The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 73: kill it!


"I believe you can also see that I am the kind of person who is good at charging and attacking in the front. What I lack is strong fire support from the rear, but you are a fireman who is good at long-range attacks. Maybe you are in our original world. It can be prosperous with personal power, but don't forget, this is the world where the Terminator story takes place! You can't even kill me with a few shots, let alone those metal monsters from the future? We can It is said that if we cooperate, we will benefit, and if we divide, we will lose!"

Fang Senyan's words were very sincere and reasonable, and Quest was silent for a while, staring at the passing street lights on both sides of the road before slowly saying:

"The reason why I was willing to be caught by the police when I was seriously injured was because I had obtained a drug from someone before. This drug can restore people to the best state in an instant, but... the use of this drug I haven't met the conditions yet, and you came so abruptly, that's why I'm in such a mess now."

Sheyan wondered:

"Get it from someone else? How did you get it?"

Quest closed his eyes and said slowly:

"You should be teleported in for the first time, but I have already experienced the contract of the movie world once. The movie world I went to for the first time was... a very scary and vicious world, where I mistakenly entered I got this medicine by mistake."

Fang Sheyan has already experienced Quest's character, and knows that his so-called accidental collision is probably just stealing, bloody, and Quest is also a shrewd person. Set that pill to an exhibition state.

"Unpurified black hemocyanin." (Status: Fair)

"Origin: Amazon Borneo."

"Rarity: Blue."

"Use effect: Restore all health and mental strength within 10 seconds."

"Explanation: The local natives collect the blood orchid residues and leaves washed from the water to make medicine."

"Side effects: After taking it for ten minutes, there will be a negative effect of reducing all attributes by 33%. This negative effect will last for 1 hour."

"Warning: During the duration of the recovery effect of the unpurified black hemocyanin, you must be in a stationary state. Walking, running, attacking the enemy, or being attacked by the enemy will interrupt the effect."

"Conditions of use: 60 points of mental power (MP) must be consumed to use this drug."

"Assessment: It's your second lifeā€”if you can find the right place at the right time to use it."

At this time, Quest was naturally extremely annoyed. His wisdom value was not high, only a mere 8 points, and the spiritual value was only 80 points at most. And his innate ability: Refraction consumes 5 points of mental power every time he uses it. When he was caught by the police, his mental strength was only down to fifteen points. Afterwards, even though he rested peacefully on the hospital bed, his body fell into a state of being seriously injured and dying, and the automatic recovery speed of his body was also greatly weakened. It wasn't until Fang Senyan entered the ward that his mental strength recovered to 43 points. Really can only look at this heaven-defying prop and cannot use it!

Looking at the medicine, Sheyan's eyes flickered slightly, and then he said decisively:

"Give it to me, and our previous affairs will be settled. You don't have to worry about your injuries. The natural healing ability of contractors is much stronger. Go to an underground hospital that treats gangster injuries immediately. You rest for 20 The basic combat ability can be recovered in four hours, and we will fight side by side at that time!"

The muscles on Quest's face kept trembling, and he felt completely unable to see through the person in front of him. Even though every word of the person in front of him was perfectly reasonable, Quest still felt the biting chill and the smell of death, like a tomb in the cold night, which was frightening, and the two thoughts in his mind were constantly running fighting.

"Pay? Or not?"

As soon as Fang Senyan stepped on the accelerator, the car under his feet made a slight roar and climbed up the overpass. He seemed to know what Quest was thinking, and he said calmly without turning his head:

"If you were me, would you still let that medicine stay in your hand? Would you have such good patience as me?"

In Fang Senyan's plain words, the sharp fangs were exposed. Quest felt a chill in his heart, and couldn't help thinking in the direction Fang Senyan led, and finally said in a dejected way:

"Okay, I'll give it to you."

Seeing the reminder "You have obtained unpurified black hemocyanin" from the Nightmare Mark, Sheyan smiled slightly, patted Quest on the shoulder in a friendly way, then lifted him and threw him down the overpass!

Quest's shrill and desperate screams drew a long arc in the air, but stopped abruptly on the head of a speeding heavy truck. At this moment, five of his lungs were broken. A rib was pierced, and blood rushed to the throat to annihilate the screams, and then the whole body flew seven or eight meters like a torn sack, hit the guardrail next to it, and finally did not move. The truck driver who caused the accident was obviously not a law-abiding guy. He didn't intend to stop and check at all. He just chewed his gum and muttered angrily. After stepping on the accelerator, a stream of thick smoke was sprayed from the exhaust pipe. Black smoke sped away.

"It's another traffic accident..." A cruel smile appeared on the corner of Fang Senyan's mouth, he stepped on the gas pedal and disappeared into the early morning night.

Strictly speaking, Fang Sheyan has seriously considered cooperating with Quest, after all, this guy's infallible marksmanship has left a deep impression on him. If the two join forces, the power they will display must be 1+1 greater than 2.

But Fang Sheyan just doesn't want to cooperate with him. This kind of persistence is not only due to the vague premonition in his heart, but also because the unlucky No. 1884 has fully interpreted the poisonous snake Quest with flesh and blood. The fate of cooperation.

There was sporadic rain outside the window. Sheyan sat in this very simple restaurant, elegantly pressed his mouth with a white napkin, and raised his knife and fork. Since entering this world, he only eats After eating two biscuits, I have been hungry since then. It was not until Quest was completely eliminated that the hunger came resolutely and stubbornly.

As a senior seafarer, Sheyan is no stranger to dishes from all over the world. The restaurant he was in looked quite ordinary at this time, but the dishes were quite rich. Sheyan ordered orange fatty salmon, Kiev butter chicken rolls, and Australian ribeye steak for more than ten main meals/side dishes, and buried his head in the restaurant. After eating a lot, take another sip of Australian Chardonnay wine with rich fruit aroma, let the fragrance linger in your mouth, and gradually dilute the fatigue in your body.

The TV in the corner of the restaurant is broadcasting various news, everything is normal, Sheyan has already asked the waiter, except for the robbery in the supermarket, there has not been any crime in the past few days. He tried to call the first two "Sarah Connor" calls in the phone book, but they were answered, which undoubtedly shows that the Terminator has not yet taken any action. This is a good thing, after all, if one step lags behind in such plot trends, then one step behind.

At this time, the authentic "Sarah Connor" was renting together with a good friend. Fang Senyan had already called and learned that the mother of the future leader of the Earth's Resistance Army was currently on vacation and her whereabouts were missing. people know.

From this point of view, unless the Terminator Arnold shows up in the plot, then the authentic Sarah Connor should not appear in everyone's sight, but when the Terminator shows up, Sarah Connor There will be an extra special forces soldier from the future next to Connor, and it is absolutely not to be insulted.

"Then..." Sheyan swayed the wine in the glass, but his eyes fell on the gorgeous and old Los Angeles street scene in 1984 AD below.

"It's time to do it."

At this time, Sheyan has already grasped the situation of this world. Now that she knows that the heroine Sarah Connor is temporarily unable to contact her, which means that the T-800 will not appear in the short term, then of course the next step The goal is to complete the task of "destroying time and space nodes". This task seems to have no clue at all. In fact, it is hidden in the plot - the Terminator T-800 and that Lace both came through the positioning of Skynet's space-time machine. When they first entered the world, there must be a large number of space-time nodes. !

Fang Senyan gave the waiter a tip of twenty dollars, and asked him to find a map of Los Angeles for himself. On the map, he compared it with some reference materials in his memory. After a while, he drew seven T-800 and The most likely location where Reis traveled. He casually found a taxi and started driving to the seven scheduled destinations.

After eliminating three suspicious locations, the distance to the fourth location is very short, almost passing through half of Los Angeles. At this time, Sheyan leaned slightly on the back seat of the taxi, closed his eyes, and enjoyed the Slight bumps, digesting a trace of exhaustion after a full meal.

At this moment, instead of being nervous, what he had in his heart was bursts of indescribable excitement: How could such an exciting experience and life be comparable to the ordinary life before? It is really unbelievable that I, who was on the verge of extinction in the real world, would turn around and have such an unimaginable encounter.

Time passed quickly, and the traffic lights along the way stopped and stopped. Naturally, there was no GPS positioning system at this time, but Sheyan could judge from the road signs that he was about to reach his intended destination. He has begun to pay attention to the surrounding vehicles and environment. However, at this moment, Sheyan suddenly felt a slight heat in his chest, and then a cold mechanical voice came out:

"Warning: You have entered the relevant sensitive area, and the side plot will start."

"Warning: You have entered the relevant sensitive area, and the side plot will start."

"Warning: You have entered the relevant sensitive area, and the side plot will start."

"Warning: The future Skynet computer thinks that you are about to pose a threat to the space-time node, and sent a Terminator that has not been fully debugged to hunt you down."

"Warning: T-750 Terminator will pass through the space-time tunnel within fifteen seconds. Your blood type, smell, and appearance have been locked. You must leave this area after ten minutes. If you leave early, you will be locked by Skynet. Location (extremely dangerous)."

"Warning: You are the second contractor to activate the regional branch plot. The protection mechanism of the space-time channel has been gradually improved. The strength of the T-750 Terminator chasing you will increase from 70% in its heyday to 80%."

"Reminder: It is the first time for the Contractor to enter the Nightmare World. After you persist for ten minutes, you will receive assistance from the Delta Special Anti-Terrorist Force."

"Reminder: The space-time node will appear in ten minutes or after the death of the Terminator T-750."