The Ultimate Evolution

Chapter 99: Scary mountain monster


At this time, suddenly there was a muffled thunder-like scream from the direction of the mountain monster's cave, as if a tiger was still roaring desperately after its mouth was put on a mask. This made the situation suddenly tense, and everyone's heartbeat doubled, and they all held their breath and listened carefully to the sound coming from a distance.

Fortunately, the strange cry only sounded once, and then there was no more sound. What everyone could hear was the rustling sound of rainwater splashing on the leaves. After a while, a contractor who went to investigate also came back. This guy's face was pale and covered in mud, and his face A bloody cut was cut by a branch, and he looked extremely flustered and embarrassed. He took a long breath before recovering.

According to the information he brought back, it was confirmed that the mountain monster was indeed in the mud cave on the east side of the road. This contractor only has a slightly higher agility value and is not an exclusive scout, so when he got closer, he was noticed by the mountain monster and let out that roar! This blow hardly frightened the guy out of his courage, he naturally knew the danger of facing the mountain monster alone. He fled back in a hurry, only to feel relieved when he found that the mountain monster hadn't chased him after running a long way.

Crowbar frowned after hearing the contractor's report. The sudden situation just now shows that the warning range of the mountain monster is still quite far away, but it refuses to come out to pursue it. This means that the "sailor" serving as the bait must be very close to the mountain monster's lair before it can lure the mountain monster to chase after it! This undoubtedly greatly increases the danger of bait.

Of course, the crowbar would not be sympathetic, merciful, kind, and extremely worried about Sheyan's life and death. In fact, from the very beginning, he didn't think that the "sailor" would survive. Death can't play any role at all, so people from the Symbiosis Society have to pay for it with their lives! If this leads to the failure of the plan or even triggers a further chain reaction... The crowbar shivered, and both eyebrows were furrowed.

At this time, it can be said that everything is ready, only the east wind is owed, and the crowbar is just scheming and the city is very deep. Under such an emergency, it seems a little lack of ability to adapt. He frowned and hesitated for a while, but stood up pretending to be calm and let Sheyan prepare to follow the plan. Behind the scenes, they have already begun to figure out who should be arranged to take the top if the "sailor" dies early.

In such a bad situation, it would be a lie to say that Sheyan is not nervous at all, but his psychological quality has always been excellent, and he has gone through calm analysis and planning beforehand, and has considered various contingency measures , so he walked out in silence without saying anything. Because all the people in the symbiosis society were intimidated by the powerful strength of the mountain monster, and no one noticed Sheyan's calmness at this time. Only Das looked at Sheyan's leaving back with a trace of doubt in his eyes.

The rain was still falling, Sheyan walked forward along the muddy road. His steps were very steady, and every step he took seemed to be printed out with a mold, and the distance between them was exactly the same. He also took the opportunity to adjust his breathing, trying to keep himself in the best state both physically and psychologically. Although he has great confidence in himself, a lion has to do his best to fight a rabbit, let alone facing this legendary creature mountain monster in the wizarding world of Harry Potter? But Fang Sheyan thought back on his plan again, and continued to move forward calmly.

In this semi-sealed valley, the only large living creatures are the mountain monsters. There is no doubt that the road that Sheyan is walking at this time is trampled by the mountain monsters who go to the river to prey on fish every day, so it looks extremely inconvenient with potholes. The huge bathtub-like footprints of the mountain monster can be seen everywhere. Sheyan held the long cutting knife that was used to open the way in his hand. He did not completely follow the path trampled by the mountain monster, but Teng was making some arrangements, and the speed along the way was quite slow. By the time he could see the mountain monster's lair, half an hour had passed.

Before approaching the mountain monster's lair, Sheyan smelled an indescribable smell, that smell was very similar to the smell of rotten fish and then being exposed to the sun. The mountain monster is not a guy who pays attention to hygiene. It lives in this closed environment and feeds on fish for a long time. Of course, it will form such a suffocating stench. Fang Senyan took a few deep breaths to let his olfactory organs get used to the breath, and then began to move in an arc around the entrance of the cave, slowly observing the movements in the mountain monster's lair.

As for the plan drawn up by those guys from the Symbiosis Society, well, Sheyan has long forgotten it to the back of his head.

At this time, the rain was getting heavier, and those idiots from the Symbiosis Society were also waiting impatiently, but Sheyan didn't mind making them wait a little longer. Then under the cover of the torrential rain, Sheyan slowly approached the entrance of the cave. Fortunately, there was a faint phosphorescence in the mountain monster's lair, so he could vaguely see the outline of the huge and brutal monster. Fortunately, all kinds of data show that the mountain monster is famous for its strange power, and its perception, intelligence, and spirit are almost zero, so Sheyan activated the "insight" ability very carefully.

"You used the ability: insight on the legendary creature: mountain monster."

"Assessment: The distance between you and the target is too far, and the overall strength between you and the target is quite different."

"Failed to steal the target's data, the general points will be deducted."

Fang Senyan shrugged helplessly. This was the first time he had failed his insight ability. Fortunately, after the "crowbar" capital injection, he still has a considerable surplus in the general points in his hand, so he also Unwilling to go forward to take risks, but continue to show insights in place, and finally succeeded after several consecutive failures.

Female troll (beginner legendary creature)

Height 13 feet 2 inches, weight 583 kg

Strength 35 points

Dexterity 8 points

Physical strength 18 points

Perception 1 point

Charm 1 point

Intelligence 1 point

Spirit 1 point

Basic melee LV7. Specific attributes? ?

Elementary Legendary Creature Ability: Skin of the Earth LV2. The owner's health is increased by an additional 5500 points.

The special ability of the mountain monster: root disaster, this huge monster will often pull out the surrounding trees as weapons, increasing the attack power by 135% and the attack range by 100%. It takes 5-10 seconds to cast this ability, and the monster will take 200% damage when pulling up the tree. Because pulling out a tree is a very energy-consuming thing, the mountain monster usually has to rest for at least 5 minutes after pulling out a tree before pulling out the tree again.

The special ability of the mountain monster: throwing wood to kill. When the mountain monster is extremely angry, it will throw the tree trunk in its hand to cause range damage to distant enemies. Damage value = (mountain power - attacked person's power) multiplied by 2 + fixed damage 20 points.

This attack will be accompanied by: Knockdown attribute, causing enemies within 5 meters of the trunk hit area to fall down for 5 seconds at the same time, and cannot move, attack, or cast spells during the duration of the knockdown.

The special ability of the mountain monster: putrid, the dirty living habits of the mountain monster make it full of stench, and the enemies who cause melee damage to it will be affected by the stench, and the hit rate will be reduced by 10%.

The special ability of the mountain monster: the original home run, which rotates the body 360 degrees and sends out a terrifying blow, which causes huge damage to the enemy and has a knock-up effect. There is an obvious move before the cast. After the cast, the monster will not be able to maintain its center of gravity and balance and lose its attack power for five seconds.

The special ability of the mountain monster: heart-piercing, roaring furiously, causing physical strength X1.5 times damage to enemies within 15 meters around, and reducing their movement speed by 70%, the duration is the mountain monster's physical strength minus the affected person If the physical strength of the affected person is higher than that of the mountain monster, it will only be damaged and will not be affected. (For example, if crowbar stamina = 12 points, then he will be affected by the deceleration effect for 18-12=6 seconds.)

This creature's special ability: ? ? ? ? ? ?

Although Fang Senyan had already thought that the Mountain Coaster might be very powerful as a legendary creature, he didn't expect it to be so perverted! Although the 9 points of defense derived from 18 points of stamina can't be considered high, it can also reduce all damage by about 1/4. And the legendary biological ability of Skin of the Earth LV2 directly increased its HP to 5680 points. This statistic undoubtedly caused Sheyan to feel a sense of despair after seeing it for the first time.

But when Sheyan carefully browsed the attributes of this legendary monster again, he still found its shortcoming, that is, it only has 8 points of agility, and it doesn't have the ability of basic footsteps, which is closely related to the speed of movement. This shows that it is its shortcoming in terms of movement speed, so it is still possible for contractors who are good at long-range attacks to use guerrilla tactics to get rid of it.

Of course, if the mountain monster is so easy to kill, it doesn't deserve to be called a legendary creature at all. Its throwing ability: Wood Throwing Kill and Roar: Heartbreaker are obviously the ultimate moves specially used to restrain the long-range contractor. The power of the wood-throwing kill seemed average: even a contractor with a strength of 10 points would only suffer a theoretical 70 points of damage. However, this ability is not only an area attack skill, but also has the effect of knocking down a terrifying abnormal state for a full 5 seconds!

In five seconds, no matter how slow the mountain monster ran, it would probably be within fifteen meters of the downed contractor. What followed was, of course, that terrifying roar: heart-piercing. The damage of this roar is second, but the 70% deceleration effect it brings is a nightmare.

For long-range attack contractors who mainly invest attribute points in agility and perception, it is believed that the duration of this terrifying deceleration effect is usually no less than 8 seconds, which is enough time for mountain monsters to ravage them a hundred times. A hundred times, and it is guaranteed that there will be no corpses left - I believe this mountain monster has long been tired of eating river fish and wants to change to another taste.