The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 86: Hunt or be hunted


Then the crowbar stood up first and went to the left:

"I'm good at hand-to-hand combat and I'm also a good grenadier."

As he spoke, he took out eight pitch-black grenades and placed them on the table, then picked up the glass next to them and threw them out. I saw that the glass hit the opposite wall five or six meters away, but it didn't shatter, but ejected and flew out from the window next to it. The ability to judge the environment is indeed qualified to call himself a grenadier.

"Next." Crowbar shrugged at the rest.

Afterwards, it was obvious that the Symbiosis Society had discussed it internally, and most of them showed their talents in long-range attacks like a Supergirl draft—although everyone could see the flashiness in their bones. The last five people looked at Sheyan, to see if he could come up with something surprising. But just as expected by the crowbar, Sheyan shrugged his shoulders, muttered a few dirty words in his throat, and said annoyedly:

"Damn it, I like to rush up and chop those damned bastards to pieces... I don't have any long-range attack methods that I can use."

When Sheyan uttered the last sentence, the dark surface of the flintlock "Ambition" hidden in the storage space of the nightmare imprint flashed a ray of anger very proudly...

Crowbar sighed and said:

"Unfortunately, sailor, everyone needs to contribute to the team's goals. Since you can't contribute in terms of damage output, then you can only shoulder the heavy responsibility of being the first to lure the monster with bait—in fact, you don't need to Too nervous, your task is to successfully lure this stupid monster out of the lair, and then run a kilometer away! You don’t even need to participate in the next battle, OK, it’s that simple, relax, buddy.”

Fang Senyan said in astonishment:

"Wait! Why did you dig the trap one kilometer away from the mountain monster?"

Crowbar shrugged and said:

"According to the information from the boss, the mountain monster likes to sleep on the ground, so it can easily feel the vibrations in the ground—unfortunately, it is not a small project to dig a trap that can trap this huge monster , so the boss has repeatedly emphasized that one kilometer is the minimum distance that can guarantee our safety, and it must not be shortened any further.”

Speaking of the latter, the crowbar walked to Sheyan's side and patted him on the shoulder vigorously, wanting to settle the matter while the iron was hot. As for the crowbar, the reason why he did everything possible to attract Sheyan and Darth to join him was because both of them would play very important roles. Dangerous people! Crowbar must ensure that the number of members of his team is reduced as little as possible, so as to increase the probability that the symbiosis will enter this world and achieve the expected ultimate goal!

"OH, NO." Sheyan waved his hands irritably and walked back and forth in the wooden house, shouting: "Crowbar, you are murdering! You have arranged for me a job that is more dangerous than pulling out the teeth of the black mamba! "

"Calm down, my friend, you need to calm down and listen to me." The crowbar put Sheyan's shoulders very patiently and said: "We will all be your backing, the giant monster is not scary, it is as heavy as 2200 Pounds don't pose any threat to you, you just don't stop."

The real situation is of course not as easy as the crowbar said. The mountain monster is indeed bulky and stupid, but this definitely does not mean that it is not threatening. If you add the length of the arm and its self-made wooden stick, the attack radius of the mountain monster will exceed Six meters, and there is no evidence that it will not throw the weapon in its hand-think about the consequences of being hit by a tree trunk that is four or five meters long and as thick as a washbasin! Moreover, its flight speed has exceeded 60 km/h thanks to the arm strength of the mountain monster. In addition, there are road conditions, various accidents, and fatal consequences once a mistake occurs!

In fact, Fang Senyan was not surprised at the work that the crowbar arranged for him. In fact, since the crowbar started to win him over, he already knew what this scheming guy wanted to do. But the reason why he dared to stay and step into the rhythm of the crowbar step by step, of course, is that he has extremely strong self-confidence.

Confidence comes from that number.

30 o'clock.

The highest physical strength Sheyan can achieve at his peak!

A full 30 points of stamina!

Plus strong talent and tenacity!

Even though the mountain monster has terrifying arm strength, even if its physical damage will definitely reach a terrifying level. It is fatal to all contractors including the crowbar, but Fang Senyan definitely does not think that he will be so vulnerable, with a full 300 points of health and 37% additional damage absorption , plus the 25-point damage reduction brought by the talent tenacity, if converted, the mountain monster must at least hit an attack with a theoretical damage of 516 points or more to kill itself in seconds. And such a terrifying single burst damage, according to common sense, would not appear in this difficulty.

And it has been emphasized in the plot background of this world: the teachers of Hogwarts College can easily subdue an adult mountain monster. If the mountain monster can often achieve such terrifying damage, even if its resistance to magic is zero, it will pose a great threat to the teacher's life. Then he would definitely not put words like easily subdued in that passage, just like the fact that few people in the world now say that he can "easily subdue" a cobra.

But even though Fang Senyan didn't mind "playing" with Crowbar, it didn't mean that he would completely follow the script of Crowbar. At least as of now, Sheyan still intends to keep his secret, and if he wants to accept the high-risk job of "luting mountain monsters", then the crowbar that provides the job has to come up with enough benefits. If you readily agree to it, then there will be nothing more than two consequences: A, people will see you as a fool and a stepping stone from now on, and B, from now on, those eyes that were originally staring at Darth will focus on you, until all the secrets are like It is the various female primate creatures in Guan Xige's photos that are so clear, frank, and full of details...

After Sheyan rejected the crowbar's fourth lobbying with a very firm attitude, this guy finally let go and said that he would give Sheyan "a little help". The loose tone is good news for Fang Senyan, just as it may take many years for a small gap to appear in those strong dams, but it may only take a few months for the gap to become larger and finally cause the embankment to collapse. reason.

Crowbar's fifth lobbying campaign was successful.

He felt a sense of relief and heartache.

In order to let this damn yellow man serve as bait, he paid a lot of money, the total is as follows:

1500 Universal Points.

An aspirin (concentrated version) that restores 40 health points immediately after taking it

This drug also has the characteristic that after using this drug, drugs with the same effect will no longer work on you within 300 seconds.

There is also an overdraft limit for purchasing 3,000 utility points after killing the mountain monster (that is to say, among the loot dropped by the mountain monster, if Sheyan wants to buy it, he can take away something worth 3,000 utility points without spending a penny. Of course If the value of this item is more than 3000 utility points, the extra will have to be made up in cash. Of course, if Sheyan does not buy it, the money will be converted into 1500 utility points and paid to him.)

Now that the two most important positions of the fireman and the bait have been settled, the next series of things will come naturally. This temporary team of seven set off quickly and rushed along the outskirts of the Black Forest to another hill—there was the lair of the mountain monster. The mysterious president of the Symbiosis Society had sent a message to the crowbar. He pointed out exactly where it was.

It was a dark night, a dark forest, and the sun was shining brightly in the daytime, but now it was raining. The crowbar took the lead and walked ahead. When the wind mixed with the raindrops rushed towards the face, it was a real chill that enveloped it. The rest of the contractors of the Symbiosis Society couldn't help but wince. A guy named Gree muttered something in his mouth, cursing the damn weather, and then coughed hard, spitting half of his thick phlegm into the bushes.

Then he froze, because Gree's throat had already been forcefully pressed against a cold and pitch-black gun barrel. The owner of the barrel is called Darth.

This proud and powerful man gritted his teeth in a rapid and low voice:

"Find the phlegm you just spit, and bury it one foot in the ground, right now! Otherwise, I guarantee that the next time you spew out from your throat will be lung lobes and blood!"

The atmosphere on the field suddenly became tense, and everyone in the Symbiosis Club immediately entered a state of alert. Fang Sheyan hesitated at this moment. He even felt a trace of panic from Darth's voice just now, which can make Darth suddenly change The trigger to be so aggressive and neurotic must not be ignored! So Sheyan took a few steps back silently, and just happened to stand behind Das, and showed his attitude with practical actions.

Everyone present was in a stalemate. Of course, Gree, who couldn't keep calm the most, stammered:

"Hey man, I just spit... If that bush I aimed at meant anything to you, I could apologize right away. Just get the muzzle off my neck first Will you open it? Believe me, it's not a good taste."