly in the water.

When Fang Senyan saw this big man, a feeling of facing the unfathomable sea naturally emerged in his heart! This kind of feeling is really unprecedented for Sheyan. If one must find a similar feeling, then it is in the world of terminators, facing the time-space rift with violent and destructive energy. Davy Jones, the legendary pirate captain's terrifying strength It can be seen!

"It's you who asked to see the great Davy Jones?" The big man said with a strong nasal voice. His words had an obvious Scottish accent, so they were a little vague, but it could be heard that there was a strong confidence in them.

Sheyan clenched his right hand into his chest, bowed slightly and said:

"Sailor's Rock from the East salutes you, Your Excellency."

Davy Jones casually teased his pet octopus and said:

"I've heard your name, and it seems you've got a knack for the Spaniards. But... that's not reason enough for you to set foot on the deck of the great Flying Dutchman."

"Just like what you can see." Fang Sheyan bowed again neither humble nor humble:

"I will also offer you treasures—I can assure you that these boxes were in the treasure room of Turtuga Castle two hours ago—they are the essence of wealth that the Fogg family has searched for a full seventy years! "

As soon as this sentence was said, there was an even more excited commotion among the pirates. But Fang Senyan noticed that when he raised his tone and said "The Fogg family has collected the essence of wealth for seventy years", Davy Jones yawned lazily! Behind this unusual little action, the hidden meaning is very deep! A few thoughts flashed through Sheyan's mind, and the final conclusion almost made him cry out!

In the final analysis, Davy Jones is a ferocious pirate, which determines that he is definitely not a hermit with high moral character who regards money as dung. I offered him the treasure of Tutuga Castle but received a cold reception. There are only two possibilities, or he has too much money and doesn’t care about this wealth—just like sending 5 million to Li Ka-shing, he must be sure to win us 5 million but may not be able to sleep for several nights. And a bigger possibility is that the actual value of this treasure is actually not that big!

The seventy years of savings of the Falk family sounds very attractive, but it is easy to go from frugality to extravagance, and it is difficult to change from luxury to frugality. Once a prodigal son is born in the Falk family, the speed at which it will be ruined is bound to be very fast. With the situation in Tutuga Port where the middle and foreign are strong and the middle is capable, maybe the current Fokker family is really an empty shell with a false name.

And after these boxes were moved out of the secret room in Tutuga Castle, the pirates never had a chance to examine them carefully. It wasn't until the three pirates just now that they had a chance to choose! Moreover, there are some treasures that need to be proficient in relevant professional knowledge to identify the authenticity, and the possibility of fakes inside cannot be ruled out. If this is the case, it is very likely that these boxes of treasures that seem to be full are indeed of low value. !