The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 91: Destroyed


In the eyes of these thugs, Fang Sheyan, who was able to escape here after being shot once, is already = turtle in the urn = half a million = easy to get = nothing. All of them refused to rest even when they had to stop and take a few breaths, they rushed forward like a swarm of bees and hogs. Fang Senyan's heart sank when he saw these people, but the experience of surviving multiple near-deaths in the nightmare space had already trained his ability to adapt, he frowned and immediately ran to the top floor again.

These thugs who came here have trekked five or six miles in the mud and heavy rain, and they are exhausted. They usually spend a lot of whoring and gambling, and they just take advantage of their age to fight hard. If it weren't for the half a million bonus to boost morale , I am afraid that I will collapse halfway through the run. At this time, seeing the target being blocked upstairs with no way out, it was like bursting out with the last strength and rushing up. However, Fang Sheyan fled to the top floor shamelessly at this time!

Fang Sheyan just came out of the space and was at his best. It's a pity that these thugs have been running on the muddy machine road for so long, and they are at the end of their strength. Her legs trembled like chaff, and she was as weak as if she had just masturbated two or three times before being squeezed by the top red girl all night...

Under such circumstances, one can imagine the treatment of the first guy to rush to the top floor! Fang Senyan had been lurking beside Hua Shanfei for a long time, Hu Ge, the top thug under Hua Shanfei's command, held a watermelon knife and rushed forward, yelling excitedly, as if the mountain piled up with half a million banknotes was right in front of him! Then she was suddenly knocked out from the side by Sheyan, that strong and vigorous figure swept past, it felt like a cheetah looking for food!

The thug who rushed to the front was hit by the living and flew up half a meter, his feet were off the ground, and he screamed in the air with a top-heavy voice, but he immediately fell silent. After landing, he rolled a few times, and then from motionless.

The people behind were frightened and angry, and hurried forward to look at it, only to see Brother Hu lying on the ground with his eyes wide open, his face full of horror, and a wound about two fingers long on his abdomen, from which blood was gurgling. It surged out like boiling water and dyed the clothes on his body red in an instant. Obviously, the wound didn't look big but it was extremely deep, and it was hopeless. But the black shadow that bumped into people rolled on the ground extremely swiftly, then ran to the edge of the top floor and stood still, turned his head and smiled, then took off his coat and wrapped his hands around the mouth of the bowl next to him. The size of the white plastic drain pipe just jumped down!

A series of "cracking" sounds kept coming. The drainage pipe hadn't been installed yet, but the cement nails were roughly nailed down. Being pulled by Sheyan like this, he was on the verge of falling, but Sheyan only borrowed his strength, he didn't intend to slide down to the bottom floor unharmed like a stuntman, but borrowed his strength and fell to the balcony under renovation on the lower floor superior. Brother Hu's death not only did not make these thugs vigilant, but instead aroused their anger like red eyes, they rushed to the edge of the top floor and saw Sheyan went to the fourth floor, and immediately ran after him downstairs, screaming and cursing.

If Fang Sheyan was still a little bit uneasy before, but now he is calm and full of confidence. The abundant energy in the whole body, the swift and swift action, and the invisible tattoo on the chest all clearly remind Sheyan that what he experienced before was not a dream, but a harsh but hopeful reality!

These thugs have been running in the torrential rain for so long, so even if they carry self-made gunpowder guns, they must have been wet and cannot be used. Therefore, for Fang Sheyan, who has no scruples about his body being digitized—he chose a gun. The word "drag"! When these Hua Shanfei's subordinates are exhausted and scattered, they will naturally be able to defeat them one by one!

After Sheyan jumped down from upstairs, he ran down the stairs without stopping for a moment. Of course, those thugs at the back pursued him like a dog with a bone, and they would never stop even when they foamed at the mouth and rolled their eyes. Sheyan led them around half a circle on the construction site, at least two to three hundred meters, and then turned around and entered another unfinished building that had not yet been renovated.

"Wait a minute!" It was Sha Biao who shouted, once Brother Hu died, he would have the highest prestige among these thugs. These thugs were all out of breath from running, and they just wanted to sit on the ground to rest immediately, and they all stopped after hearing Sha Biao's roar.

"Hit his old mother, this bad boy runs like he has oil on his feet, and his hands are hot. I think he is holding back his wounds and eating powder. We have to leave some people to watch the stairs this time, so as not to be caught again." When he ran away, everyone would bite the piss bubble and have a good time. My brother Biao is here to be the master, as long as someone is caught, everyone will have a share of 500,000 bonus, whether it is staying behind or going to catch someone! "

Saying that Sha Biao cannot be questioned, he ordered Xiao Ning, Ruan Fan Kai, and Beer Hua, three of his close friends, to go up and arrest people, and let the remaining four people stay downstairs to watch over them. Those who stay behind are dead ghosts. Brother Hu's confidant had nowhere to vent his grievances, so he could only look at each other and roll his eyes, secretly cursing in his heart that the stupid son had no asshole.

After Sha Biao went upstairs, he glanced at each other with the three cronies, and naturally he understood and was elated. The so-called 500,000 bonus, everyone gets a share, is of course throwing a few hundred yuan to the people downstairs. As soon as he got to the second floor, Sha Biao immediately lowered his voice and said:

"I'm with Ruan Fankai, Beer Hua and Xiao Ning are on the same road, we'll be on your left and you'll be on your right, and we'll shout when we see anyone, the bad guys downstairs seem very dissatisfied, I don't know how long I can hold them down , if we delay for too long, maybe they will come up to help, so it is important to hurry up and get rid of that **** bastard!"

Different from the office building that Sheyan boarded before, this building is built of factory buildings. Each floor is only divided into four workshop areas, and each workshop area is at least thousands of square meters. . At this time, additional decoration and maintenance work was being carried out in accordance with the requirements of the factory, and sundries such as steel pipes, tiles, and cardboard boxes were piled up in a mess, cleverly separating the entrant's sight at random.

Beer Hua and Xiao Ning walked through such an environment. The two men were cursing, but they searched very carefully, refusing to give up at any corner, and the watermelon knife in their hands was also tightly grasped. Although several guys in their group had died under Sheyan's hands, they were also people who had dealt with Sheyan before. They just felt that this person was shrewd and capable, but they didn't feel his threat at all.

This is the deadliest thing they ignore.

This is also the deadliest thing Hua Shanfei and his group have ignored!

When Beer Hua and Xiao Ning turned around a half-hung rolling shutter door, they met the person they were looking for very unexpectedly. Fang Senyan stood less than five meters away from them, with his arms folded in front of his chest, with a very strange expression on his face, which seemed to be ridiculed, but also somewhat contemptuous.

For Fang Sheyan, who has experienced the bloody test in the space, these two thugs who only rely on fierceness to gain a foothold are no longer in his eyes. At this time, not only has his strength increased, but he has also learned to master two passive melee abilities. He has fought more than a hundred times with virtual enemies in the training ground in space. In such a situation, what suspense is there in the face of these two exhausted thugs

Beer Hua's nickname is not because this guy likes to drink beer, but because he likes to use beer bottles to help others "open", so his personality is fierce and impatient. When he sees Fang Senyan, he immediately rushes up and wields a watermelon knife A vertical chop will cut the head. But Fang Senyan showed a sinister smile on his face, but without dodging or avoiding, he picked up an iron pipe next to him and smashed it against it!

There was a crisp sound of "clang", and a few sparks shot out in the air. Beer Hua's right hand holding the knife was numb from the shock, and the watermelon knife was snapped in two from the middle, and he also retreated two meters, feeling as if the knife had been cut on the wall. He couldn't help looking up in horror. But Fang Senyan was not affected by the counter-shock force at all, he took a big step forward following the falling iron pipe, and kicked Beer Hua's belly with a heartwarming kick.

This kick was so hard that even Fang Senyan was bounced back a few steps by the force of the shock, Beer Hua was already kicked two or three meters into the air, and even slid out on the ground with a "stab" after landing Five or six meters away, his head hit the wall next to him with a "bang", his eyeballs protruded immediately, and after a while, the blood flowing from his mouth, nostrils, and ear holes covered half of his cheeks, gradually Converged into a beach on the ground, but his whole body remained motionless. It seemed that he had already exhaled more air and less inhaled.

And Xiao Ning didn't realize it at first, and it wasn't until Beer Hua was kicked that he came back to his senses, and immediately rushed forward, cursing. This guy's mouth is quite cheap, and San Zai has suffered a lot from him. Fang Senyan had long been determined to settle accounts with him, facing the guy's vertical knife, Fang Sheyan's right hand held the steel pipe to block it lightly, and his left elbow swung horizontally, not only "slapping" the little boy Ning stretched out his left hand to grab the collar and opened it, even more suddenly, it hit the guy's mouth heavily, and immediately you could see some white spots mixed with a mouthful of blood flying out, and the one in Xiao Ning's mouth The endless swearing stopped abruptly and turned into painful moans!