The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 64: Doubt and gain


Although Sheyan kept his sitting posture unchanged, after the countdown to returning to the space ended, his eyes suddenly flickered, and he completely lost his vision. He didn't know what happened for a while. However, a very strange feeling of weightlessness appeared in the body, and even the ears were humming slightly.

Then gradually, dots of light appeared, and Fang Sheyan's eyesight gradually recovered, only then did he realize that it was actually dots of starlight! He looked around in astonishment, and found that the whole person seemed to be in the boundless cosmic space. Darkness and abyss were the background color, and the only embellishment was the shining stars around, full of mystery, atmosphere, and an awe-inspiring and inviolable atmosphere. majesty. And he seems to be stepping on the completely transparent floor, as if he is suspended in the universe among the stars out of thin air.

Immediately afterwards, a full 3D miniature projection began to appear in front of Sheyan, and the scenes of him fighting Bloody Jack/Quest/Los Angeles police flashed one by one, followed by the killing of the two Terminator T-750s. In the end, Sheyan grabbed the FBI agent by the neck with one hand, and slammed it into the iron rod of the light box in slow motion, and then it was frozen.

The following information then appeared in the air:

"Scene: Terminator"

"Difficulty: Extremely Easy (Level E)"

"Pain reduction: 70%"

"Additional enhancement of personal ability: 50%."

"Current scene exploration: 12.31%"

"Title completion progress is as follows: Friends of Sin 10/50, Enemy of Machines 2/3"

"Additional note: This scene is a peaceful scene. The contractor will not drop any items when he is killed, and the digital character information module is turned on at the same time. The contractor can check his personal attributes at any time through the nightmare mark on his chest."

"Mission Completion: 53%"

"Task completion evaluation: C-, note: the lowest level is: E, and the highest level is perfect SSS."

"Scene Completion Reward: Free Attribute Point, 1 Point, General Point 100, Potential Point 2"

"The character's remaining free attribute points are: 1 point."

"You can allocate the free points to your own basic attribute points (strength/agility, etc.) at any time to strengthen your body."

"You have completed the first main task: the storage capacity of the Mark of Nightmare is activated, and your current storage space is 0.5 cubic meters. The weight of the stored items cannot exceed ten kilograms."

Tip: Some of the equipment/weapons you carry cannot be brought out of the Terminator world, you have the following options.

A: Sell it at this time in exchange for a certain amount of general points.

B: Store it here, and you can retrieve it the next time you enter the world of the Terminator. (Performing this operation will pay a certain amount of universal points as a storage fee, otherwise there will be unpredictable consequences such as loss/loss/corrosion.)

After Fang Senyan sold the valuable "dollar" he was carrying, his total utility points were only 283 points. Although he didn't quite understand the function of the utility points at this time, he also knew that the function of this thing was similar to banknotes. The more the better. Although the M500 revolver and shotgun are quite rare, they can only be regarded as barely usable, and have no value at all. He was also sold out by Sheyan, and his total utility points increased to 340 points.

Fang Sheyan then carefully looked at the description of potential points, and was not in a hurry to allocate that point. In his mind, he is also very surprised that his mission completion rate is 53%. After all, he has tried his best to kill the two terrifying Terminator T-750s. Possibly better! This kind of performance actually got a 53% completion evaluation... Applying the 100-point system, it didn't even reach the passing mark! In other words, what kind of performance is required to get a 100% evaluation? Under Fang Senyan's hard thinking, he still couldn't understand it.

The vast starry sky in front of him gradually blurred and became dark again. When Sheyan regained his eyesight, he was in a small room. The style of this room was plain and simple, but the surroundings were all made of metal, just like the layout of a modern battleship, simple, crisp, and capable. There is only one closet in the room, and a metal stool fixed to the ground. Soon, the nightmare imprint gave a hint:

"This is your exclusive room in the nightmare space. Outsiders are not allowed to enter without your permission. Items on your body that cannot be brought back to the real world will be stored here. If your body is injured, you can recover quickly here, and at the same time a certain amount will be deducted. Currency points. The key to enter and exit this room is the nightmare imprint. In the nightmare space, your appearance will be blurred. Therefore, when communicating with others, do not reveal your identity in reality, so as not to attract unnecessary seriousness. Consequences. If you have any needs, you can ask for inquiries through the nightmare imprint, but it may consume a certain amount of general points."

Sheyan thought about the meaning of these words, but soon, he said:

"Explain the usefulness of potential points."

Soon, he got a response:

"Potential points are used to upgrade basic abilities and combat abilities."

"In the nightmare world and even the space, contractors are provided with various strange abilities for learning. However, the more powerful and strange abilities are built on the ground, the more extensive and solid foundations are needed to complement each other. bedding."

"There are seven basic abilities, covering various elements in the battle, and corresponding to the seven basic attributes of one's own strength, agility, physical strength, perception, charm, spirit, and wisdom. The basic ability effects are all passive special effects, details as follows."

"Basic melee combat: exercise your various abilities in melee combat and increase your lethality in melee combat. The attribute point corresponding to this basic ability is: Strength."

"Basic footsteps: exercise your ability to dodge enemy attacks, and also slightly increase your movement speed. The attribute point corresponding to this basic ability is: agility."

"Basic long-distance combat: exercise your ability to use long-range attack weapons and increase your long-range attack damage. The attribute point corresponding to this basic ability is: perception."

"Basic endurance: exercise your ability to resist blows, so that you can live longer. The attribute point corresponding to this basic ability is: physical strength."

"Basic eloquence: exercise your persuasive power, so that you can blend in more quickly with strangers and win their favor. The attribute point corresponding to this basic ability is: charm."

"Basic meditation: exercise your will and make your spirit stronger. The attribute point corresponding to this basic ability is: spirit."

"Basic prayer: exercise your brain to expand its upper limit. The attribute point corresponding to this basic ability is: intelligence."

"Some advanced equipment/advanced abilities also require certain combat abilities or advanced basic abilities to be equipped. The higher the ability level, the more potential points will be consumed to upgrade. The improvement of ability can also be achieved through hard training on oneself To achieve the goal, the potential points are usually only used when learning new abilities or encountering bottlenecks. For example, if a world Sanda champion in the real world, it is very likely that he has a higher level of basic boxing skills when he first entered the world. ability."

Basic abilities and some combat abilities can be purchased with currency in the Nightmare Dimension, and potential points can be used to improve them. Advanced abilities must be learned by self-comprehension or after interacting with characters in the nightmare world.

Seeing this, Sheyan thought that when he killed the Terminator T-750 with special shooting skills, he also dropped a scroll: Light Gunpowder Weapon Proficiency. This thing should be a derivative/advanced ability of basic long-distance combat. In an absolutely safe environment at this time, he took the white key dropped by the FBI agent with a red nose, summoned a treasure chest to open it, and obtained 80 utility points and a piece of white equipment: Federal Investigation He took the cobalt-steel alloy exoskeleton that was successfully upgraded to play with it, and carefully studied its specific properties.

"FBI Special Trench Coat" (Condition: Very Good)

"Origin: Los Angeles ยท Xingenshi Garment Factory"

"Equipment Rarity: White."

"Equipment part: upper body"

"Equipment Requirements: None"

"Windbreaker armor comes with special effects: charm value +1 (more chic and elegant? So it increases charm)"

"Windcoat armor comes with special effects: it reduces your chance of being hit by the enemy by 1%" (probably because the windbreaker is loose and can block the enemy's sight)

"Comment: This piece of armor is more decorative than protective... Yes, it looks a lot like Versace's 1982 classic trench coat, but that's it."

"The combat power score of this equipment: 6"

Cobalt steel alloy exoskeleton (left hand part) (condition: very good)

Place of Origin: The Ninth Assembly Line of Workshop No. 71, Tianwang, Michigan.

Equipment Rarity: Light Blue

Equipment Effect: Increase your unarmed attack power by 18~19 points.

Equipment Effect: All your basic attributes +1 (rare effects)

Equipment requirements: strength value 9 points, life value 11 points.

Equipment location: hand

Material: Cobalt steel alloy and hardened.

Additional Devices: Flesh Plastic Skin (function has been lost). Magnetic Weapon Detection Attachment System (Cannot be Attached) (Your crude repair has broken the interface of this add-on)

Weight: 7.8 kg.

Length: 352 mm

This type of weapon has a special effect (removed): There is a certain chance to ignore the enemy's defense when attacking. (You have mixed impurity alloys into this weapon, this special effect will not take effect)

This type of weapon has a new special effect: when attacking, there is a 50% chance to cause extra damage to the enemy, and the damage value = the strength value of the holder.

Evaluation: short-sighted guy! You'll regret this sloppy fix!

Combat score of this equipment: 14