The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 65: A surging undercurrent


At this time, Little Fokker had already reined in his horse and returned to the port, and yelled at the guards:

"You idiots with eyes on the back of your head! Even these scumbags have nothing to do, go to the port square and erect a cross, nail the corpses of these two damned guys on it, and let them know that in the sacred and free port of Tutuga What a mess! Their flesh will rot in the sun, their souls will whisper in pain in the square, and before the clock strikes midnight today, I shall see the rest of the criminals crucified as well! Quick! go!"

After finishing speaking, little Fokke didn't stop any longer, and drove the huge demon horse Moore under his crotch to slowly walk back to the castle that was still emitting black smoke. Looking at his receding back, the busy port guards, the towering castle and black smoke in the background, Sheyan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

At this time, he suddenly heard a hoarse voice that was lowered and said: "Strength on the outside and dry on the inside." After Fang Senyan heard this, a meaningful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. Where is the speaker, but it can be clearly seen that many pirates have secretive and greedy lights in their eyes.

"Little Fokker's behavior is very stupid."

Thirty minutes later, on the bow of the Bell and Goblet, Armand stood with his hands behind his back and said calmly. Standing beside him was a man wearing a brown top hat, who was the navigator Charles. At this time, Charles looked very humble in front of Armand, which was completely the respect that a servant would bow his back to his master.

"This place has enjoyed peace for too long, and I don't know how many eyes are fixed on today's riot. If the Falk family arrested all criminals and executed them calmly, then maybe everyone still Feels like the Fokker family's control over Turtuga Harbor hasn't faded yet...but now, heh..."

Armand's eyes flickered, he stretched out his hand to caress the smooth hilt of the sword at his waist, and murmured:

"However, it would be even worse if Little Fokker didn't show up. Those stupid guards are usually fine for making small troubles, but once something big happens, they will run around like a headless chicken. If Little Fokker didn't Riding on that demon horse, Mo Moore, and going out to kill people, I'm afraid even those ordinary pirates will be tempted."

Charles raised his head slightly to look at the port of Tutuga under the sun. There was also greed in his eyes, and of course a slight ambition. The port of Turtuga is located on the golden route of the Caribbean Sea, and the wealth accumulated in seventy years of peace may be enough to buy half of Britain. But when the sun came to the west, Armand's shadow was covering his body condescendingly. Charles frowned slightly, lowered his eyelids and said calmly:

"Perhaps little Fokker did his own job very badly, but at the beginning we also saw... that gun, that sword, and the power of that horse! As long as these three things called holy artifacts are still there, No one dares to ignore the past glory of the Falk family!"

There was a sneering smile on Armand's stern face:

"If the entire Fokker family is only supported by those three things that have long belonged to the dead, then its end will be in the near future. Neither Old Jack, the owner of the Black Pearl, nor Blackbeard, the master of the Queen Anne's Revenge, will The one who puts the Three Holy Artifacts in his eyes."

"Old Jack is said to have become the guardian of the code, and he himself is the chief of the American headhunting tribe, and Blackbeard has been proficient in voodoo black magic ten years ago, and now it is said that he is looking for the Queen Anne's Revenge. It’s a secret that has completely turned into a killing machine! If it weren’t for the captain of the Flying Dutchman, Davy Jones, who has always been neutral and ambiguous, the port of Turtuga would have been swept away long ago!”

Charles choked slightly, he suddenly realized that Armand had talked too much today, and the news revealed to him were all anecdotes that could only be exchanged for blood, human heads and gold pounds. Armand took a deep breath, and continued to solemnly say:

"The wind in the Caribbean is already filled with the sound of blood and screams. I feel that there may be a big change in the past few days. I usually don't care about you and Scar Henry, but at this time, the Bell and Wineglass Everyone in the world must unite to seize this opportunity with greater risks and greater benefits!"

Under Armand's falcon-like gaze, Charles naturally didn't dare to have any other thoughts other than nodding, but it was hard to guess what was going on in his mind.

Under the strict order of the contemporary Lord Fokke, all the guards in the port of Tutuga started to operate crazily, making the entire peaceful port smoky and flying. Sheyan is now a crew member of the Bell and Wineglass, so he can naturally stand by and watch. I just feel that although the guards here are quite strong, their quality is not as good as that of the city management. During the search, they were extremely rude, yelling and cursing and asking for bribes. In the end, they casually arrested a few homeless people who seemed to be unable to walk. Go to business. Seeing such behavior, it is no wonder that those pirates who are like wolf and tiger will have a different heart. For them, only knives and strength can awe them!

At this time, there was another dull explosion sound from the street west of the port. This sound might be quite unfamiliar to the pirates in the port, but Fang Sheyan could hear it should be the explosion of a grenade. Undoubtedly, the search of these local snake guards still played a certain role, and they should have found the lairs of those lurking contractors.

Fang Sheyan was standing on the hillside in the distance at this time, so he could clearly see that two old and outdated houses in the harbor shook twice unwillingly, collapsed, and stirred up dust all over the sky. There were five or six figures fleeing separately, and there were less than three guards surrounding it, obviously a little at a loss, and the people who kept coming for reinforcements were still hundreds of meters away.

So naturally, a big chasing scene began again. The pirates in the port did not intend to help the citizens at all. Seeing this scene, Sheyan's heart moved slightly, and he immediately saw the direction and rushed over. Not long after, a contractor who was running out of breath and the guards of Tutuga Port who were chasing after him appeared in front of him.

The appearance of this contractor is not much different from that of ordinary pirates, with dark skin, the appearance of a man between thirty and fifty years old, a black turban wrapping his messy hair, and the cheap shell necklace around his neck has been thrown off Behind him, he was wearing a close-fitting hessian shirt, the trousers were gray-black linen with clear dust on them, and his feet were stockings and tattered felt shoes. He was panting heavily, and every time he ran a few steps, he would look back in panic, obviously very uneasy in his heart, and there was even panic in his eyes.

There is no doubt that running at high speed when going up the mountain is a very exhausting thing. Therefore, the contractor's running speed began to slow down significantly, and the distance between him and the rear guard was getting closer and closer. Fang Senyan used his insight ability on the guard who was chasing after him, and obtained first-hand information on attributes:

"Dice" Cootes

Guard II, Port of Turtuga

Height 5 feet 7 inches, weight 73KG

Strength 7 points

Dexterity 8 points

Physical strength 5 points

Perception 11 o'clock

Charm 7 points

Intelligence 3 points

Spirit 6 points

Basic Melee LV1, Basic Stamina LV1

Level II Guard Guard Special Passive Ability: Group LV1. For guards who are used to living in groups, if friendly troops are by their side, their strength will be greatly improved. Whenever there is an extra friendly soldier by your side, all personal attributes will increase by 10%, up to a maximum of 100%.

Level II guard special passive ability: tenacious LV1. Adds an additional 200 HP cap.

While Sheyan was browsing the guard properties, the contractor had already plunged into the semi-abandoned shack on the mountainside—the place Sheyan was in when he first entered the world. Obviously, the contractor realized that he was about to be overtaken, so he wanted to use the complicated terrain to get rid of his opponent. Sheyan first turned his head to look at the port below, and it was exactly as he expected: the three guards who were reinforcing at the rear were very relieved of the battle situation here—probably because it was only a 1V1 situation here—so they rushed towards the other few The contractor chased after him in the direction in which he fled. Watching this series of events, Fang Senyan revealed an inscrutable smile, and then slowly approached the shed area by taking advantage of the concealment of the building.

Probably after entering the shed area with complex terrain, "Dice" Kurts began to feel something was wrong, so when he got close to the contractor, he pulled out the sailor knife at his waist and threw it. As a result, it hit the enemy's thigh very accurately, and there was a scream, and the contractor rolled on the ground, still staggering, rolling and crawling forward.

But he soon realized that something was wrong, and when he turned his head, he saw "Dice" Kutes behind him grinning grinningly with his hands folded in front of his chest, following him step by step. He picked it up again and hung it on his waist. It looked no different from a cat playing with a mouse.

The contractor gritted his teeth, pulled out a dagger from his waist in despair, and shouted loudly:

"Don't come here!"