The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 97: smuggling


Fang Senyan first walked to a town by the sea, saw the kind of hair salon with pink lights in the middle of the night, walked in, and directly told the proprietress to find two beauties for a massage—so far, it is normal to exchange money The process of the opposite sex—but then if the proprietress does the smuggling business by the way, she will ask "are two beauties enough?"

Most normal prostitutes would smile lewdly and say it's almost done, but Sheyan didn't answer enough, at least eight. At this point when the two people's incisions are aligned, the proprietress will usually call Fang Sheyan in very professionally, take out a map or a globe depending on the size of the room, and ask Fang Senyan where to go intuitively, then give a deposit to stay, and buy a ticket before boarding the boat .

Now the smuggling is done very professionally, and first-class cabins will be divided into first-class cabins. As long as you give money, the service is not inferior to that of ordinary cruise ships, and the border police only use their hands during the crackdown period, and usually don’t care much— What do cats do when there are no mice? It will take about eight days and eight nights from Chaoshan to Singapore. During this period, Fang Senyan neither wronged himself nor made a high profile on purpose. He got on the ship calmly and exercised in his cabin every day when he had nothing to do. All the tricks on the ship followed him. They are all very familiar, and there is no abnormality revealed.

When she got off the boat, Sheyan didn't feel like she had gained anything. The strength of her basic attributes increased a bit, reaching a high of 11 points. After he got off the smuggling boat, people naturally came to do his business. Fang Sheyan came here often, and went directly to a hotel in Sembawang, Singapore GRC. The national language is Malay, but more than half of the people who speak Chinese can understand it directly.

In Singapore, there is a lot of hype about the "Singapore Handed down Authentic Products Exhibition". Later, in the next few days, activities such as the Chinese Charity Auction and the Summit of the Top 500 Asian Enterprises were arranged, thinking that it would be able to help people suffering from the economic crisis. The battered local economy brings the winds of recovery. So the whole city attaches great importance to it, but Fang Sheyan doesn't care, because Singapore is a typical country where one city is one country, and its army, army, air force and logistics have less than 50,000 people... The armed forces of this level are distributed among In this metropolis with more than five million people, it can be said that it is almost a symbolic deterrent, and Fang Sheyan's deterrence is even closer to nothing.

The opening ceremony of the expo will be held tomorrow, there is no doubt that Fang Sheyan has no way to enter there immediately, because the status of the VIPs who come to the opening of the exhibition are all very important, the prime minister of Singapore and the foreign countries of various countries may Participating, and if you choose to do it at that time, it also means dealing with these guys' high-level guards and so on, which is definitely not something a reasonable person should do.

Fang Senyan's plan is very simple, that is to wait for the day of the opening ceremony, mix in the next day's China Charity Auction, see which rich man will take the bottle of wine he wants, and then wait for the bully to leave Then, he would commit another robbery that was unexpected but not dangerous (because it was just a sip of wine), and then he could float away in a low-key and safe way.

The only problem at present is: Sheyan must enter the auction site and determine who the buyer is in the first place.

Because even if you think about it with your toes, you know: this Moutai will never be used as the finale of the auction, and the buyer may not leave until the end of the auction after taking this wine. So if Fang Senyan didn't come to the venue but waited outside, then nine out of ten would miss the target. Of course, he can also wait outside the venue to watch the live TV broadcast, but the so-called "live broadcast" will mostly delay the broadcast of the signal by about ten minutes. trousers make indecent movements, etc.) as a buffer. Fang Senyan was not sure about the format of the live broadcast this time, so he was unwilling to take the risk.

Under normal circumstances, outsiders are not allowed to enter the auction, unless you pay a certain deposit before you can enter. Fortunately, in order to gain a good reputation this time, 50% of the proceeds from this auction will be donated to relevant charities, so it is natural that such things need to be publicized with great fanfare, so there must be more reporters, preferably It is best if the mainstream media from all countries in the world come here. Firstly, it is good to promote the popularity and image of the organizer, and naturally, it is also necessary to stimulate the comparison mood of the wealthy people who come to participate in the auction to show their faces, so that they can be sold at a high price.

Fang Sheyan naturally took up the idea of reporters from all corners of the country, as long as he took care of a reporter casually, and then sneaked in, he could easily and happily catch the first target. Of course, the eye-catching reporter Fang Sheyan sent by China Central Television did not have the guts to do it. After repeated research, he locked his target on the reporter sent by Sabah TV station in neighboring Malaysia. .

Singapore and Malaysia live next to each other, and the relationship between the two countries has been very harmonious this year. Sabah TV Station is similar to a provincial TV station in Malaysia, similar to the status of domestic Mango TV and Jiangsu Satellite TV. Moreover, there is not much difference between Malaysians and Chinese. Fang Sheyan darkened his complexion a bit, and then chewed betel nuts, so he could look pretty much the same. His purpose was to enter the stage, and when the Sabah State TV station found out that some colleagues hadn't come to search around to find out the truth, I believe Fang Senyan had already got what he wanted.

Singapore guards the Strait of Malacca, which is an extremely important gateway between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean. Fang Sheyan has passed by here five or six times in the past ten trips, so although he can't be called a local snake, he can also be said to be familiar with people. Anyone who runs a boat will carry private goods. Larger ships will naturally carry more, and smaller ships will naturally carry less. And Fang Sheyan won the trust of the captain of the Panamanian 5,000-ton cargo ship in the next few years, so he also once presided over the "business" of selling private goods. Of course, those who dare to take over the smuggling must have some underworld methods . Relying on the love he formed in the past two years, Fang Senyan gave 5,000 Singapore dollars (about 25,000 RMB), and easily bought the information on the Sabah State TV station's group, their place of residence, and so on.

After paying enough tips, Fang Sheyan managed to live next to the room of the Sabah state TV group. Spent a lot of time listening to their conversation carefully, looking for any flaws. However, this group of people were laughing and joking, and most of them spoke local slang. Fang Sheyan didn't even know Malay well. Dui was very excited, naturally he was chattering extremely fast, and Sheyan was naturally completely at a loss.

He waited until the night before the China Charity Auction, but Fang Sheyan still couldn't find any clues, but his determination was already extremely hard at this time. If it is a stone, he will try to crack it! Since these Malays refuse to give themselves a chance, then create an opportunity! After a little thought, he went downstairs to buy a pack of laxatives, and he identified a guy with a similar build as himself among the people in the Sabah TV station. He was one of the few people in the group who slept in a single room. Low, when these people went to supper at night, they sneaked in quietly and put the laxative in that guy's cup.

This group of people said they were going to eat late at night, but in fact they went to the bar to play after eating, and they all came back drunk. Presumably everyone has the experience of being drunk. Once lying in bed, they are determined not to move, but in the middle of the night they must be extremely thirsty. So Fang Sheyan didn't say that he took a pinch of laxatives, even if he urinated in that cup, this guy definitely wouldn't drink anything strange.

So the next morning, this guy was obviously limp on the bed with a pale face and a stinky smell. His legs were so weak that it was hard for him to stand up, let alone go for an interview. A group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, all yelling at each other in their hearts, but the backing behind this guy is very strong, and his companions had no choice but to get him some medicine and give him a few words before rushing to the auction site.

As soon as the group of people left, Fang Sheyan entered the room on the back. Without any nonsense, he directly took a common local parang knife and put it on the guy's neck. Naturally, he was so scared that he wanted anything he wanted. After Fang Sheyan got a bunch of things, he put on the wig and sunglasses that he had prepared in advance, knocked the guy out, and then picked up the spare video camera he placed in the room and walked away like flying. It really looked like a photographer. style.

The next thing was naturally very simple. Fang Senyan took a taxi directly to the venue, but it was located in a luxury building with a height of 35 floors in Singapore. Probably because the expo had been held for two days, various security forces They are all quite relaxed, laughing and chatting, and it seems that it is not difficult for passers-by to get in. Fang Senyan hurried in and shook the press card on his chest, then went straight to the 17th floor where the auction was held, found a corner to pretend to stop, and began to observe the surrounding environment.

The auction started soon, and there was nothing special new about it, it was nothing more than those stereotyped slogans plus sensationalism. On the contrary, among the celebrities and gentry sitting below, there are quite a few beautiful girls who are eye-catching, but all of them are smiling sweetly and holding the old man's arm. It can be seen that they are the kind of flowers that have fully absorbed the essence of cow dung to bloom so beautifully.