The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 80: Accidental affair


Facing the inquiries of many pirates, the pirates of the Bell and Wineglass also felt that their faces were bright, so they naturally boasted drunkenly, saying that this is the new boatswain on our ship, Sailor Rock from the mysterious East , ferocious and powerful, not only commanded a group of old, weak, sick and disabled to kill hundreds of Spanish pigs, but also singled out and killed a rotten corpse of the Voodoo Sect, which is really amazing.

Almost all the pirates have seen the fierceness of the Spanish sailors, but most of them have also killed the Spaniards, so they don't think Sheyan's dispatch organization is so great, but the heroic deeds of single-handedly defeating the rotten corpse of the voodoo religion are impressive. They all gasped in unison, and their eyes changed. This is the same reason as in the battle of Changbanpo, when Cao Jun beat Liu Bei even lost his son and wife, but he became the foil of Zhao Yun. .

What's more, Fang Sheyan is facing a rotting soul corpse! Scary and powerful monsters from voodoo! In the hearts of these pirates, voodoo has always been equated with mystery and horror. More importantly, the rotting soul corpse controlled by the Spanish businessman Fernandez does not only have one, but a total of three! In addition to the "chewing ear" that Sheyan killed, there are also "gnawing fingers" and "rotten nose", two carrion corpses. These two terrible monsters have caused the pirates who have encountered them to suffer a lot. Of course it left a deep impression on them.

Those senior pirates even noticed that the bell and the Blackjack pirates used the same words: "single out and get rid of" instead of "single out and defeat", which shows that it is not just a boast but a real thing. Because "defeated" means that the enemy may flee and leave nothing behind, but "removed" means that there will be at least one dead body to prove how real the battle was. This means that even if there is any water in the rumors on the Bell and Glass, there will be considerable truth left after being squeezed.

Soon some pirates came to Sheyan with their own wine bags to offer a toast. Most of these pirates have a sense of respect. Almost all of them have friends and relatives who died at the hands of the carrion corpse during the daytime battle. According to the voodoo legend, they died at the hands of the carrion corpse Even the soul is cursed to suffer forever. Only the warriors who killed the rotting soul corpses could free them, so they naturally came to ask Sheyan to bless their dead friends.

This "Sailor Rock from the East" was also very forthright, drinking heavily, talking and laughing loudly, completely inconsistent with the legendary cruelty. In fact, it was because Sheyan discovered that drinking with these pirates would also increase his reputation. The increase ranged from 10 points to 30 points, but most of them were 10 points. Unfortunately, the increase rate was also related to charm. Sheyan's prestige can increase by a thousand points after a single drink. This is the case, and the reputation has increased by more than 300 points, breaking through to 613/3000 points.

In addition, Sheyan also has an unexpected harvest, that is, the wine bags brought by those pirates contain many kinds of drinks, among which there is a promotion milestone: the Ramsay potato rum that the "drunk man" needs And a mouthful of cousba rum. It can be regarded as upgrading Milestone: Drunkard to Milestone: Drunkard, and its attributes have also been enhanced. And the nightmare imprint also sent a reminder:

"You completed the milestone Drunkard's cut"

"You have earned the title: Drunkard."

"Drunk: When you drink alcoholic beverages, your hit rate will decrease by 2%, and your crit rate will increase by 6%, lasting for 60 minutes."

"Only one title can be effective at a time, do you want to equip the title/Drunkard at this time?"

"Advanced Milestone: Master Wine Tasting opens."

"Achieve the condition: drink the following types of alcohol."

1. French "Charcagnac"

2. British "Chivas Regal - Royal Salute Whiskey"

3. Russian "Polginka Vodka"

4. French "Crystal Champagne"

5. Spanish Balsa Cava sparkling wine

6. Puree of Chinese Moutai in 1950.

Note: This milestone can be reached in any world.

Fang Senyan looked at the names of these six wines in a rather speechless manner. With his knowledge and experience, he had only seen Moutai from the advertisements, but he was completely at a loss for the 1950 puree. I have never heard of these brands of wine, let alone drink them. But the only thing Sheyan can be sure of is that if he wants to buy these types of wine, he will probably spend a lot of money. And more importantly, even if you have money, you may not be able to buy it! He could only shake his head with a wry smile, and put aside the series of requests.

Although the brewing technology at this time is relatively backward, and the rum has not been distilled and purified, so the alcohol content is not high, but Fang Sheyan drank two or three catties of it, and naturally felt that his stomach was full and it was convenient to go. At this time, the sky was already dark, and this tropical island was flooded with a unique smell, which seemed to be mixed with the sweet fragrance of coconut and the slight fishy smell of the sea breeze. Sheyan walked on the beach with deep feet and shallow feet , Looking for a place where no one was around, I opened my belt to release the water, and sighed contentedly after finishing. And because I was thirsty after drinking, I suddenly wanted to drink some fresh coconut juice, so I searched everywhere. I walked around the beach for nearly a kilometer before I found a coconut tree with many fruits and climbed it, although the coconut tree is quite difficult to climb. At this time, Fang Sheyan also had 8 points of agility, so he successfully climbed to the top after a difficult climb. Just as he was about to pick off the coconut, he suddenly heard a few suppressed panting sounds from a distance.

Although Fang Senyan is not married yet, he is not a first-time brother. Naturally, he can hear that the sound is a woman's slight moan and it is not because of pain. To put it more directly, it is called bed. However, this woman's scream was quite coquettish and coquettish. Hearing it, it was like a silk thread that seemed to be floating in the heart of the heart. It was so tantalizing. Some floated up.

Naturally, he followed a man's instinctive reaction, and then looked down from the height advantage of the top of the coconut tree, and found a couple having sex on the beach. The woman's blond hair was fluffy, and her two long, wheat-colored legs hung around the man's waist. The voice she snorted was like crying. Fang Sheyan's eyes couldn't help but stay on those two long legs, and at the same time, he couldn't help but compare in his mind with the two coquettish long legs that the heroine of "Transformers 3" just showed off when she first appeared on the stage, and finally decided that this one was the winner.

These two had obviously been fighting fiercely for a while, so Sheyan soon saw the man tremble violently a few times, and then the two calmed down. The woman is very generous with her naked body washing her body by the sea and brushing her long hair. Although the specific details cannot be seen because of the darkness, she can roughly grasp the naked and attractive silhouette. And even when a man puts on his clothes and lifts his trousers, there is a kind of lazy chic, and his gestures are very clean and neat, which makes people think of a lazy cheetah for no reason.

At this time, the man suddenly turned his head back, and said in a lowered vigilance voice towards this side:


His voice was deep and magnetic, Sheyan's heart trembled, and he almost put on a defensive posture, but fortunately the man didn't look over, and began to get dressed in a hurry. Soon, a solid-looking guy came over from a distance. He probably knew that he would see some indecent things when he got close, so he stood in the distance and turned his back and said in fear:

"I'm sorry to bother you at this hour, Mr. Sparrow, but your father told me that if you were not seen within ten minutes, poor Gibbs would be hoisted up the mast and blown all over the Three days."

Fang Senyan suddenly felt a little difficult to breathe, it seemed that in this Caribbean world, there was only one person who could be called Mr. Sparrow! At this time, the lazy voice of the man below sounded:

"Don't be nervous, Gibbs. My father is a kind and forgiving old fellow. He's just trying to scare you."

There was fear in Gibbs' voice:

"Mr. Sparrow, I agree with your point of view, but I still want to say that he doesn't have much time left for me. Please go back with me immediately. The meeting of the captains is coming to an end. Even if the captain Sir was joking, but I also thought it was a serious and terrible joke."

"Shut up Gibbs, I'll at least kiss dear Sally's hand first, and I'm going mad with jealousy to think that her husband should have the honor every day."

Mr. Sparrow's words undoubtedly made this woman Sally very happy. Her voice was slightly hoarse, but it was full of charm:

"Oh, Jack, go back quickly and leave me alone. Your father must have something important to rush you."

Sheyan's eyes narrowed slightly, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth:

"I really didn't expect to meet you under such circumstances, our protagonist—Mr. Jack Sparrow."