The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 85: Each has ghosts


Undoubtedly, the three words of Armand gave Kerry a great shock. Even though he tried his best to conceal it, he couldn't erase the greed and envy in his expression. His eyeballs rolled up and he said tentatively:

"We have also investigated the Bell and Wineglass you mentioned. It is one of only three large pirate ships... I heard that there are additional benefits to being a crew member of a large pirate ship?"

Sheyan said cheerfully:

"Yes, you will get a side mission, pointing to the end of the three legendary pirate ships."

Kerry swallowed greedily:

"Then you mean to take me to the Bell and Cup?"

Sheyan nodded and said:

"That's right. At this moment, the entire port of Tutuga is undercurrents. Even if the port guards are brave enough, they dare not forcefully ask to board the ship. Otherwise, it will be very easy to give the greedy pirates an excuse to riot. So you You can be safe and sound if you stay above, and you can escape smoothly after the search is over."

Kerry suddenly said suspiciously:

"Pirates are always very suspicious, and you just joined, how could they let you bring a stranger on board?"

Sheyan said lightly:

"So you must have a very close relationship with me... put away your damned obscene eyes, I have no interest in men's asses or asses, you can be my relatives, or my former savior-you have to let Those bloody pirates think you're a big part of my life."

Kerry breathed a sigh of relief and said in satisfaction:

"I think your opinion is very good, but it's not enough. If you put these two proposals together, it will be quite perfect. The identity of the cousin and the savior will be very convincing. Dear Yan, you You can blackmail me hard enough in the beginning, so it's settled."

While the two were talking, Sheyan supported Kerry and walked towards the pier outside the port, hid the guy in the woods by the sea, and then sent a signal for the Bell and Wineglass in the port to send a boat to pick him up. (In that era, it was usually difficult to carry out underwater dredging in ports, so usually large pirate ships could not get close to the shore due to their deep draft, and some ports that had been used for a long time were far from the shore due to serious siltation. A hundred meters on each side is common, so you need a sampan/boat to make the transition when you want to go ashore)

Soon Sheyan stood in front of Armand who was staying in the captain's cabin. This guy was looking at a yellowed sea chart with his hands behind his back. The bayonet on the muzzle.

"What's the matter?"

Armand's falcon-like eyes glanced at Sheyan, and then returned to the map.

Fang Senyan said neither humble nor overbearing:

"I am very grateful for your appreciation of me, but now I have to live up to this kind of love. I am about to get into some pretty tricky troubles. In order not to implicate everyone on the Bell and Wineglass, I have to report to you here." Farewell, my lord."

Armand still turned his back on Fang Senyan, but his pupils contracted slightly while looking at the map:

"You are now my crew member, so the first thing you should do is to explain everything to me, instead of trying to face it alone!"

A sly cunning flashed in Fang Senyan's eyes, and then he said in a deep voice:

"Your Excellency must have heard of the explosion at the Port of Tutuga Castle a few hours ago, right?"

Armand's palm behind his back tightened abruptly, and he immediately released it, but said in a calm tone:

"No one seems to know about this matter."

Sheyan said seriously:

"My hapless cousin Kerry was involved in this horrific affair - unfortunately, he seems to have been a direct part of the scheme. When I found him on the hillside west of the port At the time, a port guard was about to chop off his head, so I saved his life by killing the port guard—just like he did to me two years ago in Manila in Southeast Asia."

Armand seemed to ponder for a while, and then said very solemnly:

"Then what are your plans after leaving the Bell and Wineglass?"

Sheyan shook his head with a slightly perplexed face and said:

"I don't know yet, try to hide first, and then find a boat to go to sea."

"Confused! Stupid!" Armand suddenly raised his tone and turned around: "Do you know how big the island of Turtuga Port is? It's less than one-third of Dyke County, even if a child comes from the east end It will take less than two days to walk to the west end!"

"And the Fogg family has been here for a full hundred years. How long can you and your brother hide? Two days, three days? Even if you deny it, it will still implicate us. Please don't forget Scar Henry took you away under the eyes of dozens of people! Rock from the East!"

Sheyan showed some hesitation on his face, but he hesitated to speak. Armand said in a tone of hating iron but not steel:

"Complicated? Hey! When you don't use your brain to do things, that's called complicity. Let me tell you again, since you have become the crew of the Bell and Wineglass, you must take it as your responsibility no matter what you do or think. Let's go! Where is your brother? Get him brought to the ship quickly."

"My lord!" Sheyan couldn't help shouting out in a tone full of gratitude and guilt.

Armand sighed, and waved his hand wearily:

"Go, the Fokker family is in a state of desperation right now, and they don't have the guts to act wildly on the Bell and Wineglass."

Sheyan nodded, bowed in salute, and then backed out. However, Armand's eyes suddenly shot two beams of excitement. For him, this news from Sheyan was really a huge surprise that fell from the sky! For the port of Tutuga, where the sun is setting at this time, these gangsters who dared to attack brazenly are the targets to be killed quickly, but for pirate captains like Ammand who have huge ambitions, these gangsters are Rare and precious wealth!

Even if this group of guys have already started to scare the snake, their strength seems to be quite ordinary, but from them who have successfully attacked the Fogg family, they can intuitively understand all kinds of information on the current situation of the Fogg family. The family makes the most intuitive assessment! It can be said that it is rare!

From a deeper perspective, although Ammand is also very famous, he can only be called the captain of a large pirate ship, and there is still a gap between the captains of the three legendary pirate ships. Although the weakness of the Fokker family is obvious to all, the emaciated camel is bigger than a horse, and it is impossible for a family of pirates to gnaw it down.

If the looting of Turtuga Port happens, several pirates must form an alliance to work together. Under normal circumstances, Armand can only be in a weak/subordinate position in the alliance, but if he has Holding the huge bargaining chip of "the guy who survived the first attack on Turtuga Castle", he can naturally become a leader from the status of a subordinate.

Fang Senyan took a fancy to this point, so he made a gesture of loyalty and let Ammand take the initiative to order to keep him! This is ten times and a hundred times better than begging him.

And when Sheyan was about to board the sailor sampan to pick up the people, Henry the Scar had already hurried over with three pirates fully armed, saying that the captain ordered them to come to escort them in case they would encounter any trouble. On the surface, Sheyan He was very grateful, but he was sneering in his heart that Armand was still not calm enough, lest the cooked duck would fly away, he did it so eagerly.

Kerry, who was in the shelter on the shore, naturally waited like years, like ants on a hot pot. So when he saw Fang Senyan rowing with four pirates who looked vicious and lethal, he was so excited that he almost burst into tears.

When he boarded the Bell and Wineglass safely, he felt relieved immediately, and immediately realized that the initial leg injury was severe, and he couldn't help moaning—Kerry's stamina attribute was already low, so his recovery power was not strong , plus the serious injury from the stabbing on the leg, and the blood loss from rolling and crawling on the ground trying to escape, it is natural that the minor injury turned into a serious injury. Shire, who was a part-time doctor on the pirate ship, was invited to come over to have a look, then simply bandaged him again, washed the wound with strong wine, and let him rest in bed.

(PS: By the way, I would like to talk about the level of hygiene in Europe in the Middle Ages. At that time, doctors usually worked part-time. Therefore, if you are unfortunate enough to travel to the Middle Ages, you will encounter monk level 5/doctor level 1, or priest level 3/doctor level 2 Don’t be surprised by the part-time guys. Their treatment method is also very simple: anyone who feels mental discomfort, including but not limited to headache/dizziness, etc., the treatment method is to cut the veins in your arm to let blood, and anyone who feels digestive system discomfort, treat The means is to induce vomiting... the rest of the discomfort is a two-pronged approach...)

Although Armand wanted to grab Kerry's neck immediately, slapped him twice and growled to tell him everything he knew, but it is really very impolite to disturb a patient rashly in this era Of course, the main reason is that Armand has regarded Kerry as something in his pocket-so Kerry got a period of blissful rest. When Kerry was rejoicing that he had escaped the catastrophe, Sheyan pushed open the hatch and walked in, saying coldly:

"My promise has been fulfilled, how about yours?"